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April 2006 Volume 35 No.

Bryan Students Shine at District UIL Competition

Hilary Francis Jennifer Haynie Co-editors Five students advanced to the Academic UIL Regionals after competing at District on March 25. Matt Moss placed 2nd in Computer Science, Hilary Francis placed 2nd in Feature Writing and 2nd in News Writing, Charles Herrmann placed 1st in Ready Writing, Chelsea Smith placed 2nd in Lincoln Douglas Debate, and Susan Bauer placed literary criticism. These students will travel to Baylor and participate in their events on April 21 and 22. Literary criticism is a tough events, but my hard work has paid off. I hope to do as well at the regional meet as I did at district, junior Susan Bauer said. Fifty-three students participated, with 22 receiving a medal for first through sixth place. UIL has really started to make a comeback with our students and I am excited about our prospects for region, Mrs. Rebecca Dominy, UIL coordinator said. We have a strong team with a lot of returning participants for next year. If the students place 1st or 2nd at the Regional Meet, they will advance to

the State competition in Austin. It would be awesome to advance to State my senior year in UIL, Hilary Francis said. Ive advanced to regionals the past three years, but have never advanced to state. At the state level there are numerous scholarships and awards given to winning students and the honors of beinging named the best in the state.

U I L 13 5A

UIL Event Computer Science

Editorial Writing Feature Writing Ready Writing Social Studies Spelling and Vocabulary LD Debate Literary Criticism News Writing Poetry Interpretation

Student Matt Moss* Charles Herrmann Steven Brelsford Elisa Santana Hilary Francis* Charles Herrmann* Walter Bauer Edith Ramirez Chelsea Smith* Susan Bauer* Liz Titus Hilary Francis* Aaron Victory

Place 2nd 5th 6th 6th 2nd 1st 5th 5th 2nd 2nd 5th 2nd 4th

Computer Science Team

Science Team

Social Studies

Literary Criticism

Special Olympic Champs

Bryan High students participated in the Special Olympics hosted in Hearne on March 24. Alex Mosqueda received 2nd place for softball throw and 4th in the 50 yard dash. Sonia Flores earned 2nd place in the softball throw and 3rd place in the 100 yard dash. Chris Rodriquez earned 4th place in both the softball throw and the 100 yard dash. Pedro Tirado received 1st in both the 100 yard dash and the long jump events. Students will be participating in a second Special Olympics meet at A&M Consolidated April 7 and 8. The student body is encouraged to come out and support these athletes. Congratulations and good luck this weekend!

*students advancing to the regional meet in Waco

Matt Moss Charles Herrmann Steven Brelsford William Moore George Stasny Elisa Ramirez Emily Luza Charless Herrmann Justin Maggs Walter Bauer Addie Crawley Jonathan Lys Joshua Stevens Susan Bauer Liz Titus Steven Dunning Sam Woodfin



U I L 13 5A



Sophomores Elisa and Elizabeth Ramirez shop at the AVID bookfair during their English class.

