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Battle Brothers • 500pts

Master Brot her [1] - 125pts Batt le Brot her [1] - 35pts Support Brot her [1] - 80pts

Quality 3+ De fe nse 3+ Tough 3 Quality 3+ De fe nse 3+ Quality 3+ De fe nse 3+

Fearles s , H ero, Tou gh (3), Veteran In fan tr y, 1x Fearles s Fearles s , Relen tles s
En gin eer(Repair)
CCW - A1 - - CCW - A1 - -
He a vy Rifle 24" A1 1 -
Pla s m a Rifle 24" A1 4 - Mis s ile Deadly(3),  Lock-
30" A1 2
Fla m e r-Mod 6" A6 - - La u n ch e r On

En e rgy
- A1 - Blas t(3) 2x Batt le Brot her [1] - 30pts
Ha m m e r
Batt le Brot hers Psychic Spells
Quality 3+ De fe nse 3+
Bubliotecario [1] - 90pts Blurred Sight (4+): Target 2 enemy units
Fearles s
within 12” get -1 to hit next time they shoot.
Quality De fe nse Tough We a pon RNG ATK AP SPE
4+ 4+ 3
CCW - A1 - - Psychic Terro r (4+): Target enemy unit within
Fearles s , H ero, Strider, Tou gh (3), 1x
6” takes 3 hits with AP(2).
Arch ivis t(Ps ych ic(1)) He a vy Rifle 24" A1 1 -

We a pon RNG ATK AP SPE Cursed Gro und (5+): Target 2 enemy units
G ra vity Pistol 12" A3 - Ren din g Batt le Brot her [1] - 40pts within 6” get -2" next time they Advance, or -4"
next time they Charge/Rush.
En e rgy Sword - A2 1 Ren din g
Quality 3+ De fe nse 3+
Fearles s Cerebral Trauma (5+): Target enemy model
Sargento [1] - 70pts within 12” takes 2 hits with AP(4).
Quality 3+ De fe nse 3+ CCW - A1 - - Time Passage (6+): Target friendly unit within
Fearles s , 1x Battle Stan dard(Fear) Fu s ion Rifle 12" A1 4 Deadly(3) 12” gets Impact(1) next time it charges.


Lightning Fo g (6+): Target 2 enemy units
He a vy Rifle 24" A1 1 - within 6” take 8 hits each.
Pla s m a -Mod 12" A1 4 -

En e rgy Sword - A2 1 Ren din g

Special Rules

AP: Targets get -X to Defense rolls when blocking Lo ck-On: Ignores all negative modifiers to hit rolls Rending: Unmodified results of 6 to hit count as
hits. and range. having AP(4), and ignore the regeneration rule.

Blast: Ignores cover and multiplies hits by X, but Psychic: May cast one spell during its activation, Repair: Once per activation, if within 2” of a unit
can’t deal more than one hit per model. May at any point before attacking. Pick a spell and a with Tough, roll one die. On a 2+ you may repair D3
choose to split hits within 3” as if they were target in line of sight, and roll D6+X. If the result is wounds from the target.
attacks. equal or higher than the number in brackets, you Strider: This model may ignore the effects of
Deadly: Assign each wound to one model, and may resolve the effects. Spells may target a single difficult terrain. This model only needs to roll 2+
multiply it by X. Note that these wounds don't unit or split their effects evenly among all friendly for a successful drop, leap or jump.
or enemy units within 6” of a single model (target
carry over to other models if the target is killed. To ugh: This model only rolls to see what happens
picks how). Enemy psychics within 18” and line of
Fear: Always counts as having dealt +D3 wounds from wounds once it has taken at least X wounds,
sight of the caster may roll D6+X at the same time,
when checking wound effects in melee (must deal and if the result is higher the spell is blocked. and is only Knocked Out on rolls of 5+X or more.
at least 1 wound from attacks in order to apply). Psychics may only either try to cast or try to block When Stunned and hit by shooting or charged,
Fearless: Gets +1 to morale tests. a spell each round. this model takes 1 wound instead of being
Knocked Out, unless it already has X or more
Hero : Friendly units within 12” of the hero may Relentless: For each unmodified roll of 6 to hit wounds.
use his quality for morale tests, as long as it isn’t when shooting, this model may roll 1 extra attack.
Stunned. This rule doesn’t apply to newly generated attacks. Veteran Infantry: This model gets +1 to hit rolls
in melee and shooting.
Impact: Deals X melee hits when charging (must
be in striking range).

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