ICT SRG Paper-2

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Practice Paper 2: Document production, data manipulation and presentations

Practice Paper 2: Document

production, data manipulation and
Time allowed: 2 hours 30 minutes Maximum number of marks: 85
You will need the following source files, which can be found online here:
chart.csv letter.rtf runner.png
competitor.csv marathon.rtf subscribe.csv
events.rtf results.csv table.txt

Task 1 Evidence document

Create a new document and save it with the filename ‘Evidence’. Make sure that your name, centre number
and candidate number will appear on every page of this document.

Task 2 Database
You are now going to prepare database reports based on competitors in a number of sports events and
their results. Dates are to be imported in the format day month year.
1 Import the file competitor.csv into a database. Use these field names and data types:
Field name Data type Format
Family_Name Text
First_Name Text
Competitor_No Text
Birth_Date Date/Time DMY to display as dd-MMMM-yyyy e.g. 12-August-2001
Gender Text
Category Text

Set the Competitor_No field as a primary key. Save the data.

Place a screenshot in your evidence document showing the primary key, field names and data
types used in the table. [6]
2 Import the file results.csv into a database. Use these field names and data types:
Field name Data type Format
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Race_Date Date/time DMY

Position Number Integer
Time Date/time To display as hh:mm:ss
Competitor_No Text

Do not set a primary key. Save the data.

Place in your evidence document a screenshot showing the field names and data
types used in the table. [5]

Hodder & Stoughton Limited © David Watson and Graham Brown 2022 1
Practice Paper 2: Document production, data manipulation and presentations

3 Create a one-to-many relationship between Competitor_No in the competitor table and

Competitor_No in the results table.
Place a screenshot in your evidence document showing the type of relationship between the two
4 Enter the following details as a new record in competitor table:
● Family_Name Henderson
● First_Name Luna
● Competitor_No N00506
● Birth_Date 19/12/2001
● Gender Female
● Category A
Enter the following details as a new record in the results table:
● Race_Date: 20/04/2022
● Position: 30
● Time: 03:41:54
● Competitor_No: N00506
Check your data entry for errors then save the data. [3]
5 Using fields from the competitor table only, produce a tabular report that:
● selects the records where:
– Category is A
– Gender is Female
– Birth_Date is in 2001.
● shows only the following fields:
– First_Name, Family_Name, Birth_Date, Gender, Category and Competitor_No in this order, with
data and labels displayed in full. Do not group the data
● sorts the data into ascending order of Birth_Date
● has a page orientation of portrait
● fits on a single page
● includes only the text: ‘Category A female competitors born in 2001’ as a title displayed in a
larger font size, fully visible, at the top of the page
● has your name on the report
Save and print your report. [11]
6 Using fields from both tables, produce a tabular report that:
● selects the records where:
– Race_Date is 20/04/2022
– Time is 3 hours or more
● shows only the following fields:
– First_Name, Family_Name, Category, Birth_Date, Gender, Position and Time in this order, with
data and labels displayed in full. Do not group the data
● sorts the data into descending order of Category and ascending order of Position
● includes only the text Last race - slower finishers as a title displayed in a larger font size, fully
visible at the top of the page
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● calculates the number of competitors and displays this as an integer below the Birth_Date column
at the end of the report
● has a label Number of slower finishers: to the left of this value
● displays only your name in the footer so it appears in the same position on every page. Make sure
no other data is displayed in the footer.
Save and print your report
Place in your evidence document a screenshot showing the database formula used to calculate
the number of competitors. [14]
 [Total: 41]

2 Cambridge IGCSE Information and Communication Technology Study and Revision Guide Second Edition
Practice Paper 2: Document production, data manipulation and presentations

Task 3 Document
You are going to edit a newsletter. A corporate house style must be used. Three paragraph styles have
already been created. An additional paragraph style must be created and applied to the document as
7 Open the file marathon.rtf.
The page setup is set to A4, portrait orientation with 2 cm margins. Do not make any changes to these
settings. Save the document in your work area, in the format of the software you are using, with the
file name ‘Newsletter’.
Place in your evidence document a screenshot to show this file has been saved. Make sure there is
evidence of the file type. [1]
8 Place in the header the text ‘Edited by:’ followed by a space and your name right aligned. Place in
the footer automated page numbers centre aligned. Make sure:
● All alignments match the page margins
● No other text or placeholders are included in the header or footer areas
● Headers and footers are displayed on all pages [3]
9 Create and store the following style, basing it on the default paragraph style:

Space before
Line spacing

Space after
Style name

Font style

Font size


M-subhead sans-serif 16 centre bold, italic single 0 6

Place in your evidence document a screenshot to show that these settings have been defined
for the M-subhead style. Make sure this style is based on the default paragraph style. [3]
10 The style name M-body has already been created, stored and applied to the body text in the
document. Modify the M-body style so only the following formatting is applied:

Space before
Line spacing

Space after
Style name

Font style

Font size



M-body serif 12 justified none 1.5 0 6

11 At the start of the document, above the subtitle Quarterly Newsletter, enter the title: ‘Extreme
off-road marathons’. [1]
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Practice Paper 2: Document production, data manipulation and presentations

12 The style name M-title has already been created and stored. Modify the M-title style so only the
following formatting is applied:


Space before
Line spacing

Space after
Style name

Font style

Font size


M-title sans-serif 24 centre Bold, italic single 0 0

Place in your evidence document a screenshot of these settings for the M-title style. [1]
13 Apply the amended M-title style to the text entered at step 11. [1]
14 Select the subheading Upcoming Events – Dead Sea Marathon and the following text up to and
including the paragraph ending ‘... so be prepared to go solo’. Change the page layout so that only this
text is displayed in two columns of equal width with a 2 cm space between them. [2]
15 Identify the six subheadings in the document and apply the M-subhead style to each one. [1]
16 Place the table from the file table.txt into the document immediately after the paragraph that ends:
‘which had the following podium results’.
Make sure the table fills the width of the column but does not overlap with the margins. The style
name M-title has already been created and stored. Apply this style to the contents of this table.
Then merge appropriate cells and format the table so that it looks like this: [7]
Male Female
Position Name Time Name Time
1 Joshua Montebello 02:19:58 Tehmina Brophy 02:24:25
2 Dragos Bal 02:28:39 Terri-Ann Nuttall 02:28:20
3 Callum Stewart 02:31:27 Judith Jones 02:31:06

17 Apply square shaped bullets to the start of each of the 4 paragraphs immediately after the
subheading Training Hints For Ultra Athletes.
Make sure:
● The bullets are aligned to the left margin
● All text in the paragraph is indented 1 cm from the bullet point [4]
18 Using the data in the file chart.csv, create the most appropriate chart to compare the number of male
and female elite athletes for the years 2018 to 2022 only.
Format the chart to display:
● the title: Elite Athletes – comparison by gender
● appropriate category and value axis labels and titles, displayed in full with no overlap
Display a legend to show the genders. [7]
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19 Insert the chart at the end of the document. Make sure that the chart and all data fits within the
column width. [1]
Spell check and proofread the document. Make sure that:
● the list, chart and paragraph with the outside border are not split over columns or pages
● there are no widows or orphans
● there are no blank pages
● styles are applied consistently
● spacing is consistent between all items
Save the document using the same file name and format used in step 7. Print the document. [1]
 [Total: 34]

4 Cambridge IGCSE Information and Communication Technology Study and Revision Guide Second Edition
Practice Paper 2: Document production, data manipulation and presentations

Task 4 Printing the evidence document

Save and print your evidence document.

Task 5 Presentation
You are going to create a short presentation. All slides must have a consistent layout and formatting.
Unless otherwise instructed, slides must be formatted to display a title and bulleted list.
20 Create a presentation of five slides using the file events.rtf
In the header, place your name, centre number and candidate number. Make sure that the header
appears in the same top right position on every slide. [1]
21 Format slide 1 so that the first item Future events: is not part of the bulleted list. [1]
22 Open the image runner.png in a graphics package. Rotate this image 90 degrees anti-clockwise,
then reflect the image horizontally. Place this image on slide 1 of your presentation, below the
title and to the left of the bulleted list. Resize the image and move the bulleted list, so that
the slide looks like this:  [6]

A Student

Extreme and ultra marathon events

Future events:
• Dead Sea marathon
• Blacks to the Beacons Ultra marathon
• Uganda marathon
• Inca trail marathon

23 Save the presentation. Print all slides in the presentation as a handout using a layout of six
slides to the page in portrait orientation. [1]
24 Print only slide 1 as a single slide in landscape orientation. [1]
 [Total 10]
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