April 7, 2006

2 Feature Student Tells of Gun Dangers, Personal Experience

Editors Note: Story contributed by Darrell Jones. Guns are not toys and should be handled with respect. Friday, Homecoming weekend of 2003, I was resting in bed around nine oclock at night. My brother Aaron, my cousin Little Ronnie, my dad, and I were spending the weekend at our deer lease near the town of Livingston. My dad and Little Ronnie went to Wal-Mart to buy T-bone steaks for Saturday night. While they were gone, I got up from bed to get some tea from the ice chest. Aaron was getting ready to leave the trailer and walk around. He went outside to check on the campfire and I was left by myself in the trailer. I picked up a 357 pistol and started looking at it. I had never seen a silver pistol up close and was curious to see how heavy it was. It was just sitting there, shining like a silver dollar. I started walking around the trailer with the pistol. It was dark, because there were no lights in the trailer and my brother had taken the lantern outside with him. The only light was coming faintly from the moon outside. I started walking toward the door and tripped over something on the floor. As I started to fall, I tried to put the gun on the table, but I dropped it instead. When the pistol hit the table, it went off and shot me. The bullet went into my left arm, ricocheted off my shoulder blade, and went out the top of my left shoulder, through my neck, hitting my spine, and exited my back below my right shoulder. I fell to the floor. Aaron, hearing the gun go off, ran in to see what had happened. He picked me up and tried to get me into the chair, but couldnt, so he laid me back on the floor. Aaron then tried to stop the bleeding on my shoulder by wedging a lighter-fluid container wrapped in a paper towel under me. This worked, and the bleeding stopped. My brother then ran to the house of the lady who owned the property, so he could get help. When he got there he called 911 and borrowed the ladys truck to come back to check on me. Once he checked on me I told him to go back for help. When the ambulance came, the paramedics put me on a stretcher, and loaded me into the ambulance, saying, We der and neck hurt badly, and the nurse gave me more pain medication so I could go back to sleep. The doctors came in and out the next day, and asked me how I was doing. I tried to answer them, but I had tubes in my mouth so I couldnt talk very well. My dad was with me the whole time in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), and he worked the television remote control for me while we watched football. I was taking quite a bit of pain medication and was asleep when they took out all the tubes. I had had a feeding tube in my stomach, so I didnt eat any food until Tuesday. For my first meal that Tuesday, my dad brought a pizzaflavored hot-pocket from my cousins house. The hot pocket tasted like the best meal I had ever eaten. I was in ICU for three weeks before the hospital therapists came in to start working with me. Mostly they just had me sit in a chair. I was dizzy at first, but then I got used to sitting up. The therapists also worked with me to move my arms and legs. I did exercises for my legs to prevent blood clots while I was in the hospital. Twice a week the therapists worked with me while I was in ICU. An ambulance came to the

need to take you to an open space where the helicopter can land to pick you up. The ambulance driver arranged for the helicopter to meet us in a church parking lot. The helicopter took me to Hermann Hospital in Houston. We landed on top of the hospital, where they put me on a hospital bed and took me to surgery. I woke up the next day still thinking it was the night of the accident. When I woke up, I knew I was in the hospital, and I remembered why. My shoul-

hospital to move me from ICU to TIRR (Texas Institute for Research and Rehabilitation), which is the building next door to Herman. I was put in a room with three other boys who were also 16. One of my roommates had jumped off a building while he was taking speed. Another was knocked off a bridge by a drunken driver. The third had a four-wheeler accident and was paralyzed. The thing my roommates and I all had in common was that we couldnt move our legs. I was in TIRR for a month, until December 12, 2003. All through Christmas break, all I could think about was getting to come back to Bryan High. I really like school and I wanted to get back so I could graduate. Now that I am back at school, I would have to say that life is just hard. I have to keep up with my medicines, my school work, class work, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and doctors appointments. I am also trying to get stronger, and hopefully one day I will get out of my wheelchair and start doing things for myself. I also still want to get married and have kids, just like before my accident. My goal is to walk across the stage by myself at graduation. I have the opportunity all the time to talk to people about the danger of having guns around the house. I tell people to make sure their guns are locked up, and when the guns are out, the adults need to supervise the weapons at all times.

Student Speaks in a Soundless World

Hilary Francis Co-editor Not being able to speak hasnt stopped Jordanna Williams from saying whats really on her mind. This BHS junior, who is profoundly deaf in both ears, has learned to adapt to participate in something normally reserved for those with the ability to hear and speak. Williams joined the speech and debate team this semester. I was curious about what it was so I went ahead and joined, Williams said. My friend Aaron, who was also in speech, encouraged me to join. Within the speech and debate pro-

Feature 3
April 7, 2006
with us. junior Elisa Santana said. She still understands whats going on in the group and can easily sense peoples emotions. She recently placed 3rd and 5th for her prose pieces at the Texas Forensics Association at Colleyville High School. As her first appearance, Williams did exceptionally well; however, she knows winning comes with certain costs. I have to memorize my signs, focus and practice a lot, Williams said. Getting in front of people and performing has taken some getting used to. Williams has matured and grown from participating in the speech and debate program. She has gained so much confidence, McDaniel said. I believe participating is what truly makes her happy. Through her persistence and dedication to the program, Williams is giving other students an example of defying the odds. Jordanna is a role model, McDaniel said. She shows people they can do whatever they want and not to give up because of a disability.

