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Lea Belle S.

Morcillos 3054

Let’s Check

Activity 7. Now, that you already have an understanding on the effect when technology and humanity
cross. You’re also able to identify our human rights and how rational thinking is imperative especially in
the use of science and technology. It’s time for you to write your answers below on the blank provided
before each item:

Bill Joy_____________________________________________________________________________
1. Argued that developing technologies provide much greater danger and it needs to be questioned and

Nicolas Carr_________________________________________________________________________
2. Who questioned “Is Google making us stupid?”

Human Dignity_____________________________________________________________________ 3.
It refers to the ultimate core value of our existence.

Science and technology____________________________________________________________ 4. It

is the highest expression of human rationality.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights_________________________________________ 5. It serves

as the common understanding of what each person’s fundamental rights.

genetics, nanotech and robotics____________________________________________________6. It is

the most powerful technologies in the contemporary time.

Article 3 - Free to Life, Liberty and Security of a person___________________ 7. What article of human
right is implemented when the ECQ (Enhanced Community Quarantine) is applied to the country?

Article 7 – Legal Equalities________________________________________________________ 8.

What article of human right is violated when the laws of the country are not followed and justice is
served without due process?

Article 5 – Freedom from Torture, Cruelty and Degrading Treatment____ 9. What article in the UDHR is
violated when many of the front liners of the present situation of pandemic has been harassed and not
welcomed to join the community?

Article 2 – Freedom from Discrimination_______________________________________ 10. What

article in the UDHR is violated when someone is bullied in the social media?

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