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Unit - I

S.r No Question Option a Option b Option c Option d
Depth First Search is equivalent to which of the Post-order
1 Pre-order Traversal Level-order Traversal In-order Traversal a
traversal in the Binary Trees? Traversal
Time Complexity of DFS is? (V – number of
2 O(E) O(V) O(V+E) O(V*E) c
vertices, E – number of edges)
The Depth First Search traversal of a graph will
3 Linked List Tree Graph with back edges Array b
result into?
Which algorithm is used in graph traversal and
4 C* A* E* D* b
path finding?
5 Branch and bound is a __________ data structure type of tree sorting algorithm problem solving technique d

Which data structure is used for implementing a

6 stack queue array linked list a
LIFO branch and bound strategy?

Which data structure is used for implementing a

7 stack queue array linked list b
FIFO branch and bound strategy
Which of the following can traverse the state space dynamic
8 branch and bound greedy algorithm backtracking d
tree only in DFS manner? programming
Which of the following is false in the case of a It is tree that spans It is a subgraph of It can be either cyclic or It includes every vertex of
9 c
spanning tree of a graph G? G the G acyclic the G
Consider a undirected graph G with vertices { A, B, If AB is in a
C, D, E}. In graph G, every edge has distinct weight. Every minimum minimum spanning
No minimum spanning G has a unique minimum
10 Edge CD is edge with minimum weight and edge spanning tree of G tree, then its c
tree contains AB spanning tree
AB is edge with maximum weight. Then, which of must contain CD removal must
the following is false? disconnect G

11 Which search strategy is also called as blind search? Uninformed search Informed search Simple reflex search All of the mentioned a
Which search is implemented with an empty first-
12 Depth-first search Breadth-first search Bidirectional search None of the mentioned b
in-first-out queue?
How many successors are generated in
13 1 2 3 4 a
backtracking search?
Which algorithm is used to solve any kind of Breadth-first Bidirectional search
14 Tree algorithm None of the mentioned b
problem? algorithm algorithm
Which search algorithm imposes a fixed depth limit Depth-limited Iterative deepening
15 Depth-first search Bidirectional search a
on nodes? search search
Which search implements stack operation for Depth-limited Iterative deepening
16 Depth-first search Bidirectional search b
searching the states? search search
Strategies that know whether one non-goal state is
Informed & Heuristic & Unformed Informed & Heuristic
17 “more promising” than another are called Unformed Search d
Unformed Search Search Search
uniform-cost search expands the node n with the
18 Lowest path cost Heuristic cost Highest path cost Average path cost a
What is the other name of informed search
19 Simple search Heuristic search Online search None of the mentioned b
Which search uses the problem specific knowledge
20 Informed search Depth-first search Breadth-first search Uninformed search a
beyond the definition of the problem?

To search and
To discover To compare two nodes
measure how far a
something or an in a search tree to see if
21 A heuristic is a way of trying ___________ node in a search All of the mentioned d
idea embedded in one is better than
tree seems to be
a program another
from a goal
22 A* algorithm is based on ___________ Depth-First –Search Best-First-Search Hill climbing c
Best-First search is a type of informed search, Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation function
23 which uses ________________ to choose the best function returning function returning returning lowest & None of them is applicable a
next node for expansion lowest evaluation highest evaluation highest evaluation
Cheapest path Estimated cost of
24 Heuristic function h(n) is ________ Lowest path cost from root to goal cheapest path from Average path cost c
node root to goal node
Greedy search strategy chooses the node for The one closest to the
25 Shallowest Deepest Minimum heuristic cost c
expansion in ___________ goal node
Path cost from Path cost from start Average of Path cost from
What is the evaluation function in greedy
26 Heuristic function start node to node to current node + start node to current node a
current node Heuristic cost and Heuristic cost