Golden Gloves Champion

Game Club Focuses on Strategy and Skill

Hilary Francis Jennifer Haynie Co-editor I rolled a sevenI stole your sheep! Now all I need is a brick to complete my settlement. This scenario sets up a popular game of the Game Club, Settlers of Catan. Settlers combines strategic and analytical skills as the students attempt to build roads, settlements and cities to achieve a winning score of ten points. I use mathematical and strategic tactics in order to defeat my opponents, junior Justin Maggs said. Well...mostly I just get lucky. Students first began playing board games together after school in Mr. Jason Cordes room in 2004 and became a recognized BHS club this year. The club consists of nearly thirty students under the supervision of Cordes, a Computer Science teacher for Technology Academy. I started this club in order to teach students good socialization skills. Here they learn to play fair and get along, Cordes said. With a passion for gaming, Cordes has collected over 1,300 games, mostly from Europe, which he allows the students to play. The games give students a chance to experience other cultures. A few games even require the students to translate foreign languages to English just to figure out the instructions and set up. Its a great thing to be exposed to other cultures. I enjoy playing games made in other countries, especially Germany, junior Steven Cooley said. Cordes also gives history lessons dealing with the games the group is currently playing. These lessons allow the students to learn historical facts about battles while having fun, Cordes said. This weekly club gives students a fun and safe environment to do what they like bestplay games. The game club keeps me out of trouble, junior Koehl Titus said. Its a fun place to hang out. Senior Alicia Patout, Ed, acts as president for

gram, Williams participates in prose events. With the help of an interpreter, she signs her prose pieces to a panel of judges. Judges sometimes look surprised when they see me sign, Williams said. But I feel proud and good about my abilities. Ms. Laurielea McDaniel, Williams teacher, has had to adapt to having a deaf stucoached by Joe Martinez, and trained by a dent in her class. Teaching Jason Galindo herself to learn American fellow boxer. Staff writer There is an art to fighting, and fresh- Golden Gloves is a tournament where Sign Language, McDaniel man Chris Gonzales has mastered that boxers from different gyms can compete has bridged a gap that was art along with his brothers Matt Gonza- to test their skills, located this year at the seemingly unattainable. International Ballroom in Communication with Jorles, an 05 Graduate, danna can be frustrating at Houston. and James Gonzales Gonzales fought two fights, times and requires a lot of a junior currently eneach with three one-minute patience. Ive learned a lot rolled at Bryan High. from these experiences, rounds. Gonzales says his two In his second fight he broke McDaniel said. brothers are better than his opponents nose in the Interacting with the team is he is, but he manages to third round to win Golden sometimes difficult as well. give them a challenge I teach the students signs Gloves overall. when fighting them. Gonzales will participate so that we can understand Gonzales is an active in the Junior Olympics in each other during class and member of the Bryan a few months and plans on on trips, Williams said. Boxing Gym which Students do their best to going pro. was located at the old If he is unable to go pro communicate with Wilfire station downtown, Gonzales plans to and take over his dads liams. but was moved in February. Gonzales participated in the National construction business, Puma Construction. Being deaf doesnt alter her ability to communicate Gold Gloves Championship this year,

the club. Her role is to manage the clubs weekly meetings. I keep the members in line and tell them what to do, Patout said. I also enforce the only rule of Game Club: Absolutely NO CHEATING! Members say there are often fallacies of character that come with being gamers. Were sometimes called nerds or geeks, junior Sean McCarty said. But this doesnt really affect us---were having fun with our friends. A variety of students attend and participate with the club. Freshman to seniors, guys and girls, theres no stipulations for attending. Anyone interested in joining is welcome and can come by Room 5148 for more information. Graduating seniors hope they have left a club that will last for years to come. Those who helped start the Game Club hope it continues for the underclassmen after we leave, Harris said. That way they will also be able to enjoy board and strategy games.

