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Jenna Bush comes to BHS

Tiffany Torres Editor Jenna Bush, daughter of the current president, made a stop at the Bryan High auditorium Monday Oct. 15 for her recently published book, Anas Story: A Journey of Hope. Bush only chose a handful of high schools around the country to speak at while promoting her book. Anas Story is about the life of a teenage girl going through adversities. She changed my life, what she had to go through is only problems one might face when at an older age rather than at seventeen, which gains my deepest admiration, Bush said. Jenna Bush was an English teacher in Washington D.C. at a charter school, typically a school with students that may come from an economically low income family. Then she became the young ambassador for UNICEF and went throughout Latin American countries to write about the lives of impoverished children. All the kids we met are living with so much hope, she said. Some students were hit with a powerful realization and thought the work Bush is doing is important. Of course, I always knew that there are people in this world without homes, but the video about poverty and children just wanting clean running water really opened my eyes to what I might take for granted in everyday life, senior Brittany Wilson said. Lisa Prejean senior English teacher and head of the English department sees the benefit of marketing a book to young adults. Jenna Bush is trying to get the story out there to send a

Whats inside...

Butthoven Garrett Snowden Viking football Halloween Game Page

message about poverty in foreign countries and how education can break that cycle, Prejean said. Bush is speaking to a few high schools about her novel, which is classified targets the young adult audience. I think she wrote the book in the way she did just to get that message out there to teenagers, Prejean said. If your too pretentious [young students] wont listen to what you have to say, but if youre straight forward in a simple manner, then theyll listen. Some students felt the focus was misdirected. I think it was more about promoting the book than volunteerism, senior Aaron Williams said. Other students felt the message was not as powerful because of the way it was presented. She didnt have passion for what she was talking about, senior Martina Barrentine said. Barrentine also felt it was too scripted and rehearsed. She should be able to speak from her heart because thats what passion is, not whats written on a piece of paper, Barrentine said. In the presentation Monday, Bush pressed the students to start volunteering by doing minor things like sitting with someone that is alone at lunch, because this small act can mean so much more than they can imagine. Now Im excited to help, even though Im just seventeen. I think I can make a difference. I want to go to Africa and help my people, Wilson said. According to UNICEF statistics, 30,000 children die around the world each day due to poverty and starvation. There are over two million children living with HIV/ AIDS. Over 100 million children are not in school and another 100 million children under the age of 15 are working in extreme and dangerous jobs to support their families.

Features In-Depth Opinions Sports

Entertainment pg 7 Games pg 8

Bryan High School October 2007 Volume 37, Number 1

pg 2 pg 3 pg 4-5 pg 6

Page 2

New band on the rise at BHS

Cole Roberts Staff writer Lifes about being epic senior lead guitarist Tanner Field said. For the band Butthoven this isnt just a motto, its a way of life. Butthoven collectively describe their sound as epic metal. Epic metal consists of Melodic Rock and also elements of Viking metal, Tanner said. The band was originally formed in the early days of summer consisting of senior Brian Shillings on vocals and Tanner on guitar. Over the next couple of months the band added seniors Jeff Laird on bass, junior Jared Batten on drums and sophomore Michael Cowley on keyboard. Forming the band grew from a need to counteract other local bands that did not emphasize vocal qualities. I have been inspired by local bands that had little vocal emphasis, Brian said. Joining the band was never a question for Jeff and Michael.

October 2007

Senior to pursue career in music and production

Logan Kickham - Assistant Editor Tiffany Torres - Editor Walking onto the stage, into the spotlight and staring into a room filled with people awaiting your arrival is just an ordinary Saturday night for Bryan High senior Garrett Snowden. Garrett is an aspiring alternative musician and, at 17, already has a lifetime of experience. Garrett has been singing in school choirs since he was in middle school, and when his dad gave him his first guitar he realized instruments were naturally the next step. I always listened to music, so when I got my first guitar I thought I might as well learn how to play, Garrett said. As a child, Garrett began to develop everyday skills and along the way also began developing as a musician. [He] was never shy to perform in front of people. He wouldnt mind singing in front of babysitters, his mother said. Garrett plans to take his passion for music to a higher education and move to the Mecca of all fine arts professions, New York City. Snowden is currently considering attending the prestigious, Institute of Audio Research School of Audio Engineering and Production. I really want to go to IAR because its in a musically influenced city and many well known producers have attended [the school], he said. The alumni consist of award-winning names, such as Michael Andrews, who has engineered for Metallica and the Verve Pipe, one of the head executives for

