Work Permit System

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Work Permit System


Work Permit System

2 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

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Goals and Objectives of the Training
At the end of this session you will know the following:

➢ What is Work Permit System and its requirements

➢ Be familiar with jobs requiring safe work permits

➢ Roles and Responsibilities of the Work Permit

System signatories

➢ Refresh the work flow for Work Permit System

➢ Obtain certificate on successful completion by

scoring marks above 80%

3 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

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• What is Work permit?
• Why use Work Permit System?
• Case Study
• When is Work Permit needed?
• What types of work require work permit?
• Roles and Responsibilities
• Work Flow- Planning and Execution
• Types of Permit
• Contents of the Work Permit
• Common Elements For All Safe Work Permit
• Validity of the Work Permit
• Suspension of Work Permit
4 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,
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What is Work Permit?

authorizes specific work specific period of time

specific location Written Record

issuer preparations precautions

before commencement of
receiver limitations
documents the conditions agreement between

5 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

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What is Work Permit?

A written record that authorizes specific work, at a

specific location, for a specific period of time

An agreement between the issuer and the receiver,

which documents the conditions, preparations,
precautions and limitations before commencement of

To ensures that all foreseeable hazards have been

considered and that the appropriate precautions are
defined and carried out in the correct sequence.
6 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,
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What is work permit
• The work permit specifies the conditions and procedures for safe execution of the
work and allows the work to be carried out under controlled risk conditions.
• The basic purpose of the Work Permit System is to assign the responsibility of each
party for the safe execution of the work; i.e. prevent injuries to personnel, protect
property from damage, avoid fire/explosion and ensure that all work is carried out
in the safest possible manner.
• The work permit authorizes specific work to be carried out in work permit area and
serves as an official document of conditions and requirement as agreed upon
between issuing and executing authorities
• The conditions set out on the work permit are meant as general guidelines and shall
not be assumed to cover every condition or circumstance that may be present or
may arise during the course of the work. The permit in itself does not make the job
safe but shows to what extent the job has been made safe.
• Issuers, Executors and their superiors are responsible & accountable to ensure strict
compliance at all levels to all clauses of the work permit system and ensure proper
housekeeping before closing the permit.

7 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

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Why use Work Permit System?
• Ensure Communication is smooth and clear between the parties involved

• Protect personnel from hazards and hazardous environments

– Eg. control of hazardous energy through lockout tagout

• Protect against mishaps that could have catastrophic secondary effects

– Eg. Ammonia Release

• Control special hazards

– Eg. Handling of Chemicals

• Prevent unauthorized impairment of safety systems

– Eg. Bypassing of safety interlocks, fire hydrant system impairment

8 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

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Why use Work Permit System?
• It addresses issues like
– Scope of the work
– Safety precautions to be taken
• Fire extinguishers, line depressurization, PPEs
– Proper communication
– Roles and responsibilities
• Permits help ensure that workers understand the hazards
– While opening a ammonia duct/pipeline ensure that the worker knows the
risk and has worn the necessary PPEs

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Why use Work Permit System?

• Permits also ensure that workers take appropriate actions to manage risk when
performing non-routine work activities.
• Work Permit System complements operating and maintenance procedures
• Permits are required for each non-routine job, and permits are to be issued or
extended at start of each shift
• Non-routine work increases risk and can make a catastrophic accident much
more likely.

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Facts and Figures

62% of the investigations conducted by CSB point out flaws

in conduct of abnormal and non routine operations

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Case Study- Piper Alpha

12 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

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Piper Alpha

• Most disastrous Off-Shore Oil

Platform accident
• 6th July, 1988.
• 167 fatalities.
• Fire raged on for 3 weeks.
• $2 billion in losses

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14 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,
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What types of works require Permit?

Routine Non Routine

Operations Operations

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Work requiring a permit
A work permit is required for jobs including, but not limited to the following:
• Maintenance Work (mechanical, electrical, instrument, civil etc.)
• Construction and project work
• Alterations/modifications
• Process equipment cleaning activities
• Inspection and condition monitoring
• Work inside confined space
• Excavation
• Vehicle/mobile equipment entry into Hazardous Areas
• Non-routine work in workshops, warehouse, etc.