April 7, 2006

4 Opinions Kayne West Verus George Bush: Political Showdown

Athough Hurricane Katrina happened 6 months ago there are political issues within this tragedy that I feel need to be brought back into the light. After the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, Kanye West took part in a telethon with fellow superstar Mike Myers to raise money for the victims of the storm. During a segment of the telethon in which each host was expressing their views on the tragedy, Kanye West made the statement, George Bush does not care about black people. With that one statement West raised questions that America was not ready to answer and forced individuals to take a closer look at how the Bush administration handled the fallout from Hurricane Katrina. In the wake of the storm Another fallacy occured bemany news channels showed fore the storm hit during the images of individuals steal- evacuation process. ing from stores. The fact of The city of New Orleans the matter is that these people had hundreds of public school were not stealing, but were buses that they could have doing nothing more than try- used to evacuate their less ing to survive the slow relief fortunate citizens, but instead efforts. Although, there are JP McGowan some individuals taking things that were of no use to them, people mostly took weapons to protect themselves from criminals because government enforcement was absent. They took clothes and shoes because they were wet and cold, and they took food so that they would not starve to death waiting on govern- city officials elected to leave ment aid that never seemed to the buses to be washed away come. by the storm along with the less fortunate. I am proud of Kanye West for speaking out for many people who do not have a voice, the majority of which were effected by Hurricane Katrina. Too long have we let the current administration neglect the impoverished and the minorities. The sad part about it is that it took a national tragedy and the loss of thousands of lives for this fact to become public. For those who say this is not a race thing, fine, but you must admit it is an economic thing. For those who did not have

money or the resources to leave or get help were left alone to die or survive the best way possible. In my opinion the television stations and newspapers need to do a much better job in representing all the affected people in the same way. They should take a closer look at the language they use when talking about the victims. They also need to show the many different racial populations that were effected by Katrina rather than repeatedly showing clips of African Americans screaming and shouting. I challenge people to stop criticizing Kanye West who is willing to help and criticize the people who had the power to stop the suffering.

Bryan High School 3450 Campus Drive, Bryan, TX 77802

Volume 35, No. 5 Co-editors Hilary Francis and Jennifer Haynie Staff Erica Caroll, Tiffany Drozd, Jason Galindo, JP McGowan Elisa Santana, Blair Whitley, Travis Whitley Adviser Rebecca Dominy
The Norseman is a publication produced by the Advanced Journalism Newspaper Production class at Bryan High School. The opinions expressed are those of the author and do not represent the opinion of the faculty, staff or administration of Bryan High School. Letters to the editor are welcome and may be delivered to Rm. 6160 or the Blue Campus Office. Bryan Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex or handicap in providing education services. Member-UIL Interscholastic League Press Conference (ILPC) Winner of the ILPC Award of Distinguished Merit 1998-99, 1999-2000, 2001-02, 2002-03; Silver Star, 2001-02.

As humans we spend our As graduation time draws entire life waiting for the next nearer the responsibility bebest thing. gins to compound as we fill When we were in elemen- out scholarships, make roomtary it was being in middle ing arrangements, and begin school. to prepare for a lifestyle un When we like any we have were a pre-teen ever known. we longed the The comdays of high forts of a life school, yet as we have been we find ourso accustomed selves in high to will soon be school we are gone and we will still longing for be expected to the next best juggle all of the thing to come curve balls life our way. will throw at us But heed my with the maturity warning, the and wisdom of grass is not alan adult. Blair Whitley ways greener on I believe that the other side. many of us cant even begin Speaking from experience, to imagine the weight of comsenior year is the first time in pletely supporting ourselves most of our lives that we be- and all that entails. gin to make choices that will I personally could not wait affect the rest of our lives. for the moment when senior

Where Are You Going So Fast?

year would arrive and the fun would start. Little did I know that this year would be one of the most challenging times in my life. Not only are you faced with the realization that the people you see everyday will soon be gone, but that all of the luxuries of home will soon be gone as well. As seniors we have to figure out what we are doing after graduation and how we will support ourselves, whether we are working full time or attending school. All of these decisions factor into our performance in school and the daily obstacles teenagers deal with. So even though senior year is filled with fun memories of hanging out with your friends, realize that it will also be one the most challenging times of your life as well, so dont take your descisions lightly.

