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NeuovaTech Technology Institute PLC

Basic Computer Skills

Hand Book

Powered by: Neuovatech Technology Institute

Prepared By: Dawit Sileshi

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Computer Basics ................................................................................................................... 6
Hardware ......................................................................................................................... 6
Software ......................................................................................................................... 10
Basic Computer Navigation ................................................................................................. 11
Mouse .................................................................................................................................. 11
- Left Click ..................................................................................................................12
- Right Click ................................................................................................................13
- Scroll Wheel .............................................................................................................13
Typing ................................................................................................................................ 14
- Using the keys......................................................................................................... 14
Power Management ............................................................................................................ 16
Creating Files ..................................................................................................................... 16
 How to create a file .................................................................................................17
Saving/ Saving as ................................................................................................................17
 How to save a file ....................................................................................................17
 Save ...................................................................................................................... 18
 Save As ................................................................................................................. 19
Creating Folders ................................................................................................................. 20
 How to create a folder in Desktop ......................................................................... 20
 How to confirm a name given to a folder ..............................................................21
Selecting files/folders .........................................................................................................21
- To select a single file/folder ...................................................................................21
- To select a multiple file/folder ...............................................................................21
Moving Files ....................................................................................................................... 22
 How to cut/copy files/folders ................................................................................ 22
Renaming Files/Folders ..................................................................................................... 24
Keyboard shortcuts ............................................................................................................ 28
Microsoft Office Word ........................................................................................................ 29
 Home ....................................................................................................................... 30
 Formatting ........................................................................................................... 30
o Clear All Formatting: .......................................................................................... 32

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 List ....................................................................................................................... 32
 Paragraph Alignment .......................................................................................... 36
 Shading and Border ............................................................................................. 38
 Quick Styles ......................................................................................................... 40
 Find and Replace ................................................................................................. 44
 Insert ....................................................................................................................... 47
 Cover Page: .......................................................................................................... 47
 Blank Page: .......................................................................................................... 47
 Page Break: .......................................................................................................... 47
 Table ..................................................................................................................... 47
 Pictures ................................................................................................................ 53
 Shapes .................................................................................................................. 54
 SmartArt .............................................................................................................. 56
 Hyperlink ............................................................................................................. 57
 Bookmark ............................................................................................................. 60
 Header and Footer ............................................................................................... 60
 Page Number ........................................................................................................ 60
 Text Box ............................................................................................................... 61
 Word Art .............................................................................................................. 61
 Drop Cap .............................................................................................................. 61
 Date and Time ...................................................................................................... 61
 Equation and Symbol .......................................................................................... 61
 Page Layout ............................................................................................................. 62
 Margins ................................................................................................................ 62
 Orientation .......................................................................................................... 62
 Size ....................................................................................................................... 62
 Column ................................................................................................................. 62
 Break .................................................................................................................... 63
 Hyphenation ........................................................................................................ 63
 References ............................................................................................................... 63
 Table of Contents ................................................................................................. 63
 Table of Figures ................................................................................................... 64

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 Review ..................................................................................................................... 64
 Spelling and Grammar ........................................................................................ 64
 Thesaurus ............................................................................................................ 64
Microsoft Office PowerPoint .............................................................................................. 65
 Home ....................................................................................................................... 65
 New Slide ............................................................................................................. 65
 Layout: ................................................................................................................. 65
 Reset ..................................................................................................................... 66
 Delete Slide .......................................................................................................... 66
 Character Spacing ............................................................................................... 66
 Align Text ............................................................................................................. 68
 Convert to SmartArt ............................................................................................ 69
 Shape Fill and Outline ......................................................................................... 69
 Arrange ................................................................................................................ 69
 Insert ....................................................................................................................... 69
 Photo Album ........................................................................................................ 69
 Action ................................................................................................................... 70
 Slide Number ....................................................................................................... 72
 Movie and Sound ................................................................................................. 73
 Design...................................................................................................................... 73
 Page Setup ........................................................................................................... 73
 Slide Orientation ................................................................................................. 73
 Selecting a Design ............................................................................................... 73
 Animation ............................................................................................................... 73
 Custom Animation ............................................................................................... 73
 Slide Transitions ................................................................................................. 74
 Transition Sound ................................................................................................. 74
 Transition Speed.................................................................................................. 74
 Apply to all .......................................................................................................... 74
 Advance Slide ....................................................................................................... 74
 Slide Show............................................................................................................... 74
 From Beginning ................................................................................................... 74

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 From Current Slide .............................................................................................. 74

 Custom Slide Show .............................................................................................. 75
 Setup Slideshow................................................................................................... 75
 Hide Slide ............................................................................................................. 75
Microsoft Office Excel ........................................................................................................ 75
Home .............................................................................................................................. 77
 Functions/Formulas ............................................................................................ 77
 Merging Cells ....................................................................................................... 82
 Conditional Formatting....................................................................................... 82
 Insert.................................................................................................................... 85
 Delete ................................................................................................................... 85
 Format.................................................................................................................. 86
 Autosum ............................................................................................................... 86
 Fill ........................................................................................................................ 86
 Clear ..................................................................................................................... 86
 Sort and Filter ..................................................................................................... 87
 Find and Select .................................................................................................... 87
 Insert ....................................................................................................................... 87
 Pivot Table ........................................................................................................... 87
 Chart .................................................................................................................... 91
 Page Layout ............................................................................................................. 97
 Print Area............................................................................................................. 97
 Breaks .................................................................................................................. 99
 Print Titles ........................................................................................................... 99

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Computer Basics
- A computer is an electronic device that stores and processes data.
- A computer includes both hardware and software.
 It comprises the visible, physical elements of the computer
 A computer consists of the following major hardware components

 A central processing unit (CPU)

 Memory (main memory)
 Storage devices (such as disks and CDs)
 Input devices (such as the mouse and keyboard)
 Output devices (such as monitors and printers)
 Communication devices (such as modems and network interface cards)

 A computer’s components are interconnected by a subsystem called a bus. You

can think of a bus as a sort of system of roads running among the computer’s
components; data and power travel along the bus from one part of the computer
to another. In personal computers, the bus is built into the computer’s
motherboard, which is a circuit case that connects all of the parts of a computer
 Central Processing Unit

 It is the computer’s brain. It retrieves instructions from memory and

executes them.

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 Memory (RAM)

 It consists of an ordered sequence of bytes for storing programs as well

as data that the program is working with. You can think of memory as the
computer’s work area for executing a program. A program and its data
must be moved into the computer’s memory before they can be executed
by the CPU.
 Date Measurement
o 1 bit
o 1 byte = 8 bits
o 1 kilo byte = 1000 bytes
o 1 megabyte (MB) = 1000 kilobyte
o 1 gigabyte (GB) = 1000 megabyte
o 1 terabyte (TB) = 1000 gigabyte
 Storage Devices
 A computer’s memory is a volatile form of data storage: any information
that hasn’t been stored in memory (that is, saved) is lost when the
system’s power is turned off. Programs and data are permanently stored
on storage devices and are moved, when the computer actually uses them,
to memory, which operates at much faster speeds than permanent storage
devices can.
 There are three main types of storage devices:
o Magnetic disk drives

 Eg: Hard Disk (HDD)

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o Optical disc drives (CD and DVD)

 CD
 stands for Compact Disc
 There are two types of it
o CD-R(CD-Read-only)
 for read-only permanent storage; the
user cannot modify its contents once
they are recorded.
o CD-RW(CD-Rewritable)
 W can be used like a hard disk; that
is, you can write data onto the disc,
and then overwrite that data with
new data.
 CD Can hold up to 700 MB of data
 Stands for Digital Versatile Disc
 Holds more data than CD, it’s upto 4.7 GB
 Also has two types
o USB flash drives

 A USB flash drive is a device for storing and transporting

data. A flash drive is small— about the size of a pack of gum.

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 Input and Output Devices

 let the user communicate with the computer.
 The most common input devices are:
o Keyboards
o Mouse

 The most common output devices are

 Monitors
 Printers

 Communication Devices
 Computers can be networked through communication devices, such as a
dial-up modem (modulator/demodulator), a DSL or cable modem, a wired
network interface card, or a wireless adapter.

