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Plant Data in Aspen Plus Tutorial

Plant Data in Aspen Plus Tutorial

Overview & Background Information

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Example Case: C2 Splitter Performance Monitoring

• Fouling occurred in the

column thermosiphon
reboiler over time.
• Need to monitor the reboiler
to understand
 How much fouling
accumulated over time
 When to clean the

It is essential to estimate fouling at any given historical and current operating conditions

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To estimate fouling in thermosiphon reboiler

1. Estimate overall fouled heat transfer coefficient (Ud) at given conditions

– Actual plant measurements (e.g. product temperatures, flowrate, etc.) around the reboiler have errors
– C2 splitter model need to be calibrated to reconcile the plant measurements against mass and heat balance

2. Estimate overall heat transfer coefficient in clean condition (Uc)

– Assume zero fouling factors on both sides of thermosiphon reboiler
– Using calibrated plant measurements and a rigorous thermosiphon reboiler model to estimate Uc

3. Estimate fouling (f)

1 1 1
= −
𝑓 𝑈𝑑 𝑈𝑐

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To calibrate C2 Splitter model with plant data
• An Equation-Oriented data reconciliation Tag Name Description Unit
model is developed in Aspen Plus 001:A1001.PV Ethane ppm in ethylene product ppm
001:A1002.PV Ethylene ppm in the bottom stream ppm
– Plant measurements
001:A1050.PV Propylene fraction in bottom stream ppm
– Tuned parameters 001:F1000.PV Feed Flow to DA-101 column tonne/hr

– Column Murphree efficiency 001:F1001.PV DA-101 top product flow tonne/hr

001:F1100.PV C-101 bottom flow tonne/hr
– Heat pump compressor efficiency 001:F1010.PV C-101 Cold Reflux Flow tonne/hr
– Reboiler overall heat transfer coefficient 001:T1204.PV C-101 top tray temperature C

– Column feed composition 001:T2304.PV DA-101 bottom product temperature C

001:T1234.PV Compressor C-101 outlet temperature C
001:P2000.PV Compressor discharged pressure barg
001:T1100.PV EA-101 hot inlet temperature C
001:T1101.PV EA-101 hot outlet temperature C
001:T1200.PV EA-101 cold inlet temperature C
001:T1201.PV EA-101 cold outlet temperature C
001:F1234.PV Refrigerant mass flow to EA-200 tonne/hr
001:F2025.PV Overhead vapor flow to reboiler tonne/hr
001:W2000.PV C-101 shaftwork MW
001:F2000.PV DA-101 reboiler vapor flow tonne/hr

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Tutorial summary
• 1: Import historical plant data
– 1a: Import data from an Excel workbook
– 1b: Import data from data historian

• 2: Condition imported plant data

– 2a: Deal with bad quality data
– 2b: Detect steady state for selected tags

• 3: Map the model variables with the plant measurement

– 3a: Select model variables
– 3b: Map tags to the variables

• 4: Execute model against plant data

– 4a: Create run sequence and add four data sets
– 4b: Run model with all data sets
– 4c: Analyze model results

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IMPORTANT: Before you begin the tutorial

Please copy the C2 Splitter folder from the Aspen Plus

Examples folder to a writable folder.

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1: Import historical plant data

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The scenarios

• Plant operation personnel has identified that the plant data from 02/10/2017 6:00 AM to 02/10/2017
6:00 PM represents a typical operation scenario and should be examined.

• Even though most plant measurements are available in the data historian, analyzer data for column
feed compositions are only available offline.

• Additional useful historical data from 02/09/2017 are not available in the data historian but available in
an Excel workbook

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To import the plant data

• Open Aspen Plus case C2SEO.bkp from the C2 Splitter folder.

• Run the Aspen Plus model and ensure the model converged

• All required features to complete the tutorial can be found under Plant Data ribbon in Aspen Plus

• Complete tasks 1 to 7 listed the following slides

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Task 1: Search for the following plant measurements
in Aspen Plus
Tag Name Description Unit
• On the Plant Data ribbon tab, click Get Plant 001:A1001.PV Ethane ppm in ethylene product ppm
Data | Import Tags from Historian 001:A1002.PV Ethylene ppm in the bottom stream ppm
001:A1050.PV Propylene fraction in bottom stream fraction
• The measurements listed on the right are 001:F1000.PV Feed Flow to DA-101 column tonne/hr

relevant for the C2 splitter model and available 001:F1001.PV DA-101 top product flow tonne/hr
001:F1100.PV C-101 bottom flow tonne/hr
in the data historian 001:F1010.PV C-101 Cold Reflux Flow tonne/hr
– Search with criteria 001:*.PV 001:T1204.PV C-101 top tray temperature C
001:T2304.PV DA-101 bottom product temperature C
– Select the tags listed on the right
001:T1234.PV Compressor C-101 outlet temperature C

