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“implementation of marriage counseling with individual, group and classical
formats, their advantages and disadvantages.”

Supervisor :
Dr. Nurfahanah, M.Pd, Kons

Created By:

Dilvia Agfa (19006166)

Ihfazila Yavazkha (19006085)
Wahyu Abdillah (19006134)



Our gratitude extends the presence of Allah SWT that with His Grace and
Rule we can complete the Group 5 Marriage Counseling paper entitled
"implementation of marriage counseling with individual, group and classical formats,
their advantages and disadvantages.". For the moral support and material provided in
the preparation of this paper, the authors would like to thank Dr. Nurfarhanah, S.Pd.,
M.Pd., Kons as our supervisor, who gives encouragement and input to the author.

The contents of this paper Is Preparing for Marriage. Hopefully this paper can
broaden our horizons and fulfill the criteria for the assignment that Mother gave and
can be an added value for the writer.

Nothing is perfect, neither is the writing of this paper. Therefore we accept

positive criticism from readers as an improvement for future speakers. Hopefully this
paper is useful.

Finally the author says "Thank You"

Padang, October 1st, 2022


FOREWORD .....................................................................................................2
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................3
CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY..........................................................................4
A. Background ...............................................................................................4
B. Problem Formulation ................................................................................5
C. Purpose ......................................................................................................5
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION.............................................................................6
A. Implementation of marriage counseling....................................................6
B. Individual advatages and Disadvantages...................................................7
CHAPTER III CLOSING .............................................................................12
A. Conclusion...............................................................................................12
B. Suggestion ...............................................................................................12

A. Background
Basically, humans are social creatures who have a desire to establish
relationships with other people and cannot live alone without the help of others.
Humans were created to live in pairs to fulfill needs that can only be met by
having a partner. The relationship that exists can be in the form of friendship,
friendship, cohabitation, and marriage through the institution of marriage.
Although living together can be an alternative to marriage, most people still
choose to undergo marriage, because marriage is bound in a legal institution.
Marriage is tantamount to uniting two people and even two families with
different backgrounds. Therefore in every marriage there will always be changes
and problems will often arise. The most important thing to deal with it is careful
preparation such as understanding each other's motivations, vision and mission of
marriage, understanding each other's social, economic, customs and cultural
backgrounds of each couple.
Being a good husband or wife is not easy. Maintaining a balance between
each and maintaining the happiness of the household is a very complicated thing.
Every couple, both husband and wife, must prepare themselves to face these
challenges in understanding these realities in marriage. This is what makes the
pre-marital counseling process very important, in order to create happy and
harmonious household conditions, as Hawari (in Yosodipuro, 2010: 127) said
that a strong religious commitment has the opportunity to achieve happiness and
harmony. very high. On the other hand, families who do not have a religious
commitment have a very high chance of failing and being unhappy.

B. Problem Formulation
1. How does implementation of marriage counseling with individual, group and
classical formats, their advantages and disadvantages ?
2. How does counseling individual in married counseling?

C. Purpose of Writing
1. To know the implementation of marriage counseling with individual, group and
classical formats, their advantages and disadvantages
2. To know counseling individual in married counseling

A. Implementation of marriage counseling with individual, group and classical

formats, their advantages and disadvantages.

There are several steps that can be taken in the marriage counseling process. The
steps of marriage counseling according to Capuzzi and Gross are:
1) Preparation, the stage where the client contacts the counselor.
2) The stage of involvement, namely the stage of involvement with the client. At
this stage, the counselor begins to receive the client in a sign (nonverbal) or
verbally, reflecting on feelings, clarifying and so on.
3) The stage of stating the problem, namely determining the problems faced by the
couple. Therefore, it must be clear what the problem is, what the indications are,
what has happened and so on.
4) The interaction stage, in which the counselor establishes a pattern of interaction
for problem solving. At this stage family members get the information needed to
understand the problem and the counselor can train the family member to interact
in ways that can be followed (eg slow, simple, detailed, and clear) in their lives.
5) The conference stage, which is the stage to predict the accuracy of the hypothesis
and formulate the steps for solving it. At this stage the counselor designs direct or
assigns homework to do or implement changes to dysfunctional marriages.
6) The goal-setting stage, the stage achieved by the client has achieved normal
behavior, has improved the way of communicating, has raised self-esteem and
has made the family warmer or more harmonious.
7) The final and closing stages are activities that end the counseling relationship
after the goal is achieved.

Sheikh Muhammad Nawawi Bin Umar Al Jawi said in the preamble of the book
Uqudullujain that this book is very important for people who want harmony in
fostering a household and family. The content of the book of uqudullujain consists of
four chapters. The first article explains the rights of the wife to her husband. The
second article explains the rights of a husband to his wife. The third article explains
the importance of praying for the wife at home. The fourth article explains that it is
forbidden for a man to see another woman who is not a mahram, and vice versa.

The steps that will be taken in the marriage counseling process are:

a. The counselor creates a relationship (rapport) with the client

b. Counselors provide opportunities for clients to ventilate, which is to open up
their feelings widely in front of their partners
c. Counselors provide encouragement and show acceptance to their clients
d. The counselor diagnoses the client's difficulties
e. Counselors help clients to test their strengths and look for alternative possibilities
in determining their course of action

B. Individual Advantages and Disadventages

1. Individual Counseling Process
 Build relationships
 Identification and exploration of problems
 Plan problem solving
 Application of solutions and closing counseling
2. Individual counseling service materials:
 Understanding attitudes, habits, strengths and weaknesses, talents and
interests and their distribution
 Alleviation of self-weaknesses and development of self-strengths
 Develop the ability to communicate, receive and express opinions,
behave socially, both at home, school and society
 Develop good study habits, discipline and practice and introduction to
learning according to abilities, habits, and self-potential
 Strengthening the choice of majors and colleges
 Development and strengthening of career tendencies and further
education according to career plans
 Career information, world of work, income, and future career
 Decision making in accordance with personal, family, and social
3. Advantages Of Group Counseling
 Provide opportunities for members to give and receive feedback
 Members learn to practice their new behavior
 Can be used to explore every problem experienced by members; learn
to increase trust in others; can improve the support system by making
close friends with other members
Lack Of Group Counseling
 Not everyone fits into a group
 Groups are used as goals
 The counselor's attention is more diffuse
 It's hard to build trust
 Clients often expect too much from the group, so he does not try to


A. Conclusion
The most important thing to deal with it is careful preparation such as
understanding each other's motivations, vision and mission of marriage,
understanding each other's social, economic, customs and cultural backgrounds
of each couple. There are several steps that can be taken in the marriage
counseling process. The content of the book of uqudullujain consists of four
chapters. The first article explains the rights of the wife to her husband. The
second article explains the rights of a husband to his wife. The third article
explains the importance of praying for the wife at home. problems surrounding
marriage or family life are usually around: difficulties in choosing a partner
(husband or wife), insufficient economy, differences in character, temperament
and character that are too sharp between husband and wife, dissatisfaction in
sexual relations, saturation of routines, relationships between poor extended
family, third person (WIL or PIL), inheritance problems, domination of
parents/in-laws, misunderstanding between husband and wife, polygamy and

B. Suggestion
Hopefully this paper can be discussed and studied as well as a learning
motivation that encourages all of us as students to read and understand the
contents of the paper, and to us as writers so that it can be useful in the future.

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