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 It provides the invisible instructions that control the hardware and make it
perform specific tasks.
 There are mainly two types of it

 System Software
 a type of computer program that is designed to run a computer's
hardware and application programs.
 Eg: Operating Systems
o Window XP
o Window 7
o Window 8
o MacOS
o Linux
 Application Software
 Any program, or group of programs, that is designed for the end user.
 Applications software (also called end-user programs) include such
things as database programs, word processors, Web browsers and

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Basic Computer Navigation


2 4 5

The numbers in the above picture represent that:

1. Desktop Shortcuts
2. Start Menu
3. Taskbar Items
4. Taskbar
5. Date and Time
6. Show Desktop
7. Desktop

A mouse a handheld hardware input device that controls a cursor in a GUI (graphical user
interface) and can move and select text, icons, files, and folders on your computer.

It has some functionalities like:

- Move the mouse cursor - The primary function is to move the mouse pointer on the

- Open or execute a program - Once you've moved the pointer to an icon, folder, or
another object clicking or double-clicking that object opens
the document or executes the program.

- Select - A mouse also allows you to select text or a file or highlight and select multiple
files at once.

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- Drag-and-drop - Once something is selected, it can also be moved using the drag-and-
drop method.

- Hover - Moving the mouse cursor over objects with hover information helps discover
each object's function. For example, hover the mouse over the "hover" link to see an

- Scroll - When working with a long document or viewing a long web page, you may
need to scroll up or down. To scroll, use the mouse wheel, or click-and-drag the scroll

- A mouse mainly has three parts. These are:

Scroll Wheel

Right Click

Left Click

- Left Click
 It is the button located at the left side of a mouse.
 Its main functions are:
 To open a program or file
 You can place your mouse pointer on the file you want to open and
double click on it quickly.
 To select or highlight an object or text
 To select a file, move your mouse to the file you want to select and
press the left button of the mouse once
 To select a word, move your mouse to the text you want to select
and double click on it
 To select a sentence, move your mouse to the sentence you want to
select and triple click on it.
 To drag and drop
 Drag and drop feature is usually used to move a file from one
location to another.

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 To do this,
o move your mouse to the file/program you want to move
o click and hold on the click
o move the file/program where you want while holding the
left click
- Right Click
 Helps to show context menu of files/programs. The menus change based on
where you press the right click.
 The menus include:
 Opening file
 Moving files
 Deleting files and others
- Scroll Wheel
 Used to scroll up and down on pages.

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- Before talking about typing, we have to know the basics of Keyboard.
- A keyboard is for putting information including letters, words and numbers into your
computer. You press the individual buttons on the keyboard when you type.

- The number keys across the top of the keyboard are also found on the right of the
- The letter keys are in the center of the keyboard.
- The symbol keys to the right of the letters include symbols such as the question mark
and full stop.
- The keys that surround the letters, numbers and symbol keys on the left, right and
bottom of the keyboard help you to choose where and how you type.
- Using the keys
- Pressing the 'shift' key allows you to type capital letters and the symbols at the top of
the keys.
- The 'shift' keys are on the left and right of the keyboard, with the arrow pointing
- For capital letters, hold down the 'shift' key and hold and type the letter.
- For symbols at the top of any key, press down the 'shift' key to type any symbol at the
top of a key.
- The 'caps lock' key allows you to write in capital letters. To turn it on, press it once and
type. To turn it off, press it again.
- Putting in spaces, moving your cursor and deleting text
- The 'space bar' puts a space between words. Press it once to put in a space.
- The 'tab' key puts a bigger space between words. Press it once to put in a space.
- The 'enter' key moves your cursor down a line.
- The 'arrow' keys allow you to move your cursor in all directions on the page or screen -
up, down, left and right.

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- To delete your typing, you need to put your cursor to the right of a word. Press the
'backspace' button to delete your word. The cursor will move to the left and delete as it
- To type correctly on the keyboard,
- Your fingers take up a fixed starting position, from where you can reach any key you

- Your left fingers are placed on the keys A, S, D and F.

- Your right fingers are on the keys J, K, L and semicolon. Your thumbs are on the space
- Each finger has to hit several different keys. On the chart you can see the colored marks:
they show you which finger and which key correlate.

- You can learn typing using a software called Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. You
download it from this link:

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Power Management
 These are options that can help us deal with the power options of our computer.
 We can find them in the Start menu

 There are mainly 5 power options available:

 Shut down: turns off the power of the computer. It does it by first closing all the
running applications and when it finishes that, it goes to turning off all the
hardware parts.
 Switch User: allows us to choose between different account of the computer.
 Log Off: it is the first stage of shutting down a computer. It is the stage where
the computer closes all the running applications and locks the current account.
 Helps if we don’t want to shut down the computer, but want to start the
computer from fresh.
 Lock: it does the same as Log off, but it doesn’t close applications. It only locks
the account we are in.
 Restart: turns off the power of the computer and starts it back.
 It is usually done to refresh our computer when it is responding slowly or
when a new software is installed.
 Sleep: makes the computer use less power without turning it off. The
applications will not be closed, but some hardware parts like monitor, keyboard
and others are turned off to save power consumption.
Creating Files
 A file is an object on a computer that stores data, information, settings, or commands
used with a computer program.
 There are many types of files like:
 Text file
 Audio file
 Video file and others….

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 How to create a file

 For this course, lets us create a simple text file using a program called
 How to open Notepad in Window 7
 Start -> All programs -> Accessories -> Notepad
 How to open Notepad in Window 10
 Go to start and type Notepad
 You will get a screen like this when you open Notepad

 Instruction:
 Write the word “This is a simple text file” in the notepad

 After writing your text, you have to save the file in order to read it at any
Saving/ Saving as
 There are two options when it comes to saving files. They are known as Save and Save
 The two of them does exactly the same thing when we create a new file like we did
above. They both save the file to a new location with a new name.
 Their difference comes when are working with a saved file.
 If we make any change to a saved file and we choose Save option, the change we
made will be applied to the file we saved.
 But, if you choose to use Save as, it will give you a chance to save the changed
file as a new file with a new name and new location.
 So, lets follow the steps below to save the file we created above.
 How to save a file
 Go to File at the top
 Click on Save

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 When you click on Save, you will get a window like this:

o On the left side, you will get the list of locations you can save the file at.
The locations are Desktop, Documents, and others listed.
o The file name is given at the bottom on the input field titled as “File Name”
 To save our file in the Desktop, we go to the list of location and click on Desktop
 Then for the file name, click on the file name input field and give it a name
“Simple Text File”.
 If you have done everything right, the box should look like this:

 Click on Save when you finish.

 Go to Desktop to make sure that you file is saved at Desktop

 Here at the picture, we can see that our file is saved at Desktop
 Now, let’s see the difference between Save and Save as in practice
 Save
 Open the file you’ve created, by double clicking on it
 You will find the text you wrote there

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 Remove the full stop(.) at the end of the sentence like this

 Now, save the file using File -> Save.

 As you can see, it doesn’t ask you for location of file name when you click on
Save. It is because it already knows where the file is located, so it will
overwrite the changes you make to the file saved before.
 Close the notepad
 Open it to make sure that the change is saved.
 If you saved the file correctly, your file should appear have the change you
have made to it.

 Save As
 Now let’s make some changes to the file by adding the full stop we removed from
the file like this:

 Now Go to File -> Save As

 Unlike using the “Save” method, this one asks you to save the file as a new file,
by asking you for location and file name

 As before, Click on Desktop for the location and write “Simple Text File –
Changed” for the file name

 Click on Save when you finish

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 Close Notepad
 Go to Desktop to make sure it works perfectly

 As we can see, we have two files “Simple Text File” and “Simple text File –
 The first file is the text that doesn’t have full stop in it and the second file is the
text that has the full stop in it.
 Let’s open the two files for comparison:

 As you can see in the above picture, the two files named “Simple Text File” and
“Simple text File – Changed” are different.

Creating Folders
 A Folder(directory) is an area on the computer containing other files that helps keep the
computer organized. Files can be contained within a folder and contain information used
by the operating system or other programs on the computer.
 Note: A folder can also contain other folders inside it.
 How to create a folder in Desktop
 Right click on an empty space
 Hover your mouse on the option “New”

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 When a new menu expands on the side, move your cursor and click on Folder
 When a new folder is created, it is by default given a name of “New Folder” with
an option of naming it.

