Quad Right Facts

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Quad Right Facts

Posted on March 28, 2015 by admin — No Comments ↓

In this blog you’ll find a long list of facts about the Quad Right. I’ve basically taken some of
the key points Ra Uru Hu made in his talk about Quad Rights and listed them below in bullet
points, for your ease and absorbtion!
What is Quad Right and what is Human Design?
A Quad Right is a type of variable from the Human Design system. Human Design is a
huge scientific subject and takes some serious looking into if you want to start benefiting
from it.
I’m not going to go into what Human Design is or what Variables are here in this post,  but if
you’re interested and want to either learn more about Human Design, or, if you’d like to get
your free rave chart done the links are at the bottom of this post.
Human Design Variables
Beyond the basics of human design you discover ‘variables’. Variables show you what kind
of cognitive architecture you have.
When you look at your human design body graph chart you will see 4 arrows around the
head. Each arrow is either pointing left or right.
There are 16 different variations of directions the arrows can be pointing in, from them all
pointing left, to all pointing to the right.
What I’m sharing about today is the variable where all of those arrows are pointing to the
right. When you see this on a chart it means you are looking at a Quad Right.
What is Cognitive Architecture?
The Coginitive Architecture is about how the nature of our intelligence is structured.  There’s
a left kind of cognition and there’s a left kind of cognition.
• Left is strategic and active – very focused
• The right is receptive and passive – one large abyss that absorbs everything
• The left and the right are as different as gender
When you look at the variable chart you will see that in the top left corner you have all the
arrows pointing to the left, and in the bottom right corner all the arrows are pointing to the

You could draw a direct line starting from the all lefts in the top left hand corner, across and
down to the quad rights in the lower right hand corner.
This line represents evolution.
Left is the past  and right is the future
Neanderthals were all Quad Right. Then modern homo sapien showed up with his/her new
strategic ‘left’ ways of being and we were no longer all right.
Something else is coming in our future, right now, as human beings, we’re both left and right,
but, as a species, we’re moving back to being Quad Right again.
There are 16 variables and there is nothing about any of the other 15 that is anything like the
quad right. All the other 15 variables have some aspect of leftness, but the quad right is all
right. No left at all.
Facts About Quad Rights
I’ve gone through Ra’s Quad Right talk and taken out the most pertinent aspects. For me I
like to see things in bullet point, it helps me absorb! So I thought I’d share with you guys!

Quad Rights . . .

“Need to be Invited by the Correct people”