I was having a bad day one Friday, so I went to a restaurant to forget about worries and just enjoy myself. My mood changed from bad to worse whenever it took more than an hour to get my food. I made a scene (of course) and left with an empty stomach and wondered where a girl could get good service around town? Im tired of restaurants who either forget about you or are too fast-paced and are only concerned with getting the next guy in and out. Arent you exhausted of the generic and insincere How is your food tonight? or Have a nice day?

Just Wondering, Can I Really Have a Nice Day?

Or how about whenever I pay $7.25 to see a movie and there are no seats left in the theatre. When I finally do find a seat there is an annoying flashing green line thoughout the entire film and we are told that nothing can be done about it. Places of business not only offer a product, they offer a standard of product, and they distribute their products with a certain level of service. If a sales associate is rude and mistreats me, then why would I ever want to go back to their business? How can a business make their customers happy?Just know how to relate to the consumer. For starters if there are only two tickets left to a movie, just tell me that the theatres packed and advise me to see a different movie. If you are Elisa Santana working at a restaurant, treat me like Im family, and serve me with the authenticity of your personality. As for a store, treat me like Im your best friend. Tell me if the jeans look good or bad on me or if I should really get the war-

Opinions 5
April 7, 2006

iPod: Over Accessorising, Over Endulgence, Over Kill

Will this iPod craze ever end? Yes, this line of mp3 players by Apple is pretty impressive, however it almost seems that we have taken it too far. Are iPod compatible jeans really necessary? Thats right, Levi has come out with a new line of jeans that can hook up to your iPod and be controlled from a joystick in the watch pocket. Burton followed suit with their new line of ski jackets that are iPod compatible. You can plug your iPod into the pocket of the jacket and then change songs from a control panel on the jacket sleeve. On top of these advances, multiple car companies are coming out with newer model cars that have USB ports so the owner can plug their iPod right into the dashboard. Also for those who dont want the inconvenience of carrying a cell phone and an mp3 player, Cingular and iTunes teamed up to create the rocker which is the first phone equipped with iTunes. Or, if you want to go to the beach or pool without leaving your music behind, a company has developed an ice chests that can plug into your iPod and play your music through built in speakers. Now whats the purpose of all these products you might ask? To be honest its suckering people out of more of their hard-earned dollars by charging way more money for products than they are worth simply because they are associated with iPod. People know this, however, they buy the products anyway which is why we have an iPod cult on our hands. The only way for this fad to end is if another company comes out with another bigger and better product that

ranty for the big screen television. Lastly, I would like to commend some businesses in the community for superior service (take notes other businesses). Fazolis is awesome because not only is the food decent and cheap, but there is the always a friendly breadstick man who comes to your table with a unlimited supply of the golden treats. IHOP is also great because you can get your favorite breakfast with a smile at three in the morning. If other businesses pay attention then maybe they can improve their business and my satisfaction too.

will make iPod owners question their purchase. Until then we are stuck on the iPod bandwagon.

The trend is blowing up all over the world (the website gets more hits than Google), and with 50 million users, it really is a place for friends. With Myspace, users are able to create a profile and communicate with other users around the world. With minimal computer knowledge, a Myspace page can be completely customized from background to profile song according to the users personality. Users can share photos, write blogs, join groups, find and listen to music, and send e-mails and comments. The possibilities are endless; all you need is free time. However, the popularity comes with a price. Myspace can be dangerous to those who dont protect themselves. Horror stories of predators spring

Whos Space? What Space? My Space...

up frequently in the news. Revealing personal information on their sites leaves users vulnerTiffany Drozd able to attack. Many teens and young adults go so far as to claim it is ruining their life due to the time spent MySpacing when they should be doing something else. Countless parents believe MySpace is just too much of a risk for their children and should be shut down. I would know, because my parents agree with them. Ive had MySpace since Fall 2004, and have let it become a fixture of daily life.

Travis Whitley

I, like most teens, would be lost socially if I just stopped using MySpace. I understand that it can be very unsafe, but practicing caution on the site can prevent bad things from happening. A few tips to remember to keep safe from the weirdos, as well as keep your parents off your back: Set your profile to private (users can only view it if they are on your friends list) Dont leave your address, last name or any personal information viewable on your page If you absolutely insist on meeting someone, make sure you know someone who knows them, and even then, meet them in a very public place with a friend Never respond to messages that seem too good to be true (for example: the lady in Nigeria whose husband died and she wants to give you some of the money) When in doubt, just dont do it!