17 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

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Work not requiring permit
A work permit is NOT required for following routine work, when carried out by the respective
• Routine work carried out in established workshops and adjacent yards with fixed boundaries
• Routine material handling work in established warehouses and adjacent lay down yards with
fixed boundaries
• Routine office work including cleaning, servicing of office equipment, communication
equipment, and furniture
• Visual inspection or checking without using any tools in operation areas with verbal
permission of the asset custodian (if such work involves confined space entry, confined
space authorization is required)
• Work carried out by Operations Dept. personnel as part of their routine operations, start-up
and shutdown (e.g. operating Valves, pumps, etc.)
• Work carried out in areas designated as 'permit free' by written approval from UBL Safety
• Any other work approved by UBL Safety as permit free upon written request from the
concerned Department.

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Roles and Responsibilities

19 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

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Roles and Responsibilities- Performing Authority
• Person requesting the work and appointed by Unit Head
• Is responsible for endorsing that the work to be performed has been requested and scheduled, and there
is a works order in place to commence the work.
• Ensure that the Approving authority fully understand all the job details and provide all information and
technical documentation to enable the AA to review and prepare the work area/ release the equipment
to enable the work to progress safely.
• PA shall indicate the types of tools and equipment necessary for performing the work. PA shall forward
valid Safety Certificate for vehicles and engine driven equipment.
• PA shall ensure that, the tools, equipment and accessories are in good condition.
• PA shall apprise his workers about job hazards and provide proper PPE (personal protective equipment).
• PA signature indicates understanding and compliance to relevant conditions on the permit.
• PA shall take “Original” permit and display the permit at work site with associated authorizations in
suitable manner and protected from direct sun and moisture.
• Transfer of Responsibility of Supervision - Adequate supervision shall be ensured for all jobs. Executor of
critical work shall remain in the work site. In case he has to leave the site at anytime, the work shall be
suspended until the responsibility is transferred to another executor by renewal of the permit.

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Responsibilities- PA

PA must understand the work situation, the potential hazards, and the precautions
required before accepting the permit.

Ensuring that the nature of the work, the work procedure and the potential
hazards are understood

Complying with the safety precautions and constraints as specified on the

work permit

Ensuring that the equipment is brought to a state of operational readiness

and that the handback procedures are observed.

21 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

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Roles and Responsibilities- Approving Authority
• He/She is appointed by Unit Head
• Authorised Person, in order of preference, are Asset Care Manager, Production In-charge, Project manager
• Authorised person must visit the work location before signing the permit and review the work or operation
with the workmen before work begins
• Authorised person signing the permit can not leave the unit, till the permit is closed or handed over to another
authorised person.
• Approving authority is responsible for preparation and handing over of the equipment in safe condition to
perform the work. AA signature as issuer shall mean understanding the job, safe handing over and subsequent
monitoring of site conditions during the work and taking back in safe condition after the work.
• Issuer shall inspect the work site with the executor before issuing the permit. Issuer shall fill Sections 2.
Section 3 of work permit shall be signed by an authorized gas tester not necessarily by issuing authority but he
shall ensure that gas test is carried out and section 3 signed by authorised gas tester.
• Issuer may tick “Not Required” or arrange necessary signatories for Energy Isolation
• Issuer shall issue the first copy of the permit to PA, 2nd copy to Safety dept and retain the 3rd copy in the work
permit book. Maintaining 3rd copy is the responsibility of AA.

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Responsibilities- Approving authority
Inspecting the work area

Anticipating and identifying hazards

Defining safety precautions

Making the area and equipment safe for work

Following the principles of safe working practices

Discussing requirements with the person accepting the permit

Issuing the work permit and Implementing the hand holding procedure.

23 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

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Types of Work Permits

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Types of Permits

General Work Hot work Excavation

permit permit Work permit

Confined Electrical
Work at height
space entry isolation
certificate certificate

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Work Flow- Planning and

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Work Flow- Planning

Review of flow
Inspection of work
Details of work sheet, drawings
and specifications

Assignment of
Identification of the Communication/co-
personnel and
involved hazards ordination

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Work Flow- Execution


Supervision and

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Planning of Work- Details of work

Nature of Details of work

• Definition of work and location of equipment / Machine
• Partial or total shutdown

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Planning of Work- Review of flow sheet, drawings and

Review of flow sheet, drawings and

• The review should include not only the equipment
itself but the total process of which it is part

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Planning of Work- Review of flowsheet, drawings and

Process fluids and materials involved

Degree of isolation of process equipment

and where/how

Effect on other processes,

Power supply isolation

Specialist advice
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Planning of Work- Review of flowsheet, drawings and

Location of underground services and pipes

Location of elevated power cables

Location of elevated pipelines and walkways

Purging and lock-out requirements

Pressure, temperature, Valve identification, Equipment

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Planning of Work- Review of flowsheet, drawings and

Equipment specifications

Operating and maintenance instructions

Materials of construction

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Planning of Work- Inspection of work site

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Hazard identification and Risk control

• Shall submit the HIRA for the proposed

work along with method statement

• Shall review and ensure its
AA • Ensure required isolations are done
• Critical hazards and control measures in
the sec 2 of the permit.

