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Nama : Kurnia Sariputri

NIM : 22.14201.91.34.P

Kelas : RB2

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

1. Please choose the best aswer from the following options.

Scratch  Climb  Take  Operate  Save

  Send      Meet  Write  Arrange   Put

1.She Climb the wall with 20 M in high every Saturday

2.The secretary Arrange The schedule with client at 17.00

3.She doesn’t Send Those latters in time

4.My brother and i usually Save Our money to BRI

5.Does Mr. Yusuf Meet His client at 8 today?

6.The author Write Well this novel

7.My cat usually Scratch My carpet

8.Please, Put Your bags in the table, please

9.The operators Operate Their computer from different room of us

10.I Take my breakfast before i go to school

2. Please make the conversation about offering some help or asking for help
Sissy: Uh, I have a stomachache.
Randy: What happened, Sissy? Are you little bit unwell?
Sissy: Yeah, I think so.
Randy: It sounds bad, do you need any help to take some medicine?
Sissy: That’s very good of you. Please take some medicine in my bedroom.
Randy: Oke, Here’s the medicine.
Sissy: Thank you

A few minute later….

Sissy: Randy, I feel worse. Can you help me? It will be good if you take me to the
Randy: I am afraid I can't do it. I haven't driven a car with manual transmission in a long
time. Don’t worry, I’ll call a taxi.
Sissy: Oke, thank you.
Randy: No problem, Sissy.

3. Please give the advice or suggestion for the following problems bellow, you can suggest to
government, society, etc
1. there was natural disaster in Cianjur currently
2. the air pollution raising everyday and harmful to life
3. one of your friend has problem in making the assignment
1. We could provide assistance to people affected by that disaster.
2. We should reduce the use of private vehicles and use more public transportation to
reduce the air polution.
3. Why don't you ask me to help you in doing assignment

4. Nowadays so many interesting place which provide kinds of food such as fast food,
healthy food, etc. what do you think about fast food for our health?
Fast food is one type of food that has many fans. This food can cause health problems, but
it doesn't dampen the enthusiasm of fast food fans. In my opinion, fast food can make us
always hungry, therefore you are always tempted to buy and eat this food and of course it
is bad for your health, because almost all fast food contains high saturated fat. Then it can
be addictive, if you stop consuming it it can make you feel sad and depressed. Therefore
you feel you have to consume it constantly to make you feel happy. And can spend a lot of
money fast food prices are a bit expensive in some countries can spend money because, if
you buy it too often. It turns out that, apart from not being good for health, fast food can
also cause problems for your economic situation.

5. Please make short dialogue which are consists of greetings, small talk, and farewell
Wahyu: Good morning, can i talk to Indra?
Mom: Good morning. Yes of course, please come in

A few minute later….

Indra: Hi Wahyu
Wahyu : Hi Indra.. how are you?
Indra: I’m good, how about you wahyu?
Wahyu: I’m very well.
Indra: What’s up?
Wahyu: I want to give you Diana’s birthday party invitation.
Indra: Thank you.
Wahyu: I’m sorry, I must be going now.
Indra: Can you stay little longer?
Wahyu: I’m sorry, my mother is waiting for me at home.
Indra: Thank you so much for coming
Wahyu: You are welcome. Good bye. See you tomorrow.
Indra: Good bye. See you tomorrow at Diana’s birthday party

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