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Meaning of Controlling

Controlling is one of the important functions of a manager. In order to seek planned results from
the subordinates, a manager needs to exercise effective control over the activities of the
subordinates. In other words, the meaning of controlling function can be defined as ensuring that
activities in an organization are performed as per the plans. Controlling also ensures that an
organization’s resources are being used effectively & efficiently for the achievement of
predetermined goals.

 Controlling is a goal-oriented function.

 It is a primary function of every manager.

Therefore, controlling function should not be misunderstood as the last function of management.

It is a function that brings back the management cycle back to the planning function. Thus, the
controlling function act as a tool that helps in finding out that how actual performance deviates
from standards and also finds the cause of deviations & attempts which are necessary to take
corrective actions based upon the same.

This process helps in the formulation of future plans in light of the problems that were identified
&, thus, helps in better planning in the future periods.  So from the meaning of controlling we
understand it not only completes the management process but also improves planning in the next
Importance of Controlling

After the meaning of control, let us see its importance. Control is an indispensable function of
management without which the controlling function in an organization cannot be accomplished
and the best of plans which can be executed can go away. A good control system helps an
organization in the following ways:

1.Accomplishing organization Goals

The controlling function is an accomplishment of measures that further makes progress towards
the organizational goals & brings to light the deviations, & indicates corrective action. Therefore
it helps in guiding the organizational goals which can be achieved by performing a controlling

2. Judging Accuracy of Standards

A good control system enables management to verify whether the standards set are accurate &
objective. The efficient control system also helps in keeping careful and progress check on the
changes which help in taking the major place in the organization & in the environment and also
helps to review & revise the standards in light of such changes.

3. Making Efficient use of Resources

Another important function of controlling is that in this, each activity is performed in such
manner so an in accordance with predetermined standards & norms so as to ensure that the
resources are used in the most effective & efficient manner for the further availability of

4. Improving Employee Motivation

Another important function is that controlling help in accommodating a good control system
which ensures that each employee knows well in advance what they expect & what are the
standards of performance on the basis of which they will be appraised. Therefore it helps in
motivating and increasing their potential so to make them & helps them to give better

5. Ensuring Order & Discipline

Controlling creates an atmosphere of order & discipline in the organization which helps to
minimize dishonest behavior on the part of the employees. It keeps a close check on the
activities of employees and the company can be able to track and find out the dishonest
employees by using computer monitoring as a part of their control system.

6. Facilitating Coordination in Action

The last important function of controlling is that each department & employee is governed by
such pre-determined standards and goals which are well versed and coordinated with one
another. This ensures that overall organizational objectives are accomplished in an overall


Walmart's current logo since 2008

Walmart Home Office (headquarters) in December 2012

Formerly  Wal-Mart Discount City (1962–1969)

 Wal-Mart, Inc. (1969–1970)

 Wal–Mart Stores, Inc. (1970–2018)

As of April 30, 2022, Walmart has 10,585 stores and clubs in 24 countries, operating under
46 different names. The company operates under the name Walmart in the United States and
Canada, as Walmart de México y Centroamérica in Mexico and Central America, and
as Flipkart Wholesale in India. It has wholly owned operations in Chile, Canada, and South
Africa. Since August 2018, Walmart holds only a minority stake in Walmart Brasil, which
was renamed Grupo Big in August 2019, with 20 percent of the company's shares, and
private equity firm Advent International holding 80 percent ownership of the company.
Walmart is the world's largest company by revenue, with US$548.743 billion, according to
the Fortune Global 500 list in 2020. It is also the largest private employer in the world with
2.2 million employees. It is a publicly traded family-owned business, as the company is
controlled by the Walton family. Sam Walton's heirs own over 50 percent of Walmart
through both their holding company Walton Enterprises and their individual
holdings. Walmart was the largest United States grocery retailer in 2019, and 65 percent of
Walmart's US$510.329 billion sales came from U.S. operations.
Walmart was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1972. By 1988, it was the most
profitable retailer in the U.S., and it had become the largest in terms of revenue by October
1989. The company was originally geographically limited to the South and lower Midwest,
but it had stores from coast to coast by the early 1990s. Sam's Club opened in New Jersey in
November 1989, and the first California outlet opened in Lancaster, in July 1990. A Walmart
in York, Pennsylvania, opened in October 1990, the first main store in the Northeast.
Walmart's investments outside the U.S. have seen mixed results. Its operations and
subsidiaries in Canada, the United Kingdom, Central America, South America, and
Founder Sam Walton

Sam Walton's original Walton's Five and Dime Store in Bentonville, Arkansas, now serving
as The Walmart Museum

Importance or Benefits of Quality Control

1. Encourages quality consciousness:

The most important advantage derived by introducing quality control is that it develops and
encourages quality consciousness among the workers in the factory which is greatly helpful
in achieving desired level of quality in the product.

