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THIS RELATIONSHIP CONTRACT is entered into on 16 November 2022 BETWEEN

(1) ___________Patel A_________________ whose address is at

____________________Gujarat, India___ (Party A)

(2) _________Patel B-Ladies______________ whose address is at

____________________Gujarat, India ___(Party B) WHEREAS

Party A and Party B are desirous of entering into a short term relationship with each other from 1
November 2022 for a period of 12.0 months.

IT IS AGREED as follows:

1. Ground Rules

1.1 The main purpose of the short term relationship is for both parties to satisfy their intimate
needs. As such, other emotions such as love, jealousy, infatuation and other similar feelings are

1.2 Safety and Protection are essential. The use of Protection is outlined below.

1.3 Neither party is obligated to meet and has the right to refuse to meet. No explanation is

1.4 This relationship is Non-exclusive. Each party is free to have intimate relationships with third
party without notifying the other..

2. Communications

2.1 Mode of communication is limited to Cell phone and WhatsApp .

2.2 Parameters of communication is as follows: 5 Minute Minimum Per day

2.3 Messages are to be deleted after each conversation.

3. Social Interactions

3.1 The Parties shall meet no more than two time a month unless otherwise agreed.

3.2 In the event the meeting is at a paid establishment (e.g. hotel), the costs shall be borne by Party
A unless otherwise agreed.

3.3 Hugging, kissing, and cuddling in public is strictly prohibited.

3.4 Each Party is not expected to be a stand-in partner for each other (i.e. going to weddings as a
couple or meeting the other's parents for dinner).

3.5 Sleeping over is subject to the consent of both parties. Any personal items (e.g. toothbrush or
clothing) left at the other's place can be disposed of at the other's discretion.
3.6 No birthday, anniversary, or other celebrations or gifts should be expected from each other.

3.7 In the event that both Parties are attending the same social event, the Parties will behave as if
they are just normal friends/acquaintances.

3.8 Both parties will keep the relationship entirely confidential and shall not disclose it to any third
party except with the consent of the other party.

4. Intimate Acts

4.1 Party A and Party B hereby agree to the following intimate activities (the consenting Parties) is
indicated on the right):

Party A And B Both Agree to do physical Relationship time with each other 30 times in one year.

Kissing (including French) both Hugging / Cuddling both Caressing (with clothes on) both External full
body touching both Oral Sex for Man both Oral Sex for Woman both Sexual Intercourse (Vaginal)
both Anal Intercourse both

5. Other Activities

5.1 The parties agree to the following additional activity: Coffee/Dinner, Shopping,

5.2 The parties consent to the use of the following device: Vibrator/Sexual Toys.

6. Protection

6.1 Party A will use Yes during intercourse and other penetrative activities. 6.2 Party B will use yes
during intercourse and other penetrative activities.

7. Escalation

7.1 Should the Parties wish to engage in activities beyond the remit of this contract during the
course of the activities, it can be done by mutual verbal consent during the course of the activities to
minimise disruption. The Parties hereby consent to any further / escalated activities that naturally
flow from such activities without the need to provide further evidence of affirmative consent.

7.2 Should either Party accidentally or by mistake goes beyond the agreed activities without intent,
it shall be regarded as an accident so long as the infringing activity ceases immediately, and
retroactive consent is assumed.

8. Term and Termination

8.1 This agreement shall terminate after 12.0 months unless renewed by both Parties.

8.2 A party may terminate this contract at any time by giving written notice (including messaging) to
the other party without any explanation.

8.3 If a party terminates or cancels a pre-arranged meeting last minute, and the other party has
incurred any costs or expenses (e.g. paid establishments such as hotel) by reason of the termination
/ cancellation, the other party shall be entitled to recover the same from the cancelling party.
8.4 If one party develops feelings such as love, infatuation, caring, jealousy or other similar feelings
for the other party, the party must notify the other party and terminates this agreement

9. Confidentiality

9.1 Each of the parties shall at all times use all reasonable endeavours to keep confidential the terms
of this Contract and any private information in relation to the other party and shall not use or
disclose such information except with the consent of the other party.

9.2 Each party agrees to respect the personal information and privacy of the other party:

a. neither party shall take any photo, video, audio or other recordings of the other party without
consent; b. neither party shall make any internet, social media or other public postings relating to
the other party without consent.

9.3 The parties are permitted to use this Contract as evidence of the intent of the parties.

10. Mutual release

On and from the date of the activity, each of the Parties releases the other from:

(a) any obligation or liability under or in respect of the activities; and

(b) any claim which he / she, except for the breach of this consent, had or may in the future have
had against the other under or in respect of this consent, arising in connection with the activities
contemplated (including the risk of pregnancy).

11. Health and Safety

11.1 On the date of the execution of this consent and the date of any meetings, each of the Parties
represents to the other that he / she:

(a) does not carry any sexually transmitted disease; (b) is not currently pregnant; and (c) has no
other disease which may be transmitted through the proposed meetings. 11.2 Proper hygiene is
expected from both parties. Showering before the activities is a must. 12. Enforceability Should any
provision in this agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable all remaining provisions will
remain in full effect.

Furthermore, the parties will be allowed to come to an agreement and substitute the invalid
provision with a similar enforceable term.

12. Enforceability

Should any provision in this agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable all remaining
provisions will remain in full effect.

Furthermore, the parties will be allowed to come to an agreement and substitute the invalid
provision with a similar enforceable term.
13. No Rights under Contracts for Third Parties

A person who is not a party to this Contract shall have no right under any law to enforce any of its
terms. 14. Governing law This Agreement and the relationship between the parties shall be
governed by and interpreted in accordance with Gujarat law.

This Contract has been signed by the parties the day and year above written.


for and on behalf of Patel A



for and on behalf of Patel B-Ladies


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