 So, without clicking on anywhere, write a name on the folder and press Enter
 Let’s give it a name “My Folder” for this example

 How to confirm a name given to a folder
 Method 1: press Enter
 Method 2: Left click on anywhere outside

Selecting files/folders
- In order to do any kind of operations on a file/folder like deleting or moving, the file or
the folder has to be selected.
- To select a single file/folder

 Press the left click on the file/folder once

- To select a multiple file/folder

 Method 1: press and hold ctrl key from the keyboard and click on the files you
want to select
 To deselect files/folders, click on the files while still holding the ctrl key
 Method 2:
 Move your cursor to an empty space
 Left Click and Hold on it
 Move your mouse to the files you want to select (it will create rectangular
blue box)
 Let go of the click when you select the files you want

- Instruction:
- So, let’s select the two files, we have created above. We will use the Method 1 of
selecting multiple files

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 Go to Desktop
 Press ctrl on the keyboard and click on one of your files

 Move your cursor and click on the other file while holding the ctrl

Moving Files
- There are mainly two ways we can move files/folders. They are Cut and Copy options.

 Cut: moves files/folders from one place to another by removing the file/folder
from the original place.
 Copy: moves files/folders by creating duplication(double) of the file/folder. So,
we will have two files/folders that are the same (both in the original place and
the new place).
 How to cut/copy files/folders
 Select the file/folder you want to copy/cut
 Right click on one of the selected files/folders
 Click on Copy/Cut
 Go to the location you want to put the files at
 Right click on an empty space
 Click on Paste

- Instruction
 On Desktop, select both of your files like this using the selection methods we have
seen above:

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 Press right click on one of the files and you will get options like this:

 Since, we want our file to be found only on the folder we created. Click on Cut
 Open your folder by double clicking on it

 Press the right click on an empty space

 Click on paste

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 As you can see, the files are moved to the folder.

 Exercise: Copy the files from the folder to Desktop to see the difference between
cut and copy

Renaming Files/Folders
- It is the process of changing names of files/folders.
- How to Rename Files/Folders
 Right click on the file/folder
 Click on Rename
 If we want to completely change the name, we can just write the new name
without clicking anywhere
 Else if we want to only make some changes to the name, we have to click on part
of the text that we want to change and start writing the name.
 When we finish changing the name, we can
 Click on another place or
 Press Enter on the keyboard

 Instruction: Let’s change our folder name from “My Folder” to “Folder”
 Right click on the folder you created

 Click on Rename

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 Since we are only changing part of the name, we first have to click on the part of
the text we want to change.

 Here, we have clicked after the letter “y” to remove the word “My”
 After we remove the word, the name will look like this:

 Press Enter to confirm the name

Deleting Files/Folders
- It is the process of removing files from our computer.
- When we remove a file, it is automatically transferred to a folder called Recycle Bin. It
is a place where deleted files are stored.
- Since we can get our deleted files in the Recycle Bin, we can restore them back to their
original place out of Recycle Bin

- How to delete files/folders

 Select the file/folder you want to delete

 Right click on them
 Click on Delete
 Click on Yes, if you want to delete the file/folder
 Click on No, if you don’t want to delete the file/folder

- How to permanently delete a file/folder

 Find and Open Recycle Bin in the desktop

 Find your deleted files and select them
 Right click on them and click on Delete

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 Click on Yes, if you want to completely delete the file/folder

- How to Restore a file/folder

 Find and Open Recycle Bin in the desktop

 Find your deleted files and select them
 Right click on them and click on Restore

- Instruction:
 Deleting the folder, we created
 Select the folder you have created

 Right click on it and click on Delete

 When you click on Delete, you will get a confirmation box asking you if
you are sure of deleting the file like this

 Click on Yes and the file is now deleted.

 Restoring the deleted folder
 Go to Desktop
 Open Recycle bin

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 You will see your deleted folder,

 Press right click on it.

 Click on Restore

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Keyboard shortcuts
 These are a combination of keyboard keys that are used to perform a specific operation
when we can’t use our mouse, or when we want to perform tasks quickly.
 Here are some useful shortcuts to use
 Ctrl + A: Select All
 Ctrl + C: Copy
 Ctrl + X: Cut
 Ctrl + V: Paste
 Ctrl + Z: Undo
 Ctrl + N: Create a New File
 Ctrl + O: Open a File
 Ctrl + S: Save a File
 Alt + F4: Close
 Alt + Tab: Navigate Between Programs
 Start + Tab: Navigate Between Programs
 Start: Open Start Menu
 Start + E: Open Windows/File explorer
 Start + D: Show Desktop
 Alt + Space: Show Menus like Minimize, Maximize, Move, Close…

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Microsoft Office Word

- It is simply a word processor. That's an application you use to “process”— format,
manipulate, save, print, share — a text-based document.
- How to open Microsoft Office Word
 Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft Office -> Microsoft Office Word
- When you open Microsoft Office Word, you will see something like this:


1 2 3 4

Office Button

 The numbers in the above image represent

1. Font Group
2. Paragraph Group
3. Styles Group
4. Editing Group
 The Office Button is used to
 Create a new file
 Open file
 Print file
 Save file and other options




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 Home

 Formatting
 These are options that are used to stylize a text. They are usually used to
create emphasis on the text.
 These include:
o Boldness
o Font Type
o Font Size
o Font Color 12
o Text Highlight color 10 11

1 2 9
3 4 5 8
6 7

 The numbers in the above picture indicate that:

1. Bold: makes the text thicker
2. Italic: makes the texts slant or lean to the right
3. Underline: creates a line under the text
4. Strikethrough: creates a line through the text
5. Subscript: converts a text to a small size and writes them
below the normal line of a text.
6. Superscript: converts a text to a small size and writes them
below the normal line of a text.
7. Change Case

i. Sentence Case: makes the first letter of a sentence a

capital letter
ii. lowercase: makes every character a small letter
iii. UPPERCASE: makes every character a capital letter
iv. Capitalize Each Word: makes the first letter of every
word a capital letter

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v. tOGGLE cASE: changes capital letters to small letters

and small letters to capital letter.

8. Text Highlight Color: adds a background color to the text we

9. Text color: changes the color of the text we selected
10. Font Type: changes the type of font we selected
11. Font Size: makes our text larger or smaller
12. Clear Formatting: removes all formatting we applied to the
text and reverses it back to the original formatting.

 Instruction:
o Write Hello at the first line of the page like this.

o To apply the formatting, we first have to select the word, so,
 Move your cursor to the end of the word
 press the left click and move the mouse to the first letter of the
word without releasing the click

o After selecting the word, we can go to the formatting and click on them to
see the changes.
 If you clicked on Bold, you text will look like this:

 Other Formatting will have a result of:

 I – Hello
 U – Hello

o Subscript(X2): write H2O on the last line of the page

 To convert H2O into H2O
 Write H2O on a new line
 Select the number 2 from the word
 Go to Home -> press on X2
o Superscript(X2): write X2 on the page
 To convert X2 into X2

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 Write X2 on a new line

 Select the number 2 from the word
 Go to Home -> press on X2
o Change Case: write “I am Student” on the screen like this:

 These are the results you get when you do the Change Case
 Sentence case: I am student
 lowercase: i am student
 Capitalize Each Word: I Am Student
o Clear All Formatting:
 removes all formatting added to a selected word. So, the word will
return to its unformatted original state.
 List Commented [D1]: Needs more clarification

1 2 3

 The numbers in the above picture represent:

1. Bullet (Unordered) List
2. Numbering (Ordered) List
3. Multilevel List

 List is a number of connected items or names written or printed

consecutively, typically one below the other.
 Ordered (Numbering): also known us numbered lists are lists that are
written in a specific order.
o Usually uses representations like:
 1,2,3
 a, b, c
 i, ii, iii

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o How to create an ordered list,

 Go to Home Tab
 Click on Numbering or this icon
 Select a list type
 Write your list
 Press Enter to go to the next list item
o To go out of a list, or to exit a list
 Press Enter two times on the keyboard
o Eg: Write your three favorite fruits
 First, write “My favorite Fruits” on a page like this:

