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Reyna M. Abayare BSBA21A Nov.

12, 2022


Waterpipe manufacturing completed job #727 on January 10. The job used 45 direct labor hours. The
job consumed P 3,200 2worth of materials. The average labor rate is P 70,00per hour, and the company
uses the predetermined overhead rate of 8.50 per direct labor hour.

Provide the following (3items x 10 points)

Formula: The three (3) components of job cost are direct materials, direct labor, and applied overhead

A. Based on the illustration, the average labor rate is P 70.00 per DLH, and the activity is 45 DLH

Direct Labor = Rate x Activity = 70.00 DLH x 45 DLH = P3,150. 00

B. Apply the overhead to the job by multiplying the predetermined overhead rate by the activity

Applied Overhead = Predetermined Rate x Activity

= 8.50 per DLH x 45 = P382.50

C. Compute the job total cost.

Direct Materials P3,200.00

Direct Labor 3,150.00
Applied Overhead 382.50

Total job cost = Direct Materials + Direct Labor +Apply Overhead

= 3,200 + 3,150 + 382.50 = P6,732. 50

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