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Directions: Read the story and answer the questions that follow by writing
the letter of the correct answer.

A Lesson in the Farm

One day, the Science Class of Mrs. Ferrer had a trip to the farm to observe
the different living things in the river, in the meadows and in the rice field. They
were grouped into three and assigned to particular areas to be observed. What I
Have Learned How do you know? How do you know? How do you know? How do
you know? 16 The members of each group helped one another in identifying living
things in their assigned area. They were surprised to see the ants that stop when
they meet their way while storing food for their colony. They seemed talking with
each other and then continued moving on their way. Also, they looked and smiled
at one another, “They are like people who greet each other when they meet at the
street,” said Luis. “And the best thing in them is that they helped one another in
storing their food for the rainy days,” informed Mrs. Ferrer. “Like us Ma’am, we
also help one another to make our work easier and lighter,” replied the children.

1. Where did the Science class go?

A. to the beach C. to the farm

B. to the mall D. to the garden
2. Why did they go to the farm?
A. to pick flowers C. to observe living things
B. to dig holes D. to cut trees

3. What did they see that struck their attention?

A. The ants seemed to be talking to each other before continuing their way
B. The animals in the meadow
C. The birds on the branches of trees
D. The flowers in the garden

A Girl with her River

I recall, a girl who has become half blonde and deeply tanned for over
exposure to the heat of the sun while swimming happily in the majestic river in
Bulod, a barrio in the town of Tubod, Lanao del Norte.
The Bulod river became a rendezvous for young, active and
adventurous children living near the river banks.
I am that girl.
I was six and innocent.
The river has become the witness of my agility and tenacity as a young
girl full of energy. Even during the long peak hours of the blazing heat of the
sun, I was soaked in the river everyday, and I couldn’t help but unconsciously
enhance my swimming prowess.
Bulod River – a river that bears the memories of my younger days. It is
the river that holds a repertoire of my laughter after laughter, of my screams
before I held my breath upon jumping from the bridge unto the pristine crystal
Bulod river is a reflection of life: a basin for both human beings and
other living creatures. There are a total of 24 families of aquatic insects,
mollusks, flatworms and aquatic earthworms found and identified in the heart
of the river. Aquatic insects mostly dominated the area which accounted 91%
of the total abundance.
The people that happily enjoy the richness of the river day by day are
both Christians and Maranaos living nearby, harmoniously existing despite
their differences in faith, language, family traditions, and cultures.

4. The girl narrator in the story is _____ years old.

A. 3 B. 5 C. 6 D. 4
5. Where did the young girl spend most of her time during the day?
A. in the market C. in a store
B. in the river D. in the forest

6. What barangay in Tubod is the river located?

A. Bulod C. Malingao
B. Pualas D. Pigcarangan

7. What is the theme of the story?

A. Sadness B. Happiness C. Fear D. Hate

8. Which of the following statements suggests the point of view of the story.
A. I was happy with the river. C. The river is big.
B. The river is clean. D. There are many fish in the river.


Chameleons are extraordinary animals. They are one of the few animals
that can change their color. This is their way of hiding themselves. Chameleons
that live in trees are often green. Those that live in desert lands are usually
brown. It is also their way of keeping warm. Turning a darker shade helps them
absorb more heat. They also change colors to send messages to other
chameleons. Their bright colors may attract another chameleon or warn enemies.

9. What is one unique characteristic of chameleons?

A. Their color changes. C. They live in deserts.
B. They live in trees. D. They climb trees fast. They send messages
to other animals.

10. What will happen to a chameleon on a cold day?

A. It will become invisible. C. It will turn white.
B. It will turn a shade lighter. D. It will turn a shade darker.
11. Changing its color is the chameleon’s way of .
A. showing its special power C. finding its family
B. hiding itself from other animals D. shedding its skin

12. Chameleons are extraordinary animals. Another word for extraordinary is

A. amazing B. not known C. common D. unusual

13. What is the advantage of changing color?

A. It can hide itself. C. It can join with other chameleons
B. It can kill enemies. D. It can hold on to the branch as it climbs.

