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Teenage pregnancy and the road to poverty. Poverty is a major problem most
teenage mother’s experience. Teenage pregnancy nowadays is one of the existing
problem faced by our country. The Department of Health have already provided
pupils especially those in high school, progress and projects concerning such matter.
Parents should be more alert in educating their children about sex education.


I would say that the teenage should listen to their parents and be able to be
attentive in their studies. That they should understand there is more important for
them to value their lives, their health and their future. Teenagers should have a
healthy spiritual and social life. They need to share their problems with their parents
or close relatives so that they will be well-guided. It’s okay to have a crush, but just
take it as one of your inspiration.


Don’t get involved into a relationship while you’re still studying. Because you
might end up being too intimate with each other and would lead you to teenage
pregnancy. Earn a good education first, then have a stable job. Live your life us a
single person to the fullest. And when you reach the marrying age, and you meet the
lifetime partner, then that’s the time for you to decide to get married and raise your

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