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(CAED 500C)

CAED 500C Week 3 –

Course Coordinator: NETHGEN A. ORIGIN
Student Consultation: By appointment
Mobile: NA
Phone: NA
Effectivity Date: June 2020
Blended (On-Line with face to face or
Mode of Delivery:
virtual sessions)
Time Frame: 54 Hours
Student Workload: Expected Self-Directed Learning
Requisites: None
Credit: 3
A minimum of 95% attendance is
required at all scheduled Virtual or face
to face sessions.


Areas of Concern Details

Contact and Non-contact This 3-unit course self-instructional manual is designed for
Hours blended learning mode of instructional delivery with scheduled
face to face or virtual sessions. The expected number of hours
for Component A is 24 hours including face to face or virtual
sessions. Face to face sessions shall include test administration
and interpretation that are viewed important for your self-
awareness and development.

Assessment Task Submission of activities and task is on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th week
Submission of the class schedule. It will be submitted with a cover page
containing your name, name of your course coordinator, title
of the activity, and the date of submission. The document

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should be sent to the course coordinator through LMS. The
document should be in pdf file.
When the assessment task is done in real time through the
features in the Blackboard Learning Management System, the
schedule shall be arranged ahead of time.
Penalties for Late The score for an assessment item submitted after the
Assignments/Assessments scheduled deadline without approved extension of time, will
be reduced by 5% of the possible maximum score for each day
or part of the day.

However, if the late submission is deemed of valid reason, an

explanation letter should be submitted to the course
coordinator subjected for approval. If necessary, an
attachment of evidence shall be required.

Return of Assignments/ Assessment tasks will be returned to you two (2) weeks after
Assessments the submission. It will be returned through email or Blackboard

For group assessment tasks, group members will be required

for an online or virtual sessions, and will be asked of
clarifications to validate the originality and group participation
of the assessment task submitted.

Assignment Resubmission Request through writing your intention of resubmitting an

assessment task, Address the letter to the program
coordinator. The resubmission is premised on the student’s
failure to comply with the similarity index and other
reasonable grounds such as academic literacy standards or
other reasonable circumstances e.g. Illness, accidents financial

Re-marking of Assessment Request through writing your intention to appeal or contest

Papers and Appeal the score given to an assessment task. Address the letter to the
program coordinator. The letter should explicitly explain the
reasons/points to contest the grade. The program coordinator
shall communicate with the students on the approval and
disapproval of the request.

If disapproved by the course coordinator, the request to

appeal may be escalated to the program head or the dean with
the original letter of request. The final decision will come from
the dean of the college.

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Grading System There will be three components that needs to be accomplished
to pass the subject. The grading system shall be divided as

Component A – 30%
Component B – 40%
Component C – 30%

Component A will be handled by the Guidance Services and

Testing Center (GSTC). You will be graded in this component
through the activities that you submitted using Blackboard or

Submission of the final grades shall follow the usual University

system and procedures.

Preferred Referencing Style Depends on the discipline; if uncertain or inadequate, use the
general practice of the APA 6th Edition.

Student Communication Students are required to create umindanao email account

which is a requirement to access the BlackBoard portal. The
course coordinator shall enroll the students to have access to
the materials and resources of the course. All communication
formats: chat, submission of assessment tasks, requests etc.
shall be through the portal and other university recognized

Students may also meet the course coordinator in person

through the scheduled face to face sessions to raise issues and

For students who have not created their student email, please
contact the course coordinator or program head.

Contact Details of GSTC SILVINO P. JOSOL JR., RPsych, MPsych

Director Email:
Phone: 082-2213577 local 130

Course Information – see/download course syllabus in the Black Board LMS

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CAED 500C Week 3 –

Week 3: Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO): At the end of the unit, you are better able to understand
Self-confidence. Specifically, you are expected to:

a. Increase self-esteem by recognizing the positive traits that exist within yourself;

Big Picture in Focus: ULOa. Increase self-esteem by recognizing the

positive traits that exist within yourself.

In this section, the most essential terms relevant to self-confidence and to demonstrate
ULOa will be operationally defined to establish a common frame of reference as to how self-
confidence affects individual’s appraisal of their skills, identity, and potential.

The 21st century demands for varied skills at the workplace. Although people are appointed
on the basis of the hard skills they possess, soft skills on another hand are equally analyzed and
considered. One of these soft skills is self-confidence. Employees are often discouraged, and
demotivated easily in case of any crises and perceived smallest issues. Once employees’ morale is
devalued, it will take lots of efforts, and time to
regain it back. Understand in detail the benefits
of self-confidence that it brings with itself: (1)
helps to reduce fear on taking responsibilities;
(2) helps to understand that failures are a part
of learning; and helps to harness self-control.

Confident people are able to express

themselves freely, and create lasting
impressions during job applications, and
interviews. With high level of self-confidence, a
person is able to take independent, and
effective decisions in an organization or field of
work no matter what the circumstance may be.

Self-confidence is the attitude towards

your skills and abilities. Self-confidence plays a

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crucial role on boost self-esteem, on achieving our personal goals, and on making ourselves happy.
Being confident is accepting, and trusting yourself. With these, will give you sense of control on your
life. It is maintaining a positive view of yourself by knowing your strengths, and weakness well. It is
also setting realistic expectations and goals, communicating assertively, and handling criticisms in an
objective manner.

On the other hand, low self-confidence

may result to struggling from persistent self-doubt.
It may result to being irrationally passive, or
submissive. People with low self-confidence usually
deal with difficulty in trusting others. They may feel
inferior, unloved, or may be sensitive to criticism.