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• Please divide into two teams and list down all the possible Hazards
and control measures

• Kindly note that the consolidated list will be added as checkboxes in

the permit in sec 2

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Typical List of Hazards

Working at Awkward Vibration Noise

height access/exit

Heat Dust Electricity Pressure

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Typical List of Hazards

Flammable gas/liquid Toxic gas Smoke/Fumes Rotating/Moving


Hazardous Spark Potential Flash photography Projectiles


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Typical List of Hazards

Adjacent site Slip, trip, fall Vehicle Heavy/awkward

effected movement object

Fragile/ unsafe Working at Hot weather

roofs night

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Planning of Work- Inspection of work site

Assess activities adjacent to work site

Neighbouring activities

Site rules

Overhead cables

Underground services
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Planning of Work- Inspection of work site

Access problems

Escape routes

Alarm systems

Fire-fighting equipment

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Planning of Work- Inspection of work site

Environmental considerations

Natural hazards


Ground movement
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Planning of Work- Identification of the involved
Flammable materials or fluids

Asphyxiating atmospheres

Confined paces


Pressurised systems

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Planning of Work- Identification of the involved
Pressurised systems

Temperature – high/low

Corrosive substances

Moving objects


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Typical list of controls

Toolbox talk Safe manual Safe access, exit Scaffold required


Safety belt, harness, Correct/ Specific PPE Respiratory Hearing Protection

fall arrestor Protection

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Typical list of controls

First aid box MSDS Drinking water, Valve isolation,

Compliance sun protection LOTO

Blind isolation Electrical Equipment Equipment

isolation depressurized drained, vented

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Typical list of controls

Operators on Stop work while Stop engine, Apply brake,

standby venting motive power lock fly wheel

Use non No slip, trip, Signs, barriers, Spark arrestor

sparking tools falls warning lights on engine

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Typical list of controls

Unattended equipment Correct waste disposal Liaison with adjacent Checklist signed
isolated sites

Use lifting equipment, Continuous radio

crane contact with operations,
control room

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Types of work permit
Hot work Welding, Gas Cutting

General work/ Cold work Non spark producing activity

Confined Space Entry Entry in Vessel , Trench

Permit To

Electrical Permit Lockout/Tagout

Excavation Shoring and timbering, Sheet Piling

Work At Height Scaffolding, Roof Work

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Hot Work Permit

• Hot work permit gives written authorization to perform any activity that involves
a source of ignition, i.e. where use of heat, sparks or flame used or being
generated by tools used, are of sufficient intensity to cause the ignition of any
flammable or combustible material in a hazardous area.

• OSHA - 1917.152(a) - Hot work" means riveting, welding,

flame cutting or other fire or spark-producing operation.

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Hot Work Permit - When it is used?
• Welding, brazing or cutting with open flame torches;
• Grinding operation;
• Use of electrical heating devices
• Grit/ Abrasion blasting or power brushing;
• Use of high-pressure hydro-jet;
• Use of battery operated equipment
• Explosives/Chemical fire hazards
• Spray painting
• Jack hammering in flammable area
• Any other work which may result in the occurrence of sparks, flame or ignition,
such as power activated tools, cameras, etc.
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Hot Work / General Work - Control Measures
▪ The area below and surrounding the work location has been cleared off flammable/combustible
▪ Area barricaded and caution boards displayed.
▪ All portable/lifting tools are checked and certified
▪ ELCB Provided in electrical distribution boards and industrial plug tops used.
▪ Fire extinguishers available at work area.
▪ In electric arc welding earthing is provided to welding.
▪ In Gas welding/cutting hose pipes are physically examined for defects, leaks and Flash back
arrestors are provided to the gas cylinder.
▪ Fire blankets are placed under the welding area.
▪ Equipment purged off flammable liquid/vapour and properly drained/depressurized/flushed
▪ Designate a “FIRE WATCH”.
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53 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,
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Hot Work / General Work - PPEs used

Safety Shoes Helmet Apron

Welding Leather Gloves
Welding Face Shield Goggle

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Working on Height
• The Working on Height Permit is required for work performed at a
height of 1.8 meters or more (or) working at the edge where a person
could fall, including falling into depth.