• If a configured historian is not available, follow 001:P2000.PV Compressor discharged pressure barg
001:T1100.PV EA-101 hot inlet temperature C
instructions on the next slide. 001:T1101.PV EA-101 hot outlet temperature C
001:T1200.PV EA-101 cold inlet temperature C
001:T1201.PV EA-101 cold outlet temperature C
001:F1234.PV Refrigerant mass flow to EA-200 tonne/hr
001:F2025.PV Overhead vapor flow to reboiler tonne/hr
001:W2000.PV C-101 shaftwork MW
001:F2000.PV DA-101 reboiler vapor flow tonne/hr

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Alternative to importing from historian

• In the Plant Data ribbon tab, click Get Plant Data | Import Data from Excel,
and import the file C2S_PlantData_Historian.xlsm from the C2 Splitter folder.
This Excel file contains equivalent data from the historian.

• If this alternative is used, skip tasks 2 and 3.

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Task 2: Examine plant measurements for the specified time

• For the given time windows between 02/10/2017 6 AM and 6 PM

– Trend column feed flow tag 001:F1000.PV
– Trend ethane composition in the column top product stream 001:A1001.PV
– Trend ethylene composition in the column bottom recycled stream 001:A1002.PV

13 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Task 3: Import the selected plant data into Aspen Plus

• Import the data

• Close the Import Data from Historian dialog box

• Check all imported measurement data with the specified time windows
– Hint: Open Tag Raw Data form

• Import additional sets of plant data representing different operating scenarios (e.g. between
02/10/2017 6 PM to 02/10/2017 8 PM)?
– Hint: Use Load DCS Tags from Model button.

14 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Task 4: Import feed composition data from Excel workbook
• Column feed composition shown below are not available in data historian.

• Create a blank Plant Data workbook from provided Excel template

– Hint: Use Tools | Get Plant Data Excel Template (Tag name as Row Label) menu under Plant Data ribbon
– Save it as C2S_PlantData_Task4.xlsm

• Open C2S_PlantData_Task4.xlsm in Excel

• Add three tags with name and value shown below between 02/10/2017 6 AM to 6 PM
– Specify Tag Type as Manual
– Data Type as Float
– Quality as Good

Tag Name Description Unit Value Lower Upper

001:A1030.PV Methane comp. in column feed ppm 20.0 0 100
001:A1010.PV Ethane comp. in column feed fraction 0.34001 0.10 0.50
001:A1000.PV Ethylene comp. in column feed fraction 0.65997 0.30 0.90
• Save the workbook

• Import the workbook

15 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Task 4: Import feed composition data from Excel workbook (Contd.)

• Check the value of imported three tags from Excel

– Hint: The values are displayed in the very last column of the grid in the Raw Data form

16 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Task 5: Import additional historical data from Excel workbook

• Open workbook C2S_PlantData_Task5.xlsm in Excel from the C2 Splitter folder.

• Edit Plant Data worksheet to validate the measurement tag for the following scenarios.
– 001:T1204.PV has a value -0.14 C with good quality in the base case
– The lower and upper bounds for C2 splitter column overhead temperature should be -35.5 C and -33.5 C
– 001:T2304.PV has bad quality in all cases.
– Tag 001:T2334.PV is an alternative measurement to 001:T2304.PV
– Default/Override value of tag 001:T2334.PV is -13.34 C
– 001:F2000.PV has bad quality in all cases
– Its value however can be estimated from the column bottom product flow ( = 30 * 001:F1100.PV)
– Hint: create and add a formula tag (001:F2000.IV) in Excel workbook

• Save the workbook

• Import the workbook

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Task 6: Examine the imported plant measurements in Aspen Plus

• Check the raw values of the tags in Aspen Plus

• Identify bad or missing tag values within the imported data

• Check the selected tags are created correctly in Aspen Plus using Tag Manager
– All tags added from Data historian should be DCS type
– All tags created are Dimensionles type by default in Aspen Plus
– Display the tag attributes with different combinations

18 © 2017 Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Task 7: Map imported tag unit with Aspen Plus units of measures

• Assign tag unit type and unit in Aspen Plus to enable unit conversion between model variables and
plant tags.
– Hint: Use Tag UOM form
– Use Physical type Mass-Flow and Unit tonne/hr for flow measurement
– Use Physical type Power(A+) and Unit MW for power measurement
– Use Physical type Contents and Unit ppm or fraction for composition measurement
– Use Physical type Temperature and Unit C for temperature measurement
– Use Physical type Pressure and Unit barg for pressure measurement

