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Battle Brothers • 1980pts

Capitán [1] - 220pts Ref utador 2 [1] - 75pts Exterminadores [3] - 395pts

Quality 3+ De fe nse 3+ Tough 6 Quality 4+ De fe nse 4+ Tough 3 Quality 3+ De fe nse 3+ Tough 3

Fearles s , H ero, Tou gh (3), Veteran In fan tr y, 1x Fearles s , H ero, Strider, Tou gh (3), 1x Cam o Am bu s h , Fearles s , Tou gh (3)
Captain (Advan ced Tactics ), 1x Des troyer Cloak(Stealth )
Arm or(Am bu s h ,  Tou gh (+3))
2x Storm
We a pon RNG ATK AP SPE 24" A3 1 -
He a vy Rifle 24" A1 1 - Rifle s
Storm Rifle 24" A3 1 -
En e rgy Sword - A2 1 Ren din g Min igu n 24" A4 1 -
En e rgy Sword - A2 1 Ren din g
Fu s ion -Mod 6" A1 4 Deadly(3) 2x En e rgy
- A3 4 -

Jef e Bibliotecario [1] - 90pts Assault Brot hers [5] - 205pts

Ch a in -Fist - A2 2 Deadly(3)

Quality 4+ De fe nse 4+ Tough 3 Quality 3+ De fe nse 3+ Batt le Brot hers Psychic Spells
Fearles s , H ero, Strider, Tou gh (3), 1x
Fearles s , Jetpacks (Am bu s h ,  Flyin g)
Arch ivis t(Ps ych ic(1)) Blurred Sight (4+): Target 2 enemy units
We a pon RNG ATK AP SPE within 12” get -1 to hit next time they shoot.
5x CCWs - A2 - -
G ra vity Pistol 12" A3 - Ren din g
2x He a vy Pistols 12" A1 1 - Psychic Terro r (4+): Target enemy unit within
En e rgy Sword - A2 1 Ren din g
6” takes 3 hits with AP(2).
2x Pla s m a Pistols 12" A1 4 -

Fla m e th rowe r 12" A6 - - Cursed Gro und (5+): Target 2 enemy units
Bibliotecario [1] - 85pts
within 6” get -2" next time they Advance, or -4"
Quality 4+ De fe nse 4+ Tough 3 Batt le Brot hers 1 [10] - 370pts next time they Charge/Rush.

Fearles s , H ero, Strider, Tou gh (3), 1x

Quality 3+ De fe nse 3+ Cerebral Trauma (5+): Target enemy model
Arch ivis t(Ps ych ic(1)), 1x Cam o Cloak(Stealth )
within 12” takes 2 hits with AP(4).
We a pon RNG ATK AP SPE Fearles s

He a vy Pistol 12" A1 1 - We a pon RNG ATK AP SPE Time Passage (6+): Target friendly unit within

En e rgy Sword - A2 1 Ren din g 9x CCWs - A1 - - 12” gets Impact(1) next time it charges.

8x He a vy
24" A1 1 - Lightning Fo g (6+): Target 2 enemy units
Rifle s
Padre de Hierro [1] - 95pts within 6” take 8 hits each.
En e rgy
- A2 4 -
Quality De fe nse Tough Fist
4+ 4+ 3
Fu s ion -
Fearles s , H ero, Strider, Tou gh (3), 1x En gin eer(Repair) 6" A1 4 Deadly(3)
Mis s ile Deadly(3),  Lock-
30" A1 2
He a vy Rifle 24" A1 1 - La u n ch e r On

Fla m e r-Mod 6" A6 - - Pla s m a

24" A1 4 -
En e rgy
- A1 - Blas t(3)
Ha m m e r
Batt le Brot hers 2 [10] - 385pts
Ref utador 1 [1] - 60pts
Quality 3+ De fe nse 3+
Quality 4+ De fe nse 4+ Tough 3 Fearles s , 1x Battle Stan dard(Fear)

Fearles s , H ero, Strider, Tou gh (3), 1x Cam o We a pon RNG ATK AP SPE
Cloak(Stealth )
9x CCWs - A1 - -
8x He a vy
24" A1 1 -
He a vy Rifle 24" A1 1 - Rifle s

En e rgy Sword - A2 1 Ren din g Pla s m a

30" A1 4 Blas t(3)
Ca n n on

En e rgy Sword - A2 1 Ren din g

Pla s m a -Mod 12" A1 4 -

Fu s ion Rifle 12" A1 4 Deadly(3)

Special Rules

AP: Targets get -X to Defense rolls when blocking Fearless: Gets +1 to morale tests. Rending: Unmodified results of 6 to hit count as
hits. having AP(4), and ignore the regeneration rule.
Flying: May move through all obstacles, and may
Advanced Tactics: Once per activation, before ignore terrain effects. Repair: Once per activation, if within 2” of a unit
attacking, pick 2 friendly units within 12” of this Hero : May be deployed as part of one friendly with Tough, roll one die. On a 2+ you may repair D3
model, which may move by up to 3” each. unit, which may use its Quality value for morale wounds from the target.

Ambush: This model may be kept in reserve tests. When taking hits, you must use the unit’s Stealth: Enemies get -1 to hit rolls when shooting
instead of deploying. At the start of any round Defense value, until all non-hero models are killed. at this unit.
after the first, you may place the model anywhere, Impact: Deals X melee hits when charging (must Strider: This model may ignore the effects of
over 9” away from enemy units. If both player have be in striking range). difficult terrain.
Ambush, they roll-off to see who deploys first, and
then alternate in placing them. Lo ck-On: Ignores all negative modifiers to hit rolls To ugh: This model must take X wounds before
and range. being killed. If a model with tough joins a unit
Blast: Ignores cover and multiplies hits by X, but without it, then it is removed last when the unit
can’t deal more than one hit per model in the Psychic: May cast one spell during its activation,
takes wounds. Note that you must continue to put
target unit. at any point before attacking. Pick a spell and a
target in line of sight, and roll D6+X. If the result is wounds on the tough model with most wounds in
Deadly: Assign each wound to one model, and equal or higher than the number in brackets, you the unit until it is killed, before starting to put
multiply it by X. Note that these wounds don't may resolve the effects. Enemy psychics within 18” them on the next tough model (heroes must be
carry over to other models if the target is killed. and line of sight of the caster may roll D6+X at the assigned wounds last).

Fear: Always counts as having dealt +D3 wounds same time, and if the result is higher the spell is Veteran Infantry: This model gets +1 to hit rolls
when checking who won melee. blocked. Psychics may only either try to cast or try in melee and shooting.
to block a spell each round.

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