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BSCS – 1E Communication Skills

1. What are the advantages of face-to-face communication over virtual

communication in the workplace?

- Some of the advantages of having a face-to-face communication over virtual

communication in the workplace is you can understand the message of your
co-worker better. An f2f communication can also contribute and strengthen
your relationship to your co-workers unlike in virtual it feels like you are just a
robot communicating to each other. This can also lessen or avoid a
misunderstanding in communication or quickly managed the misunderstanding
since the person you are talking to is in front you.

2. What are the advantages of virtual communication over face to face


- Virtual communication can help some certain type of people that has skills but
having a trouble of communicating in person, aside from that it can also help to
aid other people problem when it comes to focusing and being productive.
Other advantages of this type of communication that is kind of irrelevant is we
can avoid dangers from outside especially this pandemic, even though it is not
chaotic as this past two year we are still not sure where and who has the virus.
We can also add as the advantage of virtual communication that the fact that
we can talk to anyone anywhere anytime.

3. Which do you prefer, virtual communication or face to face

communication? Why?

- I prefer face to face communication or interaction, aside from my claims in my

answer in the first question I believed that experience in face to face is different
but more effective than Virtually therefore I would say that face to face has the
upper hand in communication.

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