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2005 Volume 35 No. 2

Advocacy Class Created to Bring BHS Together

Hilary Francis Co-editor Bryan High has adopted an advocacy program, which integrates students across all demographics into one setting. All teachers, counselors, and administrators on campus meet with their group of students once a week for thirty minutes. Advocacy was created to connect students to a meaningful adult. We want students to get to know their advocacy teacher through discussions each Wednesday, said principal, Carol Cune. Students were randomly selected and most had never met each other before. Donna Willett, BHS project/test coordinator, said that the administration wanted each advocacy class to be representative of Bryan High across grade levels, genders and ethnicity. Willett said that the program was added to the BHS curriculum because parents, students, and staff completed a survey about BHS last year and one of the things that was mentioned by many participants was that students do not feel connected to anyone at BHS. Cune and other administrators took several trips to surrounding schools to ing life skills that they can take with them after leaving Bryan High. My class is integrating well, said senior English teacher, Lisa Prejean. The students dont mind sharing

Homecoming Festivities 2005

Each six weeks a department creates a curriculum for all classes to follow. These topics include respect, citizenship, community, school involvement, and developing good study habits. Each student is encouraged to participate to become closer to the others in their group. I like Advocacy because its a good learning experiencegetting to meet other people that I wouldnt meet any other way, senior Tanesha Jones said. However, after 12 weeks of advocacy, some students have mixed opinions on the importance and purpose of the required course. I dislike the program because I just want to go to my classes and be able to leave, one BHS senior said. As advocacy is carried out through the years it will also continue to observe the application and benefits of but it will take a while to become like evolve. an advocacy class. a family. Eventually, all of BHS will I hope Advocacy will still be a The facultys goal is to have students benefit. strong program in a few years. Hopeworking together with others that they During each session, the class dis- fully the underclassmen from this year would not normally meet through their cusses topics mandated by the advo- will be leaders in years to come, said activities and classes, while also learn- cacy board. Cune.

2 News
November 3, 2005

Seniors, this is your year to be the center of at- JANUARY: aDont forgetBISD calendar change tention - participate in pep rallies, attend footaHAPPY NEW YEAR 2006!!! come to school April 17. ball games, and spend time aApply for FAFSA with your pin . with friends. To make the aContinue scholarship searches. MAY: most of your last year of high aGirlsstart scoutin for a Sadie date! school and prepare yourself aNotify college of your decision. for your future, we have put together a calendar FEBRUARY: aSend the deposit to your school if necesto make sure you stay on the path to success. sary. aFINAL DEADLINES FOR aNotify colleges you will not be attending APPLICATIONS: of your decision. NOVEMBER: *February 1, 2006- Texas A & M aAttend BHS Prom 2006. *February 1, 2006- UT at Austin aRequest final transcript from registrar aTake the SAT II and ACT if applicable. *March 1, 2006- Baylor University and send to college you will be attending. aMeet deadlines for early applications. *April 1, 2006- University of Houston aBuy Project Graduation tickets. aSet up scholarship account at fastweb. *May 2, 2006- Texas Tech aTake AP exams. aArrange for a meeting with your high *August 1, 2006- Sam Houston State aWalk across the stage on May 27th! school counselor. *August 28, 2006- Stephen F. Austin aApply for public Texas universities at aAttend Sadie Hawkins dance. aHAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Feb. 14th aApply for FAFSA Pin Number, your aKeep working hard in your classes. My name is Mrs. Ponzio. I am parents will also need a pin number. aParticipate in NHS Blood drive. the Scholarship Coordinator for aTake college days. Bryan High School. aHave a great Thanksgiving! I am in the Blue Counseling MARCH: Center. In my office you can find financial aid information for colDECEMBER: aResearch financial aid. lege, FAFSA, SAT/ACT registration informaaKeep searching for scholarships. tion, scholarship information, and college inforaCheck with colleges to ensure they have aHave a GREAT spring break! mation. all your necessary applications and inforI will have a list of scholarships for seniors to mation. come by and pick up in the spring. Please come aFill out scholarships from APRIL: see me if you want money for college. I am aYou better watch out, you better not always willing to help. In addition, the councrySantas watching you! aPrepare for any AP exams you may be selors are planning senior conferences with each aCheck with Ms. Ponzio in the Blue taking. senior to discuss credits, SAT/ACT, college Counseling Center for local scholarships. aRevisit colleges that accepted you. plans, and answer questions you may have. aBuy candy grams from NHS Members. aGuyschoose a prom date! Every Thursday in November, Eric Watson aDont freeze over the holiday break! aReview your financial aid packages. from TAMU will be in the BHS GO Center from aWere half way done! aSpeak with the colleges financial aid of- 1-3 to help students with TAMU admission apficers. plications.
Editors note: Adendum to Hurricane Katrinas Impact story found in The Norseman, Volume 35, No. 1. In addition to Mrs. Ponzios efforts to locate Allen Clivens mother, seniors Kelsey Bond, Angie Lara and Ryan Hillestad also spent time searching through countless postings online.