14. The main idea of the selection is .

A. why chameleons change colors. C. where chameleons come from
B. how chameleons survive in the wild. D. where chameleons live.

15. The best title for this selection is .

A. How Chameleons Communicate with Other Animals
B. Why Chameleons Change Color
C. The Different Habitats of Chameleons
D. The Enemies of Chameleons

The Philippine Eagle

The Philippine Eagle has replaced the maya as our national bird. It is one
of the three largest and strongest eagles in the world. But it is in danger of
extinction. Hunting and deforestation have caused the number of Philippine
Eagles to dwindle. Scientists have tried to increase their number by breeding
them in captivity. The first eagle to be bred in captivity is Pag-asa. At 25 years
old, Pag-asa is not yet suited to be released to the wild as she has developed
dependency on her human keeper.
16. The Philippine Eagle is in danger of extinction. It means this type of eagle
will eventually ________________.
A. disappear B. increase C. migrate D. starve

17. When birds are bred in captivity, they are _____________.

A. allowed to freely fly in the wide forest C. caught and sold as pets
B. cared for in a safe environment D. given a diet of bread

18. What is responsible for the decrease in the number of Philippine Eagles?
A. their migration to cooler countries C. the activities of humans
B. their transfer to warmer places D. lack of available food

19. Pag-asa is the name of the first eagle which .

A. was discovered first in our country.
B. was born in captivity.
C. was kept in the wild
D. was given as a gift

20. What is the problem posed in the selection? The Philippine Eagles __ .
A. are in danger of being gone forever
B. are dying because of a disease
C. migrate to other countries
D. are not growing fast

21. The purpose for writing the selection is to .

A. invite researchers to study the Philippine eagle.
B. make the reader proud of the Philippine eagle.
C. warn the hunters not to harm the Philippine eagle.
D. raise an alarm about the possible disappearance of the Philippine

22. A good title for this selection is .

A. Help Save the Philippine Eagle
B. See the Rare Philippine Eagle
C. Breeding the Philippine Eagle
D. The Effects of Deforestation
Early Start

Mara woke up with a start. “Oh no!” The sun was shining brightly on her
face. She looked at her alarm clock. She was not going to make it to school.
She hurriedly put on her uniform, gathered her things and dumped them into her
bag. She rushed so that she could be in school before the bell rang. As she was
going out the door, her mother stopped her and asked, “Why are you rushing?
Did you forget? It’s Saturday today!”

23. Mara woke up with a start. When a person wakes up with a start, it means
that one got out of bed ____________________.
A. sad B. happy C. worried D. excited

24. Why does Mara have to rush?

A. so she would get to school on time
B. so she would be the first student in school
C. so she would be the fastest runner in school
D. so she could eat breakfast before going to school

25. What did Mara forget?

A. that she did not set her alarm clock early enough for the next day
B. that she did not need to rush because there were no classes today
C. that she cannot anymore eat breakfast if she was rushing to school
D. that she cannot anymore go to school because she was very late

26. How do you think did Mara feel after her mother talked to her?
A. anxious B. nervous C. relieved D. unhappy
27.What did the author intend when she wrote the selection?
A. to inform C. to evaluate
B. to entertain D. to convince

Rice for Lunch

Anika washed the rice grains. Then she put them into a pot. She also put in
two cups of water. Finally, she covered the pot and left it on the electric stove.
After twenty minutes, she went to check on the pot. It was not hot. She saw that
the plug was still on the floor. Anika looked at the clock and shook her head. It was
almost lunchtime.

