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Laboratory Exercise


Samantha Joyce C. Estoquia


 Open the text file named Data_Insert. Execute the following commands
by copying the contents of the file and pasting it to the query section of
the website then click Run. The commands that have been executed will
automatically insert the data that will be used for this exercise. See the
table below.

 Medusa and Leshrac made a ₱1000 payment to the cashier on July 21,
2020. Write queries that will demonstrate this transaction and follows
the tables’ schema. Note: Every Transaction should have a BEGIN
TRANSACTION in the first line of the statement while ROLLBACK or
COMMIT to end the execution of the transaction.
Laboratory Exercise

 Lina made a full payment to her tuition fee on July 28, 2020. After a few
minutes, the cashier found out that she had mistakenly encoded the
payment to Slark. Write queries that will demonstrate the entire
transaction that has been described, including the cashier’s unwanted
mistake. Note: You can use the ROLLBACK command to undo the
cashier’s unwanted mistake and create another transaction for the next
Laboratory Exercise

 Medusa wants to settle her remaining balance through an online

payment. She tried to make a payment on August 1, 2020, through
transferring her funds, but the payment did not successfully proceed.
The system displays a message: “The transaction could not proceed, the
payment that has been received is overpaid. Please try again.” Write a
query that will demonstrate the entire transaction that has been
Laboratory Exercise

 Slark has learned and acquired the discount offered by the school. He
can pay his tuition with less than 15% if he makes full payment on
August 5, 2020. Slark decided to grab the discounted tuition and make
the required payment. Write a query that will demonstrate the entire
transaction that has been described.

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