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Ashlynn Young

EDU 474
Dr. Wargo
December 15, 2022
Reflection on Intervention Lessons
Comprehension Lesson 1: I though over all she did a very good job following the story and
paying attention. She answered all of my questions correctly. I have a theory that she paid
closer attention because I warned her I would be asking her questions. I am also wondering if
because I was reading and not her, if that freed up mental capacity to absorb information.

Comprehension Lesson 2: On this lesson she also did very well. She did miss one, question out
of 5, so I am wondering if maybe it was because she was reading, she wasn’t absorbing as much
information as when being read too (like I stated about the previous lesson).

Decoding words lesson 1: In this lesson the did a very good job. She mastered all the letter
sounds as well as the digraphs and trigraphs. One thing I did notice was she had a little bit of
difficulty with words that didn’t necessarily follow the rules or had unusual patterns.

Decoding words lesson 2: She did very well with this one. She mastered the three-card drill and
did a very good job with the “scavenger hunt”. The only area where she had a little bit of
difficulty was reading the cards with her phonics words. That didn’t surprise me though because
they were from a while ago and they were supposed to be challenging when she first got them
earlier in the year.

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