April 7, 2006

6 In-Depth April Fools Facts

Watch Out Its April Fools Baby!!!!!

Editors note: April Fools joke contributed by senior Josh Atkins. It was the perfect idea, perfectly plotted out and planned. Everything was in place; the inch layer of baby powder lay evenly on each ceiling fan blade waiting patiently for its victim. This will be an April fools Brady Atkins, the unsuspecting victim, will never forget, Josh Atkins thought. This is going to be so funny, Josh said. I cant wait until Brady gets home. Senior Josh Atkins and his younger brother, sophomore Brady Atkins, know this prank all too well. Last year Josh decided to initiate an all out bat-

Ancient cultures, including those as varied as the Romans and the Hindus, celebrated New Years Day on April 1st. In 1582 France adopted the reformed calendar and shifted New Years Day to January 1st. However, many people either refused to accept the new date, or did not learn about it, and continued to celebrate on April 1st. People began to make fun of these traditionalists, sending them on fools errands, or trying to trick them into believing something false. French children sometimes would tape a picture of a fish on the back of their schoolmates crying Poisson dAvril!, which means April Fish! The idea eventually began to catch on in other countries, and April 1st became a day of tricks and pranks.

Best Historical Pranks Ever!

*In 1996 the Taco Bell Corporation announced that it had bought the Liberty Bell from the federal government and was renaming it the Taco Liberty Bell. Hundreds of outraged citizens called the National Historic Park in Philadelphia where the bell is housed. They were only calmed when Taco Bell revealed that it was all a practical joke. In good humor the White House secretary responded that the Lincoln Memorial had also been sold, and would now be called the Ford Lincoln Mercury Memorial. *In 1998 Burger King published a full page advertisement in the USA Today announcing the introduction of a new item to their menu: a Left-Handed Whopper specially designed for the 32 million left-handed Americans. For the benefit of their left-handed customers, all condiments would now be rotated 180 degrees. The following day Burger King issued a follow up release that although the Left-Handed Whopper was a hoax, thousands of customers requested the new sandwich Simultaneously Many others requested their own right-handed version. *In 1993 Westdeutsche Rundfunk, a German radio station, announced that officials in Cologne had just passed an unusual new city regulation. Joggers going through the park would be required to pace themselves to go no faster than six mph. Any faster, it was felt, would unnecessarily disturb the squirrels who were in the middle of their mating season. *In 1962 there was only one TV channel in Sweden, and it broadcast in black and white. The stations technical expert, Kjell Stensson, appeared on the news to announce that thanks to a newly developed technology, all viewers could now quickly and easily convert their existing sets to display color. All you had to do was pull a nylon stocking over the TV screen! Reportedly, hundreds of thousands of people were taken in. Actual color TV transmission only commenced in Sweden on April 1, 1970.

Theres nothing like a good prank!

tle between brothers with the prank of the century. All it took was a $.99 cent bottle of Baby Powder and a gullible brother to flip the switch. Fortunately for Josh it was a hot, Friday afternoon and he knew his brother would come home, go to his room, and immediately turn on the fan, resulting in a major white-out. I didnt notice until I was covered in white, and my room was covered in white, Brady said. Im still thinking of something good to get him back, all I know is my prank will be bigger and better, Brady said. So you better watch your back, Josh!

What was the Best Prank Ever Pulled on You?

I woke up with a shaved head and my brother had done it! Mario Ocampo, 11 Someone poured exlax in my milk at lunch. Christopher Arden, 12 My brothers friends told me they were going to wait in the car when I ran into Wal-Mart but they left me for an hour. Lauren DAgostino, 12 My dad told me I was grounded for 3 weeks for something I didnt really do. Don Williams, 11

I was super glued to my toilet seat by my younger brother. Sabrina Reyes, 10

Sports 7

April 7, 2006

8 Entertainment
April 7, 2006
Travis Whitley Staff writer Firewall is the story of Jack Stanfield (Harrison Ford), a family-oriented banking security specialist whose family is kidnapped by Bill Cox (Paul Bettany). Cox and his team planned this kidnapping for almost a year by studying Stanfield and his family using video and audio surveillance. They knew every detail of their lives, even using Stanfields sons allergy to peanuts as part of their plan! Cox refuses to return Stanfields

