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1. Kelly : I have a meeting with my clients.

Sari : ___ the meeting take place in your office?
a. Does
b. Are
c. Do
d. Is
2. Hestie: Are you keen on reading novels?
Rory : Yes, I am. But one of my friends _________love reading novel. She likes reading comics.
a. Does
b. Is
c. Don’t
d. Doesn’t
3. Emma: Mr. George is my security at school.
Joe: He ___around the building once every hour.
a. Sometimes go
b. Seldom goes
c. Usually goes
d. Always go
4. Aldi : Our science teacher explains about The Earth.
Jerry : The Earth ___ once within 24 hours every day
a. not rotate
b. is rotating
c. rotates
d. rotate
5. I ... (usually/take) photos on my phone.
a. Usually take
b. Usually taking
c. Am usually take
d. Usually takes
6. My dad never ... (travel) by bus
a. Travel
b. Travels
c. Traveling
d. Is traveling
7. My uncle ... (come) to this event every year
a. Come
b. Comes
c. Is coming
d. Is comes

Read the dialogue to answer number 8-11

Janice : Hi Rebecca! What (1) .... you (do) there?

Rebecca : I am reading an email from Rina.

Janice : What (2) ... she doing now?

Rebecca : She (3) ... (sail) from Spain to Barbados

Janice : Cool! What does she usually do?

Rebecca : She’s a teacher. She (4) .... at a school.

Janice : Does she enjoy her job?

Rebecca : Yes, she does.

8. The correct answer for number 1 is ...

a. Are you doing
b. Don’t you do
c. Are you do
d. Do you do
9. The correct answer for number 2 is ...
a. Does she do
b. Is she do
c. Isn’t she doing
d. Is she doing
10. The correct answer for number 3 is ...
a. Is sailing
b. Isn’t sailing
c. Sails
d. Doesn’t sail
11. The correct answer for number 4 is ...
a. Is working
b. Doesn’t work
c. Works
d. Work
12. Paul : Hi Jack, how are you?
Jack : Pretty good. I .... with my uncle in Birmingham this weekend because there’s a big
computer games show here.
a. Stay
b. Stays
c. Am staying
d. Am stay
13. I ... Kate very well. She’s my best friend.
a. Know
b. Knows
c. Am knowing
d. Am know
14. I’m going home because I ... ill
a. Am feeling
b. Am feel
c. Feels
d. Feel
15. I ... she’s From France, but I’m not sure
a. Thinks
b. Am think
c. Think
d. Am thinking
16. Complete the sentences below
You (1) ... (know) I (2)... (love) games, and I (3) ... (play) them everyday at home. So this is a great
place for me.
17. My grandma is trying ... (learn) how to upload pictures
a. Learn
b. Learns
c. To learn
d. Learning
18. Are you interested in ... (see) the new James Bond film?
a. See
b. Sees
c. To see
d. Seeing
19. She ... finishes work on time. Now she is promoted by her boss
a. normally
b. Never
c. Always
d. Seldom
20. I ... four languages, but I love Italian above all
a. Talks
b. Speaks
c. Talk
d. Speak
21. My sister ... her eyes when there’s a horror movie on TV
a. Shut
b. Opens
c. Closes
d. Don’t close
22. Susan ... a lot of time surfing the net every day.
a. Spends
b. Don’t spend
c. Spend
d. Doesn’t spends
23. John ... reads the newspaper. He doesn’t know anything about the news.
a. Always
b. Often
c. Sometimes
d. Seldom

Read the text carefully.

This is Mr. Hadi’s house. It has a living room, a dining room, two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a
garage. There are six chairs and a dining table in the dining room. The dining room is between the living
room and the kitchen. There are four armchairs, a table, a room divider, a sofa and a TV set in the living
room. In each bedroom you can find a wardrobe and a bed. There is a bucket in the bathroom. In the
kitchen there are many kitchen utensils. And Mr. Hadi’s car is in the garage.

Choose the correct answer based on the text.

24. Mr. Hadi has ….

a. a garden

b. a storage

c. a park

d. a house

25. How many rooms does Mr. Hadi have?

a. 4 rooms

b. 5 rooms

c. 6 rooms

d. 7 rooms

26. Where is the kitchen located?

a. behind the bathroom

b. in front of the garage

c. beside the dining room

d. between the dining room and the living room

27. These what Mr. Hadi has in the living room, except ….

a. a sofa
b. a table

c. a wardrobe

d. armchais

28. How many beds does Mr. Hadi have?

a. one

b. two

c. three

d. four

29. What is the suitable title of the text?

a. Mr. Hadi’s house

b. Mr. Hadi’s rooms

c. Mr. Hadi's garage

d. Mr. Hadi's dining room

30. Mr. Hadi usually takes a nap in the ….

a. living room

b. bedroom

c. bathroom

d. dining room

31. “It has a living room ….”

What does the word “It” refer to?

a. Mr. Hadi’ car

b. Mr. Hadi’ garage

c. Mr. Hadi's garden

d. Mr. Hadi's house

32. Here are the kitchen utensils except ….

a. a stove

b. a grater

c. a frying pan

d. a toothbrush

33. Mr. Hadi likes to sit on the …. Because it is soft.

a. a mat

b. a sofa

c. a table

d. a cupboard

34. Arrange the jumble sentences into a good composition

* Mother cooks some food in the kitchen everyday.

* This is my mother’s kitchen.

* Mother puts the stove on the corner.

* It is a small kitchen, but there are many kitchen utensils there.

* There is a frying pan on the stove. It is full of oil.

* There are cups, plates and saucer in it. There is also a table beside the cupboard.

* There is also a cupboard next to the window’s kitchen.

* There are some cakes and two glasses of milk on the table.

35. Complete the negative and interrogative sentences

(+) The people in Brazil speak Portuguese.

36. Complete the positive and interrogative sentences

(-) I am not enjoying the film
Look at the following letter, put on the structures!

21 October 2018
Jalan Pemuda, Bima

Jalan Soekarno-Hatta
RT 10/11 Kelurahan Angke
Jakarta Barat

Dear Ima,
Let me introduce myself. My name is Adiba Salma Zakia, just call me Salma. I
am from Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat. I read your profile on Facebook last week. It
seems we have same interest and I would like to be one of your friends.
It is a bit hard to get the internet here, so I decided to write a letter instead of an
email or chat. I hope you don’t mind.
Well, I will tell about myself. I am the first child in my family. My parents have
four children. I got to SMPN 3 Sape, Bima. Now, I am in the ninth grade as you are.
My hobby is cooking, that is why I can cook many kinds of Bimanese traditional
Beside that, I also like to play Kareku Kadei. Do you know what it is? It’s a
traditional music performance from Bima. Girls pound their pestles on a mortar to
create harmonious sound. Kareku Kandei is usually performed at special events as
Independence Day, kartini Day, etc.
I would love to know you better Ima. Would you tell me more about yourself,



Answer the following questions based on the letter above!

37. What is the letter about?

38. What is the main idea of paragraph one?
39. How did Salma know about Ima’s profile?
40. Why did the writer use letter instead of email?
41. What is the main idea of the forth paragraph?
42. “..I can cook many kinds of Bimanese traditional dishes..”
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
43. Based on the text, what grade is Ima in?
44. What is Kareku Kadei?
45. Does Salma want Ima to reply the letter?
46. What are the structures of a letter?

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