28. What did Anika want to do?

A. wash rice C. serve rice
B. cook rice d. measure rice

29. Why was she unable to do what she wanted to do?

A. The lid was very hot.
B. The clock was not working.
C. The stove was not plugged.
D. The pot had too much water.

30. Why did Anika look at the clock.? She looked at the clock to see if
A. the clock was still working
B. she still had time to watch TV.
C. the time on the clock was correct
D. the rice will be cooked in time for lunch.
31. What did Anika feel when she saw the clock?
A. glad B. angry C. excited D. worried

32. What should Anika do to finish what she started?

A. She should plug the stove.
B. She should set the alarm clock.
C. She should wash the rice grains again.
D. She should add more water to the pot.

Home to Millions of Fish

Coral reefs are found in shallow areas of tropical ocean waters. They
are like beautiful underground gardens that grow in salty waters. Millions of
fish and sea plants make their home in the reefs as these provide a safe
sanctuary for them. They allow small fish to hide from large predator fish. But
many coral reefs are in trouble. Water pollution is destroying many reefs.
Tourism likewise harms them. If reefs are damaged, we will lose many of our
most beautiful fish.

33. Coral reefs are described as underground gardens because _________.

A. they are full of flowers
B. there are many sea plants
C. they have many enormous fish
D. there are many types of pebbles

34. Coral reefs provide a safe sanctuary to live for the small fish. A sanctuary
is synonymous to ______________________.
A. water B. shelter C. cage D. cave
35. Why are the small fish safer in the coral reefs than in the open sea?
A. The water is saltier.
B. The waves are not so big.
C. There is no pollution there.
D. It is less likely that the big fish will eat them

36. How is the last paragraph of the selection developed?

A. by giving a list of effects
B. by enumerating a series of sequenced events
C. by stating the main topic and giving examples
D. by defining the problem and the possible solution

37. Which cause of the destruction of coral reefs is mentioned in the last
A. pollution
B. the presence of big fish of the ocean
C. the strong wind and big waves
D. the increasing temperature

Counting the Hours

When men decided to divide the day into twenty-four hours, they used
numbers one through twelve two times. As a result, there was one o’clock during
the day and another one o’clock after midnight. This created confusion. If one was
told to submit a project at six o’clock, did this mean six o’clock in the morning or at
night? The Romans provided a solution to this problem. They thought that noon
time, the time when the sun is at its apex, is an important time. They called noon
Meridies and measured time by this. They called the morning ante meridiem, which
means “before noon” while “after noon” was called post meridiem. Ante meridiem
was shortened to A.M. while post meridiem was shortened to P.M.
38. When the day was divided into twenty-four hours, what numbers were
used to express time?
A. one to six C. one to thirty-six
B. one to twelve D. one to twenty four

39. Meridies means _______________.

A. apex B. noon C. before D. daylight

Having a nosebleed is a common occurrence. Children experience epistaxis when
blood flows out from either or both nostrils, often for a short period of time. It may
be caused by one’s behavior like frequent nose picking or blowing too hard when
one has a cold. It may also be caused by certain physical factors such as an allergy
or abnormal growths in the nasal cavity. Or it may be due to environmental
conditions such as exposure to toxic fumes or dryness of the air. While it is often
thought that holding one’s head back can treat a nosebleed, this can actually cause
one to choke or vomit. The best thing to do is to lean forward, pinch the top of the
nose and apply a cold compress. And if that doesn’t work, it’s best to get
professional help.

40. When children experience epistaxis, we can observe that there is

A. a steady flow of nasal discharge
B. blood flow from the nasal passage
C. buildup of mucus in our nasal cavity
D. blood stoppage in the nostrils
41. Which of these options help treat a nosebleed?
A. applying a cold compress on the nose
B. pinching the nostrils shut
C. holding the head back to keep the blood from flowing
D. applying a warm compress on the nose

42.This selection is mainly providing

A. description of a nosebleed.
B. the causes and effects of a nosebleed.
C. an explanation of what to do when one has a nosebleed.
D. . a listing of the myths regarding treatment of a nosebleed.