Path cost from Path cost from start Average of Path cost from
27 What is the evaluation function in A* approach? Heuristic function start node to node to current node + start node to current node c
current node Heuristic cost and Heuristic cost
In many problems the path to goal is irrelevant,
Informed Search Uninformed Informed & Uninformed
28 this class of problems can be solved using Local Search Techniques c
Techniques Search Techniques Search Techniques
Less memory & Finds a
Though local search algorithms are not systematic, Finds a solution in large
29 Less memory More time solution in large infinite d
key advantages would include __________ infinite space
_______________ Is an algorithm, a loop that
30 continually moves in the direction of increasing Up-Hill Search Hill-Climbing Hill algorithm Reverse-Down-Hill search b
value – that is uphill.
Stopping criterion Global Min/Max is No neighbor has higher
31 When will Hill-Climbing algorithm terminate? All of the mentioned c
met achieved value
Hill climbing sometimes called ____________
Heuristic local
32 because it grabs a good neighbor state without Needy local search Greedy local search Optimal local search c
thinking ahead about where to go next
Searching using query on Internet is, use of Both Offline & Online
33 Offline agent Online agent Goal Based & Online agent d
___________ type of agent agent
Best-First search can be implemented using the
34 Queue Stack Priority Queue Circular Queue c
following data structure
Which is used to improve the performance of Quality of heuristic
35 Quality of nodes Simple form of nodes None of the mentioned b
heuristic search? function
Which search is complete and optimal when h(n) is Both Best-first & Depth-
36 Best-first search Depth-first search A* search d
consistent? first search
37 Which method is used to search better by learning? Best-first search Depth-first search Metalevel state space None of the mentioned c
Which search uses only the linear space for Recursive best-first
38 Best-first search Depth-first search None of the mentioned b
searching? search
What is the heuristic function of greedy best-first
39 f(n) != h(n) f(n) < h(n) f(n) = h(n) f(n) > h(n) c
Which function will select the lowest expansion Greedy best-first
40 Best-first search Depth-first search None of the mentioned b
node at first for evaluation? search
Unit - II
S.r Correct
Question Option a Option b Option c Option d
No Answer
This set of Basic Artificial Intelligence Questions and
a) Constraints Satisfaction b) Uninformed c) Local Search d) All of the
1 Answers focuses on “Constraints Satisfaction a
Problems Search Problems Problems mentioned

Which of the Following problems can be modeled as c) Map coloring d) All of the
2 a) 8-Puzzle problem b) 8-Queen problem d
CSP? problem mentioned

What among the following constitutes to the c) Successor d) All of the

3 a) Path cost b) Goal cost d
incremental formulation of CSP? function mentioned
The term ___________ is used for a depth-first
search that chooses values for one variable at a time d) Reverse-
4 a) Forward search b) Backtrack search c) Hill algorithm b
and returns when a variable has no legal values left Down-Hill search
to assign.

d) Omitting the
To overcome the need to backtrack in constraint c) Backtrack
b) Constraint constraints and
5 satisfaction problem can be eliminated by a) Forward Searching after a forward a
Propagation focusing only on
____________ search

The BACKTRACKING-SEARCH algorithm in Figure 5.3

has a very simple policy for what to do when a
branch of the search fails: back up to the preceding
6 a) True b) False a
variable and try a different value for it. This is called
chronological-backtracking. It is also possible to go
all the way to set of variable that caused failure

Consider a problem of preparing a schedule for a

d) Planning
7 class of student. What type of problem is this? a) Search Problem b) Backtrack Problem c) CSP c

a) Search Algorithms
Constraint satisfaction problems on finite domains d) All of the
8 b) Heuristic Search c) Greedy Search d
are typically solved using a form of ___________ mentioned

Solving a constraint satisfaction problem on a finite

d) Domain
9 domain is an/a ___________ problem with respect a) P complete b) NP complete c) NP hard b
to the domain size.
____________ is/are useful when the original
formulation of a problem is altered in some way, d) None of the
10 a) Static CSPs b) Dynamic CSPs c) Flexible CSPs b
typically because the set of constraints to consider mentioned
evolves because of the environment.
11 Flexible CSPs relax on _______ a) Constraints b) Current State c) Initial State d) Goal State a
Language/Languages used for programming
12 a) Prolog b) C# c) C d) Fortrun a
Constraint Programming includes ____________
d) Both Last in
13 Backtracking is based on ____________ a) Last in first out b) First in first out c) Recursion first out & d
Constraint Propagation technique actually modifies
14 a) True b) False a
the CSP problem.

