Wk15 Breast Cancer

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1. Summarize the guidelines for the early detection of breast cancer by developing a
teaching plan for breast self-examination for patients

In the Eastern Mediterranean, cancer is a prominent cause of mortality and disability.

Region. Member States are increasingly conscious of the significance of
Within their national health plans, they have cancer prevention programs. A properly run
national cancer control program can reduce the occurrence of the disease and enhance the
quality of life for those who already have it. The WHO prepared the recommendations.
Office for the Eastern Mediterranean region. the involvement of regional
Experts in the procedure were acknowledged as essential to their
implementation. These recommendations are supported by evidence and
The development of policies by Ministries of Health for early diagnosis and screening of
ovarian cancer.

Hormonal factors
Hormone regulation is important in the development of breast cancer. Long duration of
reproductive life, multiparity and late age imply increased exposure to estrogen during
menstrual cycles. Use of oral contraceptives at an older age has also been linked to an increase
in breast cancer cases diagnosed.

Environmental factors
Irradiation during infancy for thymus enlargement has a linear dose-response risk for breast
cancer development at a later stage in life. Radiation exposure after the age of 40 results in a
minimal increase in risk, while radiation in adolescence is associated with the greatest risk.

Sociobiological factors
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women, with 75% of new cases and 84%
of deaths occurring in women aged 50 and older. Age and gender are risk factors for developing
breast cancer, as well as hormonal and nutritional intake and imbalances.

Physiological factors
Moderate physical activity is associated with a lower risk of developing breast cancer compared
to no exercise at all. Studies have shown a 30% reduction in the risk level associated with
vigorous exercise compared to a few hours per week of low-intensity exercise, according to the
American Journal of Sports Medicine.

Although breast cancer cannot be prevented, the risks of developing breast cancer can be
minimized through specific preventive activities. These include achieving changes in lifestyle,
diet, overall physical characteristics and obesity, and interventions for women at high risk of
developing breast cancer using tamoxifen and other anti-estrogen compounds.
Early detection
The most important and beneficial area of protection activities is the early detection of breast
cancer (screening). Diagnosis during the early stages of disease has been positively linked to a
decrease in the mortality and morbidity of the illness. Clinical breast examination is one of the
primary modes of screening for breast cancer, but its effectiveness is dependent upon the skills
of the health worker and the facilities.

2. A 48-year-old man is married with two young children and has been newly diagnosed with
ametastatic spinal cord tumor. Identify appropriate nursing interventions to alleviate the patient’s
and family’s physiologic and emotional stressors.


Determine communication trends Provides information on communication

in families and interactional styles efficacy and highlights issues that may
within the family. impede a family's capacity to support the
patient and adjust positively to the cancer
diagnosis and treatment.

Find communication patterns Each person may view the issue in their own
types of interaction in families unique way, and identifying and
among members of one's family. communicating these expectations helps
people understand each other

Note components of family, presence of Assists the patient and caregiver in

extended family and others (friends and determining who is available to help with care
neighbors). or provide respite and support.

Note cultural and religious beliefs. Affects patient and SO reaction and
adjustment to diagnosis, treatment, and
outcome of cancer.

Listen for expressions of helplessness. Feelings of helplessness may make it difficult

to react to a cancer diagnosis and comply
with a treatment program.

Deal with family members in a warm, caring, Empathy is elicited, and the individual's sense
respectful way. Provide information (verbal of worth and skill in dealing with the current
and written), and reinforce as necessary. circumstance is enhanced

Identify and encourage use of previous The vast majority of people have learned
successful coping behaviors. good coping skills that may be used to their
current situation
Acknowledge difficulties of the situation Communicates acceptance of the reality the
(diagnosis and treatment of cancer, possibility patient and family are facing.
of death).

Stress importance of continuous open Promotes understanding and aids family

dialogue between family members. members in maintaining open lines of
communication and efficiently resolving

Refer to support groups, clergy, family May require further support to manage
therapy as indicated. disorganization issues that may arise as a
result of a possibly fatal disease diagnosis

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