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Karl Marx L.

Ramil BSMT2A-2

Explain briefly the meaning of Moral Agent in the context of ethics?

• A person who is capable of distinguishing between right and wrong and
who can be held accountable for their acts is referred to as a free moral
agent. Additionally, they possess the capacity for free will to choose for
themselves in accordance with what they perceive to be moral choices.
Moral beings are conscious of what they are doing.

Enumerate and explain briefly the specific cultural characteristics of Filipinos (

Give only 2 characteristics )
• Hospitable and Family oriented, People from the Philippines are
generally known for welcoming guests of all races. Try to put our best
foot forward whenever someone enters the room as a group. This is
demonstrated not only by providing tourists with high-quality service, but
also by our loved ones, friends, and even random strangers. In terms of
family. They hold their family in the highest regard and prioritize them
above all else. They put in a full day's work and take every possible step
to support and feed their family. When a person turns at their legal age,
they might live apart from their families in other countries.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of Cultural Relativism?

• Since cultures are constantly changing as our world changes, cultural
relativism has the advantage of being a very tolerant viewpoint that fits
well with how cultures change. The disadvantages are inhibits other
societies from judging the wrongdoing in a particular culture, which has
led to miscommunications with other cultures.

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