The Hottest Movie This Year: Firewall

family to him unless he is able to break into the bank security system that he designed to be full-proof and steal 100 million dollars. Stanfield cooperates and makes an honest attempt to break into the bank from his home computer, using common household items such as his daughters MP3 player. With the time limit fast approaching Stanfield is able to break into the system and steal the money. However when he finds out that Cox still will not return his family, Stanfield withdraws the money and uses it as a

bargaining tool to get his family back. Without giving away the ending, the movie basically comes down to Stanfields computer know-how in direct combat with Coxs greed. Movie critics Siskel and Ebert call this movie a smart thriller, and I agree. It kept me constantly guessing what would happen next. I give the movie a 9 out of 10 because, well, I dont give tens. This suspense-filled thriller is guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat.

Stepping Into the Light

JP McGowan Staff writer He is the secret behind some of your favorite artists success such as Mario, B2K, Chris Brown, LL Cool J, Beyonce, and Ciara. He is the behind the scenes sensation that has written chart topping songs for all of these artists and his name is Ne-Yo. The Las Vegas native has been writing songs for years with his most famous hit being Marios Let Me Love You, but with a successful song writing career intact, Ne-Yo was determined to be a successful artist. With his first record deal experience failing two years ago with Columbia records it left him ready to quit, but he quickly realized music is not what I do; it is what I am. Thanks to a fortuitous meeting Ne-Yo got a second chance at a record deal. While in New York he stopped by the offices of Def Jam records to say hello to a friend; while there, executive Tina Davis was so impressed by his vocal exploits she immediately signed him to a deal. Ne-Yo said that his approach to music is different from that of most of [his] contemporaries, whose songs tend to be heavily influenced by rap trends. I prefer to rely on well-structured lyrics and expressive vocals to get my point across. With his music career really taking off, Ne-Yo is being considered for an opening act slot on Mary J. Bliges nationwide tour this spring. With Ne-Yo touring on several dates with eight time Grammy nominee John Legend this past fall he feels that he is more than ready to go on a tour this size and with someone of that magnitude. Ne-Yo says that the experience has left him craving more and that he is undaunted by the large crowds: he states Im more at home on stage than otherwise. Outside of music Ne-Yos ambitions include acting, writing and producing movies, and selling real estate under his Compound Entertainment banner. With the Febuary 28th release of his debut album In My Own Words he will be hard at work touring and promoting his album. Humbleness is what keeps him on top of his game. He said that knowing that theres some 11 year old at home right now in his mirror dancing and practicing, coming for my spot, he says. Ill never, ever let it go to my head. This is why he has adopted the slogan if you stay ready, you dont have to get ready. With this attitude you can expect great things from Ne-Yo for many years to come.

A Reunion to Remember

Erica Carroll Staff writer Rating: PG-13 for mature thematic material, domestic violence, sex and drug reference Starring: Tyler Perry, Blair Underwood, Lynn Whitfield, Boris Kodjoe, Maya Angelou, Cicely Tyson, Rochelle Aytes and a host of other stars. Synopsis: The unstoppable Madea is at it once again, but she may have taken on more than she can handle. She has just been court ordered to be in charge of Nikki, a rebellious runaway teenager while her nieces Lisa and Vanessa are suffering relationship problems and through it all she has to organize a family reunion. As the reunion becomes nearer secrets are revealed and drama begins to rise. Now Madea must use all the skills she knows to keep the peace at the same time keep her family together. Review: Madeas Family Reunion turned out to be way better than Tyler Perrys first movie debut with a Diary of a Mad Black Woman. This time he delivers comedy and drama from beginning to end. The movie is based on family and relationship problems that many people can relate to. Madea represents everyone who has a grandmother that speaks her mind often and refuses to back down. Unlike the other movie, Madea was not thrown in to be a comic relief every now and then, but played an important supporting character role who delivers indepth wisdom. I love how this movie delivers lessons to learn, how to love, what not to put up. It also exposes many things that are going on in a lot of families today that we try to keep hidden.

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