I thought it would be a good opportunity to play with some talented musicians, Jeff said. How could I not join, Michael added. The band lyrics consist mostly of two main characters, Tom Chesson and St. Francis. Although the band would not reveal the true identity of Tom Chesson and St. Francis, they did confirm that they are non-fictional characters. Theres a little Tom Chesson in all of us, Tanner said. Butthoven is currently working on their first CD Against the Oaken Throne which will consist of eight songs. The album is a concept album which chronicles Tom Chessons battles alongside St.Francis as Chesson reigns as king, Tanner said. The band plans to finish their album and begin playing live shows in the area. The CD is expected to be released some time after Christmas To find out more or sample their music, visit But- Illustration by junior Jackson Conrad of the mighty Tom Chesson as represented in by the band Butthoven. thoven at

Def Jam Records, and even some Grammy award recipients. Garrett enjoys listening to many different artists, and pulls from the different sounds as an influence to create his own sound. Some of the artists and bands I try to incorporate into my music are Augustana, and Ryan Adams, Garrett said. In last years Show Stoppers, Garrett gave his audience a taste of the music he loves by performing the 2006 hit song Boston by Augustana. Garretts music is appreciated by a wide variety of people and many of his friends at school enjoy attending his concerts to listen to him play. Garrett is a great performer and has always been very dedicated to his music, senior Garrison Kickham said. Over the last few years, Garrett has grown into an extremely talented young musician with a great deal of promise. He continually tries to learn more and become more knowledgeable about the industry. Along with singing I play the piano, bass drums, harmonica, and the guitar, Garrett said. Instruments have allowed Garrett to experience more aspects of music and become involved in the music business in a variety of different ways. Right now Im just trying to play as many shows as I can and stay active with my music, he said. People that are interested can catch him on October 29 and November 10 at the Venue. The Venue is located in downtown Bryan and frequently features many artists like Garrett Snowden.

October 2007

Housing two high schools under one roof

Tiffany Torres Editor Even though Bryan feels like a small community the fact that there are over 65,000 residents and almost 4,000 students enrolled at the high school has created an environment that can no longer be thought of as small. Rudder High will officially open its doors in the fall of 2008. For now though, the inaugural class has found a home in one wing of Bryan Highs Silver Campus. Former associate principal of Bryan High, Hugh Piatt, is now the head principal of Rudder High. Were trying to get the [Rudder students] that are here to understand that they are going to be Rudder, but for right now we are still in Bryan, Piatt said.

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Other students who dont have as much direct interaction with Rudder students dont even notice a difference between this year and last year. Most of the time I forget Rudder students are even here, junior David Lacey said. As for a school rivalry taking place between Bryan and Rudder, most people dont see it happening. BHS and RHS students will not have the opportunity to have a rivalry between them, as BHS is a 5A campus and RHS will grow to a 4A campus, BHS principal Carol Cune said. I am glad since both RHS and BHS have so many students that have grown up with one another.

Bryan Vikings

Two schools, one campus

Starting a new school is both challeng Many Bryan High students dont understand ing and exciting. There are many hurdles to the purpose of dividing the school before Rudcross while planning the logistics of a new der actually opens and believe that it creates school, but there is also an opportunity to bemore division than unity by having two gin with a fresh start. schools intermingle in activities. Well never have to hear, weve al Rudder students attend math, science, soways done it this way before because weve cial studies and English classes together, but never done it before, Piatt said. elective courses are taken with alongside other This years freshman at RHS will set BHS students. the tone for their school next year. They will Some Viking sports teams also have Rangers as have the opportunity to create their own trateammates. There is less unity as far as our team goes, said Amanda Gardner, a senior ditions and routines as the inaguiral class. cross-country runner about the bonding of the two schools runners as team- Everything from school colors and mascot to specific school activies and celebrations will be initiated by Rudder class of 2011. mates.

Building traditions

Do you think a rivalry will form between BHS and RHS as Rudder continues to grow in the future?

What are you most looking forward to about the new Rudder High?

By having classes in one wing of Silver, do you feel like Rudder High has started to develop its own identity away from BHS?