c) A goal state is
a) A goal state is b) A goal state is d) None of the
15 When do we call the states are safely explored? reachable from c
unreachable from any state denied access mentioned
every state

Which of the following algorithm is generally used a) Breadth-first search b) Depth-first search c) Hill-climbing d) None of the
16 b
CSP search algorithm algorithm algorithm search algorithm mentioned

Which of the following algorithm is generally used 1.Breadth-first search 2. Depth-first search 3. Hill-climbing 4. None of the
17 b
CSP search algorithm? algorithm algorithm search algorithm mentioned

3. A goal state is
1. A goal state is 2. A goal state is 4. None of the
18 When do we call the states are safely explored? reachable from c
unreachable from any state denied access mentioned
every state

Constraint Propagation technique actually modifies

19 a) True b) False a
the CSP problem.

ways of formulating problems that problems that

an alternative formulation
problems using come in the way arise after
20 CSPs are – for general problem a
variables and of satisfying constraint
solving method
constraints constraints satisfaction

a restriction on what a limitation of

something that prevents
values the variables the problem none of the
21 A constraint is an algorithm from solving b
in the problem can solving above.
a problem.
take. approach.
a CSP where the
a CSP where each size of the scope
a CSP with only two a CSP with only
22 A Binary CSP is variable can take of every d
variables. two constraints.
only two values. constraint is

can have more

than one
A CSP with only soft constraints, also called has only solutions with all may have not any none of the
23 solution with c
preferences constraints satisfied. solution at all. above
associated costs

Searching using query on Internet is, use of 3. Both Offline 4. Goal Based &
24 1. Offline agent 2. Online agent d
___________ type of agent & Online agent Online agent
3. Individuals
2. Crossover among the 4. Random
1. Fitness function &
25 Mark two main features of Genetic Algorithm techniques & population & mutation & a
Crossover techniques
Random mutation Random Fitness function
3. When all step
1. When there is less 2. When all step 4. None of the
26 Optimality of BFS is costs are b
number of nodes costs are equal mentioned
3. Set of Rule & 4. Arbitrary
2. A sequence of
27 A production rule consists of 1. A set of Rule sequence of representation c
steps to problem
3. Time and
The major component/components for measuring 4. All of the
28 1. Completeness 2. Optimality Space d
the performance of problem solving mentioned
1. Intelligent goal-based 2. Problem-solving 3. Simple reflex 4. Model based
29 Web Crawler is a/an a
agent agent agent agent

4. Representing
2. Your Definition to 3. Problem you your problem
30 What is state space? 1. The whole problem d
a problem design with variable
and parameter

2. To find out which

1. Solve the given problem sequence of action 3. All of the 4. None of the
31 he main task of a problem-solving agent is c
and reach to goal will get it to the goal mentioned mentioned
d) Both Planning
The process by which the brain orders actions
b) Partial order c) Total order problem &
32 needed to complete a specific task is referred as a) Planning problem d
planning planning Partial order

The famous spare tire problem or Scheduling classes

b) Partial Order c) Total order d) None of the
33 for bunch of students or Air cargo transport are the a) Planning problem a
planning problem planning mentioned
best example of ____________

To eliminate the inaccuracy problem in planning

c) BST (Binary d) Planning
34 problem or partial order planning problem we can a) Stacks b) Queue d
Search Tree) Graphs
use ___________________ data structure/s.

c) a sequence of
b) a sequence of
actions which
levels which d) none of the
35 Planning graphs consists of ____________ a) a sequence of levels corresponds to b
corresponds to time mentioned
the state of the
steps in the plan