Harnessing self-confidence is a continuous

process. It is neither a black and white concept, nor
gaining it absolutely once and never losing it. It may
depend on the different situation. You may feel
very confident in some aspects, such as academics
or career, but may lack confidence in other aspects
such relationships. You may also feel very confident
in something you are passionate about one day,
and lose it on the other day. However, your level of
confidence is rarely related to your actual abilities
and skills, but is mostly based on your own perceptions. Your perception plays an important role in
overcoming supposed flaws, and negative thought, as well as in maximizing what you believe you are
great at.

Low level of self-confidence may have stemmed from different experiences, such as growing
up in an unsupportive, and highly-critical environment, being separated from your friends, or family
for the first time, judging yourself too harshly, or being afraid of failure. People with low self-
confidence often deal with intrusive negative thoughts about themselves.


Recognize and emphasize your strengths. Reward, and praise yourself for your efforts
and progress.
When you stumble on an obstacle, treat yourself with kindness, and compassion. Don't
dwell on failure.
Set realistic and achievable goals. Do not expect perfection; it is impossible to be perfect
in every aspect of life.
Slow down when you are feeling intense emotions, and give yourself time to think
logically about the situation.
Challenge yourself to think differently when confronted with difficult situation.
Recognize that the past negative life experiences do not dictate your future.

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Express your feelings, beliefs and needs directly and respectfully. Learn to say no to
unreasonable requests.
You know when a confident person steps into the room. You can feel it. Their body
language emits strength, pride, and security. Yet, many suffer from insecurity that takes its toll in
little ways on the body. When people see someone who appears frail, and weak in their physical
approach, it transmits a lack of ambition and power.

So many people focus on what they say as a way of projecting confidence. But for many,
their words simply support perceptions of weakness, and perhaps the results of the ‘imposter
effect.’ In fact, some people will best show their confidence, and strength by never uttering a

Whether you choose to stay silent, or speak up is in your hands, but either way, these tips
will help you appear highly confident even on your most questionable days.

Keep your head up. People who stare at their feet feel unapproachable, because
they have essentially closed themselves off from talking to other
people. Keep your head up, and look around you. People will
probably pay more respect if you are looking strong, and straight

Sit up straight with your Slouching forward emits a feeling of doubt. Sitting up straight
shoulders relaxed. with your chest out emits confidence to others, keeping you
poised, and open to conversation.

Stand up straight. If others are standing over you, you look smaller, and far
weaker in the social context. So simply stand up, and meet
people at their respective level. Don't do it half way. Stand
tall, even if you smaller than the person in front of you.

Have a firm grip. You don't need to crush someone's hand to share your
confident energy, but a soft and limp handshake will put
people off and make them question your resolve.

Make eye contact. There is nothing worse than a person whose eyes constantly
evade yours. You find yourself asking, "Why is that person
avoiding me? What is he hiding that he can't look me straight
in the eye?" Direct eye contact isn't easy for some, and it
requires a sense of timing unless you want the eye contact
become threatening and awkward. When you do it right,
however, it makes people feel connected. It has also been
proved to be one of the most powerful tools in the art of

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Stay close. People that stay far away from others transmit a sense of
caution, and fear. Those that have no problem staying close to
other people emit a sense of strength and confidence. Of
course, standing too close can be imposing. Make sure you
allow people their personal space.

Dress well. People will often judge your state of mind by how you look,
and what you wear. If your hair is a disaster, your attire doesn't
match, and the shoes you are wearing are dirty, people will
think you don't think enough of yourself. Walk in wearing your
best, and smelling your best, so people can feel the confidence

Have a great gait. If you trudge along, people will notice your lack of enthusiasm.
If you rush about frantically, they will sense your anxiety. Let
your gait express a sense of freedom and grace.

Pay attention. Looking distracted is distracting to both yourself and the

person in front of you. Keep your focus on the conversation,
and participate appropriately. If it looks like your thoughts are
elsewhere, you will appear as though you have little self-

Smile. Cranky people are perceived as unhappy, and dissatisfied. At

the end of the day, there is no stronger indicator of joy, and
confidence than a smile. A smile makes everyone feel better,
and is also brighten our own days even when our insides are in
deep question. Share the best parts of you, and never let them
see you frown.


Positive self-esteem is critical to an
individual’s mental health, and ability to
relate well to others. By strengthening
one’s self-esteem, one will increase
contentment in relationships and, as a
result, the emotional health of the people
around them. The paradox of healthy self-
esteem is that we need someone else to
validate ourselves as worthy. It must
always be grounded in a social context—in
a relationship. (Bradshaw, 1996).

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Once one accepts the importance of self-esteem to relationships and vice-versa, it makes sense
to put conscious effort into building, or strengthening both our own self-esteem, and that of our
significant other. The following are a few suggestions for increasing relationship contentment and
stability by building positive self-esteem.

1. Avoid criticizing, blaming, and shaming.

2. Accept the other person as they are; don’t try to change them.
3. Offer genuine praise, and appreciation for the traits that you value in each other.
4. Avoid perfectionism in yourself, and in others. Accept mistakes as part of humanity.

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you further
understand the lesson:

*Daum, K. (n.d). How to Broadcast Confidence without saying a word. Retrieved from

*LaMarco, N. (2019). The Importance of Dress Code for Professionalism. Retrieved from

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(Identify aspects in your life (people, (Identify aspects in your life

events, things etc.) in your life you are (achievement, small successes, etc.) you
grateful about.) barely have acknowledge but needs to be

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(Identify aspects of yourself you want to (Identify skills or hobbies to developed,

improve and change.) events to attend to, or any personal
aspects you want to achieve in the


(Write a letter to your future self. You can write anything you want, so when you look
back 10 years from now you will be reminded of where you are at the moment, and how
much you have changed in pursuit of a more confident self.)

Dear Future Self,


Love Always,
*Insert Your Name*

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