Seniors - See Ya on the Stage!

Order your

Yarbok e o


To order: Go to and follow the instructions. If you do not have a customer number click the button where it says Help, I dont have a customer number and follow the links.

If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Dominy in room 6160 or call 209-2580

Spooky Season Scares BHS

Elisa Santana Staff writer Around Halloween, stories about ghosts, goblins, witches and other mysterious things are heard. In the aftermath of the spooky season, the question of Bryan Highs own eeriness has come to the surface. Coming into high school, many freshmen hear eerie rumors. I heard that the teachers are really ghosts. Im scared because I think there is one after me! said freshman Christian Thomas. Teachers often dispute these tall tales. There are no ghosts at Bryan High, said Mrs. Whitely, a world history teacher that has taught at Bryan High for 29 years. From ghosts, students move on to sinister sounds. Coach Gregg said that early in the mornings the floorboards in Gym 2 creak as if someone is walking on them. When she has gone to check for unruly students, she can hear the bleachers squeak as if

Feature 3
November 3, 2005

someone is playing on them. Other sounds have been heard in the cafeteria where Ms. Watts works one of the registers. Sometimes the lights by where the food is served go up and down, Watts said. What is making this ruckus though? Many years back an assistant principal, Mrs. Thorton, fed cats in the courtyard area, said history teacher Mrs. Vetters. Other accounts show that not only did the amount of cats grow, but their rabidness did as well. Most of the cats have left, but the cats can still be seen under the grates in the courtyard, according to Coach Williamson. Although there has been an established eerieness among Bryan High faculty and students, no one is sure where it comes from. What will be the next incident of eerieness? English teacher, Mrs. Naylor said that you can count on, whenever I die, I will haunt the halls of Bryan High.

125th Celebration: Senior Savannah Moore works the Spanish Club booth during the 125th BISD Birthday Celebration.

Real Work, Real World, Real Learning

Editors Note: Released from the office of Teresa Parish, Director of Career Technology. The Career and Technology Department at Bryan High School provides a dynamic, high energy, and hands-on opportunity for students. In career tech classes, students are actively engaged in doing hands on learning that provide students with a head start in life. Career and Technology students have the opportunity to aquire the skills to create a gourmet meal, work in the cosmetology field, receive various computer certifications, create a perennial garden, and design a custom home. High school students are able to create real work products, using real world technology. Some of the benefits students can obtain by becoming involved in a Career and Technology Academy include: *Earn regular, Pre-AP, Honors, and/or AP English, Social Studies, and Technology credits for graduation, while developing emerging technology skills.

Career Tech: Juniors Tim Doucet and Ashten Harris work on a demonstration during their Big Blue Catering class.

*Learn quality technological skills in high demand job areas such as multimedia/graphics/animation, web design, telecommunications, techno-art, pre-engineering/architecture and business applications. *Acquire training in high tech

computer disciplines including programming, computer networking and Internet technology. *Receive valuable and highly sought after certifications such as CISCO, MOS, Java, Flash Designer, Dreamweaver and Adobe certifications. Career and Technology offers students a significant and important step in doing something about their future career dreams. Career and Technology is like being in a school within a school where students learn and earn their way into the high-skill, high-pay careers of the future. Through a combination of classroom and lab learning, on-site work experiences and internships with local companies, students in career and technology learn the skills for success in life.

