Unit 5 Weather and Climate

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1.what is the amount of argon gas present in the atmosphere? 0.97%

2. How much carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere? 0.03%

3.The average condition of the weather of a place or a region is called ass? Climate

4.what is the ancient greek word for climate? Klimo which means inclination

5. The earth and its atmosphere gets heated from the sun through? Insolation

6.the line which joins the places of equal values is called us? Isolines

7.equal temperature is called us? Isotherm

8.equal lowest mean temperature for a specified period is called us? Isocryme

9.equal sunshine at various places is called us? Isohel

10.equal pressure tendency showing similar changes over a given time is called ass? Isollobar

11.equal atmospheric pressure is called ass? Isobar

12. Equal amount of rainfall at different places is called ass?Isohyet

13.name the instrument which is used to measure the temperature? Thermometer, Stevenson

14.the atmosphere is mainly heated because of? Outgoing radiation

15.The maximum temperature in the atmosphere recorded in which time? 2 and 4 PM

16.the minimum temperature in the atmosphere is recorded in which time? 4 AM

17.the difference between the maximum and minimum temperature of a day is called ass?
Diurnal range of temperature

18.the difference between the highest and lowest mean monthly temperatures of a year is called
ass? Annual range of temperature

19.the imaginary lines which connect the same temperature of different places is called as?
20 daughter what are all the three heat zones of the earth? Torrid zone or tropical zone,
temperate zone, frigid zone

21.the region between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn is called as? Torrid zone

22.The maximum heat received in which zone? Torrid zone

23.the zone between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle is called us? Temperate zone

24.the temperate zone experiences what type of temperature? Moderate

25. the region between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole is called ass? Frigid zone

26.which zone is covered with snow? Frigid zone

27.when and where the highest temperature ever recorded? 56.7°C, Greenland Ranch of death
Valley, California, USA,1913

28. when and where the lowest temperature ever recorded? -89.2°C, 1983, Soviet vostok
station in Antarctica

29.which region has the highest rainfall? Equatorial region

30.which instrument is used to measure rainfall? Rain gauge

31.the weight of air above a given area on the earth surface is called as what? Atmospheric
pressure or air pressure

32.The low-pressure system is called us? Depression and cyclone

33. the high-pressure system is called as what? Anticyclones

34.which is used to show the distribution of air pressure? Isobar

35.when and where the highest pressure ever recorded? Aagatta, Russia, 1968, 1083.8 MB

36.when and where the lowest pressure ever recorded? Typhoon tip, near Guam, Mariana
Island in Pacific Ocean, 1979, 870MB

37.The instrument used to measure air pressure? Barometer or aneroid barometer

38. Which instrument is used for recording continuous variation in atmospheric pressure?
39.what are all the types of humidity? Specific humidity, absolute humidity, relative humidity

40. the instrument used to measure the humidity? Hygrometer

41.when the height increases what will happen? Pressure decreases

42. the vertical movement of air is called as what? Air current

43.what are all the types of wind? Planetary, seasonal, local winds

44.the seasonal winds also called as what? Monsoon wind

45.the scale which is used for measuring wind speed? Beaufort scale

46.Who discovered the Beaufort scale? Francis beaufort

47.where did beaufort scalef first used? HMS Beagle

48. who prepared the first climatic atlas of the world? Al-balakhi

49. Which instrument is used to measure the direction of wind? Wind vane or weather clock

50. Which instrument is used to record the wind speed and direction? Meteorograph or triple

51.which country has the average low wind speed? Brazil

52.name some countries with the least windy places on earth? Gabon, Congo, Sumatra,
Indonesia, Malaysia

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