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1. Meaning:
Shadowing is an advanced language learning technique, which learners can use
independently to improve their intonation and pronunciation.
2. Function:
• It is very good for memory development since it forces the interpreter to store and recall small
groups of sounds, words, and chunks of information in a relatively short period of time.
3. Here’s a simple guide.
- Find audio: you can really use any audio: audiobooks, Netflix, YouTube videos, or even radio
It doesn't have to be a native speaker, but they should be proficient and speak clearly.
Make sure you like the audio: Find content that you’re curious about or that interests you.
- Listen to the audio first. Shadowing is most effective when you understand the content before
you repeat it. So give it a listen first, so you understand it. Check that you understand all the key
-Shadow the audio with a transcript. This is the easier version of shadowing: speaking with the
audio while reading a transcript. This helps you to see the words as you’re repeating them. If
you’re a beginner or lower-intermediate English learner, this is a great option for you
-Shadow without a transcript. If you’re a bit more advanced, you can skip straight to this step
and do shadowing without the transcript. The focus here is on simply listening and then
mimicking what you hear. Your focus is on mimicking the sounds; it’s not so much on what is
being said.

Attention listening for key

- Meaning: Is a technique for listening to understand the fastest content during translation and
also in tests
- Function: This is a strategy in English to help listeners summarize the main ideas in everyday
communication or conversation
- How to do:
• Important words are often emphasized in the song or raised the tone of essential passages
• Example : In a test key will usually be said at a slow speed when the word is about to appear or
it will be emphasized in the sentence very clearly to recognize

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