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REGN35P Skills Lab

Front loading Activities 1/21/22

Directions: During the course of the next six hours, the student will review the following:
 Clinical Expectations
 Medication Math
 IV Insertion
 IV Push Meds
 Primary and Secondary Infusions
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the class will be broken into six groups of five (approximate) students. Please note all participants must maintain social distancing and your assigned
room number list the maximum number of students allowed in each room.

Faculty 10-1030 1030-1130 1130-1230 1230-1300 1300-1400 1400-1430 1430-1530 1530-1630

Dr. Boucher Clinical Clinical Expectations Clinical Lunch Med Math Break Med math Independent Practice
8218 Introduction Group 1,2,3 Expectations Group 1,2,3 Group 4,5,6 with teacher assistance.
All Group 4,5,6
Students Med Math and Clinical
8218/8220 Questions

TBA Skills lab Primary and Primary and Lunch IV Push- Medication Break IV Push- Medication Independent Practice
8221 setup with Secondary Infusions Secondary Infusions Reconstitution, Reconstitution, with teacher assistance.
Lynette Group 4 Group 2 Administration, and Administration, and
Crowe Joe King Joe King Carpujects Carpujects IV Insertion, IV Push, IV
Group 4 Group 3 Pumps
faculty Sue Ridge Sue Ridge

TBA Skills lab Primary and Primary and Lunch IV Push- Medication Break IV Push- Medication Independent Practice
8223 setup with Secondary Infusions Secondary Infusions Reconstitution, Reconstitution, with teacher assistance.
Lynette Group 5 Group 3 Administration, and Administration, and
Crowe Joe King Joe King Carpujects Carpujects IV Insertion, IV Push, IV
Group 5 Group 2 Pumps
faculty Sue Ridge Sue Ridge

TBA Skills lab Primary and Primary and Lunch IV Push- Medication Break IV Push- Medication Independent Practice
8214 setup with Secondary Infusions Secondary Infusions Reconstitution, Reconstitution, with teacher assistance.
Lynette Group 6 Group 1 Administration, and Administration, and
Crowe Joe King Joe King Carpujects Carpujects IV Insertion, IV Push, IV
Group 6 Group 1 Pumps
Faculty Sue Ridge Sue Ridge
REGN35P Skills Lab
Front loading Activities 1/21/22

Student Groups

Group 1 Group 2 Group3

Jennifer Berglund Andrea Davis Ashliy Howerton
Margaret Gray Maria Gutierrez Keri Mack-Walker
Jami Jones Stephen Horan Alexandra Ochsner
Sarah Oertel Karyn Layton Daniell Rosch

Group 4 Group 5 Group 6

Patrick Dougherty Erika Barber Shelby Steffen
Alberta Haynes Chelsea Camacho Nyoua Vang
Sara Maennche Kristen Hill Amanda Windle
Rachael Mallamo Cortney Norton Aleigh Miller

IV Insertion and Infusion Pumps- DocuCare Joe King

By the end of this simulation experience the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate how to navigate DocuCare for medication administration.
2. Demonstrate how to insert an IV using proper clean technique.
3. Compare and contrast primary vs secondary IV infusions.
4. Program an IV pump for primary and secondary infusions.
REGN35P Skills Lab
Front loading Activities 1/21/22

5. Discuss the meaning and significance of the terms primary IV, secondary IV, and VTBI.

IV Insertion
 Student will insert a peripheral line, flush the line with 10mL of normal with a saline lock. Students will need to discuss all important factors
related to the medication with their instructor.
IV Drips

 Students will start a primary IV infusion of 50 mL per hour with a VTBI of 25mL. The student will then increase the rate to 100 mL per hour,
decrease the rate to 10 ML per hour (KVO).
 The student will administer an antibiotic- Zosyn 3.375mg in 50 ML to be administered over 4 hours. Students will need to manually calculate
the rate and program the secondary infusion. Students will also need to discuss Zosyn with their instructor in regard to medication class,
dose, side effects, and nursing considerations associated with the medication.

IV Push- Medication Reconstitution, Administration, and Carpujects- DocuCare Sue Ridge

By the end of this simulation experience the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate how to reconstitute an IV medication.
2. Demonstrate how to navigate DocuCare for medication administration.
3. Describe and demonstrate how to dispense a reconstituted medication using proper IV push technique.
4. Demonstrate the proper use of a Carpuject holder when administering medications via a Carpuject.
REGN35P Skills Lab
Front loading Activities 1/21/22

5. Discuss pertinent medication information related to administered medications in relation to medication class, dose, side effects, and nursing

Directions: Students will administer and administer the following medications following safe nursing practices. All medications will be administered
into medication bins using clean IVP technique.
IV Push
• Order: Protonix 40 mg IV Push now.

PROTONIX I.V. for Injection should be administered intravenously. PROTONIX I.V. for Injection should be reconstituted with 10 mL of 0.9% Sodium
Chloride Injection, USP, per vial to a final concentration of approximately 4 mg/mL.
• Order: Hydromorphone 2mg IV Push Now.

Student will insert a peripheral line, flush the line with 10mL of normal saline, and administer Hydromorphone 2 mg using a Carpuject via IV push.
Students will need to discuss all important factors related to the medication with their instructor.

Independent Practice
• Lon Moore
• DocuCare Practice Activity
• IV Skills Laura Lynn Hardy

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