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Total points49/50
1. A BEmONC-capable facility can perform the following obstetric functions EXCEPT: *

a. Blood banking and blood transfusion

b. Parenteral administration of oxytocin in the third stage of labor
c. Parenteral administration of loading dose of anticonvulsants
d. Manual removal of retained placenta

2. A CEmONC-capable facility can perform which of the following obstetric
functions? *

a. Performance of assisted deliveries

b. Removal of retained products of conception
c. Caesarean delivery services
d. All of the above
3. Darrella, 23 years old, is five months pregnant. She visited the RHU on February
2020 for her first tetanus toxoid immunization. In what month is expected to receive
her second tetanus toxoid, following the recommended schedule by the DOH? *

a. April 2020
b. September 2020
c. August 2020
d. March 2020
4. Marla was 25 years old and 6 months pregnant. She visited the RHU on April 2020,
during the 6th month of her pregnancy and received her first TT injection. The second
injection was scheduled one month after but Marla failed to return for that injection.
Two years later, April 2022, Marla is again pregnant with her 2nd child and given
another TT injection. This injection will now be considered as what? *

a. TT1
b. TT2
c. TT3
d. TT4

5. In order to maintain the potency of vaccines appropriate temperature has to be
maintained. Which of the following adheres to the guidelines of cold chain
management? *

a. OPV stored at temp of +2 to +8 degree C

b. MMR and Rotavirus Vaccine stored at temp of +2 to +8 degree C
c. MMR and OPV stored at temperature -15 to -25 degree C
d. BCG and Hepa B stored at temperature of -15 to 25 degree C

6. The nurse explains to the client that she will need to take vitamins with iron during
her pregnancy. The nurse suggests that the absorption of supplemental iron can be
increased by taking with: *

a. Milk
b. Grape juice
c. Hot chocolate
d. Orange juice
7. The nurse instructs the client about the need for increased folic acid in her diet. The
nurse should instruct the client that she should eat more. *

a. Spinach
b. Bananas
c. Carrots
d. Yogurt

8. The nurse instructs the client about the importance of sufficient vitamin A in her
diet. The nurse knows that the instructions have been effective when the client
indicates that she should include. *

a. Beans and nuts

b. Mushrooms and melons
c. Spinach and squash
d. Citrus fruits and tomatoes

9. A 2-week old baby was brought to the health center for his first immunization.
Which can be given to him? *

A. Rotavirus vaccine
B. Oral Polio Vaccine
C. Infant BCG
D. Tetanus toxoid

10. Which of the following vaccines should be stored in the freezer? *

A. Pentavalent Vaccine
B. Oral polio vaccine
C. Measles vaccine

11. Vaccines that are recommended to be administered at birth based on the
expanded program in immunization are: *

a. BCG and MMR vaccine

b. BCG and Hepatitis B vaccine
c. Rotavirus and Anti-measles vaccine
d. BCG only

12. This vaccine content is derived from RNA recombinants: *

a. Oral Polio Vaccine

b. Measles
c. Hepatitis B
d. BCG

13. This is a freeze-dried vaccine with the appropriate temperature storage of +2 to
+8°Celsius: *

a. Rotavirus Vaccine
b. MMR
c. Tetanus toxoid
d. Pentavalent

14. The normal and expected side-effect of the BCG vaccine is: *

a. Koch’s phenomenon
b. deep abscess
c. fever
d. ulceration

15. Which of the following tetanus toxoid gives 99% protection and ten years
protection of the mother? *

a. TT2
b. TT3
c. TT4
d. TT1
16. Tetanus toxoid is to be given to pregnant mothers. Which dose gives 5 years
protection to the mother and 95% protection? *

a. 1st dose
b. 3rd dose
c. 2nd dose
d. any of these

17. Tetanus toxoid 3 is preferably given during this time: *

a. any time during pregnancy

b. one month after TT1
c. 6 months after TT2
d. four months after TT1

18. Life-long immunity for tetanus is achieved by a woman after: *

a. 3 pregnancies
b. 2 doses during pregnancy
c. 3 booster doses
d. fourth tetanus toxoid

19. The initial and normal skin reaction after giving BCG vaccination is called: *

a. Reddening
b. Ulceration
c. Wheal formation
d. Swelling

20. Baby James received BCG vaccine. What type of immunity does this provide? *

a. Natural-active
b. Natural-Passive
c. Artificial-Active
d. Artificial-Passive

21. It provides for mandatory immunization for infants and children below five years of
age: *

a. Natural-active
b. Natural-Passive
c. Artificial-Active
d. Artificial-Passive

22. It provides for compulsory basic immunization against hepatitis B for infants and
children below eight years of age: *

a. Presidential Proclamation # 773

b. Presidential Decree # 996
c. Republic Act 7846
d. Presidential Proclamation # 147

23. Postpartum complication must be avoided through appropriate prenatal
counseling. After delivery, when should be the first post-partum visit? *

a. within 40 hours
b. within 72 hours
c. within 7 days
d. after 24 hour
24. Which of the following is the objective of prenatal care? *

a. To teach pregnant women with mother’s craft

b. To register all pregnant women to avail of family planning services
c. To reach all pregnant women to ensure healthy pregnancy
d. To schedule regular prenatal physical examination