13% NO

Being the oldest. Brittany Waller

Being the first class to graduate. Kristen Taylor

45% YES

87% YES
Basketball season. Alvon Mason
*60 RHS and 40 BHS student surveyed

55% NO
Making records. Depree Sanders
*100 RHS student surveyed

Page 4

March to a new beat, stereotypes destroyed

backwards at 200 beats per minute. Yeah, sounds like fun huh? For those of you who walk past the student parking lot early in the morning laughing at the band, let me set a few things straight. We are at the school at 6:45 am, every morning during the 1st semester. We stand at attention with instruments in hand for long periods of time in the humid morning sun, and soon freezing pre-dawn dark. We practice for three weeks in the steaming hot Texas weather just to provide entertainment during half-time. So show a little appreciation. Football players start most of the mess. Yes, they wear big, heavy pads. Yes, they have practice during One time, at band camp If youve ever seen any of the American Pie mov- school, outside in the heat. Yes, they have to perform ies, then youve heard this phrase before. This is the in front of thousands of screaming fans every week. Ill admit they have it rough too, but imagine what first of the many stereotypes about high school band the band goes through running in a tight, itchy footthat needs to be corrected. First off, band camp is nothing like the stories ball uniform with your helmet much tighter and wobyouve heard. The majority of the camps are held bling with two feet of plume on your head. You have in college dorms, not co-ed and they are adult su- to stay in step with 150 other people, play a song you pervised. Most of your time is spent learning new only learned a month ago and stay in tune. Oh, you instrumental techniques and the best way to march also have to watch a guy up on a podium waving his


October 2007


Chelsea Downey

arms around trying to keep everyone together. Okay, so I dont mean to sound bitter. Football, basketball, volleyball, track, soccer, gymnastics, baseball, etc.; you have a heavy load to bear with all of your conditioning and practice. I just want to make the point that we have it just as hard. Along with performing during the entire game to support a team that laughs at us, and marching a memorized half-time show, the band goes to marching contest about every other Saturday. Just because youre in the band doesnt mean you like everything the band does. Its the same with sports. You dont always agree with everything the coach is saying. The band directors and drum majors can be overly demanding and OCD at times, but everyone has their bad days. They also want the band to be at our best, all the time, to knock down the reputation that we are a ghetto band. Hopefully, the change from dreary church music to 80s rock tunes will knock out a lot of the laughter. So work on the teasing and laughter, and just cheer us on like we do the football team. GO VIKINGS!

Finding place to fit in as the new kid on campus


For most people, being the new kid is not fun. People dont like stepping out of their comfort zone and into something they have no knowledge of, especially when the new place is the complete opposite of their old town. I come from a town where the people only number 18,000. I knew pretty much every person in my old high school. At the stores and fast food places I walked into, the cashier would start talking to me like we were old friends. When somebody new comes into the picture, people in my old town would

Megn Chaney

make an effort to include them in everything so they didnt feel left out. Then I moved here and I like to see everything as an adventure. I refuse to be miserable no matter what the circumstances. So on the first day of school when I found out that people here arent as nice as people back home, I texted my mom. A little while later she picked me up to go to the doctor with her. I couldnt handle the whole school day all at once. I went home that night and immediately called some friends from back home. That made me feel better and it got me through the next few days. The first week I made one friend. I think I got lucky on that one. As of now Ive been here eight weeks and I know about seven people. I am too sociable to only know seven people. People here are not too friendly, in my opinion, so I dont talk much any-

more. Consequently, when I get home my mom has to listen to me for hours on end because I cant quit talking about the things that have happened during the day. When youre the new kid as people keep calling me, its like a very long adventure. I never know what is going to happen next or who Im going to talk to next. Im constantly being surprised. This school itself is very different from my old school. It is gynormous. My old school would have fit in this school almost four times. Lunch is a very different thing here too. In Angleton, they sold Papa Johns and Chick-Fil-A at lunch and all the juniors and seniors could leave. So we only had freshmen and sophomores on campus during lunch. Usually, not even all of the underclassmen stayed. I cant remember a time when I actually stayed on campus for lunch. Its not like I was skipping, I just didnt think I should stay on campus when the upperclassmen got to leave. I miss that a great deal. One advantage is that I dont know

people. I dont know their reputations and I dont know their deep dark secrets that arent really secrets at all. I can make new friends without judgment. I am learning on my own what people are like without hearing all the rumors and gossip about them from my friends. I am making friends with people I like, not people I have to like because everyone else does. I dont belong to one certain crowd anymore. Back in Angleton, even though you knew everybody, you stuck to your own crowd and the new people just found a place to fit in, but here there are so many people that it isnt possible. Even people that have been here their whole lives dont know everybody. It is a new thing and Im learning to adjust to it. I know eventually itll be normal to me to wake up and go to this school everyday, but for now I still wake up surprised that Im not back home in Angleton with all the people I know and love. I will adjust, I know I will.

