M5L3SW2 (Romulo)

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Answer the following questions brief and concise.

1. Why is there a debate around the world regarding GMO?
- In the field of biotechnology, GMO stands for the genetically modified organism, whereas GMO
in the food industry refers to food that has been purposefully engineered and not selectively bred
organisms. So, why is there such a controversy about GMOs? Genetically modified foods are
becoming increasingly popular as the debate over their safety rages on.
Some people support GMOs, while others oppose them. Crop protection is one of the primary goals
of GMOs. The goal is to give the crop resistance to insects and infections, as well as herbicide
tolerance.1 Resistance to insects, for example, is achieved by inserting a gene from Bacillus
thuringiensis into the DNA. This allows the plant to produce a protein that attacks certain pests'
digestive systems. Fortunately, these proteins are not harmful to the human digestive system, and
we can happily eat them. GMO crops may also provide an opportunity to feed the world's growing
population. Crops could be genetically modified to have a higher nutrient content. Many people in
our growing world live in underserved areas and rely on a few single crops that are not always
nutrient-rich, and GMOs could be a solution. Yields could increase significantly as a result of their
resistance to pests and infections. Golden Rice is an example of a GMO that is currently in use. It
was modified to counteract a Vitamin A deficiency and is linked to a humanitarian project.
GMOs, on the other hand, are not all sunshine and rainbows. Many people are concerned about
GMOs which is why some people are against GMOs. People are legitimately concerned about
GMOs. The most obvious is the potential risks of consumption. Are they going to poison us? Are
they environmentally friendly? One of the main concerns in the GMO and health debate is the
possibility of allergic reactions caused by gene transfer between organisms. Another concern is that
eating GMOs can have a negative impact on our health. Genes from GMOs are feared to transfer
to human cells and alter our DNA once inside. So far, no allergic reactions have been observed
during tests and the likelihood of transmission of genes is low.
2. What are the limitations of gene therapy?
- According to what I read in the module. The limitations of gene therapy include: the risk of an
immune system reaction, targeting the wrong cells, the ability to cause infection, and germline and
somatic gene therapy; a lack of knowledge about the disease at the DNA level; multiple gene
effects; and the high level of technical expertise required.


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