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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 loc. 2121 / 2221

E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Engineering-Department of Mechanical Engineering

First Semester, AY 2022-2023

Course Code ENGG 414

Course Title Numerical Methods
Date 12/10/22
Time 10:15am – 12:15pm

Name of Student

ILOs Questions Points
1. Multiple choices 20
1 Part 1: 1-10 20
2. Problem Solving 30
2 Part 2: 1-3 30


Instructions to Students
1. Answer all the questions given.
2. The examination has two parts.
3. Read the direction of each part. Not following
the direction will consider wrong.
4. This is a closed book examination; no notes are permitted.
5. Any form of cheating will mean a grade of 0 in this exam.
6. Severe disciplinary action will be taken against those caught violating examination rule.
Prepared by: Moderated by:

Engr. Raniel Dave Flores Engr. Jomel Rebulado

Instructor Moderator

Date:12-07-22 Date: 12/08/22

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives


Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer before each number. 2points each.

1. The process of finding the values inside the interval is called ____________.
a. Interpolation
b. Extrapolation
c. Iteration
d. Polynomial equation

2. The Newton forward interpolation formula is used for ______________ intervals.

a. Open
b. Unequal
c. Equal
d. Closed

3. The number of polynomials that can go through two fixed data points (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2) is
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. infinite

4. Which of the following is used to solve Numerical Integration problems?

a. Runge-Kutta method
b. Euler’s method
c. Simpson’s 1/3 rule
d. Taylor’s series

5. Polynomials are the most commonly used functions for interpolation because they are easy to
a. Evaluate
b. Differentiate
c. Integrate
d. Evaluate, differentiate and integrate

6. The highest order of polynomial integrand for which Simpson’s 1/3 rule of integration is exact is
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Fourth

7. Identify the correct statement from the following:

a. If the unequally spaced arguments are given, only then Lagrange interpolation is used.
b. If the equally spaced arguments are given, only then Lagrange interpolation is used
c. Lagrange interpolation formula can be used for both equally and unequally spaced arguments.
d. If the equally spaced functions are given, only then the Lagrange interpolation is used.

8. Which of the following formula is not used in interpolation?

a. Lagrange Formula
b. Newton’s forward difference formula
c. Newton’s divided difference formula
d. Least square approximation formula

9. Simpson’s Rule is a numerical method that _______________.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

a. Approximates the value of a definite integral by using quadratic functions.
b. Approximates value of derivative functions.
c. Used to find the approximate value of differential equation.
d. Used to find the approximate root of the polynomial equations.

10. Which of the following assumptions are correct?

i. The trapezoidal rule requires division of any numbers of sub-intervals.
ii. In Simpson’s 1/3 rule, requires the division of even numbers of sub-intervals.
iii. In Simpson’s 3/8 rule, requires the division of numbers of sub-intervals as a multiple
of 6.

a. All of the above are correct.

b. i and ii only.
c. ii and iii only.
d. i and iii only.


Solve the following questions completely. For ease of computation, you may write only up to 4
decimal places in the solution but substitute the whole value in the computation. Use Shift-Store function
of your calculator, for us to have uniform answers. Double BOX the final answer(s).

Question 1 (Mapped to ILO2)

 Find the solution to the equation using simpsons rule with an lower and upper limit of 1
and 4 respectively. Find also its exact error, and show its graphical representation.
10 pts.

Question 2 (Mapped to ILO2)

 Approximate the area beneath y = sin x on the interval [o, π] using the Trapezoidal Rule
with n = 4 trapezoids.
10 pts.

Question 3 (Mapped to ILO2)

 Fit a straight line to the x and y in terms of weight and height in the first two columns.

Weight Height
140 60
155 62
159 67
179 70
192 71
200 72

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

212 75
10 pts


Rubrics for Problem Solving:

Aspect Definition

Concepts and Applications The student is able to understand what the

problem was asking and knew how to go about
solving it.

Strategies and Approaches The strategy that made sense. The student was
able to get the answer without getting confused.
The student look for easiest way to approach the

Accuracy The student completed the problem correctly in

one way. There may be small errors, but by
answer is generally accurate

Representation and Communication The solution of the student is clear and easy to

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives

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