• Are the most aware people on the planet and the least likely to know it. They can never see
this themselves.
• Not able to go back in and grab for anything they’ve absorbed
• Absorbing and taking in EVERYTHING.
• Potentially the most creative variable, because of the nature of their receptivity
• The most extreme variable
• Here to be totally receptive in a strategic world
• Not able to align themselves to the strategic world at all
• Needing to totally transform everything about how they operate in life, in terms of the way
in which they see themselves and how they understand their own nature
• Equipped with a passive brain. It’s not supposed to focus. The moment that quad rights try
to push their brains to do something, they’re creating total lack of well being in their
system and this goes directly to the thyroid. So they’ll either have problems
metabolising food, problems with weight, or problems with not enough energy, etc.
• Not designed to be put under pressure.
• Left brains focus, focus, focus. Rights have a passive receptive brain, taking in everything.
• The quad right brains work is not about the outside it is about how you take things in.
• The quad right brain takes in enormous amounts of information, and very little of it is of
any interest to them.
• They are a resource here to be used well.
• The very nature of the quad rights life is dependent on who is with them.
• Their life is determined by what’s taken out of you, not what they put out.
• The passive brain needs correct dietary regimen.
• They are beings that are here to flow.
• They do not need to constantly focus on the pattern processes of your life. Instead they can
just move through and flow through life.
• They have no purpose. Purpose belongs to lefts!
• Lefts are defined by what they do. Quad rights aren’t
• Anything that a quad right does is only a medium for their creativity
• The point is to get their awareness out!
• STRATEGY AND AUTHORITY is everything to the quad right
• They carry the most extreme rightness of any other human form on the planet
• Everything about the quad rights existence is about what will be drawn from their deep
well. Remember, they absorb and take in everything.
• So, every moment of their existence they are filling that well up to an unimaginable depth
• They can’t access the well by themselves
• They can read a book and then completely forget it and have to read it again! (yep!)
• They tend to drive themselves nuts trying to remember stuff that they’ve taken in and so
will often think that they have problems.
• They don’t have problems, they are all-right.
• They take everything in because that’s what they’re here to do. To take in. To be aware. To
be available in their awareness.
• If they put pressure on their brain, if they try to be strategic, if they try to define their life
by what they do instead of what they live, they will be in trouble.
• Their brain will give them physical problems if they stress it.
• Environment is particularly important for the quad right because of how sensitive they are
to the information field around them.
• The Quad Right taking in aura, electro-magnetic fields, frequencies, vibration, the Baraka,
the stored information that’s in the environment.
• The right carries the resources, the left has the focus, together they can survive.
• If/when the internet ever stops it will be the quad right that will carry all the resources and
information needed
• People will randomly ask a quad right something and they will tell them exactly what they
needed to know. The quad won’t know where it came from, but it was useful for the
other. Information just appears.
• The quad right’s life is determined by who drinks from their well.
• If they have idiots pulling from them, they will have the experience of being an idiot. If a
genius pulls from them, they will also be the genius
• If the mundane is only pulled, they give the mundane. If the exhalted is pulled, they give
the exhalted.
• The QR’s environment is the nourishment for their life. They need to be relaxed and
comfortable in whatever it is that they are doing. Environment for them is essential
• If they are ever in an environment with forces that are trying to get them out of their flow,
out of their comfortable, relaxed state, those forces are the wrong forces for them.
• They are here to be laid back, not lazy, relaxed and flowing in what they do.
• What they are about is all the things that take place whilst they are in their flow.
• People fall into them. They start talking to you and they give you exactly what you’ve been
looking for. They can’t help it. You, the ‘other’ just taps in to that part of the quad
rights awareness.
• Quad Rights have to think about who’s tapping in and pulling from them. Every person
that takes from them defines them.
• There are 400 hundred million quads. Most feel like aliens and have no idea what is going
on for them.
• Most quads are trying really hard to be ‘left’ and get so messed up as a result.
• There is no place within their cognitive architecture that allows them to control their life.
They just can’t.
• their strategy and authority is the only thing that will align them to the flow that’s correct
for them and to the beings that are correct for them.
• If the fool pulls from them, they will be foolish and they’ll think it’s them. It’s not. It’s just
the other pulling.
• They have everything in them. It is so important to have some kind of way to get your
awareness out.
• It’s the people around them that draw out their awareness, that’s how the quad rights get to
see it.
• But, if the quad right has a creative outlet, something where they are utterly present and
aware this will help them see what’s in them
• Their awareness goes into everything they touch; washing dishes, playing the piano, their
awareness is streaming into absolutely everything.
• Their awareness needs outlets.
• When you allow your awareness to come out through your creativity you get to have the
chance to see and say ‘Ah! That came out of me! Isn’t that pretty!’
• Quad rights are deeply different from the rest of the planet.
• they are here to be present
• The moment they’re focusing with their minds they are blind.
• They see holographically.
• They are walking treasures – Live your life according to what is correct for you and the
forces will be there that will draw out the awareness that makes you feel good and
• No strategy in their intelligence.
• They serve awareness.
• Rightness is like driving a car on LSD. If you think about it you crash, if you just look out
the window you get wherever you’re going.
• They’re on automatic pilot.
• They have peripheral vision – they see everything. They see what others don’t see.
• The strategic world says everything has to have a purpose. That’s not what quads are about.
• they are a resource.
• Right personality – mind is not for focussing. Focussing is a horror for them. ‘Be strategic’
‘remember’ ‘have a plan’ ‘do this do that’ is a horror for them. It’s torture
• They need to ask themselves – Who are those beings that draw from me what feels good to
• The quality of their conversations is being determined by the other. The level, seriousness
or humour is being determined by the other.
• People will take the same again and again.
• The quad will start to see that different people pull different stuff from them, but always the
same stuff.
• Their whole life is about finding ways to release their awareness
• By following their strategy and authority this becomes a perfected process.
• Their awareness is here to be available
• That depth of awareness is needed now
• Quad rights don’t have to worry about studying, they just need to be present
• Most beings who carry a lot of rightness have a chip on their shoulder because they know
how deep they are but don’t know how to get it out.
• The deepest conditioning is coming from the lefts and quad rights are not here to be like
• If they’re in the flow, everything that is correct for them will be there and what’s correct is
for them is to be letting their awareness out.
• They need to find ways in which they can put their awareness out.
• Even when someone asks them something, that is a creative release.
• It’s easy for them to not to see how incredible they are.
• It’s mind boggling because they are nothing but receptors.
• There are always those who will notice the quad rights beauty.
• Every breath they take carries deep awareness. This is their art. And it’s an art that impacts
• The aura of the right being that is in the flow is the most unusual aura of all.

I hope you enjoyed that list.

May it be absorbed and used well when the time is right x

"This is deeply creative. It is about as deeply creative as one can imagine a

being can be, but it is creative without any structuring. It's all-Right. And the
only structuring that’s going to emerge is a structuring that comes by bringing
an outside Strategy and Authority in to determine the right direction for these
beings. And it truly is about determining their direction, whatever it is that their
Strategy and Authority brings them to, they will bring their creative depth to

But the only way that they are going to survive is by Strategy and Authority,
because without it, they're going to be deeply, deeply dependent on others.
This can be the most deeply dependent of all Variables; deeply dependent.
The need for others to be able to bring the support mechanisms necessary for
them to be able to survive on this plane, and this is not what they’re about. It’s
not necessary. They don’t have to look for that.

Depending on their nature, depending on their design, they are here in

whatever that configuration is according to their Strategy and Authority to
enter into those functions that are correct for them. As long as they're doing
that, their creative depth is something that is going to emerge.

