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Step 1.

Write your ways of breaking up stress:

1. I write a daily journal.

2. I listen to music.
3. I set time to unwind.
4. I eat ice cream.
5. I never forget to pray.

Step 2. After the sharing, answer the guide questions below:

1. How did you feel when you were asked to write/list down your ways in coping
with stress?

When I listed those ways on how I cope up my stress I felt relief. I felt
relief because I have given a chance that someone ask how I am able to defeat
my stress. I felt like this question makes me remember how I handle my life and
how I value myself. We have different ways in coping our stress and for me those
ways above listed are the most effective. Those ways to cope up stress that I
listed reminds me that I have already conquered many challenges and it is okay
to relax but not to quit.

2. When you were instructed to share your list with someone, what were you
thinking of?

At first, I am a bit shy to share my ways of coping my stress. I think I have

shallow answers and I felt I am just giving myself an embarrassment. But then I
realize I should not think that way because it will just make them thought that I
am just faking it. Sharing this with someone can maybe help her when time
comes that she will face stress. With sharing, I can also gain more alternative
ways on how to endure stress because of what she shares also.

3. Based on your sharing, do you have similar stress coping strategies? If yes, did
you discuss if those similar ways on your lists are effective? If no, why?

Yes, we do have similar ways on how we cope up our stress. Listening to

music and praying are our common ways when we deal with our stress. It was an
enjoyable talk because I learned from her and she also learned from me on how
to reduce stress. Our common ways to cope up stress was so effective that it
turns out that we never notice we are already reminiscing those time we are
stressed. It makes us thought that stress will always come on our lives but we
have ways to fight it and make those ways effective.

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