Planning graphs works only for prepositional

36 a) True b) False a
planning problems.
_____________ algorithms is used to extract the
37 plan directly from the planning graph, rather than a) BFS/DFS b) A* c) Graph-Plan d) Greedy c
using graph to provide heuristic.
What is the other name of each plan resulted in d) None of the
38 a) Polarization b) Linearization c) Solarization b
partial order planning? mentioned
b) Logic &
. What are the two major aspects which combines AI d) Knowledge
39 a) Search & Logic Knowledge Based c) FOL & Logic a
Planning problem? Based Systems
C) All of the d) None of the
40 Which of the following are action langauges a) STRIP b)ADL c
mentioned mentioned
Unit - III
S.r Correct
Question a b c d
No Answer
Knowledge and reasoning also play a crucial
Partially Neither Completely nor Only Completely and
1 role in dealing with __________________ Completely Observable b
Observable Partially Observable Partially Observable
Current symptoms
Current symptoms plus
Treatment chosen by doctor for a patient for a plus some
2 Only current symptoms some knowledge from the All of the mentioned c
disease is based on _____________ knowledge from the
textbooks plus experience
A knowledge-based agent can combine
general knowledge with current percepts
3 to infer hidden aspects of the current state TRUE FALSE a
prior to selecting actions.

A) Knowledge base (KB) is consists of set

of statements.
B) Inference is deriving a new sentence A is false, B is
4 A is true, B is true A is true, B is false A is false, B is true a
from the KB. false
Choose the correct option.

Wumpus World is a classic problem, best Reasoning with

5 Single player Game Two player Game Knowledge based Game c
example of _______ Knowledge
‘α |= β ‘(to mean that the sentence α entails the
6 sentence β) if and only if, in every model in True, true True, false False, true False, false a
which α is _____ β is also _____

Which is not a property of representation of Representational Representational

7 Inferential Adequacy Inferential Efficiency a
knowledge? Verification Adequacy
Which is not Familiar Connectives in First
8 and if or not d
Order Logic?
It can derive any
It can derive any
Inference algorithm is complete only if It can derive any sentence that is an
9 sentence that is It is truth preserving d
_____________ sentence entailed version & It is
an entailed version
truth preserving
An inference algorithm that derives only
entailed sentences is called sound or truth-
10 preserving. TRUE a

Which algorithm will work backward from the

11 goal to solve a problem? Forward chaining Backward chaining Hill-climb algorithm None of the mentioned b
12 Which is mainly used for automated reasoning? Backward chaining Forward chaining Logic programming Parallel programming c
What will backward chaining algorithm will
13 Additional statements matching the Logical statement All of the mentioned b
How can be the goal is thought of in
14 backward chaining algorithm? Queue List Vector Stack d

What is used in backward chaining

algorithm? Composition of
15 Conjuncts Substitution None of the mentioned c

Which algorithm are in more similar to

backward chaining algorithm? Depth-first search Breadth-first Hill-climbing search
16 All of the mentioned a
algorithm search algorithm algorithm

Which problem can frequently occur in

backward chaining algorithm? Both Repeated states &
17 Repeated states Incompleteness Complexity d

How the logic programming can be

18 Variables knowledge in a Graph All of the mentioned b
formal language

What form of negation does the prolog allows?

19 Negation as failure Proposition Substitution Negation as success a

Which is omitted in prolog unification algorithm?

Both Occur & Proposition
20 Variable check Occur check Proposition check b

What is the frame?

A way of representing
21 Data Structure Data Type None of the mentioned a
Frames in artificial intelligence is derived from
semantic nets.
Which of the following elements constitutes the Procedures and Frame reference in
23 Facts or Data Frame names a
frame structure? default values hierarchy
Like semantic networks, frames can be queried
using spreading activation.
B has A as a part of
25 What is Hyponymy relation? A is part of B A is subordinate of B A is superordinate of B c
The basic inference mechanism in semantic
network in which knowledge is represented as
Frames is to follow the links between the
There exists two way to infer using semantic
networks in which knowledge is represented as
27 Intersection Search Inheritance Search TRUE a
Frames. FALSE

What among the following constitutes the Inheritable

representation of the knowledge in different Relational method where knowledge where
28 forms? each fact is set out relational knowledge Inferential knowledge All of the mentioned d
systematically in columns is made up of
What are Semantic Networks? A way of representing
29 Data Structure Data Type None of the mentioned a
Graph used to represent semantic network is
_____________ Directed Acyclic graph
30 Undirected graph Directed graph Directed complete graph b

