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Nim : 2020151148
Kelas :2D
Mata kuliah : BAHASA INGGRIS
Watch and listen to the following video by Mister Duncan. While you are doing so,
please fill in the missing blanks. Link:

Compliment Two things or items that go together well

Compliment A kind of sentence which is spoken to someone as a way of saying
something nice
about the way they look, or about something they have done
Words that mean 1. Accolade 3. Commend 6. Flatter
or relate with the 2. Cajole 4. Eullogise 7. Pay-tribute
word compliment 5. Extol 8. Praise
Purpose of Making the people we are talking
compliment to feel good. It is given out of 9.
A 10. For most of time it is used as a positive way of speaking.
Not well received When you do not really Your words are seen as
mean what 12. Insincere
11. You are saying 13. False
Giving compliments can be a 14. Sometimes be a risky thing to do
Opposite to When we want to 15. We criticise a We scorn them.
compliments make a bad comment person 18. We put them.
which relates to 16. We deride 19. We scorn
someone. someone them.
17. We condemn them
You give someone’s “oh, I really like your jacket. It really
compliments 20. We diss them. suits you.” Those shoes are just perfect,
on: where did you buy them?”
“you look so glamorous.”
“wow. I like your new hat. Ypu look so
cool in
someone’s “wow. This food is wonderful, you are a
21. You look so glamorous great cook.”
“oh, did you make this yourself? I must
have the
“oh, I must give the compliments to the
someone’s “oh, your house looks great. You
22. The way someone looks have good taste in furniture.”
or “I really like what you have done with
23. Their appearance your
house, so stylish!”
“wow, did you choose the furniture
You have very good taste.”
someone’s “wow, you look so beautiful
24. In tact you can give tonight!” “wow, you really
a compliment about and look great today.”
to almost “is it my imagination, or are you the most
anything. beautiful person in the world.”
Compliment is the perfect way to show that you 25. Care about someone.
It is great way to express how much you 26. Appreciate another person
Remember! Don’t use it too often It will sound 27. Fake or

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