Salsabila Wandhana - B1 - Week 03 Session 06 Writing An Example Essay

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Week 03 Session 06
Understanding Example Essays
Smalley et al., 2001, p. 127 & 137

An example essay is an essay which is developed by using examples. When you hear an uttarance, “Various imported fruits are sold in an inexpensive price in the

Great Market,”

then you will think of some frits which are not available in your city, for example pear, peach, and passion frut. Of course, you know that mangoes, rambutans,

and kedondong, are not good examplesas they are not reent. Read the model essay.


Indonesian Women YouTubers

By Irvina Agus Saputri

Nowadays, most Indonesian from various backgrounds and ages are addicted to YouTube. As one of the most popular online platforms,
YouTube has become a medium for learning and de-stressing. This phenomenon makes a “content creator or YouTuber” is considered
as a very promising job for anyone. More specifically, there are many Indonesian women who succeed from making and uploading
videos on YouTube. Three of them even fantastically mange to get millions of subscribers.
Ranked second as an Indonesian YouTuber with the most subscribers, Ria Ricis becomes a new idol for many youngsters. Through the
Ricis Official YouTube channel, she has uploaded hundreds of videos and most of which have entertaining contents. Her career began
when she made some funny memes and short videos on Instagram. Since then, her followers had increased, and she became popular. In
2016, Ria Ricis decided to make her first YouTube video. Her videos are frequently listed on YouTube trending. At this time, Ricis
official has successfully reached sixteen million subscribers. The very attractive girl also develop her career by owning several business,
namely restaurant, cake, and hijab. In addition, Ricis gets many offers to become a TV presenter and an actress. Now, she is reaping the
rewards of her hard work. She earns billions of rupiah in a year and is labelled as one of the richest Indonesian women.
Living a life in Europe which is different from his hometown of Indonesia inspired Nessie Judge to create a video blog or vlog on
YouTube. The videos that were uploaded in 2012 had been watched in a short time by around two hundred thousand people. Because of

that, Nessie was very viral at that time. She later became known as an Indonesian YouTuber who was very fluent in English because
indeed she had long lived in Europe to study there. Furthermore. Nessie Judge’s YouTube content evolved into more personal videos.
She several times discussed the issues of bullying, lesbian-gay-bisexual and transsexual (LGBT), sexual consent, and catcalling. In 2017,
Nessie introduced a new content of her YouTube vdeos which is about mystery stories named the Nerror (Nessie Horror). The segment
is eagerly awaited by YouTube viewers, and it is considered as the most desirable video compared to Nessie Judge’s other video
contents. Moreover, she also often collaborates with several other YouTube content creators, such as Aulion, Fathia Izzati, and Chandra
Liow. Her consistency in uploading appealing videos on YouTube makes almost four million people subscribe to the Nessie Judge
At the age of eighteen, Hanin Dhiya has succeeded in becoming a young YouTuber who has three million subscribers. Before deciding to
be a content creator, she was better known as the second winner of the singing contest, Rising Star Indonesia. Until 2014, she wanted to
continue her single in the music world by creating a YouTube channel which was also named Hanin Dhiya. Almost all of her YouTube
contents are cover videos of Indonesian and Western songs. Through her song covers, Hanin Dhiya always manages to make people
melancholic. This is because she really prefers to sing broken heart songs to other themes. Sometimes, her song cover videos are packed
in a short film that increasingly made viewers upset. One of Hanin Dhiya’s YouTube videos that was very viral is a song cover of Asal
Kau Bahagia (As long as You are Happy). The video has been watched nearly fifty million times. Amazingly, Hanin Dhiya’s song cover
video always reach million of views and it reinforces her existence as a talented young YouTuber.
All in all, Ria Ricis, Nessie Judge, and Hanin Dhiya are three Indonesia women who attain such a big success on YouTube. To me, their
passion and perseverance in working through videos has inspired others to reach the highest point of life.

Task 1
Answer the following questions based on the Model Essay

(1) What is the thesis statement of the model essay?

Answer : There are many Indonesian women who succeed from making and uploading videos on Youtube.

(2) What is the first example mentioned in the essay?

Answer : Ria Ricis.

(3) In which paragraph is the first example explained?

Answer : In the second paragraph.

(4) What is the second example mentioned in the essay?

Answer : Nessie Judge.

(5) In which paragraph is the secondexample explained?

Answer : In the third paragraph.

(6) What is the third example mentioned in the essay?

Answer : Hanin Dhiya.

(7) In which paragraph is the thirdexample explained?

Answer : In the fourth paragraph.

Task 2

(1) Read the introductory paragraph of an essay/
(2) There are three examples mention in the essay.
(3) One example has been explained.
(4) Choose one of the other two examples and then explain it in a developmental paragraph.

Graduation Day Celebrations

By Annisa Fitria Nuril Faradisa

Graduation is one of the events which is celebrated by a lot of students around the world. That is because graduation is a meaningful
moment for students after completing their study for several years. Some moments in the graduation day need to be celebrated so that
they can be remembered in the future. Students celebrate their graduation day with some fun ways.
Developmental Paragraph 1
The first fun ways that the students usually do to celebrate their graduation day is holding a party. After the sequence of
the agenda of the graduation ceremony is done at school, usually they are planning a graduation party somewhere for the next
celebration. Sometimes, the graduation party is held outside the house as well. Usually. All of their classmates join the party without any
exception. In the party. They are having a great time by dancing. singing along, playing some games. Cooking something and having
dinner together. They take a lot of pictures during the activities. They capture every single moment to remember all of the them before
they separate each other.
Developmental Paragraph 2
Another example of a fun activity that the students usually do to celebrate their graduation is taking a trip. The trip can make

anyone happy, relax, and also can make a moment like graduation more memorable. Because with taking a trip, they can spend more

days together, talking about the time they had in the school and make beautiful memories for their lives in the future. And taking a trip

after graduation is like something to pay off the hard time in the school that they had. And with this, they can feel the pleasure of school

and celebrate it together with their beloved friends.

Developmental Paragraph 3
(Write your own topic sentence, then develop it)

And the last is the students held some expression of gratitude to God. This is usually held in the house of one of the students, or places like an

orphanage, or even in the mosque in the school. These activities do because they feel grateful to God, to make all of them graduate from school and

hoping to make a better life in the future. And express that they can’t even do this far except because of God help’s them a lot. And usually, each

student will bring foods and beverages to eat together.


An example essay is developed by using examples
Each of the examples is explained in each of the developmental paragraphs
You are free to developed your own examples as long as they are relevant to the thesis

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