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Class: ____ Name: ______________________________________ Roll No: _____

Dear Students,
The much-awaited festival of light is here. Diwali, also known as
Deepavali, is celebrated across India with great enthusiasm as it
symbolises the victory of good over evil. Derived from the Sanskrit word
‘Dipavali’, which means a row of lights, it has been celebrated since time
immemorial.Diwali is celebrated 20 days after Lord Ram killed Ravana
and rescued Sita from captivity in Lanka.
The celebration marks the return of Lord Ram to Ayodha after 14 years of exile. To welcome Lord Rama, Sita and
Laxman, the entire city was decorated with diyas (earthen lamps) to welcome their king. Since then this day
signies the advent of light, wisdom and prosperity to our homes.
‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’ and none can explain this better than people who celebrate Diwali. The
preparation for this grand festival starts much ahead with people cleaning and decorating their places with
owers, lamps, lights and rangolis.
Although it is a tradition to burst crackers on Diwali, we should do so with care and caution. We should aim to
celebrate Diwali in an eco-friendly way and respect nature. So let us light diyas, decorate our house and
surroundings with fairy lights and spend some magical days with friends and family.“May the charm of
shimmering diyas and lamps make this diwali the best one for you”.

Wishing you a joyous festival. Happy Diwali .

SCHOOL At & Post. Baben, Opposite Avadh Life Style
Tal : Bardoli, Dist : Surat, Gujarat.
02622 - 225542/43
+91 91575 44555
Dear Children,

Diwali Vacations are here, and holidays are a well-deserved

opportunity to relax and rewind by indulging in activities that are
pleasurable at the same time educative. We are sure you enjoyed and
learned a lot during Term-1. Now you are ready to revel in the
festivities of your Diwali break.

As much as the rest and rejuvenation is required, we know that

staying in touch with your academics is crucial to retain what you
have learned in Term-1. And it is to keep you constructively involved,
we have planned a creative and meaningful Assignment for you. It will
not only enable you to recapitulate what was taught but will also help
you to connect yourself to the various learning processes.

Engage yourself whole heartedly as you will learn a lot through it.
Practice your hobbies or inculcate new areas of interest. Do a lot of
Reading-can be newspapers, magazines, books or novels, in order to
equip yourself with the information and facts to be used as content in
General Instructions:
 All the work should be hand-written.

 Original drawings / illustrations and creative use of material will be appreciated.

 These assignments are a part of the Multiple Assessment for Term-2 and will be evaluated for all the
subjects on the following parameters.

 Idea and Content  Presentation

 Innovativeness  Creativity
 Ability to answer the questions

‘’ The vacation days will be over soon. And we will pick up right where we left off!!! ’’
Happy Learning to You All!

Subject Assignment
English Write a paragraph and paste pictures on food dishes (any 5)
prepared in Diwali . Make a creative page of it in English
Mathematics • Make a chart of all Profit and Loss Formula’s
• Find the difference between Simple Interest And
Compound Interest with the help of an example.
• (On a A4 size chart paper)
Science 1. Draw the fig. 5.5 from the pg. No. 83 of the products of
petroleum refining (on A4 sheet from your Textbook)
2. Draw the flow chart from Pg. No. 131 of the different
stages of reproduction in human beings. (on A4 sheet
from your Textbook)
Social Studies Collect the pictures of any ten Members of Constituent
Assembly from different states and paste them on a chart
paper, highlighting their states and their contribution
towards our country.
2 Lang Hindi ‘शिक्षा का अधिकार’ विषय पर नारा लेखन |
( नारा लेखन नोट बुक में ही शलखेंगे | नारा लेखन के साथ में
धित्र भी बना सकते है | )
2 Lang Gujarati તમારા બધાના ઘરે જુદા જુદા સમાચાર પત્ર આવતા હોય
છે .સમાચાર પત્રમાાં જુદી જુદી પુર્તિ આવતી હોય છે .તેમા બાળકો
માટે પણ પ ૂર્તિ આવે છે .તેમા ચચત્ર વતાા આવે છે . આવી વાતાા
પ્રેરણારૂપ હોય છે . તેવી કોઈ પણ એક ચચત્ર વાતાા તમારી ગુજરાતી
ની નોટબુકમાાં લખો.

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W e all have heard inspiring stories of great

people who have changed the course of
history through their actions. But did you
ever hear the tales of the great flies or spiders who inspired
great actions? I bet you've heard at least the first one.
Right, here you go…..

Y ou surely know the famous spiderman. But before

becoming a superhero he was quite a mediocre
American teenager named Peter Parker. His life
changed completely on the day when he was bitten by a
radioactive spider. He soon realizes that this bite has
changed him into a superhuman with extraordinary
strength, speed, and sprightliness and most astonishingly
he can now walk, hang, and cling to the walls like a spider.

ur second story is a bit older than that. Robert the
Bruce was the King of Scots who led Scotland to
victory in the First War of Independence against the
English. But as great as it sounds, this was no easy feat for the
King. His armies were repeatedly defeated by the enemy and he
was forced to flee and take shelter in a cave.With diminished
power and spirits, Robert while sitting in that cave saw a spider
trying to weave a web to the ceiling. The web broke again and
again and the spider kept on trying. This caught the king's
attention and he was intrigued by this small creature's
perseverance. At last the web became strong enough to hold
and the spider succeeded.
Robert the Bruce took this as a message from the universe and decided to keep on trying till
he got victorious . That small spider in the cave inspired the mighty king to face his enemies
once again and he gathered his army once again to lead it to a glorious success.
The victory finally came for him in 1314 against England in the battle of Bannockburn.
Robert the Bruce and his army marched ahead from here and Scotland attained its
independence in 1328.
A capacity, and taste, for reading gives access to whatever
has already been discovered by others. —Abraham Lincoln

R ené Descartes was a French mathematician

and philosopher, born in France. He was
schooled at home till he was 8, and then he
got admitted to the Jesuit college of La Flèche where
he studied Mathematics and philosophy along with
languages, literature & logic. Descartes showed great
promise since the beginning, especially in
mathematics. Due to his delicate health, he was
allowed to stay in bed till late morning, a habit he
would continue almost his entire life. Descartes's
interest in the pursuit of learning kept him ahead
despite missing the morning lessons.

On one such morning Descartes noticed a fly moving across the ceiling of his bedroom. As
he watched the insect, Descartes began to think of how the fly's position or path could be
described with respect to the sides of the room. The tiled ceiling gave him the idea we now
know as 'rectangular axes' and this single thought led to the combining of algebra with
geometry, aka coordinate geometry. Rene Descartes envisaged a bridge between algebra
and geometry which paved the way for extraordinary progress in the fields mathematics
and natural sciences. This revolutionary work changed the course of scientific progress
forever, not only by showing a new path but by introducing a new way to think and reach
to the truth. And see the whole thing started just because of a fly.

“Cogito ergo sum. (I think, therefore I am.)”

- René Descartes

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