4 Opinions
November 3, 2005

Fair Weather Fans

You can always count on a fair weather fan when your team is ahead of the competition. However, when the score board shows signs of failure on your teams part, you will see traitors rooting for the opposition. This proves true for almost every sports team. Bryan High has excellent sports teams, yet when the going gets tough, students seem to disappear from the stands. They forget the good records that their team has earned and lose all sense of pride for their school. In the Bryan/College Station community, we are exposed to Texas A & Ms traditions. Aggies that leave the games early or dont participate at all are known as 2 percenters. These students definitely dont bleed maroon. Instead, they fall into the fair weather category. With the recent World Series excitement, Texas (Houston particularly) has found that some Astros fans werent as loyal as they first appeared. When the Astros won the National League Championship, many turned their attention to the up and coming team. However, as their performance declined, so did the fan support. Some even said they had been rooting for the White Sox the whole season! The Norseman staff finds this disloyal display despicable. Switching sides is unfortunately an act found in all parts of life. This fair weather fan attitude can travel on to fashion, music, and hobbiespeople wear, listen to, or act differently as the fads change. Wheather it is in sports or other areas people should strive to maintain their own image, rather than following the popular trend. Support your team and have pride in all that you do! --Norseman Staff

Immaturity Runs Rampant

dent will walk by another group of students and be called out. The group will then proceed to say something unnecessary and ugly to the person just to have a laugh, knowing that they are hurting somebody elses feelings and bringing their confidence level down. Seniors definitely dont lack the ability to act inappropriately; many seniors copy and cheat on tests and then plan on being successful in college. Many people in high school

Erica Carroll Staff writer At this time I would think that only the 9th graders were the childish students at Bryan High, but the childishness carries across every grade level. Students do some of the most immature things. Over and over again a stu-

think that they are mature enough to act like an adult. The truth is that when they are judged by their actions they are no where close to being an adult. If a student wants to be treated like an adult then they also need to act like one. The way a student is perceived is almost always based on the way that they act and carry themselves in different situations, demonstrating their ability to act maturely and take the high road.

Bryan High School 3450 Campus Drive, Bryan, TX 77802

Volume 35, No. 2 Co-editors Hilary Francis and Jennifer Haynie Staff Erica Caroll, Jason Galindo, Elisa Santana, Blair Whitley, Travis Whitley Adviser Rebecca Dominy
The Norseman is a publication produced by the Advanced Journalism Newspaper Production class at Bryan High School. The opinions expressed are those of the author and do not represent the opinion of the faculty, staff or administration of Bryan High School. Letters to the editor are welcome and may be delivered to Rm. 6160 or the Blue Campus Office. Member-UIL Interscholastic League Press Conference (ILPC) Winner of the ILPC Award of Distinguished Merit 1998-99, 1999-2000, 2001-02, 2002-03; Silver Star, 2001-02.

Students Coke Addiction

Beverage Association has decided to limite the drinking of sodas in schools. Soda companies are complying and taking out their original sodas and replacing them with healthier diet sodas and juices. In my mind though, I see a hidden marketing campaign for compaines we say they are healthy, but theyre really not products. (Any drink that can remove the corrosion from a cars battery shouldnt be consumed in the first place, but thats an-

Elisa Santana Staff writer Day by day childhood obesity is rising with the cosumption of every cupcake and cookie. In order to counter this epidemic our portions have been limited and our cookies have been downsized. Recently, the American

other point entirely.) I think that the beverage companies have overlooked the fact that teenagers are soda-holics. As a former soda-holic, I know how hard it is to just stop drinking sodas. Unless the soda companies have a drink that really tastes just like Dr. Pepper and is good for you, expect to see lots of rehabilitation clinics opening and a lot of backlash from the students in schools across America.