 Go to the next line by pressing Enter on the keyboard

 Go to the list and click on Numbering list

 Select a number type from the numbering library
 The list starts counting when you select the numbering type,
like this

 Start writing the fruits and press Enter to go to the next line
 When you finish the list, press Enter multiple times to stop the

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 Unordered (Bullets): also known us bulleted lists are lists that written
randomly with no specific order.
o Usually uses representations like
 -, -, -
 *, *, *
o How to create unordered list
 Go to Home Tab
 Click on this icon
 Select a list type
 Write your list
 Press Enter to go to the next list item
o To go out of a list, or to exit a list
 Press Enter two times on the keyboard
o Ex: Write three vegetables you know without any order
 Multi-Level List
o It is a list that nests another list inside. It has many levels to it.
o Each list items in the list can have their own list inside them.
o How to create a multilevel list
 Go to Home Tab
 Click on this icon
 Select a list type
 Write your list
 Press Enter to go to the next line
 Press Tab to add a level
 Press Shift + Tab to subtract a level
o Eg: Let’s create a list, like this:
o Food
 Fruits
 Vegetables
o Shelter
o Cloth
o Here are the steps:
o Go to the next line by pressing Enter on the keyboard
o Select multi-level list type

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o After selecting, list starts counting

o Write “Food” on the first list item
o Press Enter to go to the next line
o Press Tab on the keyboard to add a level like this:

o Write “Fruits” and press Enter on the keyboard

o Write “Vegetables” and press Enter on the keyboard
o Press Shift + Tab on the keyboard to subtract a level, like

o Continue writing the other list items.

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 Paragraph Alignment

Align Text Left Align Text Right

 It refers to how the left and right edges of a paragraph align on a page
 There are 4 types of paragraph alignment:
o Left Alignment: the left side of the paragraph is even and the right
side is jagged.
o Center: each line of the paragraph is placed in the middle with
equal spaces on the left and right
o Right Alignment: the right side of the paragraph is even and the
left side is jagged.
o Justify: both the left and right side of a paragraph is even.
 Example:

Left Aligned Paragraph

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Center Aligned Paragraph

Right Aligned Paragraph

Justified Paragraph

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 Line Spacing: increases or decreases the spacing between lines of a paragraph.


- if we make the line spacing of the above paragraph 3.0, it will look like this:

- if we make the line spacing of the above paragraph 1.0, it will look like this:

 Shading and Border

 Shading: applies a background color to a paragraph
o If you do it on a word, it will apply a background color to the whole
line of the word.
Example: Write “Hello” on a new line of the page
Change the shading to Black

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The results will look like this:

 Border: adds border to a paragraph or a word on all sides of it.

Example: Write “Hello” again on a new line like this:

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Add a bottom border to it

The result will look something like this

 Quick Styles

 These are combination of several formatting that are saved to be used

 Microsoft Office Word provides several quick styles for us to use. But if
we want to create our own quick style. Here are the steps to follow:
 How to create custom styles
o Write a sample word
o Apply some formatting to the word that you want to save
o Go to Styles group and click on the More ( ) icon
o Click on Save Selection as a Quick Style Type
o Give it a name
o Click ok
o Now, you can go to any word and use the quick style you created
to stylize the word

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- Instruction
- Write a sample word on a new line

 I will write “Sample” for this example. You can write anything. It doesn’t make
change since we only want to apply styles on it.

- Add the following formatting to it:

 Bold
 Italic
 Change the font size to 28
 Add a bottom border to it
 Align the text to the center

- After applying all the formatting, the result will look like this:

- Select the word

- Go to Quick Styles and press the “More” icon

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- Click on Save Selection as a Quick Style

- Give the style any name you want

 I will name it “My Style”

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- Click Ok when you finish

- Now you will see your style on the Quick Styles group like this

- Now, to apply the style to any word. Click on any word you want to have this style
- Then, click on the style you created.

 Example
 Write “Abebe” on a new line

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 Go to the styles you created and Click on it

 Find and Replace

 Find: helps to find all occurrences of a word we want in our document.

 Example: For the text we wrote above, let’s try to find the word “Hello”
 Go to Find and click on it

 On the “Find What” input field, write “Hello”

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 Click on “Find Next” button to find the word “Hello”

 As we can see from the above picture, the first “Hello” word is found and
 If we press “Find Next” again it will find and select the second “Hello”

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 You have to keep clicking on “Find Next” to find all occurrences of

 Replace: finds all occurrences of a word and changes it to another word.
 Replace: changes a single word that is found
 Find Next: to jump to the next word without replacing it
 Replace All: change all found words.
- Example: Now let’s try to find the word “Hello” and change it to “Hi”
- Click on Replace

- On the “Find What” input field, write “Hello” on the “Replace with”
input field, write “Hi”

- Click on “Replace All” to change them all to “Hi” and

- Click on Ok on the dialog box that appeard
- Click on Cancel
- The result will look like this:

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 Insert

 Cover Page:
 inserts a page at the start of our document that is stylized to give our document
a nice look
 Blank Page:
 inserts an empty page where the cursor is at
 Page Break:
 breaks a page and splits its contents int two pages starting from where the cursor
is placed.
 Table
 It allows us to add a table to our document. A table has three elements such as:


 Row: a series of data laid out horizontally

 Column: a series of data laid out vertically
 Cells: each individual box in a table.
 The above table is a 3 x 2 table (3 Column, 2 Rows)
 How to insert a table
 Put the cursor on the line you want to insert the table on
 Go to Insert -> click on Table
 Hover you mouse on the boxes until you get the number of columns and rows
you want
 Click when you finish
 How to insert Rows/Columns
o If you want to insert columns or rows to your table:
 Click on the cell you want to insert row/column to
 Go to the Layout tab at the top
 To add row: choose Insert Above or Insert Below
 To add column: choose Insert Left or Insert Right
 How to delete Rows/ Columns
o If you want to remove columns/rows from your table:
 Click on the row/column you want to remove
 Go to the Layout tab at the top
 Click on Delete
 To delete row: choose Delete Rows

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 To delete column: choose Delete Columns

 How to merge and Split cells
 Merging is the process of combining multiple cells in to one cell.
 How to merge cells
o Select the cells you want to merge
o Go to Layout tab at the top
o Click on Merge Cells
o Splitting is the process of dividing a single cell into multiple cells.
 How to split cells
 Click on the cell you want to split
 Go to Layout tab at the top
 Click on Split Cells
 Enter the number of rows and columns to split the cell with
 Click ok
 Example: Let’s create a table that has 3 columns and 3 rows
 Go to Insert and press on Table

 Hover your mouse over the boxes till you see a 3 x 3 table on the

 Click on it when you finish

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 Write alphabetic letters from A – I on all cells

 You can press Tab on the keyboard to go to the next cell in the
 You can press shift + Tab on the keyboard to go back to previous
cell in the table
 After finishing writing, it should look like this:

 To add a new column between the first column and the second
 Right click on any cell from the first column

 Move your mouse over “Insert cells”

 Click on “Insert Column to the Right”

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 The result should look like this

 To add a new row between the second and third row,

 Right click on any cell from the second row

 Move your mouse over “Insert cells”

 Click on “Insert Row Below”

 The result should look like this

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 To delete the second column

 Right click on any cell from the second column

 Click on Delete Cell

 Select Delete Entire Column and click ok

 The result will look like this:

 If you want to merge the first two cells of the table,

 Select the two cells

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 Right click on them

 Click on Merge Cells

 The result will look like this

 If you want to split the merged cells

 Right click on the merged cell
 Click on Split Cells

 When the next window appears, give it any column and row
o I will give it 2 columns and 1 row

 Click Ok when you finish

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 The result will look like this

 Pictures
 It allows us to add pictures into our document.
 How to insert picture
o Click on where you want to insert the picture
o Go to Insert -> click on Picture
o Find the picture you want to insert
o Select the picture
o Click on Insert
 Example: Click on the line you want to put the picture at
 Go to Insert tab and Click on Pictures

 On the next window, click on pictures folder to find a picture

 You can insert a picture from anywhere

 Select an image you want

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 Click on Insert
 The result will look like this:

 Shapes
 It allows us to add shapes into our document.
 How to insert shapes
o Go to Insert tab and click on Shapes
o Select one of the shapes
o Go to where you want to put the shapes
o Click and Drag the mouse to form the shape
 Example: Go to Insert and click on Shapes

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 Select any shapes you want

 Go to the page where you want to insert the shapes

 Press and hold the left click
 Move your mouse until you get the shape you want

 Release the left click when you finished

 The result will look like this

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 SmartArt
 These are graphic contents that can quickly and easily make visual
representation of our information.
 There are many different layouts for it to help us communicate our messages
and ideas.
 How to create Smart art
o Click on a line you want to put the SmartArt
o Go to Insert -> SmartArt
o Select a SmartArt type
o Click ok
 Example: Click on the line you want to put the smart art at
 Go to Insert and click on SmartArt

 Scroll down and select a SmartArt type

 For this example, choose Cycle

 Click on Ok
 The result will look like this

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 Click on the shapes and write the text you want in them

 If you want to add a shape,

 Right click on the nearest shape to the shape you want to add

 Click on Add Shape

 Select between the options, based on your choice
 Hyperlink
 It lets us create links that can access other files in our computer or a webpage.
 How to create a hyperlink
 Select the word you want to make a hyperlink
 Go to Insert -> Hyperlink
 Click on the icon that says Browse for more
 Find the file you want to link
 Click ok

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 Example: For this part we will create a simple Word File using
Microsoft Office Word in the Desktop and connect it to our word
 To create a new Word Document,
 press Ctrl + N on the keyboard or Go to Office Button and
click on New
 Select Blank Page and click on Create
 Write “Hello” on the new word file
 Save it in your folder by the name “My New File” in the desktop
 Close the word document
 On another word file, write the text you want to make a hyperlink
 I will write “My Word File”

 Select the text

 Go to Insert and Click on Hyperlink

 Click on Browse For File

 Go to Desktop and find the word file

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 Select the word file
 Click Ok
 Click ok again
 AS you can see now, the text is underlined and blue

 To open the word file using the hyperlink,
o Press Ctrl on the keyboard and click on the hyperlink text
o A warning window will appear asking you if the file
doesn’t have a virus
 Click on Yes

 As you can see, the file is opened

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 Bookmark
 It lets us jump to a specified place in our document from anywhere else.
 How to create a Bookmark
 Go to a line or paragraph you want to jump to
 Go to Insert -> Bookmark
 Give it a name (with no spaces)
 Click Add
 There are mainly two ways of jumping to your bookmark
1. Using Hyperlink
 Select the text you want to make a hyperlink
 Go to Insert -> Hyperlink
 Click on Bookmark
 Select your bookmark from the list
 Click ok
2. Using the Bookmark option
 Go to Insert -> Bookmark
 Select your bookmark from the list
 Double click on it
 Click on Close
 Header and Footer
 These are parts of a page that gets repeated on every page of a document.
 Header is written at the top of a page.
 Information like title, author, page number, company name and others are
written in the header.
 How to create a Header
o Go to Insert -> Header
 How to go out of Header
o Go to Design -> Close Header and Footer
 Footer is written at the bottom of a page.
 Information like address, phone numbers, email and others are written in
the footer.
 How to create a Footer
o Go to Insert -> Footer
 How to go out of Header
o Go to Design -> Close Header and Footer
 Page Number
 Inserts a number to the pages in our document.
 These are usually written at Header and Footer section of a page.
 How to insert a page number
o Go to Insert -> Page Number
o Choose a page number position from the list
 Eg: Bottom of a Page
o Select one of the page numbers from the positions you chose

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o Go to Design -> Close Header and Footer

 Text Box
 It brings attention to a text by enclosing it with a box.
 How to create a text box
 Go to Insert -> Text Box
 Select a Text Box
 Write your text in it
 Word Art
 Allows us to insert texts that have special effects to make the texts stand out.
 How to insert a WordArt
o Go to Insert -> WordArt
o Select one of the word arts
o Erase the “Your text here” text and write on it
o Click on Ok when you finish
 Drop Cap
 It turns the first letter of your paragraph into a large capital letter.
 It helps to create attention on the paragraph.
 How to create a Drop Cap
o Click on your paragraph
o Go to Insert -> Drop Cap
o Select any from the two types(Dropped or In Margin)
 Date and Time
 Allows us to insert a date and time that is set on our computer.
 How to insert Date and Time
o Click on a line you want to insert date and time to
o Go to Insert -> Date and Time
o Select one of the formatting of date and time
o Turn on “Update Automatically” feature
 Helps to update the date and time when the system date and time
o Click ok
 How to update the date and time
o Click on the date and time you’ve inserted
o Click on Update
 Equation and Symbol
 Equation: helps us to add common mathematical equations to our document
or insert common mathematical symbols to make our own mathematical
 Symbols: helps us to add symbols that can not be written with our keyboard
to our document.
o How to insert symbols
 Click on the place you want to insert the symbols
 Go to Insert -> Symbols

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 Click on More Symbols

 Select the symbols you want from the select
 Click on Insert
 Click on Close when you finish
 Page Layout

 Margins
 Helps us to increase the margins of our document
 Wider Margins = Narrow space for writing
 Narrow Margins = Wide space for writing
 Orientation
 Helps us to change the direction in which a page is displayed.
 There are two types of it
 Portrait: displays the page vertically
 Landscape: displays the page horizontally

Portrait Landscape

 The orientation you selected will be applied to the whole document. If you want
to only change the orientation of a single page, read about section breaks on the
next part.
 Size
 Helps us to change the size of the page in our document
 Column
 Divides our text into a number of columns.
 How to add columns
 Go to Page Layout -> Columns
 Choose a column from the list
 How to jump from one column to another
 Go to Page Layout -> Breaks
 Click on Column
 The column number you selected will be applied to the whole document. If you
want to apply different column numbers on a single document, read about section
breaks on the next part.

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 Break
 Page
 Does the same as Page Break from the Insert tab
 Column:
 Let’s us jump from one column to another.
 Line Wrapping:
 Breaks a line and splits the text into two lines.
 Section Break
 Allows us to apply different column types and orientation types on a single
 Next Page: creates a new section at the next page.
 Continuous: creates a new section on the next line.
 Hyphenation
 Separates long words with hyphen sign when they appear near the end of a line
to avoid unnecessary gaps in a paragraph.
 How to use hyphenation
 Go to page Layout -> Hyphenation
 Select Automatic
 How to set our own hyphenation method
 Go to Page Layout -> Hyphenation
 Select Manual
 Click on the letter you want to put the hyphen on
 Click ok
 References

 Table of Contents
 Lists all our titles of our document with their respected page numbers.
 How to create Table of Contents
 Select a title you want to include in the Table of Contents
 Go to Home tab
 Select Heading 1 style or Heading 2 style from the quick styles group based
on its level
 Repeat the above 3 steps for all your titles
 Go to the page you want to add the Table of Contents on and Click on it
 Go to References -> Table of Contents
 Select a Table of Contents type
 How to update Table of Contents
 Go to Reference -> Update Table
 Click on Update Entire Table and Click on Ok

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 Table of Figures
 It is the same as Table of Contents, but this is for pictures, tables and equations
 How to create Table of Figures for our Tables
 Go to a table you have inserted and click on below them to give it a name
 Go to Reference -> Insert Caption
 Change the label to Table from the drop down menu
 Click Ok
 Go to all your tables and repeat the above steps
 Go to the page you want to put the Table of Figures on
 Got to Reference -> Insert Table of Figures
 Change the Caption Label to Table from the drop down menu
 Click Ok
 How to update Table of Figures
 Click on your Table of Figures
 Go to References -> Update Table
 Review

 Spelling and Grammar

 Checks the whole document for Spelling and Grammar errors respectively.
o Ignore: to leave the error unchanged on the specific area
o Ignore All: to leave the error unchanged ….
o Change: change the error to the selected suggestions.
 Thesaurus
 Finds a related or similar word for the word we selected.
 It will also let us change our words using the related words.
 How to replace words using thesaurus
o Select a word you want to replace
o Go to Review -> Thesaurus
o On the right side, find and select the word you want
o Click on the Drop-Down menu icon next to the word
o Click on Insert

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Microsoft Office PowerPoint

 Home

 New Slide
 Creates a new slide in our presentation
 Example
 Click on New Slide

 A new slide will be added

 Layout:
 changes the structure(layout) of the slide.
 Example: Let’s change the layout of the second slide to another
 Select the slide
 Go to Home tab and click on Layout

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 You will get a list of layouts, click on Comparison layout

 Reset
 Restores our layout to its original format without removing text.
 Delete Slide
 Removes slide from our presentation
 Character Spacing
 Increases or decreases the spacing between letters of a word
 Example: Change the layout of the second slide back to the “Title and
Content” layout
 Write “Slide Title” on the Top

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 Select the word you wrote

 Go to Character Spacing

 Select “Very Tight” from the options

 The result will look like this

 Text Direction
 Changes the rotation of the text.
 Stacked: displays the text vertically on top of each other.

