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A. State your expresstions for the following situation

1. Congratulation rina for passing your exam

2. Congratulation on your big success
3. Congratulation and best wishes on your achievement.
4. Congratulation for your graduation
5. I feel so blessed to have so many great things in my life; and the best among them
is you. Happy mother's day

B. Make a short dialogue based on the situations on part A

(buatlah dilaog singkat berdasarkan situai pada part A)
Putra : Hello rian.
Rian : Hello putra, i heard that you got a sholarship to australia.
so, Congratulation and best wishes on your achievement.
i am so proud to be your friend
Putra : thakyou so much rian

3.5.2 Greeting card

1. Retno’s friends at VIIID
2. Retno was sick
3. bacause they are missing retno

LKPD 3.6
LKPD 3.6.1
A. Put in much or many
1. Do you buy much food
2. we don’t have many bananas left
3. There aren’t many swimming pools in this town
4. i don’t have much money
5. i have many friends in this school
6. How many people who are coming to help us ?
7. How many packs of noodles are there?
8. How much rice do the people want to give?
9. How much water do the victims need?
10. How many tents do we have ?

B. Answer the questions with a little or a few!

(pertanyaan dijawab dengan a litte atau a few)
1. A: do you have any new novels?
B: yess, a few
2. A: Do you want honey in your tea?
B: yes, a little
3. A: Did you meet any climbers when you hiked up the mountain?
B: yes, a few
4. A: Do you speak japanese ?
B: yes, a little
5. A: Are there any parks in this town?
B: yes, a few

C. Put in little/a little, few/a few!

1. A: Would you like some soup
B : yes,a little
2. i wan to vsisit many places in indonesia, but i have little opportunities
3. The bus service isn’t very good at night. there are few buses after 9 o’clock
4. i can’t decide now. i need a little time to think abou it.
5. the town is very quiet at night. a few people go out

LKPD 3.6.2
Fill in the blanks with is or are
1. There are many students in the yard
2. is there any sugar in the jar
3. There is not any fish in the pond
4. Hey! go home now. there is not any lesson today
5. There is a little salt in the can
6. There are many trees at my school
7. i am hungry. but there is no food left
8. My mother is at home. there are many works to do

D. Rearrange the sentence below into correct order!

1. i am happy for you
2. we are proud of you
3. congratulations on your success as the winner of the writing contest
4. congratulations
5. thankyou for being great teacher for us

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