October 2007

Filthy, messy, just plain gross Food for thought

When shopping at Post Oak Mall, people usually only, clothes, shoes, accessories, or other nifty things mall stores sell these days. But have you ever looked down on the floor when buying food or drinks from the food court? They are absolutely disgusting. The bacteria infested pink and green tables are covered in food crumbs, straw wrappers, leftover Chick-Fil-A bags, and who knows what else. Whats worse is the horrid smell coming from the mens bathroom, which somehow always drifts out into the American Eagle and Sonic area of the food court. Another problem are the little kids in the tree play area that run around barefoot on little mushrooms and green colored turf that is probably rarely cleaned. This makes me wonder if the mall janitorial staff ever cleans anything at all. I mean, sure there are a lot of people who meander through the mall every day, our mall is considerably large, and there are a lot of tables to clean and floors to mop, but cleaning a little extra is worth the health and safety of Bryan/College Station citizens. The mall really should look into hiring more people to clean our mall, or start being stricter on the janitorial system. Also, people shouldnt leave the entire cleaning job to the janitors. I know how teenagers can be about cleaning up, all you have to do is look at our school cafeterias and bathrooms. People should take responsiblity for their own garbage and clean up their own mess. Just like your mom expects you to pick up after yourself at home, you should pick up after yourself at school or in public. Just because there is no one to yell at you or ground you at the mall, doesnt give you the right to be disrespectful. If someone has trash, they should throw it away. If someone spills a drink, they should at least attempt to clean some of it up with napkins. The mall is one of the few fun places to hang out in Bryan-College Station, so we should take care of it a little better. I for one am tired of accidentally stepping in pools of melted Dipn Dots, or still smelling the unflushed toilets after leaving the bathroom area. Take a stand, help clean up, and maybe we wont all die from eating on germ covered food court tables.


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Ruthie Dearman

Bryan High School 3450 Campus Drive, Bryan, TX 77802
Editors Tiffany Torres Assistant Editor Logan Kickham Staff Meagan Chaney, Jessica Cooke, Ruth Dearman, Chelsea Downey, Megan Mireles, Rebecca Noriega, Belinda Rivera, Cole Roberts, Susana Suarez, Kennesha Wilson, Courtney YBarbo Adviser Rebecca Dominy

The American school system claims to strive toward the goal of helping students learn to make responsible decisions as they move into adulthood by teaching study skills and self-motivated independence; yet decisions on how to make healthy food choices is apparently too complex for the average teenager. Once options are taken away from students, the chance to make a good decision is also taken away. As young adults we should be allowed to eat what we want. The state is trying to force us to eat healthy, after years of providing us with the option of snack foods. If the government does want to initiate a healthy plan for school children, it should be started in the elementary schools where habits are first learned. Many high school students do choose healthy alternatives at lunch, but being forced to add a milk and a fruit to your tray to merely throw it away seems wasteful. The new wave of healthy lifestyle lessons seems to be sweeping the country, and as much as that sounds like a great idea, a more significant issue remains for school lunches - the amount of time given to eat. It is a proven fact that consuming food quickly is not good for digestion and can cause over-eating because your body is not able to signal to you that you are full before you stop eating. We are told that we have 30 minutes to eat lunch, but that consists of travel time and the time it takes to get food in the lunch lines. Once those factors are calculated in we are down to about 15 minutes. As we prepare for adulthood we should be given the responsibility to make our own decisions as well as the respect to be able to consume our lunch in an appropriate length of time. Obesity is a growing problem in American, but with some schools removing recess from younger grades, the attempt to correct the problem by eliminate a few snacks at lunch seem futile. ---Norseman Staff

Volume 37, No. 1

The opinions expressed are those of the writers and are not reflective of the administrators, faculty or staff of Bryan Independent School District. Submissions to the editors are welcomed, but must be signed and should not exceed 300 words. The editor reserves the right to edit submissions in the interest of clarity and length or to not print a letter at all. Letters containing obscene or libelous material will not be considered. Bryan Independent School District does not discrimitnate on the basis of race, religion, color, national orgin, sex or handicap in providng education services.