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 If the text box space is not enough, the texts will be displayed horizontally.
 Align Text
 Changes the vertical alignment of the text
o Top: aligns the text at the top of the text box
o Middle: aligns the text at the middle of the text box
o Bottom: aligns the text at the bottom of the text box
 Example: Write “Slide Content” at the second box of the slide

 Go to Home tab and Click on Align Text

 Select Middle from the options it will have this result:

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 Convert to SmartArt
 Converts the text written in the text box into a SmartArt
 Shape Fill and Outline
 Fill: changes the inside color of a shape
 Outline: changes the border color of a shape
 Effects: adds special effects like shadow, 3D look to our shapes
 Arrange
 Bring to Front: brings the selected shape Infront of every shape
 Send to Back: sends the selected shape to the back of every shape
 Bring Forward: brings the selected shape Infront of other shapes one step at a
 Send Backward: sends the selected shape to the back of other shapes one step at
a time
 Insert

 Photo Album
 Allows us to create a presentation that is full of images that each image will be
placed on its own slide.
 How to create a Photo Album
o Go to Insert-> Photo Album
o Click on File/Disk
o Find and select your images
o Click on Create
 Example: Go to Insert and click on Photo Album

 Click on File/Disk

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 Find and Select the images you want to insert

 Click Insert
 Click Ok when you finish
 The result will look like this:

 Action
 It works the same as Hyperlink, but this one can open software or navigate
to other slides in our presentation
 How to create an Action that will move to the first slide
 Select the word you want to make Action
 Go to Insert -> Action

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 Click on Hyperlink to
 Select First Slide from the drop down menu
 Click ok
o How to create an Action that will open a software
 Select the word you want make Action
 Go to Insert -> Action
 Click on Open Program
 Click on Browse
 Find your program
 Click ok
 Example: On the first powerpoint file you have created,
 Add a new Slide
 Write “Back to First Slide” on the slide like this

 Go to Insert and Click on Action

 Turn on “Hyperlink to”

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 Expand the options and click on “First Slide”

Click on Ok
Press F5 and start the presentation to check if the Action you
have created works.
 Slide Number
 Allows us to give a number to all our slides
 How to insert slide number to your slides
 Click on a place outside your slide to deactivate any text boxes
 Go to Inset -> Slide Number
 Turn on Slide Number
 Click on Apply to All

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 Movie and Sound

 Movie: lets us insert videos to our slide
o How to insert videos
 Go to Insert -> Movies
 Find the video you want to insert
 Select the video
 Click ok
 If you want the video to start automatically when the slide appears
 Select Automatically
 If you want to start the video by clicking on it
 Select When Clicked
 Design

 Page Setup
 Slide sized for: lets us change the size of the slides
 Width: lets us change the width of our slides
 Height: lets us change the height of our slides
 Number Slides from: lets us change the starting number of our slides. If we give
it 2, it will number the first slide as number 2.
 Slide Orientation
 Lets us change the direction of our slides.
 Selecting a Design
 You can select any kinds of themes from the listed ones in the Design tab.
 They will be applied to all the slides
 Animation

 If you want to see how your slides look in the presentation, press F5 on the keyboard
 Custom Animation
 Lets us animate texts, picturs, shapes and other contents when the slides are in
Presentation mode.
 How to animate Text
 Select the text you want to animate
 Click on Custom Animation
 On the right side, click on Add Effects
o Entrance: for animations that will show when the text enters the slide
o Emphasis: for creating attention by using formatting options (bold, font
o Exit: for animations that will show when the text leaves the slide
o Motion Paths: for animating the text by following path

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 Select from one of the four from above

 Press F5 to see how the animation looks
 By default, animations start when a mouse is clicked, if you want to
change it:
 Go to Modify Effect
 Click on the menu next to “Start”
o Onclick: start the animation when mouse is clicked
o After previous: start the animation after a previous animation ends
o With previous: start the animation when the previous animation is
 Select After Previous or With Previous, if you want to start the animation
 Slide Transitions
 These are animations that will happen when one slide transitions to another
 You can select a slide translation from the list
 Transition Sound
 Lets us insert a sound to play when a slide transitions to another slide.
 You can click on Other Sound, if you want to add another sound from your
 Transition Speed
 Changes how fast or slow a slide transition to another slide
 Apply to all
 Applies the Transition Type, Transition Sound and Transition Speed you
selected to all your slides.
 Advance Slide
 On Mouse Click: lets us transition slide when a mouse is clicked
 It has to be turned on for it work
 Automatically After: lets us set a time in which a slide transition to other
 It has to also be turned on to work
 00(Minute):00(Second)

 Slide Show

 From Beginning
 Starts playing the presentation from the first slide
 From Current Slide
 Starts playing the presentation from the slide we are now in.

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 Custom Slide Show

 Lets us create our own slide show that have a different slide order and number
of slides
 How to create a custom slide show
 Go to Slide Show -> Custom Slide Show
 Click on Custom Shows
 Click on New
 You will find two boxes titled:
o Slides in Presentation: includes the original number of slides and slide order
o Slides in Custom Show: includes the slides that are going to be included in
the Custom Show
 It is empty, since we didn’t create a custom show
 From the Slides in Presentation box, click on the slide you want to show at first
in the presentation
 Click on Add
 From the Slides in Presentation box, click on the slide you want to show at second
in the presentation
 Click on Add
 Do the same for the slides you want to include in the custom show
 Click on Ok when you finish
 Setup Slideshow
 Show Options
 Loop Continuously until ‘Esc’
o It makes the presentation start over by itself when it finishes
 You have to turn it on for it work
 You can press ‘Esc’ on the keyboard to stop the presentation
 Show Slides
 All: shows all the slides in the presentation
 From: lets us specify the range of slides we can show in the presentation
 Custom Show: lets us choose a custom slide show, if we have created a custom
show before.
 Hide Slide
 Hides our current slide from the presentation.

Microsoft Office Excel

 It is a helpful and powerful program for data analysis and documentation.
 It is a spreadsheet program, which contains a number of columns and rows, where each
intersection of a column and a row is a “cell.” Each cell contains one point of data or
one piece of information.
 Pages are called Sheets in Excel.