• Working at heights is working in any place above or below ground

level, where a person could be injured if they fall from that place

• Accessing to a place of work, except by a staircase in a permanent

work place, is also considered as working at heights.

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Working on Height - When it is used?

• Carrying out work using MEWP (mobile elevated work platform e.g.; scissors lift,
man lift etc.)

• Carrying out work using ladder

• Carrying out work on roof without effective edge protection

i.e. handrail, e.g.; working on top of zinc roof etc.

• Scaffold erection and dismantling

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Working on Height - Hazards associated
• Falls • Roofs

• Falling Objects • Ladders

• Unprotected Sides and Edges • Vertical walls

• Platforms • Reinforcing steel work

• Walkways and ramps • Concrete form installation

• Pipe Racks and Skeletal Steel • Pits, Shafts and Manholes

• Scaffolds • Equipment (crane booms, etc.)

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Working on Height - Control Measures
• Area barricaded & Caution Boards displayed

• Scaffold/Ladder condition checked for suitability and placement on even surface

• All portable/Lifting tools are checked and have been certified

• Measures taken to prevent falling of materials (Guard Rails/Safety Net/Toe Boards)

• Standby person provided

• ELCB provided in Electrical Distribution Boards and Industrial plug tops used.[If in use]

• Surface checked for High/Low temperatures and pressure

• Use LOTO if power supply to be switched off.

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59 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,
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Working on Height - PPEs Used

Safety Shoes Safety Harness Life Line

Helmet Gloves

60 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

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Confined Space Entry
• Definition: Confined space entry work permit gives written authorisation to perform any
activity that involves work in confined spaces i.e. enclosure with known or potential
hazards and restricted means of entrance and exit, is not normally occupied by people
and is usually not well ventilated.

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Confined Space Entry - When it is used?
• Confined space entry is declared when • Examples:
there is, • Boiler, UT, Degreaser, Furnace

• Limited Openings for Entry and Exit • Pipeline, Pit

• Reaction or Process Vessel, Mills

• Unfavorable Natural Ventilation
• Septic Tank, Sewage Digestor
• Not Designed for Continuous Worker
• Silo, Storage Tank, Barges
• Sewer, Utility Vault, Manhole

• Trenches, Shafts

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Confined Space Entry - Hazards associated
• Oxygen Deficient Atmospheres

• Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres

• Flammable Atmospheres

• Toxic Atmospheres

• Temperature Extremes

• Engulfment Hazards

• Noise, Slick/Wet Surfaces, Falling Objects

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Confined Space Entry - Control measures
• Area barricaded and caution boards displayed.
• Check for pressure, temperature, flammable, corrosive
chemicals and toxic gases.
• Standby person provided
• Man inside have life line and necessary rescue arrangements.
• Vessel properly drained/depressurised/purged with air.
• Minimum level of oxygen (20%) is ensured prior to starting of
• Arrangement for evacuation incase of emergency.
• All related work permit should be received prior to starting of
• Proper lighting and only 24V hand lamp to use.

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Additional Risk Assessment

Hazards Control Measures

• Bad Visibility • Blind isolation

• Trapped gases • Equipment depressurised
• Oxygen deficiency • Equipment drained/ vented
• Pressure/temperature • Fresh air ventilation
• Inert atmosphere • Provide safe access
• Initial gas test and at repeated
• Standby man

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66 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,
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Confined Space Entry - PPEs Used

Safety Shoes Mask

Life Line

Helmet Breathing Apparatus

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Electrical Work Permit

• Electrical work permit gives written authorisation to perform any activity on

electrical installations.

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Electrical Work Permit - When it is used?

• Electrical work permit is required for all electrical isolation and energisation of
electrical installations like

• Main Distribution Panel,

• Transformer,

• DG,

• Plant and Machineries

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Electrical Work Permit - Hazards associated
• Unsafe equipment and/or installation
• Electric shock
• Touching a live wire and an electrical ground, or
• „Touching a live wire and another wire at a different voltage
• Electric burn
• High voltage
• Electric arc
• Improper insulation
• Electrocution
• Falls
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Electrical Work Permit - Control Measures
• Earthing and ELCB Provided in electrical distribution boards.