For the all-Right, the Strategy and Authority brings them the capacity to
function on their own in this life. To be all-Right is not a handicap, but it can be
an enormous burden to a not-self being, because they’re lost, constantly
being forced to be strategic in a way that they do not know how to be
strategic. It ends up creating all kinds of problems in their life. It can create
physical problems, mental problems, you name it. And it’s so simple to bypass

In the extreme of the all-Right, only here can you see how profound Strategy
and Authority really is. It gives these beings a way to navigate on this plane,
and a way to navigate on this plane so that they can be involved in those
things that are correct for them that allow them to be able to release all of this
creative depth that is there within them. In that, you have something that is so
extraordinary." (Ra Uru Hu)


Rave History:
Left and Rightness
by Ra Uru Hu
From Rave History TV Show
Transcription by Ming Ying Jang
(Should there be any mistake of this transcription, the
responsibility is due to the transcriber.)

A Rave History episode on the mutation of the Brain/Mind of

the Nine Centered Being, us, 'Homo Sapien in Transitus'.
2009 has been the year of the public introduction of Variable
the road map to transformation and awakening.  We are a
unique binary consciousness with the emergence of a new
cognitive potential. This episode was aired in March 2009 as
part of 'This Week in Human Design' Enjoy.

Hello!  Welcome to Rave History.

This is a very special year in Human Design.  It is a very

special year for me as a teacher of Human Design.  This is the
year where I’ve been introducing what is known as Variable
that is Variable something I’ve introduced to a number of
years ago to Primary Health System and Rave Psychology

Variable is the prime property in Human Design.  It is variable

that in essence is the general grouping that each every one of
us belongs to, there are 16 different Variables.  And the
Variables themselves are rooted in something that is, well,
specuous to us as a species that is to Home Sapiens in

The 9 Centered Being when it emerged in 1781.  It is emerged

with a very unique way of its potential to be intelligent or its
potential for cognition.  We are actually a binary.  We are a
true duality in the possibility of cognition.  On one side, lies are
historical relationships to our ancestors that is on one side lies
we call this Strategic. 

This is Left Orientation.  This Left Orientation, this Strategic

Orientation is deeply deeply  focused.  It is highly active and
focused.  And this is of course what we inherited from the
past.  But we are different. 

The 9 Centered Being, the emergence of 1781, carries

something else.  And carries in equality to its Leftness that is
its Rightness.  And Rightness is not at all Strategic.  It isn’t. 
That is not what it is about.  It is Receptive.  Everything about
the nature of Right Consciousness is about its fundamental
ability to be able to breathe things in, to take things in,
differently from the Strategic Beings.  We never had this.  That
is the emergence of the Right is something that has not been
in our evolutionary development since Neanderthal. 

And this is all in deep spiral beyond that.  It is all connected to

what is coming in 2027.  That is the transformation of the
Solar Plexus.  The transformation of the Solar Plex away from
its motor function and to its potential for awareness.  That
awareness is expressed through our Right Sideness.  The
Rightness in us is deep deep sensitive to frequencies that
Strategic is not aware of.  Two frequencies are there in
electro-magnetic field, the frequencies that are there in auric
field.  The sensitivity to touch, the sensitivity to the deep inner
dynamic of mind.  All of this is part of the emergence of the
Right, the Emerge in 1781. 

We are all combinations of that.  The Variables that I’ve

mentioned, Variable measures the Leftness and the Rightness
of your Sun/Earth, and your Nodes, and both the Design and
Personality Sign.  It is the combination of these 4 elements the
Personality Sun/Earth, the Design Sun/Earth, the Personality
Nodes, the Design Nodes.  The combination of the Leftness
and the Rightness, there are 16 possibilities.  These are the
16 Variables.  We are all some kind of mixed of the Left and
the Right, going from one extreme to another. 

What is so important to grasp is that all the children that are

emergence on this plane that are carrying the mutation of this
Rightness.  There is nothing around them that is properly
preparing them for the future.  There is nothing there that is
properly educating them because they do not learn in the
same way as Strategic children.  They do not. 

Everything about that institutions that we have developed that

is institution that is rooted in Strategic Leftness.  There is a
great deal, there is a great deal to be done for the benefit of
those that are Right.  It is one of the things that is part of our
history.  And something today that is getting more and more
attention.  So we can make tremendous effort to make sure
the children that were born Right Side, that these children
have all the advantages that they can possibly have.
"I don’t think that even serendipity provides opportunities for the right-minded to 
truly live out their potential. I don’t think it can be done without communal 
organization and education. After all, everything about the right is moving away 
from self. This is the thing that makes it different. Everything about the left is the 
security, the maintenance, the success of self. Everything about the right is the 
abandonment of self. That is not human. It isn’t.
So, there is a disadvantage for the right mind. That is, the right mind has no natural 
tendency to define anything because there is no self that benefits. Think about that 
one. There is none. The left is concerned with survival, its splenic source. The right 
is not interested in survival because it well knows that it is not up to it to survive and never
will be."

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