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Final Project

Dr. Tell spent months counseling a woman about her mental health and her relationships. The

patient mentioned that her boyfriend had lost interest in sex and was instead spending more time

on online porn during one session. The patient suddenly became silent as we continued to talk

about these topics. Dr. Tell waited a few seconds before asking the patient what was going on.

The client stated she was uneasy discussing the matter for fear of disclosing private information.

Dr. Tell emphasized the importance of maintaining patient anonymity and explained that

Pennsylvania law would supersede any other applicable regulations. The client's problems

persisted. In the heat of an argument, she let slip that her boyfriend had said that pornographic

website browsing wasn't as awful as what his uncle did. She continued by saying that her

boyfriend had confided in her that his uncle was involved in the distribution and collection of

child pornography but was still loyal to his aunt. The client's partner warned her that she

shouldn't tell anyone about the incident. The client requested that she simply contact Dr. Tell

about her uncle so that she may file a report with the proper authorities and remove herself from

further involvement. Since the customer is in such a tight spot, they are feeling extremely

vulnerable and helpless.

Dr. Tell stated that she did not feel obligated to report the incident because the alleged offender

was multiple times removed from their sessions. The client then requested that her boyfriend join

them in their next appointment to further examine the material and the best path forward.

Dr. Tell helped the patient concentrate on both her problem and her problems with her lover.

Doctor Tell said he would call CPS or the police to find out if he needed to report the incident.

Dr. Tell further agreed to evaluate if disclosing this information would compromise her client's
privacy. She also said she'd give some thought to whether or not her partner should be brought in

for counseling.

Dr. Tell reaches out to you to share the above information.

First, try to put yourself in Dr. Tell's shoes; how do you think he would feel?

How would you feel if you were the consultant and they brought you in?

In this case, is Dr. Tell required to file a report?

Would Dr. Tell's obligatory reporting compromise her client's privacy?

Should Dr. Tell bring in the boyfriend to obtain further details so that Dr. Tell can report the
alleged crime if Dr. Tell is not a mandated reporter?

Is it the psychologist's job to find out more about the probable crimes done with children, or is
the purpose of treatment to assist the client cope with the situation?

Is the client's identity protected if he or she contacts CPS?

Can the psychologist contact CPS without revealing the client's identity if the client provides the
psychologist with the uncle's name and contact information?

What should the psychologist do?

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