Which of the following are the Semantic

31 Meronymy Holonymy Hyponymy All of the mentioned d
Relations used in Semantic Networks?
B has A as a part of
32 What is Meronymy relation? A is part of B A is a kind of B A is superordinate of B a
B has A as a part of
33 What is Hypernym relation? A is part of B A is a kind of B A is superordinate of B d
B has A as a part of
34 What is Holonymy relation? A is part of B A is a kind of B A is superordinate of B b
The basic inference mechanism in semantic
35 network is to follow the links between the TRUE FALSE a
The rule of Universal Instantiation (UI for short)
says that we can infer any sentence obtained
by substituting a ground term (a term without
variables) for the variable.
The corresponding Existential Instantiation
rule: for the existential quantifier is slightly
37 more complicated. For any sentence a, TRUE FALSE a
variable v, and constant symbol k that does not
appear elsewhere in the knowledge base.
Lifted inference rules require finding
substitutions that make different logical
38 expressions looks identical. Existential Instantiation Unification Modus Ponen c

Which of the following is not the style of

39 Forward Chaining Backward Chaining Resolution Refutation Modus Ponen d
For resolution to apply, all sentences must be
40 in conjunctive normal form, a conjunction of TRUE FALSE a
disjunctions of literals.
Unit - IV
S.r Correct
Question a b c d
No Answer
Information retrieval systems have much in Management
1 Filing systems Transaction systems Database systems c
common with systems
Natural Language Processing is form of
artificial intelligence that helps machine
2 Text human lexical program b
"read" text by simulating _______ ability to
understand language
Named Language Named Linked Natural Language
3 NLG stand for____ None of above c
Generation Generation Genration
Lexical Analysis is one of the steps for
Natural Language Processing
Code generation is one of the steps for
Natural Language Processing
What is plasticity in neural networks? input pattern keeps input pattern has output pattern keeps on
6 output is static a
on changing become static changing
Semantic Analysis is one of the steps for
Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Genration process
8 Text Realization Syntatic Analysis Integration None of above a
Inductive learning is
9 unSupervised Supervised reinforcement None of above b
______________learning technique
What is the field of Natural Language
All of the
10 Processing (NLP)? Computer Science Artificial Intelligence Linguistics d
Disclosure integration is one of the steps for
Natural Language Processing
NLP is concerned with the interactions
between computers and human (natural)

What is the main challenge/s of NLP? Handling Ambiguity All of the

13 Handling Tokenization Handling POS-Tagging a
of Sentences mentioned
Modern NLP algorithms are based on
machine learning, especially statistical
machine learning.
Choose form the following areas where NLP
Automatic Text Automatic Question- All of the
15 can be useful. Information Retrieval d
Summarization Answering Systems mentioned
Which of the following includes major tasks
Automatic All of the
16 of NLP? Discourse Analysis Machine Translation d
Summarization mentioned
Given a sentence or
larger chunk of text,
What is Coreference Resolution?
Anaphora determine which None of the
17 All of the mentioned b
Resolution words (“mentions”) mentioned
refer to the same
objects (“entities”)
Converts one Converts human Converts Machine
What is Machine Translation? Converts any human
18 human language to language to machine language to a
language to English
another language human language
The more general task of coreference
resolution also includes identifying so-called
“bridging relationships” involving referring
Separate words into
What is Morphological Segmentation?
Does Discourse individual morphemes Is an extension of None of the
20 b
Analysis and identify the class propositional logic mentioned
of the morphemes
Natural Language generation is the main
task of Natural language processing.
Given a stream of text, Named Entity
22 Recognition determines which pronoun maps to TRUE FALSE b
which noun.
23 OCR (Optical Character Recognition) uses NLP. TRUE FALSE a
part-of-speech for
each word part-of-speech for each
Parts-of-Speech tagging determines all part-of-speech for a
24 dynamically as per word dynamically as per all of the mentioned d
___________ specific word given as input
meaning of the sentence structure
Parsing determines Parse Trees (Grammatical
Analysis) for a given sentence.
. IR (information Retrieval) and IE (Information
Extraction) are the two same thing.
Many words have more than one meaning; we
have to select the meaning which makes the
Word Sense
27 most sense in context. This can be resolved by Fuzzy Logic Shallow Semantic Analysis All of the mentioned b