Opinions 5
November 3, 2005
Hilary Francis Co-editor Most people think that Bryan High is a low spirited school. Comparatively, this may hold true, but for those who DO participate it is completely false. The spirited students of Bryan High are so gung-ho about being peppy that they make up for those who could care less about the Viking football record. Ive seen many students dress up for spirit days and attend pep-rallies; some girls even make new shirts for each Wednesday dress-up day. Many seniors decorate overalls (or skirts) that depict their own personalities. The cheerleaders make awesome signs to hang in the Blue Commons area and as Homecoming approached senior class council decorated the area for Mardi Gras. What does all of this tell you? BHS DOES have spirit! On the Friday afternoon of Homecoming, our gym was jam packed with over 1,000 students and faculty members. Music blared from the speakers while football players danced on the gym floor. Everyone stood at attention as the JROTC held the American flag and Liz Pilger sang the National Anthem. All clapped and yelled as the cheerleaders tumbled across the floor and the seniors rushed the floor. This is typical of a football pep rally at Bryan High. The hoop-la continued that night at Viking Stadium. The Bryan side was filled to capacity with screaming fans and the Vike Squad and Thor got the crowd pumped with their signs, confetti and streamer throwing. David Bergland, with his blue and white striped face, ran down the track with the school flag after each touch down. The cheerleaders performed cheers, threw Abby Hodges in basket tosses, and chunked T-shirts into the audience, creating a frenzy of spirit. Everyone rejoiced as the game ended and the scoreboard read 28-21 in favor of the Vikings. Football isnt the only sport to get students pumped. Volleyball signs can be found on every hallway, door and window. Fan turnout for volleyball games is awesome, much greater than the oppositions fan turnout. Bryan High has a wide variety of sports for students to get behind and support. From soccer to tennis and water polo to softball, Bryan fans back them all the way. Even if a student doesnt particularly care for sports they can display a positive attitude and high level of spirit for other things they are involved in. This could be math club, ACADEC, cosmetology or any number of the other organizations or activities that Bryan High offers. Of course, theres always room for improvement for our spiritedness - its just something that not all people want to participate in. I do commend the large number of those who participate - it just makes school more fun. So everyone, put on a GO BIG BLUE shirt and support Bryan tonight as we beat Consol at Kyle Field. ITS GREAT TO BE A VIKING! Jennifer Haynie Co-editor Every school has the group of kids that are sure to dress up for every dress-up day, appear at every football game and attend every pep-rally. The school spirit within them is simply overflowing. In constrast to the bubbly teens, every school also has a number of students who just float through the hallways, only attending school functions because its what the rest of the student body is doing at that time. Their school spirit is somewhat lacking to say the least. Certainly some of the students are excited about winning football games and might jump up and down a little or give a high-five with every touch down, but arent bursting with Viking pride. I cannot speak for every BHS student, but coming from someone who has actually missed a few pep-rallies and football games, the Friday night lights dont control every weekend of my fall semester. I am happy with my school and enjoy participating in school events, but I just cant seem to get caught up in all the glory. Apparently BHS has many other students who feel the same way. Even though hundreds of kids show up at the pep-rallies Bryan High has thousands of students. The number of kids that skip school and end up truant obviously do not have school spirit. Whether they are lazy or bored with school work, it is apparent that a large population of our school would prefer to be elsewhere. I have pride in my school, but it is for reasons that most students wouldnt want to win the spirit stick for. Frankly, football games tire me. At times I even find them dragging on into what seems to be an endless night. Being in Texas means that most of my fellow citizens embrace the game, but I am either way too hot or way too cold to enjoy what is going on, not to mention that half the time I havent a clue as to what is taking place on the field. I guess you could say that a day at the Bush Library would intrigue me more. When it comes to the blue and silver Vikes, I prefer the academic aspects of school life. My goal is more education bound rather than spirit bound. You see, it isnt that I just dont care, its the fact that most school spirit is for athletics (something that I dont understand). Perhaps many in our student body do not understand the excitement surrounding induced sweat and physical agony. I am aware that people can learn many valuable lessons from being on a sports team, but these lessons can also be found inside the classroom. I may not win the title of most spirited girl for the yearbook, but I can promise that when its time to graduate that I just might be the most spirited kid around. So, next year (if time permits) I might show up at the Homecoming pep-rally and go to that nights football game, but it will only be to see who else shows up and to mingle with the current BHS students.

6 In-Depth
November 3, 2005
What MP3 Player Do You Own?
Jason Galindo Staff writer A large percentage of todays youth own MP3 players of one brand or another. For those that do not, the opportunities are increasing daily with the production of new and smaller MP3 players from the leading vendors, Apple and Dell, as well as the smaller vendors like Rio and My Musix. MP3 players are replacing CD players at a rapid rate and are even becoming the dominant music player in vehicles. Companies like Apple are producing FM transmitters, but it is the car industry that is taking great strides to accommodate drivers by intergrating USB ports in many new car models. Apple has remained on the cutting edge of the MP3 player industry by keeping prices low while increasing the players capabilities. The newest release from Apple retails for $399 and includes 60GB of storage. Along with the 60GB iPods capability to hold 15,000 songs, it also acts as a storage device, hold 25,000 pictures and hold up to 150 hours of television shows and cartoon shorts. The video component of the new iPod launches it above and beyond all other MP3 players. Apple has also paired with ABC to offer downloads of television shows the day after they premier. Downloads are available through iTunes for $1.99

25 20 Percentage of 15 Students 10 5 0
Survey taken from 200 Bryan High students.




