Giuation: Depurtment

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Arpubtit ot Oe ?Dilippines
Depurtment of Giuation

No. , s.2O22

IO Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Minister, Basic, Higher and Technical Education, BARMM
Bureau and Serrrice Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned

1. Republic Act (RA) No. 1O588, otherwise known as the Palarong Ponbansa
Act of 2O13, and its Implementing Rules arrd Regulation (IRR) provided for the
following composition of th'e Palarong Pam-bansa Board:

a. Secretary of tJ:e Department of Education (DepEd) as Chairperson

b. Four Undersecretaries of DepEd to be identjlied by tJle Secretary,
c. Three Assistant Secretaries of DepEd to be identified by tJ e
d. Secretary of the Department of Interior and Local Government
(DILG), and
e. Chairman of the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC).

2. With the new DepEd administration at the hekn and the recent appointments
of new undersecretaries and assistant secretaries, the members o{ t}re Palarong
Pambansa Board is reconstituted.

3. To conform with tlle provisions of RA 1O588 and its IRR, the representation of
DepEd to the Palarorry Pambansa Board. is changed as follows:

Chairperson Honorable Vice President and DepEd Secretary

Members Undersecretary/ Chief of Staff
Undersecretary for Governance and Field
Undersecretar5r for Administration
Undersecretarlr for Finance
Assistant Secretar5l for Governance and Field
Assistant Secretary for Legal Affairs
Assistant Secretar5r for Curriculum and

D€pEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City f6OO

p 4633-7 2Oa / 4633 -7 224 I 4632- 1361 f 4636-4476 /4637 -6209 a
4. Assistant Secretary Francis Cesar B. Bringas is designated as Palarong
Pambansa Secretary-General pursuant to OIIice Order No. OO-OSEC-2O22-O6O
titled Derlgaatlon of DepEd Representatives to Inter-Agency Bodles, Boards,
Couacllc, aad Commlttees.

5, Ftrrther, to ensure t]lat the support sersices to the Palarong Pannba nsa Board,
for tJre implementation of its functions are provided and activities leading to the
conduct of the Palarong Pambansa as may be assigned by the Board through the
Secretar5r-General are performed effectively, as stipulated in Section 10, Rule II of
the IRR ofRA 10588, tlle Palarong Pannba nsa Secretariat is reconstituted as follows:

a. Existing personnel from the Palarong Pambansa Secretariat,

b. Four personnel from the Bureau of learner Support Services-
School Sports Division (BLSS-SSD),
c. One personnel from the Finance Service-Accounting Division,
d. One personnel from the Finance Service-Budget Division,
e. One personnel from the Administrative Service4ash Division,
f, One personnel from DILG, and
g. One personnel from PSC.

6. Ms. Marivic B. Tolitol, Supervising Education Program Specialist of BLSS-

SSD, is desigrrated to oversee the Palarortg Pannbansa Secretariat, pursuant to OIEce
Order No. OO-OSEC-2022-O75 titled Derlgnatlon of Ms. [arlvlc B. Tolltol ar
OfEcer-ln-Charge of t}.e Palarong PanbansaAecretarlat uader thc Omce of the
Undersecretaty for Goveraance and Fleld Opentlons.

7. All provisions in DepEd Memoranda (DM), particularly DM OO7, s. 2O20 tifled

Chaage h the Represertatlo[ of the DePartmeat of Educatloa Palarong
Panbl:nsaBoard, and other related issuances inconsistent with this Memorandum
are repealed, rescinded, and modified accordingly.

8. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired'

By Authority of the Secretar5r:

Undersecref and Chief

References: DepEd Memorandum (No. OO7, s. 202O)

Office Orders (OO-OSEC-2O22-O60 and OO-OSEC-2O22-O75)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under tJ:e following subjects:


MCR,APAMPC, DM-Rccon.titutinr of thc Palaroo! Pepbensa...

t)369 - NovcEbcr 21, 2022

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