Given a sound clip of a person or people

speaking, determine the textual representation of None of the
28 Text-to-speech Speech-to-text All of the mentioned b
the speech. mentioned

Speech Segmentation is a subtask of Speech

In linguistic morphology _____________ is the
process for reducing inflected words to their root Both Rooting &
30 Rooting Stemming Text-Proofing b
form. Stemming

Probability of error in recall of stored patterns

patterns are stored inputs are captured weights are chosen none of the
31 can be reduced if? c
appropriatel appropriately appropriately mentioned
What is pattern environment?
probability of desired probability of given none of the
32 behaviour of system d
patterns patterns mentioned
What should be the aim of training procedure in
boltzman machine of feedback networks? to feedback the captured to capture the behaviour of none of the
33 to capture inputs d
outputs system mentioned

fully connected
network with both
34 What consist of boltzman machine? asynchronous operation stochastic update all of the mentioned d
hidden and visible
human perceive
What’s the main point of difference between everything as a
human have more IQ & human have sense
35 human & machine intelligence? pattern while human have emotions a
intellect organs
machine perceive it
merely as data
Does pattern classification belongs to category of yes
36 no b
non-supervised learning?
features of group number of groups may neither feature & nor none of the
37 What is unsupervised learning? c
explicitly stated be known number of groups is known mentioned
Does pattern classification & grouping involve yes
38 no b
same kind of learning?
Does for feature mapping there’s need of yes
39 no b
supervised learning?
Example of a unsupervised feature map? none of the
40 text recognition voice recognition image recognition b
Unit - V
S.r Correct
Question Option a Option b Option c Option d
No Answer
________ is the simplest method of collaborative robots b) Speed and
c) Power and
1 and is used in applications when human interaction with a) Self monitored stop separation d) Hand guiding a
force limiting
robot is less. monitoring
b) Industrial Assist c) International d) Informative
2 IAD stands for ________ a) Intelligent Assist Device a
Device Assist Device Assist Device

3 Motive power was provided by the human worker. Ture FALSE a

The collaborative robot arms are designed to mimic the
4 a) Network b) Machine arm c) Device d) Human arm d
range of motion of a ________
A cobots as an apparatus and method for interaction b) Device and c) Device and
5 a) person and computer d) Human and a
between ________ and ________ computer human
Multi functional None of the
6 A Robot is a Programmable Both (A) and (B) c
manipulator above
Arithmetic neural Artificial neural None of the
7 ANN stands for ___________ Artificial neural network a
network node mentioned
Clockwise of Anti clockwise rotation about the vertical axis
8 Shoulder swivel Elbow extension Arm sweep Wrist bend c
to the perpendicular arm is provided through

9 Drives are also known as Actuators Controller Sensors Manipulator a

For a robot unit to be considered a functional industrial
10 robot, typically, how many degrees of freedom would the 4 5 6 7 c
robot have?
11 If a robot has k legs, then the number of possible events is : N = (2k-2) N = (2k-1)! N = (2^k-1)! D. N = (2k-2)! b