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 There are two types of data in Microsoft Excel

 Constants
 These are data that we write by ourselves. They don’t change
unless we change them.
 Formulas
 These are data obtained from some kinds of computations, or
mathematical formulas. These data are dynamic in that they
change their values based on other values.
 Formulas start with the = sign.
 How to open Microsoft Office Excel in Window 7
 Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft Office -> Microsoft Office Excel
 How to open Microsoft Office Excel in Window 10
 Open Start
 Type Excel and press Enter
 Each cell is identified by their column and row value.
 Example, let’s take the data below

- From the above picture,

 Dulce is identified by A2
 Column A and Row 2
 Etta is identified by A8
 Column A and Row 8
 The Amharic mark of Etta is identified by D8
 Column D and Row 8
 The English mark of Dulce is identified by E2
 Column E and Row 2

Exercise: Kathleen is identified by: ______

Kathleen’s Maths Mark is identified by: _________

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 Functions/Formulas
 Functions are predefined formulas that performs calculations using
specific values in a particular order
 It will let us do mathematical equations or any other equations on our
 Some Examples of Functions are
 Sum
 Average
 Rank
 Quotient
 Product
 Example:
 Sum
 Write the data on the excel
 Click on the cell G2 to calculate the total sum of Dulce’s marks
 Since, we want to add the Amharic, English and Math marks together, we
have to tell Excel to add all marks from cell D2 to cell F2
 So, on the cell G2, write this:
 =sum(D2:F2)

 Press Enter
 It will calculate the sum of the marks like you see below

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 To add the marks of all students

 Click on G2 (where Dulce’s sum is calculated)

 Move your mouse to the right bottom corner of the G2 cell until the cursor
turns into a small plus sign

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Move your mouse here

 Press the left click and hold

 Move your mouse down to the other cells like this:

 Release the click when you are at the last row and the sum will be applied to
all the cells you selected it

 If we change any of the marks, the sum will also change to get the right
 Average
 To calculate the average, click on the cell you want the first average value is
to be calculate. So, click on H2
 On the cell you clicked, write
 =Average(D2:F2)

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 Press Enter and the average will be calculated

 To calculate the average mark of all students, click on the cell H2
 Move your mouse over to the right bottom corner of the cell

 Press the left click and drag the mouse to highlight all cells below it

 Release the mouse click when you select enough cells and the average will
be calculated like this

 If
 In this part we will be checking if the student’s have passed or failed. If
the average is greater than 50, they will. Or else they will fail.
 So, to do that, we have to use the =if() formula. The formula works like
 It is written this way
o =if(condition, value if true, value if false)
 Condition: this is where we check our scenario
 Value if true: this is executed when the condition we
stated is true.
 Value if false: this is executed when the condition we
stated is false.
 Based on the formula we see above, we can check if Dulce passes or not
like this:
 =if(H2 > 50, “Passed”, “False”)
o The first value checks if H2 is greater than 50

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o The second value “Passed” gets executed when the H2 is

greater than 50
o The third value “Failed” gets executed when the H2 is less
than 50.
 Since H2’s value is 49, we can say that it has “Failed”. Now let’s
write it
 Click on cell I2 and write
o =If(H2 > 50, “Passed”, “Failed”)

 Press Enter when you finish, and the result will be applied

 Exercise, repeat this for all the students.
 Rank
 Now let’s calculate the rank of the students. Just like the If formula, the rank
formula also takes three values
 =Rank(number, reference, order)
o Number: the data that is being ranked
o Reference: all the data that is being ranked with the
o Order: decides whether the rank is done in an ascending or
descending order
 You can insert 0 for descending order
 You can insert any number for an ascending order
 Go to cell J2 and write this
 =Rank(H2, $H$2:$H$16, 0)
 H2: we used the H column, to rank the students based on their
average marks
 $H$2:$H$16: we are telling the formula that the comparison is
done for values found between H2 and H16
 0: to tell the Rank formula that the order is descending.
o The student who got the greater average will be ranked first
and the student who got the least average value will be
ranked at last.

 After writing, press Enter

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 As you see above the result is applied

 Ex: Rank all the students
 Merging Cells
 As we have seen from Microsoft Office Word, merging is combining multiple
cells into a one cell.
 There are 4 options of merging cells in Excel
o Merge and Center
 Merges multiple cells and puts the data inside it to the center
 If there are multiple data in the selected cells, only the top left
value is taken.
o Merge Across
 It only merges cells that are found in the same rows.
 It doesn’t merge cells from different rows.
o Merge Cells
 It does the same as Merge and Center, but it doesn’t put the data at the
o Unmerge Cells
 Splits merged cells.
 It doesn’t return the values lost when merging the cells.
 Conditional Formatting
 It is about applying formatting to cells that meet certain criteria.
 It mostly uses color-based formatting like text color, text highlight color and
 You can find this feature in the Home tab.
 Some of the most commonly used conditional formatting are:
 Highlight cells rules
 Greater than: highlights cells that have a greater value than the value
we specify to it
 Less than: highlights cells that have a lesser value than the value we
specify to it
 Between: highlights cells that are found between the values we specify
to it
 Equal to: highlights cells that is equal to the values we specify to it
 A Text that contains: highlights cells that contains the text we specify.
 A Date occurring: highlights cells with date values that specify certain
date criterias.
 Duplicate Values: highlights cells that have duplicate values or unique
values based on our choice.

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 Example:
o if we want to know the student who got more than 75 mark in Amharic

o Select the Amharic marks of all students(From D2 to D16) like this:

o Go to Home tab and Click on Conditional Formatting

o Go to Highlight Cells Rules and click on Greater than

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o Enter 75 in the input field like this

As you can see from the above picture, the marks that are greater
than 75 are highlighted red, so if we want to change that to Green,
we have to click on the drop-down menu that says “Light Red Fill
with Dark Red Text”

o Select Green Fill and press Ok

o You will get this kind of result

o You can do the same for all the conditional formatting using the
above methods.
 Top/Bottom Rules
 Top 10 items: highlights 10 cells that have greater values.
 You can change 10 to any number you want.
 Top 10%: highlights on the 10% of the total selected cells that have a greater
 Eg: if you have selected 20 cells, the 10% will be 2. So, it will highlight 2
cells that have a greater value.
 You can change 10% to any percentage you want.

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 Bottom 10 items: highlights 10 cells that have the least values.

 You can change 10 to any number you want.
 Bottom 10%: highlights on the 10% of the total selected cells that have the
least value.
 Eg: if you have selected 20 cells, the 10% will be 2. So, it will highlight
the 2 cells that have the least value.
 You can change 10% to any percentage you want.
 Above average: it will calculate the average of the values from the selected
cells and highlights the cells that are greater than the average.
 Below Average: it will calculate the average of the values from the selected
cells and highlights the cells that are less than the average.
 Insert
 Insert Cells
 Shift Cells Right
o Adds a single cell in the place of the cell you selected and moves your cell to
the right
 Shift Cells Down
o Adds a single cell in the place of the cell you selected and moves your cell
down to the next row
 Entire Row:
o Inserts a row at the place of the cell you selected and moves your row down
 Entire Column
o Inserts a column at the place of the cell you selected and moves your
column to the right
 Insert Sheet Rows
 Inserts a row at the place of the cell you selected and moves your row
 Insert Sheet Column
 Inserts a column at the place of the cell you selected and moves your
column to the right
 Insert Sheet
 Inserts a new sheet to your workbook.
 Delete
 Delete Cells
 Shift Cells left
o Deletes the cell you selected and puts the next cell at that place.
 Shift Cells Up
o Deletes the cell you selected and puts the bottom cell at that place.
 Entire Row
o Deletes the row that contains the cell you selected
 Entire Column
o Deletes the column that contains the cell you selected.

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 Delete Sheet Rows

 Deletes the row that contains the cell you selected
 Delete Sheet Column
 Deletes the column that contains the cell you selected.
 Delete Sheet
 Deletes the active sheet from the workbook.
 Format
 Helps us to change the width and height of our rows and columns, to organize
our sheets.
 Row Height: changes the height of the row we are in.
 Autofit Row Height: makes the height of a row equal to the height of the text
inside it. So that there won’t be unnecessary space.
 Column Width: changes the width of the column we are in.
 Autofit Column Width: makes the width of a column equal to the width of
the text inside it. So that there won’t be unnecessary space.
 Default Width: Changes the width of all columns to the specified value.
o It doesn’t change the width of those columns we have changed the width
of or those columns we have applied Autofit column width option.
 Rename Sheet
 Lets us change the name of our sheet
 Autosum
 It calculates the sum of the selected cells and puts it on the next cell.
 It also calculates Average, count, maximum, minimum and other formulas.
 Fill
 It is a feature that helps us copy constants or formulas to adjacent cells.
 Series
 Series in
o Row: helps to fill data to cells that are in the same row
o Columns: helps to fill data to cells that are in the column
 Type
o Linear: fills data by using addition
o Growth: fills data by using multiplication
o Date: helps to fill data that have date values
 Day: fills the day part of a date.
 Weekday: fills the day part of a date. But it only fills days
occurring from Monday to Friday. It jumps Saturday and
 Month: fills the month part of a date.
 Year: fills the year part of a date.
 Clear
 Clear All: removes everything from the selected cells.
 Clear Formats: removes only formats applied on the selected cells. It doesn’t
remove data inside the cells.

