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Goodmorning everyone welcome to Tesda training center an acredited assessment center for


By the way My name is Flori-an P. Quijano your acredited assessor for Electrical installation and
maintenance NC II.

I would like to acknowledge the presence of Ms. Evamie A. Delmo our Ac manager, our Tesda
representative Ms. Rosemae P. Ferrer and of course our Processing manager Ms. Airhist Jane B.
Garcia maam goodmorning.

My dear candidates you don't have to worry about their presence they are here to oversee the
conduct of the competency assessment and to check if the conduct is in accordance with the
prescribed competency assessment methodology and procedures.

They will not going to assess you because i will be the one to assess you okay.

So may i request everybody to please rise for the prayer.


You may take your sit.okay i'm going to check the attendance and please hand over me your
admission slip as i call your name and please affixed here your signature

May i call on ms. EVAMIE A. DELMO ,MS. ELSA D. ADAMA. Thank you.

I have here with me your accomplish application form and self-assessment guide and indication
that you know and you can already perform all the units of competency enumerated in this

The purpose of our assessment for EIM NC II is to determine the level of competency.

Today. I am going to administer the competency in Electrical Installation and assessment for
Electrical Installion Maintenance NC II. This is composed of Common, Basic and Core
For the Core Competencies it composed of 3 competencies we have:




A person who has achieved this qualification is competent to be a;
• Bullding-Wiring Electrician
• Residential/Commercial-Wiring Electrician
• Maintenance Electrician.

The different task to be performed in Electrical installation and maintence nc II are the following;
Interpret Electrical wiring diagrams and mechanical drawing , Identify the use of Materials, tools
and equipment performed Procedures for installation of electrical protective devices and
determine materials specification.

I am going to collect evidences through demonstrations,oral questioning and written test.

To determine your knowledge and skills for EIM NC II the assessment method we will use is
relevant to this which are the demonstration and oral questioning these assessment methods can
help your underpinning knowledge and skills.

If you have difficulty in the given instruction please approach me or call my attention so that i
can translate the given instruction even in your own dialect .For your personal needs labority is
located at the back door if you didn't take your meal the canteen is located near the gate at the
building 4 however once the assessment has started you are no longer allowed to leave the
premises .

May i also ask is there anyone here who has a dilemma or physical disabilities.

None so its good, incase that there is anyone here just approach me or you may right it on any
clean sheet of paper so that we can address you .

For insuance of national certificate or certificate of competency the ac manager shall inform you
where you can get your nc or coc five working days after the assessment and after that you are
found to be naturally competent . You don't have to worry because you can be reassessed
anytime at your own convenience once that it is full of qualification you need to undergo the
whole process but once you are found to be not yet competent in one certain unit of competency
only for example you feel the conduct of competency assessment you will undergo the unit of the
competency where you are found to be not yet competent and if you are not satisfied with the
result of assessment you have the right to appeal. You may submit you appeal to the tesda
provincial office where the assessment center and the assessor has been accredited .

if you have any questions, clarifications or queries you may raised your hand so that i can help
you because once the assessment has been started you are no longer allowed to ask questions.

During the actual assessment please observed safety as you performed the different tasks make
sure to check on your Electrical equipment before plugging it, avoid pulling the cord as you
unplugging the equipment observe proper body mechanics in lifting heavy equipment to avoid
back injuries. In case of accident please call my attention immediately so that I can provide you
the first aid until the need arise. Our first aid cabinet is located at the right side of the door.

With regards to the result with the assessment you observe there is confidentiality the
assessment result will only be available to the authorized personnel in the institution where you
had undergone the training in relation to this the assessment package us kept into place to
guarantee its integrity.

May i ask you my dear candidates to please refrain from giving any form of information that took
place during the assessment ?

Ok thank you.

Do you have any questions?

None, now ,i am going to distribute the given instruction to you .

Are you done pass it forward thank you

Distributing the no. Of candidates.

I will now distribute the no. You are the candidate no. 1 and you are the candidate no. 2
Candidate no. 1 please proceed to assessment area for the rest you proceed to waiting area wait
for me to call by your no.

Candidate no. 1 this is our assessment area you are going to perform the procedures for
installation of electrical protective devices.

Can you please read the instruction once again.

If you have any questions, clarifications please ask me now because as soon as the assessment
begin you can no longer ask me questions

None ok i want to informed you that after your demonstration we will have the oral questioning
ok you have given 2hours to perform you may start now.

Proceed to oral questioning

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