12 In ANN, all PE’s are connected with feedback. TRUE FALSE b

None of the
13 In ANN, neurons are represented by ___________ Processing element Memory Wires a
14 In co – robot co represents? a) Coordinative b) Collaborative c) Computer d) Control b
In which of the following operations Continuous Path Loading and Continuous
15 Pick and Place All of the above c
System is used Unloading welding
Industrial Robots are generally designed to carry which of Cartesian coordinate Polar coordinate
16 coordinate All of the above d
the following coordinate system(s). systems systems
Internal state sensors are used for measuring __________ Velocity &
17 Position Position & Velocity Velocity & d
of the end effector. Acceleration
18 L293D is a/an ________________ Motor driver IC Micro controller receiver/transmi a
19 MLP is feed-forward network. TRUE FALSE a
Name the wheel which is used to rotates around the Swedish
20 Castor wheel Standard wheel spherical wheel b
wheel axle and around the contact. 45degree
One of the leading American robotics centers is the
Robotics Institute located at?
22 Principles of cybernetics was developed by ___________ Josef capek Norbert wiener Isaac asimov Karel capek b
Radial movement (in & out) to the manipulator arm is
23 Elbow extension Wrist bend Wrist swivel Wrist yaw a
provided by
24 Robot is derived from Czech word Rabota Robota Rebota Ribota b
Robotics is a branch of AI, which is composed of Mechanical Computer
25 Electrical Engineering All of the above a
___________. Engineering Science
26 The following drive is used for lighter class of Robot. Pneumatic drive Hydraulic drive Electric drive All of the above a
Different feedback
Similar power drive Programming is
27 The following is true for a Robot and NC Machine systems are used in All of the above a
technology is used in both same for both
To enhance the
To minimise the labour To increase life of
28 The main objective(s) of Industrial robot is to All of the above d
requirement productivity production
Two linear and Two rotational
Three rotational
29 The Robot designed with Cartesian coordinate systems has Three linear movements one rotational and one linear a
movement movement

Two linear and Two rotational

The Robot designed with cylindrical coordinate systems Three rotational
30 Three linear movements one rotational and one linear c
has movements
movement movement

Two linear and Two rotational

Three rotational
31 The Robot designed with Polar coordinate systems has Three linear movements one rotational and one linear d
movement movement
What is the name for information sent from robot sensors
32 temperature pressure feedback signal c
to robot controllers?
Ultrasonic wave All of the
33 Which of the following is correct for proximity sensors? Inductive type Capacitive type d
type mentioned
Which of the following is not a programming language for
computer controlled robot?
Which of the following person used the name robot first None of the
35 Josef capek Karel capek Isaac asimov c
time in print? mentioned
36 Which of the following represents muscles of a robot? Actuators Power supply Robotic arm a
Which of the following sensors determines the
External State None of the
37 relationship of the robot and its environment and the Internal State sensors Both (A) and (B) c
sensors above
objects handled by it
robotics could
implementation of
Which of the following statements concerning the implementation of robots prevent a
38 robots CAN create All of the above d
implementation of robotic systems is correct? CAN save existing jobs business from
new jobs
Which of the following work is done by General purpose
39 Part picking Welding Spray painting All of the above d
Zero moment Zero metric
40 ZMP stands for _________________ Zero movement power Zero magnetic point c
point point
Unit - VI
S.r Correct
Question Option a Option b Option c Option d
No Answer
Which of the following terms refers to the use of
compressed gasses to drive (power) the robot pneumatic hydraulic piezoelectric photosensitive a
1 device?
With regard to the physics of power systems used
hydraulics involves the hydraulics involves pneumatics involve chemical batteries
operate robots, which statement or statements c
compression of liquids the compression of air the compression of air produce AC power
are most correct?
implementation of robotics could
Which of the following statements concerning the implementation of robots all of the
robots CAN create prevent a business d
implementation of robotic systems is correct? CAN save existing jobs mentioned
3 new jobs from closing
Which of the following IS NOT one of the Robots work Quality of Reduced company
Low costs for hardware and
advantages associated with a robotics continuously around manufactured goods cost for worker a
implementation program? the clock can be improved fringe benefits
In a rule-based system, procedural domain
rule interpreters production rules meta-rules control rules b
5 knowledge is in the form of __________
To solve artificial To explain various To extract
What is the goal of artificial intelligence? To solve real-world problems c
6 problems sorts of intelligence scientific causes
Computers normally solve problem by breaking
them down into a series of yes-or-no decisions
represented by 1s and 0s. What is the name of
Human logic Fuzzy logic Boolean logic Operational logic b
the logic that allows computers to assign
numerical values that fall somewhere between 0
7 and 1?
Which of the following contains output segments Printed language and Manipulation of All of the
Locomotion d
8 of AI programming? synthesized physical object mentioned
The component of an ICAI (Intelligent Computer
Problem solving All of the
Assisted Instruction) presenting information to Student model Tutoring module c
expertise mentioned
9 the student is the?
The collaborative robot arms are designed to
Network Machine arm Device Human arm d
10 mimic the range of motion of a ________
A__________ translates signals from the
Servo motor Servo amplifier AC motor DC motor b
11 controller into the motor voltage and current
All of the
Motors used for electronic actuator drives : AC servo motors DC servo motors Stepper motors d
12 mentioned
The basic components of hydraulic fluid power Actuating devices and All of the
Reservoir Pump and lines d
13 system are : control valves mentioned
An automatic apparatus or device that performs
functions ordinarily ascribed to humans or
Robot Human Animals Reptiles a
operate with what appears to be almost human
14 intelligence is called ________
Sensors and User interface and All of the
The basic components of robot are: The mechanical linkage d
controllers power conversion unit mentioned
Both of the None of the
Non servo robots are also called as: Pick and place Fixed stop robot c
16 mentioned mentioned
17 An android takes the form of: An insect. A human body. A simple robot arm. Binocular vision. b
The extent to which a machine vision system can
Magnification Sensitivity Selectivity Resolution d
differentiate between two objects is called the:
A robot that has its own computer, and can work
Automated guided
independently of other robots or computers, is Android Insect robot Autonomous robot d
19 called an:
Can be done from a Requires no
Does not require binaural Does not require a
An asset of epipolar navigation is the fact that it: single observation reference points c
hearing. computer
20 frame at all
Spherical coordinates can uniquely define the
One dimension Two dimensions Three dimensions Four dimensions c
21 position of a point in up to:
If a robot can alter its own trajectory in response
to external conditions, it is considered to be intelligent mobile open loop non-servo a
22 __________
Converts Machine
Converts human language to Converts one human Converts any human
What is Machine Translation? language to b
machine language language to another language to English
human language
Development of
Development of machines Development of All of the
What is Space Robotics? machines for the c
for less space requirement machines in space mentioned
24 space environment
Perform tasks less Robots don't need to All of the
Advantage/s of Space Robots less risk d
25 expensively and sooner return to Earth mentioned
The control of autonomous robots involves a Understanding and modeling Reliable control of the Coping with noise All of the
number of subtask/s of the mechanism actuators and uncertainty mentioned
Requirements for Robots in Intelligent Intuitive Human-Robot Both of the (a) and None of the
Adaptivity c
27 Environments Interfaces (b) mentioned mentioned
Both of the (a) and None of the
How robots know where they are Self-Localisation Navigation a
28 (b) mentioned mentioned
Technique used for position measurement by All of the
Calorimetry Photometry Odometry c
29 distance travelled mentioned