• Electrical sources are isolated and LOTO system is used before taking maintenance works.

• Supervision is ensured

• Insulated tools are used.

• CO2 type fire extinguisher is available nearby.

• Electrical contractor's license verified .

• Double earthing is restored on electric motors and control panels after maintenance.

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72 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,
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Electrical Work Permit - PPEs Used

Safety Shoes Gloves Safety Goggles

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Excavation Work Permit
• Excavation – A man made cut, cavity, trench or depression formed by earth

• Excavation work permit is a written authorization to perform work which involves

any manual or machinery excavation, driving of stakes more than 300mm below
the existing surface or movement of vehicle/s across unpaved area in the Plant.

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Excavation Work Permit - Hazards associated

• Material falling into trench.

• Exposure to toxic, irritating or flammable gases.

• Falling into the trench.

• Vehicles/Equipment falling into trench

• Being struck by moving equipment.

• Cave in/Collapse of soil.

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Excavation Work Permit - Control Measures
• Excavation is barricaded and suitable barrier and Sign
Boards are in place to prevent person from falling into
• Entry and Exit to be provided at the gap of every 10 mts.
• Sloping of side of excavation to a safe angle (45 degree).
• Underground utility lines identified and precaution
taken before starting work.
• Care is taken to avoid contact with over head or buried
power line with excavation equipment.
• Check for valid license for hired earthmoving
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Additional Risk Assessment

Hazards Control Measures

• Buried pressurised pipelines • Underground services identified and

• Buried electrical cables isolated
• Loose soil, sand • Excavation sides stepped, sloped
• Wet, flooded ground conditions • Excavation sides shored
• Excavation collapse • Storage of excavated materials > 1.5
• Excavation near existing or m
temporary equipment • Excavation away from existing or
• Pneumatic tools temporary equipment
• Continuous gas monitoring

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78 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,
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Excavation Work Permit - PPEs Used

Safety Shoes Helmet Dust Mask Gloves

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Chemical Handling

• Safe handling of chemicals is key for any teams who work with, supply, or store
hazardous chemicals.

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Chemical Handling - When it is used?

• Transportation of chemicals

• Storage of chemicals

• Handling/usage of chemicals

• Disposal of chemicals

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Chemical Handling - Hazards associated

• Physical and chemical hazards

• spillage, contamination, flammability, corrosion, and


• Health hazard

• irritation, sensitization, and carcinogenicity

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Chemical Handling – Control measures

• Ensure availability of MSDS at the point of use and display of SOP

• All chemicals are labeled

• Ensure eye wash/body wash station nearby.

• Always chemicals are added to water and not vice-versa

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Cross Reference to Other Work Permits
Validity: Date:

Job Description: From: AM/PM

(To be filled by Permit Approver)
Job Location and Plant Identification: Name of the contractor

Name of Employees/Workers
Counter Measures Taken for Associated Risks 1,
Any Other Permit Initiator
Job Site checked and Shift Incharge Informed


Permit Acceptor
I have understood the potential Hazards, Risks and Control Measures. I accept the responsibility for
carrying out the work by taking all the Safety Precautions as detailed in this Safe Work Permit. I will
Minimum Mandatory PPE Required
return the permit after safe execution of job and removing excess materials and tools etc.


Permit Approver
I have visited the work location and have reviewed the operation with the workmen. Have ensured the
availability of required PPE's which are in good condition.

Note: Signature:
Permit Extension/Revalidation: Permit Closure
Request made by (Permit Approver) Authorised by
(Unit Head Only) Received back the permit after satisfactory completion of job. This permit is hereby cancelled.

Signature: Signature: Signature:

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Chemical Handling - PPEs Used

Safety Shoes Helmet Gloves

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Execution of work- Preparatory work
Check all requirements as detailed during the planning stage
are complete

Check all safety equipment is available

Check all tools and equipment are available

Ensure all necessary training and instruction has been given

Ensure all safety precautions are observed

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Execution of work- Communication and
Communicate instructions to employees and
request their feedback

Fill-in the work permit form

Work permit form to be signed by those

persons authorising and accepting the permit

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Execution of work- Supervision and monitoring

Supervise workforce

Monitor work in progress

Ensure safety precautions are observed

Check when job is complete

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Execution of work- Closing

Bring plant and equipment/machines

to state of operational readiness

Sign off work permit that job has

been completed

Inspect and check that safe operating

conditions have been restored.

