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1. Write a program to add two numbers.

2. Write a program to multiply two floating numbers.
3. Write a program to calculate simple interest.
4. WAP to find the size of char , int, double and float.
5. WAP to print the ASCII values of a given character.
6. Write a program to swap the values of two numbers using a third variable.
7. Write a program to swap the values without using the third variable.
8. WAP to check if the number is even or odd.
9. WAP to check whether a given character is a vowel or a consonant.
10. WAP to calculate the absolute value of a number.
11. WAP to find the larger of two numbers.
12. WAP to find the largest of three numbers.
13. Given (x,y) find out if point lies on x-axis , y-axis or origin.
14. WAP to check if a given number is positive, negative or zero.
15. WAP which computes the roots of a quadratic equation ax2 + bx+c = 0.
16. WAP that reads a character in upper case and print out whether it is a vowel or not.
17. WAP to print all the even numbers from 0 to 20 using for loop
18. WAP that reads 10 numbers and compute the average, maximum and minimum
19. WAP to print first 10 natural numbers.
20. WAP to print the multiplication table of number
21. WAP to calculate a raise to power b.
22. WAP to compute the factorial of a given number.
23. WAP to print the Fibonacci series.
24. WAP to find if a number is prime or not.
25. WAP to count the number of digits in an integer.
26. WAP to find reverse of a number and sum of its digits.
27. Given 3 points (x1,y1) , (x2,y2) and (x3,y3), find if they lie on a straight line or not.
28. WAP to calculate average using arrays.
29. WAP to print an array of 10 numbers in reverse order.
30. WAP to search an element in the array and if present, then display the number of
times it appears in the array.
31. WAP to find out how many are positive, how many are negative, how many are even
and how many are odd numbers from an array of 25 integers.
32. WAP to calculate the length of a string.
33. WAP to count the number of vowels, words and spaces in a given line of strings.
34. WAP to check if a given string is a palindrome or not.
35. WAP to add two 2D arrays.
36. WAP to multiply two 2D arrays.
37. WAP to check 2 matrices for equality
38. WAP to print the upper and lower triangular matrices in a square matrix.
39. WAP to print the transpose of a matrix.
40. Write a function power(a,b) to calculate the value of a raised to b.
41. Write a function to calculate factorial of a number.
42. Write a function to determine whether the year entered is a leap year or not.
43. WAP to swap two values using call by value.
44. WAP to swap two values using call by reference.
45. WAP to read a file and calculate the no. of characters, spaces, newline and tabspace
in it.
46. WAP to copy the contents of one file to another.
47. WAP that asks from the user for the file to be opened and then displays the contents
of the file.
48. WAP to receive the strings from keyboard and writes them to the file.
49. WAP to read the strings from the file and write them on the screen.

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