None of the Both of the (a) and

Which are parts of SLAM ? Landmark extraction State estimation d
mentioned (b) mentioned
Individual landmarks
Duplication of
Similar landmarks should be should be All of the
The key point about suitable Landmarks landmarks in close b
present distinguishable from mentioned
31 each other
What is the best strategy for landmark Nearest Neighbour None of the
Template matching Spell check c
32 identification ? Approach mentioned
remotely piloted
What is a UAV ? Unidentified Arial View Computer Vision Light Source d
33 aircraft
None of the Both of the (a) and
Drone is a -------------- UAV UFO a
mentioned (b) mentioned
Thermostats and heating
Example of Personal service robot §House cleaning Automatic doors Security services b
35 ducts
Which is a lacuna in Traditional programming Interaction with Incorporation of
Only limited on-line sensing Only limited sensing a
36 techniques for industrial robots humans uncertainty
Which is Uncertainty in Robot Systems All of the
Sensor uncertainty Non-observability Action uncertainty d
37 mentioned
Which of the following contains output segments Printed language and Manipulation of All of the
Locomotion d
38 of AI programming? synthesized physical object mentioned
Which kind of planning consists of successive Non-hierarchical All of the
Hierarchical planning Project planning a
representations of different levels of a plan? planning mentioned
In which of the following situations might a blind None of the
Real life situation Complex game Small search space c
40 search be acceptable? mentioned

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