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 Clear Contents: removes only the data inside the cells. The formats will not
be removed.
 Clear Comments: removes comments from the selected cells.
 Sort and Filter
 Sort A to Z: sorts text values from A to Z
 Only works for cells that have a text value
 Sort Z to A: sorts text values from Z to A.
 Only works for cells that have a text value
 Sort Smallest to Largest: sorts numeric values in an ascending order.
 Only works for cells that have a numeric value
 Sort Largest to Smallest: sorts numeric values in a descending order.
 Only works for cells that have a text value
 Filter: helps to how the data that meet certain criterias.
 How to use Filter
o Select the row that contains your titles
o Go to Home Tab and click on Sort and Filter
o Click on Filter
o A small box with an arrow will appear next to the titles
o Click on them and select any of the options to filter your data
 Find and Select
 Go to Special
o Constants: finds and selects cells that have a constant value, or the values
we inserted by ourselves.
o Formulas: finds and selects cells that use formulas.
o Blanks: finds and selects cells that have no data in them.
o Visible Cells only: finds and selects cells that are not hidden.
 Insert

 Pivot Table
 It is a special kind of table that creates summary of our data, hence helps to
create an interactive report about our data.
 The report can be represented as a chart to further make a good visual
representation of it.
 Some examples of the reports that can be generated through pivot tables are:
 How many peoples are from each country?
 How many male and females are in the data
 From the male and female, which one is getting good marks… and other

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 How to create a pivot table

 Click on an empty cell for the pivot table to be put
 Go to Insert tab and click on pivot table
 On the Table/Range input field, go and select the parts of your data you want
to create a pivot table for.
 If you want to create your pivot table on a new Sheet, Turn on New Worksheet
option and click on Ok
 But if you want to create it in the same sheet, simply click on Ok
 Excel then creates an empty pivot table at the cell you clicked on in step 1.
 On the Right side, you will get a window that has all your titles in the top and
4 types of values in bottom
 Rows: helps to put your titles in a row
 Columns: helps to put your titles in a column
 Values: are those data that represents the row or the columns.
o When we drag and drop a title here, the excel calculates all the data
represented by the title.
 Filter: helps to filter our data in the pivot table.
 After that, it works by dragging and dropping our titles to one of these 4
 How to create a pivot chart out of pivot table
 Click on the pivot table you created
 Go to Options tab at the top
 Click on PivotChart
 Select a chart type
 Click on Ok
 Example: let’s create a pivot table that compares the total marks of Male and
Female for this data.
 Click on cell A18 for the pivot table to be placed
 You can click on any cell you want as long as there is not data in the cell

 Go to Insert and click on Pivot Table

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 Click on Table/Range input field

 Go to your data and select all of them

 Click Ok
 The pivot table is created like this:

 Since we are comparing the males and females by their total marks, let’s us drag
and drop Gender to Row Labels

 Next, let’s drag and drop the Total to the Values Field like this

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 As you can see from the above picture, the pivot table add the total marks of male
and female students and compared them.
 Now, you can drag and drop any field you want to get results like this.
 To create a chart for this pivot table
 Select the pivot table you created by clicking on it

 Click on Options tab at the top

 Click on Pivot Chart
 Select a chart type

 Press Ok when you finish selecting the chart

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 I selected the first chart type seen on the screen

 The chart will look like this:

 Chart
 Chart are a visual representation of our data. It helps us to see our what our data
looks like from different perspectives.
 There are different kinds of charts for different purposes like pie chart, column
chart, line chart and others.
 Usually, a simple column chart will have these basic elements:

Chart Title

Data Labels


Primary Vertical Axis

Primary Horizontal Axis

 How to create a chart

 Go to Insert tab at the top
 From the chart group, click on any chart you want
 Select a chart type from the drop-down menu
 Since we didn’t give it any data, the chart will be empty
 Click on the empty chart you created
 Go to Design tab at the top
 Click on Select Data
 A box will appear and you will find two categories on the left and right
o The left side is about Legend Entries or the series of the chart. It is
where you put the data you want to show in the chart

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oThe right side is about the Horizontal Axis of the chart. It is where
we put the owners of the data we are comparing in the chart.
 On the left side, click on Add
 On the window that appears, you will find two input fields titled Series
Name and Series Value
o Series name describes the name of the data you are comparing
o Series value describes that data being compared
 Click on the Series Name and type the name of the data you are comparing
 Click on the Series Value and select the range of data you want to compare.
 Click ok
 On the right side, you will find that the horizontal axis values are
represented by a number, so click on Edit to change it
 On the Axis label range, select the range of data that represents the data
you are comparing.
 Click ok
 Click ok again.
 How to update a chart
 Click on the chart
 Go to Design tab at the top and click on Select Data
 If you want to add a new series to the chart, click on add on the left side
and go through all the steps you’ve seen in the “How to create a chart”
 If you want to instead edit the series you already have, follow the steps
o select the series you want to edit by clicking on it
o Click on Edit
o The “Edit Series” box will appear
o Change the values in the two input fields
o Click Ok when you finish
o Click ok again.
 How to add/remove chart elements from our chart
 Click on the chart you have created
 Go to Layout tab at the top

 Click on any of the layouts

 Click on None, if you don’t want to show the chart element
 Click on other options to show the chart element
 Example: let’s create a chart that compares the students Amharic Mark
 Go to Insert tab and select a chart

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 Choose 2-D column chart to make the chart easier to understand
 After choosing a chart type, an empty chart will be created like this:

 To compare the students with their total marks, we have to add the Total
mark to the chart. So, click on the chart
 Go to Design tab and click on Select Data

 When you click on Select Data, you will get this window

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 To add the total mark of the students, click on Add Button on the left side
 On the window that appears,
o Write “Amharic Mark” on the Series Name

o Click on the series value

o Select all the student’s total marks

o Click on Ok

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o As we can see, the chart is already made.
o The problem with the current chart is that it doesn’t know the
student’s name. So, it is labeling them by a number at the bottom
of the chart. In order to fix that,
o Click on Edit at the right side of the window

o Go to your data and select the student’s name like this:

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o Click Ok when you finish

 As we can see, the chart is done. But it still needs improvement. You see,
it doesn’t show the exact marks of the students, so we have to add a “Data
Label” chart element. To do that,
o Click on the chart you have made,
o Go to Layout Tab at the top

o Click on Data Labels

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o Select “Outside End” from the options

o The marks will be attached with the chart as you see below

 Page Layout

 Print Area
 It lets us specify the part of our sheet we can print.
 How to create custom print area
 Select the part of your sheet you want to print.
 Go to Page Layout tab at the top
 Click on Print area
 Click on Set Print Area
 Example:
 For the data below, lets us only make Excel print only upto the 10th
 Select up to the 10th row

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 Go to page Layout and click on Print Area

 Click on Set Print Area

 As we can see, we have created a print area, to make sure that it
works, Click on the Office Button

 Move your mouse to “Print”

 Click on Print Preview

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NeuovaTech Technology Institute PLC

 As we can see from the above, Excel is only going to print from 1
upto 10th row.
 How to remove custom print area
 Go to Page Layout tab at the top
 Click on clear print area
 How to add another custom print area
 Select another part of your sheet you want to print
 Go to page Layout tab at the top
 Click on Print Area
 Click on Add to Print area
o This option will only be available, if you already have
another custom print area.
 Breaks
 It lets us create a page break for our sheet when printed. It helps us specify where
a new page shall begin when we print our sheet.
 The break will be created at the top and to the left side of our selection.
 How to create a break
 Click on the cell you want to start a new page at
 Go to Page Layout tab at the top
 Click on Breaks
 Click on Insert Page Break

 How to remove a page break

 Click on the cell you have created a page break at
 Go to Page Layout at the top
 Click on Break
 Click on Remove Page Break
 Print Titles
 It lets us specify the rows and columns we want to repeat on every page of the
printed sheet.
 How to make rows and columns repeat on every page
 Go to Page Layout at the top
 Click on Print Titles
 Click on the “Rows to repeat at top” input field
 Go to your sheet and click on the row you want to repeat
 Click on the “Columns to repeat at left” input field
 Go to your sheet and click on the column you want to repeat
 Click on Ok

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