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Crosstown Showdown

October 2007

Logan Kickham Staff writer The Vikings head into tonights game with a 3-3 record as the anticipation builds and there is a great amount of hype over this huge rivalry. A&M Consolidated stands at 2-5 with the Vikings hoping to leave them on Kyle field 2-6. The atmosphere at the cross-town showdown is always electric and is further intensified by the game being played on Kyle Field, with a crowd that dwarfs other regular season games. The Vikings have honed their skills over the past two weeks, practicing through an open week to prepare for Consol. They will come out fighting and are expected to win, but with this rivalry no one can predict the outcome until the last seconds have ticked off the clock. Over the past six weeks the Vikings have been working diligently and continuously improving. The team won their season opener 33-20 against Cy-Falls, but then hit a rocky patch. In the second game against Pflugerville, Bryan suffered a difficult blow when starting quarterback Garrison Kickham went out with a knee injury after the seventh play of the game. The team fought back, but fell short of a win with a final score of 23-16. After the Vikes fought back from 0-14 deficit in the Leander game, they were not able to capitalize and fell to the Lions 34-17. They pulled together through the next week and prepared for the number two team in the state, the DeSoto Eagles. Nearly every ticket holder was on their feet after a miraculous touchdown in the first nine seconds by senior Stan McGruder. In the huge upset Bryan defeated the Eagles 30-27. The next week the boys headed to Temple for their fifth game, but lost after a hard-fought effort 20-13. Most recently the Viking played Killeen-Ellison in their homecoming game. The team went to the air numerous times in the first half and it definitely proved to be the way to go. Kickham was able to show his talent with the help of many other specialty players. McGruder and junior Monterrell Washington both had outstanding performances. Bryan took home the win with a score of 30-14.

Junior Monterrell Washington eludes defenders as he makes his way down the field against the Leander Lions. Junior Justin Hartgroves and sophomore Krey Bratsen have also proven to be key players on the team. Hartgroves is the teams leading kick and punt returner, and has also helped out tremendously on the defensive side of the game with outstanding coverage ability. Bratsen has excellent speed and is a serious deepball threat. Senior wideout Gary Hammond arguably has the best hands on the team. He continually finds a way to get open and come down with the ball. Defensively, Thomas Ponzio, Elton Holmess and Jaron Gentry have been essential players on the Viking lineup. Thus far, the Vikings have completed 41 of 71 passes for 813 yards and have run the ball 185 times for 866 yards, proving to have a balanced offense. The passing game has been very effective in moving the ball and will be essential in winning tonights game. The game will be tonight at Kyle Field and begins at 7:30.

Gearing up for Crosstown rivalry

Jessica Cooke Staff writer The volleyball team will play Consol at the Tiger gym at 6:30, before the football game. The Vikings are one game behind A&M Consolidated in district and are hoping to tie the series up with a win on Friday. The Lady Vikes are 23-8 overall and 8-1 in district play. Bryan opened the first match with five straight points and then finished the match with an additional five more consecutive points as senior Megan Destefano served to close out the final point. The game ended in a disappointing lose thoughafter winning the first match 25-16,

Senior Megan Destefano gets under the ball to keep the play alive.

the next three matches went to Consol, 22-25, 19-25, 21-25, and so did the first round of the Crosstown Showdown. Senior Kallie Pence, last years District 135A MVP, had 34 assists in the first showdown and will look to be an asset in Fridays game. The Lady Vikes are hoping to have better ball control Friday and dominate the Tigers on both the offensive and defensive sides of the ball. The more control, the better the passes and therefore you can run an offense and you have better chances to terminate, Pence said. The match-up between the two volleyball teams is heated every year, and usually decides the district champion. Whoever comes to play will win, Pence said.