43. Another good title for this selection is ______________________.

A. Nosebleeds: A Cause for Concern
B. Nosebleeds: An Unavoidable Experience
C. Nosebleeds: A Common Childhood Experience
D. Nosebleeds: Common Myths and Misconceptions
Carlo was a shy boy who did not find easy to make friends. He could not run
as fast as the other boys because one of his legs as limp. Also, Carlo was near-
sighted and could not see very far. So, the other boys made fun of him. He was also
excluded from their games. One day, the boys decided to swim and fish in the river.
Even though they did not want Carlo to tag along, he managed to tail behind. Since
he did not know how to swim, Carlo walked along the river’s edge until he reached a
forested area. There he rested and feel asleep. He had a long dream. To his
purpose, he found himself in a strange, bright place. It was as if light embraced him
and he felt energized by it. Suddenly, the light was gone. Carlo woke from his dream.
He could see everything clearly, as if every detail of his beautiful surroundings were
magnified for him own eyes to appreciate. Rising, he discovered himself standing
firmly on both feet. He could even walk without a limp. Excited and joyful, Carlo ran
towards the other boys, exclaiming, “I am cured, I am cured!”

44. Where did the story happen?

A. In a place along a river
B. In a crowded city
C. In a sandy beach
D. In the woods

45. What is the idea or concept presented in the story?

A. The boys need to rest after the heavy exercise
B. Dreams can come true
C. We should not make fun of person with physical defects
D. Person with disabilities needs appreciation

46. Which is the climax of the story?

A. Carlo followed the other boys to the river
B. Carlo had a long dream about a bright light
C. Carlo discovered he could walk without a limp and see clearly
D. Carlo has positive outlook in life

47. How did the story end?

A. Carlo was able to swim in the river.
B. Carlo was healed.
C. Other boys made fun of Carlo
D. Other boys were punished of the things they did for Carlo

Joshua loved to tinker with gadgets and create many things out of junk. For this
reason, his father built him a small room at the top of the garage where Joshua could
engage in his hobby without messing up the house. Joshua dreamed that one day he
would build a robot, a robot that would help him create another useful robot. One day,
his father made him heir to an old but still usable computer. Imaginative Joshua
suddenly realized he was one step near his dream. Restless and excited, he
dismantled the computer and examined all its parts. All summer and more months
afterwards, he devoured all information he could get hold of about computers. One
day, he simply pierced back together an old toy robot and attached a microchip inside
its metal head. Viola! He had an operative robot. Now, he thought, it was him to teach
robot to build other useful robots.

48. Who is the main character of the story?

A. Junjie B. Joshua C. Jose D. Junrey

49. The main idea of the selection is

A. Joshua’s father gave him an old computer
B. Joshua learned everything about computer
C. Joshua created a functioning robot
D. Joshua planned of buying new robot

50. How the story ends?

A. Joshua is about to train his new robot to train other robots
B. Joshua is thinking of selling his robot
C. Joshua is dismantling another computer
D. Joshua became famous

Reading Comprehension Level

Literal Inferential Critical

1. A Lesson in the Farm 1, 2, 3

2. A Girl with her River 4,5,6 7,8

3. Chameleon 9,11 10,12,13 14,15

4. The Philippine Eagle 19 16,17,18 20,21,22

5. Early Start 24 23,25,26 27

6. Rice for Lunch
7. Home to Millions of Fish 37 33,34,35 36

8. Counting the Hours 38,39

9. Nosebleeds 40,41 42,43

10. Carlo 44 45,46,47

11. Joshua 48 49,50

Total Items: 17 17 16
Answer key

1. C 26. C
2. C 27. B
3. A 28. B
4. C 29. C
5. B 30. D
6. A 31. D
7. B 32. A
8. A 33. B
9. A 34. B
10.D 35. D
11.B 36. C
12.D 37. A
13.A 38. B
14.A 39. B
15. B 40. B
16. A 41. A
17. B 42. A
18. C 43. C
19. B 44. A
20. A 45. C
21. D 46. D
22. A 47. B
23. C 48. B
24. A 49. C
25. B 50. A

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