Sony Type




per episode. iPods also include the ability to record external sound, making it easy for students starting college to record their professors lectures. iCasting is also catching on with radio and television networks who are able to record sound bites or football games and then place them on the internet to be downloaded. The capabilities of smaller devices continue to increase. Other features on the iPod include a planner, an alarm and a calendar. If you are looking to buy a MP3 player I recommend an iPod. Although other brands may run cheaper, Apple offers a better product.



Type of MP3 Player iPod Nano iPod Shuffle iPod Dell DJ Pocket DJ (Dell) DJ Ditty (Dell) Sony Walkman Rio Carbon Musix
*rating scale 1-10

Size 4 GB 1 GB 60 GB 30 GB 5 GB 512 MB 20 GB 6 GB 1 GB

Price $249 $129 $399 $239 $179 $99 $279 $165 $99

Capabilities Data/Music/Pics Data/Music Video/Data/Music/Pics Data/Music Data/Music Data/Music Data/Music Data/Music Data/Music

Rating* 6 4 10 4.1 5 4 2 2 1 1 *Actual Size

Volleyball: District Co-Champs

The Lady Vikes are co-district champions after sweeping Copperas Cove, 25-13, 25-19, 25-20 last week. They tied A&M Consolidated with a 13-1 district record. The last time we won district was in 1978, senior Chelsea Reber said. There has been a lot of growth this season and we are ranked 13th in state with a 32-2 record. Reber led Bryan with 10 kills, 7 digs and a block against Copperas Cove. Junior Rebecca Baldwin and sophomore Kallie Pence each had four aces. Baldwin also had eight kills and two blocks. The team had a lot of unity this year and really played well together to cre-

Sports 7
November 3, 2005

ate a winning season, Baldwin said. Senior Lauren Wells contributed five kills and a block against Copperas Cove. As a senior Im trying to push myself and bring my team together, Wells said. The team looks poised to play strong in the playoffs with dominating upperclassmen and three talented sophomores. Our coaches use a lot of positive reinforcement that brings us up, sophomore Megan Destefeno said. Post season play will continue after a first round bye earlier in the week. The Lady Vikes finished the season Volleyball: Sophomore Kallie Pence makes a block during district play against 32-2 overall. Harker Heights.

Sports Short
Water Polo
The water polo team ended another successful fall season. First year coach, Brett Ruoff, said, it was hard to rebuild the team, but I feel like we have had a good year. The girls were 2-4 this season, with star players Alison Sargent, Alicia Watkins and Kat Van combining to score 17 goals. I believe we played well this year, said junior Kat Van. This year the guys were 44 with outstanding athletes Mark Van, Josh Korkoska and Daniel Korkoska. The water polo team competes during the fall and spring seasons. The spring season will begin in March. Junior Alicia Watkins encourages students to join next years water polo team as the program continues to grow and play hard.

Dedicated and Determined

Blair Whitely Staff writer The Vikings fell to 3-3 in district play last week with a lose to Killeen Shoemaker. With this defeat, a chain of events will have to take place for the Vikes to extend their play into the post season: Harker Heights must lose their last game and Bryan must defeat Consol in the final game of the regular season. The team continues to stay optimistic and have faith in the Vikes to pull through. Im confident that we still have what it takes to go to playoffs, said senior Kelvin Monroe. The team has stayed focused on the game,

The Varsity Viking tennis team finished a great season, placing 3rd in district. Jody Golsan was undefeated in singles and teamed up with Ryan Hillestad to be perfect in guys doubles. Michael Martin, a freshman on the team, finished the season with only one loss in singles. The teams overall District record was 5-2. Coach Randy Stewart said that he didnt think that the team played to their full potential. They will be looking to improve their outside play and desire to win for the spring season, said Stewart. Although the team did not do as well as they had hoped, they agree with Coach Stewart that the spring will prove better. Our teams has been encouraged by our fall season. This, with our off season training, will make the spring season even better, said senior player, Jody Golsan. Good luck to the Viking tennis team in the spring season.

despite a season plagued with team injuries. Chris Mancuso, Eric Flores, Hutton Ask, and Kaan Berkmen are only a few of the Bryan players who have had to recover physically and mentally to return to the game. Sometimes it is hard to watch my team lose knowing that I could have maybe done something to make a difference, Ask said. Some players, such as Tommy Turner and Trey Nutall, will not be able to return at all this season due to football inflicted injuries. I had to work so hard to make my senior season the best it could be and I didnt expect it to play out like this, said senior Trey Nutall.