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October 2007

80s movie classic, great rental

Courtney YBarbo Staff writer
Sometimes you just want to stay in on a Friday or Saturday night and watch a good movie. Recently, I rented the classic 80s movie, The Goonies; the story of four mischievous boys that stumble upon a treasure map. While searching for the hidden treasure, the boys come across a family of robbers, the Fratellis. They walk in on the Fratellis making plans to rob the towns major bank and startle them. Scared that the boys overheard their plans to rob the bank, the robbers try to get rid of the boys. The movie follows the boys in their adventure to find the treasure, with the Fratellis constantly close behind. Sean Astin, who plays the main character Mikey Walsh, was able to launch his career from this movie. Astin came back on the scene as Rudy in the football movie of the same name played and Sam in the award-winning Lord Of The Rings trilogy. Another familiar face in this movie is Corey Feldman, playing the brave Clark Mouth Devereaux. Feldman was a popular child actor, playing in many 80s movies including the well-known movie Stand By Me. Personally, I love this movie. It offers a lit bit of something for everyone. The Goonies is filled with sarcasm and will constantly keep you laughing. There are points in the movie that can drag, but other than that it is very enjoyable. A sequel to The Goonies is currently in discussion and it will be a wonderful follow-up to the 1980s classic.

Soulja Boy: repeative soundhow Theres another song about Belinda Rivera
Staff writer The much anticipated CD release of the new hip hop artist from Atlanta, Soulja Boy, has had everyone waiting for its arrival. The seventeen year old has paired up with manager, Derrick Crooms, whos responsible for shaping the Ying Yang Twins success. Soulja Boys number one hit song Crank That is featured on the CD. After you hear that song, youve pretty much heard it all. His other tracks consist of the same beat as Crank That and they repeat the same phrases over and over again for two minutes. When I first heard it I thought it was okay, but I couldnt listen to it twice. I felt it was made at the last minute and had no originality to it. It makes me think hes just going to be a one hit wonder. He has a whole song about a phone!

he failed and wants his teacher to throw some Ds on it. Before he was signed on to Collipark/Interscope Records Soulja Boy had a lot of good songs. He would record his songs with his friend, Arab, and put it on the internet under a different song title. So if people wanted to download Gold Digger they would end up downloading one of his songs. He kept track of how many people downloaded his songs and pretty soon he created his own website, I feel his songs before he became a known artist are much better than the ones that are on his first CD. Hes lost his touch. Hopefully, his new CD will showcase some of the old style and bring back the good music he created before he signed with a big company.

Sydney White: dorky, but heartwarming

Susana Suarez Staff writer From the moment I saw the preview for Sydney White I wanted to see it, not only because it seemed like a charismatic movie that I would enjoy, but Im a also a huge fan of Amanda Bynes. The movie Sydney White is about a girl going to college for the first time and following in the footsteps of her mother by joining a sorority. Sydney White (Amanda Bynes) goes to college for the first time, but doesnt end up getting into the sorority that she wanted. After being rejected from the sorority she teams up with her new friends to bring down Rachel (Sara Paxton). Rachel is the president of the sorority as well as the student body. Sydney and her new friends Lenny (Jack Carpenter), Jeremy (Adam Hendershot), Gurkin (Danny Strong), Spanky (Samm Levine), and George (Arnie Pantajo), decide to join student council so they can have their voices heard about sharing the money that mostly goes to the sorority. Sydney White did a spectacular job by standing up for what she believes in and getting her voice heard in this movie. Her role in the movie is incredibly funny and inspiring to the movie viewers. Just like in her previous show What I Like About You, she plays a similar role of the classic goofy dork. Every character in this movie is funny in their own way yet they all have their serious sides too. For example, Lenny is shown as a very funny character through his interaction with the rest of the cast, but he also gets down to business when things get serious. This movie may not be filled with action and adventure, but it retells a classic story in a refreshing college setting. The movie has romance for the girls and plenty of humor for the guys. Overall the movie is pretty funny if you like Amanda Bynes as an actress.

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October 2007

Halloween Game Page

Spooky Word Search
costume treat jack o lantern pumpkin black cats halloween ghost goblins moonlight bats trick scary witch spell brew owls fly dark boo

Joke Box

1. What do goblins and ghosts drink when theyre hot and thirsty on Halloween? 2. What is a Mummys favorite type of music? 3. Whats it like to be kissed by a vampire? 4. What do you call a skeleton who wont get up in the mornings? 5. How does a monster score a football touchdown? 6. How can you tell if a school is haunted?
1. Ghoul-aid! 2. Wrap! 3. Its a pain in the neck! 4. Lazy bones! 5. He runs over the ghoul line! 6. If it has school spirit!

Trick Tac Toe S u d o k u

1. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each row. 2. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each column. 3. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each 3x3 box. 4. A complete Sudoku puzzle contains the numbers 1 through 9 in every row, column, and 3x3 box. 5. If you cant figure it out, just cheat.

Halloween Funnies
by Ruthie Dearman

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