2. Satisfaction of consumers:
Consumers are greatly benefited as they get better quality products on account of quality
control. It gives them satisfaction.
3. Reduction in production cost:
By undertaking effective inspection and control over production processes and operations,
production costs are considerably reduced. Quality control further checks the production of
inferior products and wastages thereby bringing down the cost of production considerably.

4. Most effective utilisation of resources:

Quality control ensures maximum utilisation of available resources thereby minimising
wastage and inefficiency of every kind.

5. Reduction in inspection costs:

Quality control brings about economies in inspection and considerably reduces cost of

6. Increased goodwill:
By producing better quality products and satisfying customer’s needs, quality control raises
the goodwill of the concern in the minds of people. A reputed concern can easily raise
finances from the market.

7. Higher morale of employees:

An effective system of quality control is greatly helpful in increasing the morale of
employees, and they feel that they are working in the concern producing better and higher
quality products.

8. Improved employer-employee relations:

Quality control develops to better industrial atmosphere by increasing morale of employees
which ensures cordial employer-employee relations leading to better understanding and
closeness between them.

9. Improved techniques and methods of production:

By supplying technical and engineering data for the product and manufacturing processes,
improved methods and designs of production are ensured by quality control.

10. Effective advertisement:
Organisations producing quality products have effective advertisement. They win the public
confidence by supplying those better quality products.
11. Facilitates price fixation:
By introducing quality control measures, uniform products of same quality are produced.
This greatly facilitates the problem of price fixation. One price of standard products becomes
prevalent in the market.

12. Increased sales:
Quality control ensures production of quality products which is immensely helpful in
attracting more customers for the product thereby increasing sales. It is greatly helpful in
maintaining existing demand and creating new demand for the product. It has been rightly
pointed out that quality control is a powerful instrument with the help of which markets both

at home and abroad can be expand.

Wal-Mart In The Global Retail Market:

Its Growth And Challenges


The Wal-Mart Corporation is one of those companies that have been impacted by change at
levels as they conduct business and expand their operations throughout the globe. Wal-Mart
also greatly benefited from deeply-held universal values, philosophies, and management
which have made them successful in diverse countries. In a short span of about forty years,
company has become the envy of any and every major corporation in the world. This case
how Wal-Mart has achieved this enormous success, its best practice in the global retail
international growth trends and challenges, and various lessons that have been learned from
expansion in foreign countries. The case focuses on customer value delivery related to low
use of technology, and an organizational culture passionate on continuous learning.

low prices,” Wal-Mart has injured many of its

competitors. A new Wal-Mart SuperCenter opens up about every 38 hours (McNally, 2005).
Wal-Mart, like any other firm, experiences problems and challenges in the workforce, it
continues to
thrive because they learn from their experiences and change or adapt accordingly. Wal-Mart,
in 1962, opened its first
Wal-Mart Discount City and now it sells more toys than Toys “R” Us, more clothes than the
Gap and Limited, and
more food than Kroger and a few other supermarkets combined (Upbin, 2004). If Wal-Mart
was its own economy, it
would rank 30 right next to Saudi Arabia while growing at the rate of about 11% each year.
The “Wal-Martization”
of the world is bringing about good and bad changes to commerce around the globe. Wal-
Mart is expected to be the
first trillion dollar retailer in the world.
Conclusion: In conclusion, Wal-Mart is the number one retailer in the United States and is at
the topof the Fortune 500 listing. Wal-Mart operates in many countries world-wide and
ismoving into new countries every year.Wal-Mart is also expanding as a retailer. They have
expanded into many other sectorsof the marketplace, including groceries, gas station,
electronics, and auto maintenance. Each year, wal mart finds new ways to grow and offer
more services to their customer.

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