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INDIVIDUAL COMPONENT – Project Failures and Solutions

Explain possible causes to why IT projects fail and propose solutions to prevent failure stated with detailed discussion on
processes, tools and techniques as follows:

a) Appropriate table mapping of issues/solutions to the Process Groups & Knowledge Areas
b) Discuss TWO (2) specific issues that can cause project failure. The issues must involve different Process Groups
c) Propose TWO (2) solutions for each of the abovementioned issues with justifications. The solutions must involve
different Knowledge Areas. Solutions provided here must be different from the tools/techniques proposed in
the group component – do not propose any initiation tools
d) Providing supporting samples/templates in detail to show practical implementation of the proposed solutions

1A) ISSUES/SOLUTIONS MAPPING (word count is not included)

Proposed Solution
Identified Issue Process Group (Tools & Knowledge Areas Process
1. No proper Monitoring & Quality Review Quality Manage & Control Quality
monitoring of quality Controlling Checklist Management
reviews done on Risk Register Risk Management Identify Risks & Plan Risk
testing Responses
3. xxxxx Planning


Issue #1:
 No proper monitoring of quality reviews done on testing.
 Detailed discussion of the issue 1 that can cause project failure related to the assignment case study.

Issue #2:
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 Detailed discussion of the issue 2 that can cause project failure related to the assignment case study.


Justification #1
 Explain how the tool/technique how it works and justify how the selected solution can assist in resolving the

Justification #2
 xxxx

1D) DETAILED SAMPLE OF SOLUTIONS (TOOLS & TECHNIQUES) (word count is not included)

Issue #1
 Quality Review Checklist related to the assignment case study
 Detailed Risk Register related to the assignment case study

Issue #2
 xxxxxxx
 zzzzzzz

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