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Contents of the Work Permit

90 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

All rights reserved.
Different Contents of the Permit

Job Description
•List down the type of job

Job Location and Plant Identification

•Describe the job location and identification
details clearly
91 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,
All rights reserved.
Different Contents of the Permit
Counter Measures Taken for Associated Risks
• Refer the counter measures for each permit and validate if the same
are available at the site

Name of the department /contractor

• Mention the name of the department/ contractor to carry out the

Name of Employees / Workers

• Include the names of the employees/ workers involved in the activity

92 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

All rights reserved.
Different Contents of the Permit
Minimum Mandatory PPE Required
• Minimum mandatory PPE required are mentioned for each
permit at the end.
• If any additional are required, based on the nature of activity,
the same to be mentioned

Permit Initiator- Signature

• After ensuring all the columns are filled, job site checked and
shift incharge informed, the initiator shall sign off with date
and time
93 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,
All rights reserved.
Different Contents of the Permit
Performing Authority/ Permit Acceptor - Signature
• Understand the potential Hazards, Risks and Control Measures.
• Accept the responsibility for carrying out the work by taking all the Safety Precautions as detailed in this
Safe Work Permit.
• Return the permit after safe execution of job and removing excess materials and tools etc.
• If there is any discrepancy or not clear, the permit is not be accepted and reverted back
• Ensure the availability of required PPE's which are in good condition.

Approving Authority /Permit Approver - Signature

• Visit the work location and review the proposed job. Define Hazards and controls.
• Ensure that the Required isolations are done and gas test performed before issuance of permit.
• Monitor work site frequently to ascertain the condition.

Permit Closure- Signature

• Receive back the permit after satisfactory completion of job.

94 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

All rights reserved.
Different Contents of the Permit
Permit Extension/Revalidation
• Permit approver to make the request
• Only the Unit head can authorise the extension/revalidation

95 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

All rights reserved.
Common Elements For All Safe
Work Permit

96 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

All rights reserved.
Work will start only if

• Risk assessment / Job safety analysis and a tool box talk appropriate
for the level of risk are done
• Concerned person are trained and competent in the work they are
required to do
• Personal Protective Equipment are worn as per the risk assessment
and site requirement
• Emergency response plans are in place
• Good house keeping is ensured
• Effective supervision is available during execution of work

97 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

All rights reserved.
Validity of the Work Permit

98 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

All rights reserved.
Permit is valid till
The end of the shift

Work not performed for over 2 hours

Change in Scope

Permit Renewal


• The work permit shall be tracked through the entire life cycle from
initiation to completion / close-out.
99 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,
All rights reserved.
Suspension of Work Permit

100 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

All rights reserved.
Suspension of Work Permit
• In case of an emergency, injury or dangerous

Emergency occurrence, work shall be suspended and validity of

any work permit ceases.

• Fire if there is a general alarm

• If there are any changes in the agreed permit

Changes conditions
• Nature or scope of the work; where there is conflict
with another scope of work.

101 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

All rights reserved.
Suspension of Work Permit
• A new hazardous situation appears
New hazardous
• Safety Regulations are violated,
Safety Regulations
• Waiting for spares
• If the site conditions have changed for
Site Conditions operational reasons

102 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

All rights reserved.
Suspension of Work Permit

Suspended permit remains live until it is cancelled,

it should be kept on the permit recording system.

The work should not be restarted until the issuing

authority has verified that it is safe to do so

Until the issuing authority has revalidated the

permit or issued a new permit

103 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

All rights reserved.
Work Permit Audit

104 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

All rights reserved.
Work Permit Audit

• The work permits are to be audited by the area owner every week
• It is the responsibility of Safety department to develop action plan
based on the gaps and address the gaps

105 Copyright© 2018, Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd.,

All rights reserved.

Our Offices:
Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd. Chennai I Mumbai I New Delhi I
Parry House, 4th Floor, No.2, NSC Bose Road, Bangalore I Gurgaon I Pune I
Chennai – 600001 Kuwait I Singapore (Partner Offices)
Phone: +91(44) 3044 5620-30 Email:
Fax: +91(44) 3044 5550
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