Midterm Essay

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Mubiligi Priscilla Agasaro


The Cambridge dictionary defines values as principles that help us to decide what is right
and wrong, and how to act in various situations. Values are learned and acquired by experiencing
life. Some values are passed down from parents and guardians while others can come from non-
family members like teachers. These people are the ones that help shape us into who we become
as individuals, which is why their values can be found in us. Since they have gone through life
and learned some lessons before us, they know what is wrong or right and share that with us. The
values that were instilled in me from a young age were integrity, kindness and compassion,
responsibility, and respect.
In the article: An action Framework for Giving Voice to Values, similar values are
described and discussed. In fact, the aforementioned values are common among people (An
action framework for giving voice to values: The to-do list 2016). People may apply these values
in their social life or in the workplace. Since our focus is on the workplace, it is necessary to
understand why having values is important in a working environment, and how to stick by them
and avoid straying from them in certain situations. In the workplace, values are described as any
principle with an ethical dimension to them (Ways of thinking about our values in the workplace
It is imperative to know what your values are and to share them with those around you,
including co-workers and superiors, because one must know who they are and how far they
would go in an ethical or unethical situation. Knowing your values also helps you know how to
prepare or react when an unexpected situation falls into your lap. For instance, your supervisor
could ask you to change the numbers in the sales date sheet for the month which, without
adhering to a certain set of values, you would fumble or go with it because you would think
“why not?”. Statements like: “They know better, they are my boss and therefore it is okay for me
to do this”, or “I am just following instructions given to me” would help justify your follow
When faced with an ethically or morally questionable situation, we tend to rationalize
things (An action framework for giving voice to values: The to-do list 2016). In such a position is
when we say things like: “these are orders”, “everyone is doing it”, or” it won’t hurt anyone.”
These are probably some of the rationalizations the employees of Wells Fargo had to use to
justify what they were doing (Pastin, 2018). To avoid this justification for unethical actions, it is
crucial to have your list of values and a strong sense of why you should abide by them. In
addition, prepare yourself for how to react to situations that might test your values.
Personally, one of the best ways to prevent straying from my values and to avoid any
problems is by voicing them. When you voice your values, people, in turn, know what to expect
from you. They will know that you are not the person to go to when trying to do something
“unethical”. It might also help them know who to go to for some advice or counsel when they
face their own conflictual situation. Another way to preserve my values is by constantly
repeating them to myself and trying to apply them in all the aspects of my life and not just in the
workplace. For example, respect to me means treating others in the best way possible and in a
way that warrants the same treatment back. This should apply to everyone in your life, not just at
work or home. The more you practice this, the more they become a habit. In other words, those
Mubiligi Priscilla Agasaro

values are not just values anymore but a way of life for you, especially while assuming a
leadership position.
One of my aspirations in life is being a leader. Not necessarily by owning a company or
heading one but by having people that come to me for guidance and counsel. This means that my
life has a purpose, in the sense that I am there for others and I am helping and making a
difference in the world in some way. Being a leader requires understanding and knowing
yourself well enough to know your values, your strengths, and weaknesses (George, 2015). If
you don’t know who you are, it is easy to lose your way, especially in times of trials and
tribulations. “In your life journey, you will be confronted with seductions that threaten to pull
you off course from your True North.” (George, 2015).
Seductions and threats will always be there in your journey, and it is your responsibility
to know how to fight these. Being able to stand up for yourself, your values and beliefs is an act
of courage. Courage is not something that everyone has or that can be acquired easily. It is
something that I lack but also something I am learning to develop. Honestly, the only way I can
see myself conquering pressures to behave unethically from the workplace while acquiring said
courage is through prayer first. I am a firm believer in God and the Holy Spirit and would pray to
find some guidance and comfort from the Lord first. I would also consult my family. They are a
huge source of support and play a big part in my “True North” journey.
Whether seeking guidance from those close to me helps or not, I know I would have to
confront the situation head on. This means I would get a mediator from my workplace to help me
confront the source of my uncertainty. If that were not a possibility, I would prepare myself to do
it on my own. If the pressure is unmovable, then I would have no other choice than to remove
myself from the situation or environment completely.
Ultimately, I believe that listing your values is an important step in knowing your true
self. It also helps you have a successful and peaceful journey in your career or workplace. The
best way to preserve those values is by voicing them to yourself and others while applying them
to every part of your life. Since it is not always guaranteed that your journey will be smooth, you
should prepare yourself for unexpected situations that may come your way and test your values
and beliefs. Having a plan in place for such situations is always beneficial and easier for you.
Personally, prayer and guidance from my family and peers would be my first 2 steps. My third
step would be confronting the source of my conflict through a mediator or by myself. Lastly, I
would remove myself from the situation or environment (the workplace) completely and
permanently, as my last resort.

Mubiligi Priscilla Agasaro

George, B. (2015). Discover your true north (2nd ed.). Wiley.

Pastin, M. (2018, January 21). The suprise ethics lesson of Wells Fargo. HuffPost. Retrieved July
3, 2022, from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-suprise-ethics-lesson_b_14041918

University of Virginia. (2016, September 2). An action framework for giving voice to values:
The to-do list. Darden Business Publishing Storefront. Retrieved July 3, 2022, from

University of Virginia. (2016, September 15). Ways of thinking about our values in the
workplace. Darden Business Publishing. Retrieved July 3, 2022, from

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