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Congratulations! You have completed Part 1
So far what you have accomplished:

• Found the required measurement tags (DCS tag)

• Checked the values of key tags

• Selected operating windows based on the key tag values

• Added the selected measurement tags and data to the model

• Imported any additional required measurements from Excel workbook if they were not available in data

• Examined the raw data

• Mapped the plant measurement UOM to Aspen Plus variable UOM

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2: Condition imported plant data

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2a: Specify data conditioning rules for the measurement tags
• Set the Average period of all plant measurements to 60 mins
– Hint: Open Tag Manager and select Averaging checkbox

• Specify the lower and upper bound of the following tags

– 001:F1000.PV: 0 to 40.0 tonne/hr
– 001:T1204.PV: -35.5 to -33.5 C
– Check the corresponding clamp flags for the above two tags
– Hint: Open Tag Manager and select Data validation checkbox

• Specify an Override tag for tag 001:F2000.PV as tag 001:F2000.IV

• Run Data Conditioning

– Enter meaningful Name and Description
– Open a good quality and steady state result set.
– Compare Conditioned value, Average value with the Raw value of the plant measurements

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2b: Specify steady state detection for measurement tags

• Typically steady state detection (SSD) will only be done for selected key measurements such as feed

• Enter the following SSD parameters for column feed flow measurement 001:F1000.PV
– Tolerance: 4 tonne/hr
– Trend Tolerance: 4 tonne/hr
– Time Span: 60 mins
– Hint: open Tag Manager and select Steady State Detection checkbox

• Run Data Conditioning

– Enter meaningful Name and Description
– Open a good quality and steady state result set.
– Understand Raw value, Conditioned value and Average value for each tag
– Rename the selected “good” data set with easily identifiable name (e.g. add suffix “_TBU” at the end, etc.)

• Identify at least three “good” data sets to be used for model execution

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2c (optional): Change data conditioning input

• Change the input of steady state criteria for 001:F1000.PV

– Tolerance: 2 tonne/hr
– Trend tolerance: 2 tonne/hr

• Rerun data conditioning

– Compare the results from two data conditioning runs.

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3: Map model variables to tags

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Task 1: Select model variables to map to the tags
• In this equation oriented model, a measurement block C2SMEAS is created to map the measurement
tags to the EO variables
‒ Copy & paste all EO variables of measurement block C2SMEAS to Variables form in Plant Data.
‒ Hint: Click Plant Data | Select & Map Variables command in the ribbon.

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Task 1: Select model variables to map to the tags (Cont’d)
• Copy & paste column efficiency (BLK.EFF_1) from block DA-101 EO Variable form

• Copy & paste fouled heat transfer coefficient of reboiler (BLK.U) from EA101HFX EO Variable form

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Task 2: Map selected variables to the tags
• Specify source tag for model PLANT variables
– Hint: Use variable filter

• It is necessary to map the model output

variables to the tags, only if the user wants
to display model results to operator user
interface via data historian
‒ You will need to create new output tags
with Local GUI type in Aspen Plus first
before mapping

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Task 3 (Optional): Automatically map selected EO variables
with plant tags from existing measurement block
• A measurement block has been specified for this model and the corresponding tag information has been specified. You
can automatically map the measurement block to specified tags.
‒ Hint: Use the Tools | Map Tags to Measurements command in the ribbon

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4: Execute model against selected plant data

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Workflow to run model against plant data

1. Create new run sequence

2. Select and add the data sets to run sequence

3. Save variable snapshots (optional)

4. Execute model against selected data

5. Analyze the model results and compare against plant measurements

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Task 1: Add run sequence and select data sets
• Create a new run sequence

• Add three data sets identified in task 2 of part 2 of tutorial

– Go to Details grid of the run sequence

• Run model against all selected data sets

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Task 2: Debug failed model run (optional)

• For any model failed run, it is important to understand the failure

– Select the related result set and view details

– Select the Pre-run value radio button to compare the tag value with the previous variable value

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Task 3: Analyze results

• Select all data sets that completed

– Hint: Click Analyze Results button under Plant Data ribbon

• Compare the plant data and results across all data sets
– You should see all variables on Variables form

• Trend the estimated column efficiency and fouled heat transfer coefficient of reboiler across all data

• Plot column efficiency (DA-101.BLK.EFF_1) vs.

– Feed temperature
– Ethane composition in the feed

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