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Speaking board game

 When were you born? I was born in 2004

 Were you at school yesterday? No, I wasn’t

 Was the weather sunny yesterday? No, it wasn’t sunny yesterday

 What was your favorite toy? My favorite toy was a car pink

 Was your breakfast good today? Yes, it was my favorite breakfast fruits with

 What was on TV last night? Was a talent’s program

 Were you a happy child? Yes, I was happy

 Where were you last weekend? I was in class and then shopping clothes

 Were you angry yesterday? No, I wasn’t

 Were you good at singing at school? No, i wasn't ever singing at school.

 Was it snowy yesterday? It wasn't snowing

 Were you stressed yesterday? Yes, I was stressed by my homework

 Were you at the cinema last week? No, it wasn’t

 What was your dream 5 years ago? My dreams it was have a store by clothes

 Where were you 2 hours ago? I was painting my nails

 Were you a quiet child? Yes, I was very quiet

 What was your favorite sport as a child? My favorite sport was a football

 Was your room clean yesterday? Yes, it was

 How was your weekend? It was boring

 Who was your favorite teacher? he was my teacher by accounting

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