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In the podcast Maya’s mom stated that she came from a scientific background, and it was
crucial to her to discover others who shared Maya's genetic makeup in case medical
information, or a bone marrow donation was needed. However, her motivation moved
from the original cause to a more personal one. So, she went online to look for a donor
organisation and sperm bank, and she found a Facebook group. Even though she
expected to have a single child, she saw images of other children and comments from
other mothers, and it became a meaningful experience for her that her daughter still has
brothers and sisters’. The mother of the twin’s also felt the same way, she felt loved and
welcomed the moment she reached to them and Surjana one of the mom’s that created
this loving supportive family environment that it became easy for her to step into easily.
2. Leo’s mom said that having no paternity side is sad and the child not knowing it. It feels
like the child id missing out on something and it’s something else knowing the whole
side of the family. When she imagined her boys drawing a family tree all really one sided
it broke her heart. But when she thinks of it now it’s all big, beautiful, leafy tree, they are
not missing out on anything. They have siblings all over the place that they connect with
and have a strong relationship with and not as much with others. The twins are on the
younger side of dibbling’s so they will have older siblings that help them out when they
are 15 years old. The whole scenario is emotional to the mother’s because all this seems
beautiful to them, and they are happy when they hear stories about their kids and other
kids having the same funny toe. There is a blood connection and the connection between
the kid’s is unexplainable.
3. Maya’s mom started making connections with the people there and met them in person
and it felt normal, like they were part of the family. She got to know some more
dibbling’s and when they went on a vacation to Florida, there’s a dibbling family that
stays in Tampa. They visited them when they went down there, and they also celebrated
the twin’s 1st,2nd, and 3rd birthday. As for Leo’s and Gavin’s mom, when the mother from
England sent a picture of her daughter’s one of the daughters looked so much like Leo.
She just saw the aspects of Leo in her face and thought that how can you deny someone
this powerful of a connection. She stated that she would help any mom from the group at
the drop of a hat like they were her own brother’s or sister’s.

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