8 Entertainment
November 3, 2005
Travis Whitley Staff writer Invented in 1968 by the Student council and newspaper staff of Maplewood High School, the game of Ultimate Frisbee has grown rapidly into the popular sport that it is today. Combining skills from many different sports Ultimate Frisbee has attracted many players and in doing so has spread to over 42 different countries. Now I bet you are wondering exactly how this game works, which is good because Im going to tell you. Ultimate can be summarized into ten relatively simple rules. Here they are: 1) The game is played on a rectangular field that is 70 by 40 yards at either end of the field there are end zones that are 40 by 25 yards. 2) To begin a point both teams line

Ultimate Frisbee: The Ultimate Game

up on their goal lines and the designated team will kick off by throwing the frisbee to the other team. The team who is receiving the frisbee will they get one point and the offense will throw the frisbee off again. 4) The offense can throw the frisbee in any direction (but only has ten seconds to do so), and the player with the frisbee is not allowed to move with it in his hand. 5) When the offense doesnt complete a pass, the defense immediately obtains possession of the frisbee. 6) Substitutions are allowed in between points or after an injury. 7) No contact is allowed in the sport of ultimate, but if contact occurs, a foul is called and the other team is given the frisbee. 8) If a foul affects whether or not the frisbee is caught, the play is continued as if the frisbee was caught. If the player who made the foul disagrees, then the play will be redone. 9) Players are required to make their

own calls and settle their arguments. Therefore, no referees are required to oversee a game. 10) The game of ultimate puts emphasis on sportsmanship and therefore players are expected to respect each other and abide by the rules. This is referred to as Spirit of the Game. Now that you know how to play Ultimate, grab some friends and a frisbee and try the sport thats sweeping the nation (well sort of). Its a swell way to stay fit and have a groovy time.

MSC Offers Culter

Jennifer Haynie Co-editor Everyone wants to have a fun night out on the town occasionally to add change and variety to their average weekend activities. Living in the Bryan-College Station area and being connected to Texas A&M University gives citizens access to cultural entertainment normally only found in more populated cities. The MSC Opas provides shows for the large student population while still remaining classic and sophisticated. Opas is a non-profit organization that has been bringing smiles to the faces of many for three decades. Performances range from Madama Butterfly, MacBeth, and the Dallas Symphony Orchestra to Sleeping Beauty, Oklahoma, and the much anticipated Stomp.

immediately become the offense. 3) Every time the offense catches the frisbee in the defenses end zone

Opas even offers a little something for children with their Opas Jr. branch. Dinosaur Rock, Broadway Times Three, Into the Woods, and Dear Edwina are just some of the family friendly shows available. However, with a line-up that is constantly changing, many fans have opted for seasons tickets in order to keep up with the performances. Theres a seat at Opas for everyone, whether its for a theatre, music, or dance production. So the next time you are trying to decide what to do, remember sometimes season ticket holders who are unable to attend all shows leave their tickets at the ticket booth for students to pick up for free. If you want more information about Opas or tickets go to

The Fog Disappears

Erica Carroll Staff writer

I think that the less a movie reveals about the ghost and the less a movie shows help to make a movie more exciting. Rating: The truth is the movie is a complete waste PG-13 for violence, disturbing images, brief because even though the actors did a good job, sexuality. Genre: Science fiction fantasy, sus- it did not come off as a good thrill movie. pense/horror-thriller. Run time: 1 hour 40 minutes. Summary: One hundred years ago, a thick fog pulled in a group of sailors off the California shore causing a horrible shipwreck. Now sailors are returning from the grave for bloody revenge. Review: The Fog is a remade version of the 1980 film of the same name. It just became another lack luster remake to hit theaters, riding on the coattails of a summer full of remakes. If youre going to the movies to get a real scare, dont waste your time with this one. There are no truly scary moments. Personally, I want to be scared by the unknown and unexpected when I pay to see a thriller.

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