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Nerv Delhi,

30.1 1 .2021
[Through Secti on Offi cer (Admn.I)l


The Under Secretary to the Government of India

Admn. II Section
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi

Subject: Outstation posting of officers in Assistant Section Officers (ASO) Grade

in Central Secretariat Service - reg.

Reference: Department of Persomel & Training O M No.71612021-CS.I (A) dated

29ft November 2021.

The Department of Personnel & Training vide Office Order issued in F.
No.1161202I-CS.I (A) dated 29'h November 2021 (copy enclosed) has transferred
and posted me to the Staff Selection Commission (SR), Chennai with immediate

I hereby request that I may therefore be granted Transfer Advance

(Approximately Rs.l,$ggOf as admissible under the rules to enable me to report
to the Staff Selection Commission (SR), Chennai. ZG

(i) Composite Transfer Grant (80% of Rs.53600/-) Rs. 42880i-

(iii) Transportation of personal effect Rs.75,000/-

Encl: As above
)- Yours faithfully,
.r Flw)

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A z.t 8,..
(\ffiatidharan. P)
Assistant Section Officer
Admn. I

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Go'"-einment of India
\Inisir_.. ot'Personnei. Public Gri*'ance.s and Pensions
Drprrtment oi Personnel & Trainins
CS-l (A) Section
2nJ Floor. Lok Nayak
Khan i\farket. Nerv Delhi
Datr'd the 1r;h,lovember. 2021

Subject:-Outstation posting of Ofl-icers in Assistant Section Ofticers' (ASO) Grade in Central

Secretariat Sen ice-reg.

Reference is inv'ited to this Department's OMs of even number dated 16.08.2021 &
28.09.2021. vide w'hich applications \r'ere invited to fiIl up the ourstation vacant posts of SSC
(SR), Chennai & DGLB, Shimla in the grade of ASO in CSS.

2. In light of above and in terms of para 15 of Rotational Transfer Policy of CSS Olficers
notified i.ide OM No. 2ll2i2009-CS.l(P) dated 16.07.2015, the foliorving Assistant Secrion
Ofticers (ASOs) are hereb,v transferred and posted rvith immediate effect and until further orders,
as detailed belorv:-

Sr. No. l{ame Present posting Transferred to

il Shri R. iv{athi Arasan
Shri N{ulari Dharan P Dlo Expenditure Staff Selection Commission
Shri R Saravana (SR), Chennai,
(.artheesan Ivllo Personnel. PG &
Shri Jamachaliram Santosh
4 Mio lvlinoritv Affairs
I),ro Promotion of Industry Mro Labour & Employment
Shri Parveen Kumar
zrnd Internal Trade (DPIIT') (DGLB, Shimla)

i. il'{inistries/Departments. tiom rvhere above nlentioned ot}-rcers are transferred, are

direct.'d to reliel'e tire concerneci officer immediatel1.. Substitute rr.ill be provided in due course.

-1. The above mentioned officcrs sirall repori to AtjministrativeiEstabiishmeni Division oi

tlie \[inistrl' to which tircl' havc ireen transfcrrcd tbr iunhe'r ordcrs.

5. Cop,v'of reliel'ing orders ma,r' be prc'ir idcri to tiris Depaitment on email

(Ceorg'c DlToppo)
Undcr Secretary to the Govt. of lndia
Tel: 011-246427A5
l'he Deplrt) Secrer;ry UnJer Secretary (Admin./Estt.; crf the concerned
\f inisrrvlf)ellrrtmpnr l.thr,'rrr'rh na)pT ttahii:: r

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