25. Which of the following is used when rendering prenatal care as a guide in
identifying risk factors? *

a. Maternal child health record

b. Home based mother’s record
c. Family based record
d. Home health care record

26. As a midwife, your health teaching to pregnant mothers include prenatal visit
schedule. When should prenatal visits be started? *

a. As soon as there is amenorrhea

b. Every trimester
c. Monthly
d. Every other month

27. A pregnant woman who avails of the pre-natal package must have at least _______
throughout the course of pregnancy. *

a. Two visits
b. Three visits
c. Four visits
d. Five visits

28. The correct dosage of Iron given to a pregnant woman once a day for 6 months
is: *

a. 60 mg
b. 20 mg
c. 100 mg
d. 200 mg

29. Elemental iodine 200mg is given _________ during pregnancy. *

a. Twice
b. Once
c. Every week
d. Every month

30. EINC practices during intrapartum period consists of measures that, based on
scientific evidence, are necessary for safe and quality care of woman during childbirth.
Which is NOT recommended? *

a. Freedom of movement during labor

b. Monitoring progress of labor using the partograph
c. Routine episiotomy
d. Non-routine episiotomy

31. Which of the following is a correct principle in the use of WHO modified
partograph? *

a. The labor graph must always be on the right of the alert line
b. The labor graph must pass thru the action lion
c. Start using the WHO modifies partograph at 4cm cervical dilatation
d. Start using the WHO modifies partograph at 2cm cervical dilatation
32. At the minimum, a BEmONC-capable facility can be operated by a ____________
under the supervision by a rural health physician. *

a. Public health nurse

b. Registered Nurse
c. Registered Midwife
d. Baranggay health worker

33. The rural health midwife palpated the fundus of a pregnant women at the level of
umbilicus, what is the estimated age of gestation? *

a. 12 weeks
b. 13 weeks
c. 20 weeks
d. 36 weeks

34. All the following are part of the pre-natal assessment EXCEPT: *

a. Fundic height measurement

b. Placental location
c. Fetal movement count
d. Weight and BP monitoring

35. In an area with a population of at least 500,000, WHO recommends: *

a. 1 CEmONC-capable facility
b. 2 CEmONC-capable facility
c. 1 BEmONC-capable facility
d. 2 BEmONC-capable facility

36. R.A. 9288 is also known as: *

a. Newborn Screening Act of 2004

b. Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Intervention Act of 2009
c. Expanded Program in Immunization Act
d. Sanitation Code of the Philippines

37. R.A. 9288 provides that newborn screening must be done: *

a. After 4 hours of life, but not later than four days from complete delivery of the newborn
b. After 8 hours of life, but not later than four days from complete delivery of the newborn
c. After 16 hours of life, but not later than three days from complete delivery of the newborn
d. After 24 hours of life, but not later than three days from complete delivery of the newborn
38. This is an inherited condition in which a baby is born without the ability to properly
breakdown an amino acid called phenylalanine: *

a. Galactosemia
b. Phenylketonuria
c. Maple syrup urine disease
d. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

39. Which of the following is not included in the list of congenital metabolic conditions
detected by newborn screening in the Philippines? *

a. Glucose-6-phospharte dehydrogenase
b. Congenital hypothyroidism
c. Congenital hyperthyroidism
d. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

40. Oral Polio Vaccine is in which form? *

a. Freeze dried reconstituted with a special diluent

b. Cloudy, liquid, in an auto-disable injection syringe if available
c. Clear, colorless liquid in a container with an oral applicator
d. Clear, pinkish liquid
41. The room temperature recommended by the Standard Essential Newborn Care
Practices Guidelines during the second stage of labor is: *

a. 16 – 19 degrees Celsius
b. 10 – 11 degrees Celsius
c. 25 – 28 degrees Celsius
d. 37 – 40 degrees Celsius

42. Essential newborn care within the first 30 seconds after birth includes: *

a. Cord clamping and cutting

b. Immediate breastfeeding
c. Drying and providing warmth to the newborn
d. Administration of Vitamin K prophylaxis

43. Which of the following actions is in accordance with the A0 25. s2009? *

a. Putting the newborn on a warm and safe surface close to the mother if the newborn must be
separated from his or her mother
b. Footprinting the newborn within the next 48 hours
c. Routine suctioning of the newborn
d. Milking the umbilical cord towards the newborn

44. Essential newborn care within 90 minutes include all the following EXCEPT: *
a. Leaving the newborn on the mothers chest in skin-to-skin contact
b. Counselling the mother on positioning and attachment during breastfeeding
c. Observing the newborn for feeding cues
d. Providing glucose water, bottles and pacifiers as needed
45. Essential non-immediate newborn care from 90 minutes to 6 hours includes all the
following EXCEPT: *

a. Administration of Hep B Vaccine

b. Administration of Tetanus Toxoid
c. Administration of BCG Vaccine
d. Administration of Vit K prophylaxis

46. All of the following are correct principles in the performance of Leopold’s
maneuver EXCEPT: *

a. Drape the pregnant woman to provide privacy

b. Warm the hands
c. Use the palms of the hand before palpating
d. Use the fingers to palpate for the fetal head
47. When performing Leopols’s maneuver Number 2, the nurse palpated a hard, and
smooth plain on the right side of the pregnant woman’s abdomen, where should the
nurse auscultate for the fetal heart rate? *

a. Left side of the woman’s abdomen

b. Right side of the woman’s abdomen
c. Either side of the woman’s abdomen
d. Left lower quadrant of the woman’s abdomen

48. The nurse performs the fundal grip to determine the: *
a. Fetal presentation
b. Fetal position
c. Fetal lie
d. Fetal attitude

49. In performing Leopold’s Maneuver, engagement of the fetal head to the maternal
pelvis could be determined by performing the: *

a. Fundal grip
b. Umbilical grip
c. Pawlik’s grip
d. Pelvic grip

50. A pregnant woman’s last menstrual period was from April 20 - April 24, 2021. What
is her estimated date of confinement? *

a. January 27, 2022

b. January 31, 2022
c. February 7, 2022
d. February 6, 2022

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