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Lesson Plan in TLE for Grade 10

Tito Jr. S. Villarasa

Badas National High School
Sitio Camansi Brgy Badas Mati City Davao Oriental

I – Objectives

At the end of 40 minutes the students will be able to:

a. Identify the Classification of Seafood.

b. Determine the types of Market Forms
c. Demonstrate Store Seafood

II – Subject Matter

Topic : Prepare and Cooked Seafood Dishes

References : K-12 handbook, Prepare and Cooked Seafood Dishes,

Learning Module, 194-233

Instructional Materials: PPT and Visual Aid

III – Procedure

 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking Attendance

A. Review
The teacher will ask the student regarding to the lesson that they had been discuss.
B. Motivation
The teacher will conduct an activity called “Tell me silently and I’ II tell them
proudly. The student will analyze the picture and find out its meaning to reveal the
main topic.

C. Presentation of the Lesson (lesson proper)

a. Activities
The teacher will let the student answer the question.
1. What is Seafood?
b. Reporting

The teacher will introduce the topic which is Prepare and Cooked Seafood Dishes.

 Classification of Seafood
 Varieties of Market Form
 Store Seafood

Seafood – is any form of sea life regarded as food by humans.

- Includes fish and shellfish

- There are so many methods for cooking seafood; most of them are fast and easy,
making them the perfect choice for a quick and healthy meal.

Classification of Seafood

Fish products are divided in two categories:

1. Fin Fish – fish with fins and internal skeletons.

A. Saltwater Fish
 Flat fish
Flounder Sole Fish

 Round Fish

Grouper Black sea


Bluefish Cod

B. Freshwater fish

Eel Catfish Tilapia

2. Shell Fish – fish with external shells but no internal bone structure.
They have outer shells.
Two Classification of Shellfish
A. Mollusk – are soft sea animals.

 Bivalves – they have a pair of hinged shells (clams, oyster)

 Univalves – they have a single shell (abalone)
 Cephalopods – (octopus, squid)
B. Crustaceans – are animals with segmented shells And jointed legs (shrimps, crabs)
Parts of a Fish

Composition and Structure:

Fish consist of water, protein, fats and small amount of minerals and vitamins.

Fish has very little connective. It means:

1. Fish cooks very quickly, even at low heat

2. Fish naturally tender. High heat will result to toughening of protein.
3. Moist-heat methods are used not to create tenderness but to preserve
moistness and provide variety.
4. Cooked fish must be handled every carefully.
1. Fat fish – are those that are high in fat (salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel)
2. Lean fish – are those that are low in fat. (sole, cod red snapper, bass)

Market Forms of Fish

1. Whole or Round – completely intact, as caught

2. Drawn – viscera removed

3. Dressed – viscera, scales, head, tail and fins removed

4. Steaks – Cross-section slices, each containing a section of backbone

5. Fillets – boneless side of fish, with or without skin

6. Butterfield fillets – both sides of a fish still joined, but with bones removed
7. Sticks or Tranches – Cross-section slices of fillets

Market Forms of Shellfish


1. Live in the shell

2. Shucked – fresh frozen
3. Canned


1. Live
2. Cooked meat, fresh or frozen

Storing of fish and shellfish

Fresh Fish

1. On crushed ice - use drip pans to allow for drainage of

melted ice. Change ice daily. Cover container or store in
separate box away from other foods.
a. Whole fish should be drawn (that is viscera removed) as
soon as possible because the entrails deteriorate quickly.
b. Cut fish (fillets, steaks, portions) should be wrapped or
left in original moisture wrap.
2. Refrigerate at 30˚ to 34˚F ( -1 ˚ to 1 ˚C
3. Fish may be stored for 1 to 2 days. If it must be kept longer,
you must wrap and freeze it immediately.
4. Check stored fish for freshness just before you use it. Even
it was fresh when received, it may not be fresh after days in
Frozen Fish
1. Store at 0 ˚F (- 18 ˚C, or colder.
2. Keep well wrapped to prevent freezer burn
3. Maximum storage time: Fat Fish – 2
4. Rotate stock – first in, first out.


A. Oyster

1. Keep live oyster in a cold, wet place in the cartons or

2. Store fresh shucked oyster in original container in
refrigerator at 30˚ to 34˚F (- 1˚ to 1 ˚C) they will keep up
to 1 week.
3. Keep frozen oysters in freezer at 0 ˚F (- 18 ˚C or colder.
Lobster and Shrimp Until ready for use.

1. Store at 0 ˚F (- 18 ˚C or older).
2. Fresh or thawed shrimp in shell are stored on crushed
ice, like whole fish.
3. Peeled shrimp lose soluble nutrients and flavor when
stored unwrapped on ice or covered and simply
4. Packed in moist seaweed or in moist, heavy paper,
kept in cool place.
c. Drills

The teacher will let the students to answer the following items.


Direction: Identify the market forms of fish. Write your answer in ¼ sheet of yellow paper.
1. _____________ 2. ____________ 3. _____________

4. ______________ 5. ____________

The teacher will divide the class into 3 groups. Each group will pick scrambled letter
and they need to arrange it in 2 minutes.

1. R O N E Z F S H I F

2. S H R E F F S H I

3. H E L L S S E H F

D. Application


The teacher will let the student to answer the following items.

Direction: Match a column A with column B. Write your answer in a ½ sheet of yellow
Column A Column B

1. Fish with fins and internal a. Shellfish

b. Fin fish
c. Fillets
2. Fish with external shells but no d. Whole or round
internal bone structure e. drawn
3. Viscera removed
4. Completely intact, as caught
5. Boneless side of fish, with or
without skin


Teacher will divide into 3 groups. Each group will right down the parts of fish in Manila

E. Generalization

The sum up the lesson the teacher will present a template of an organizational charts that
indicates the 4 classification of seafood. Then let the student organize the classification of
seafood base on the parts of fish and shellfish.

IV – Evaluation

The teacher will let the students answer the following items.

Multiple Choice
Directions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter that best answer.

1. Which kind of fish has no internal bone structure?

a. Fin fish
b. Freshwater fish
c. Round fish
2. Which of the following fish is high in fat?
a. Bass
b. Cod
c. Trout
d. Tuna
3. Which of the following fish is low in fat
a. Cod
b. Salmon
c. Mackerel
d. Red Snapper
4. Which market form of fish viscera, head, tail and fins are removed?
a. Butterfly
b. Dressed
c. Fillet
d. Steak
5. Which of the following is a freshwater fish?
a. Bluefish
b. Cat fish
c. Grouper
d. Sole
6. Which market form of fish are both sides of a fish tail joined but bones are removed?
a. Butterfly
b. Drawn
c. Fillet
d. Steak
II- Enumeration
What are the four varieties of storing food?

V – Assignment

 Search and advance study the variety of stocks.

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