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30 points

Using the DoMAP Model (Determinants of Malnutrition) :

1. identify the age-related factors (in red letters, that is found outside of the triangle), that could
lead to malnutrition in the elderly. Relate it to the factors found in the yellow level that could
INDIRECTLY lead to the 3 mechanism (in the green level) THROUGH 1 or more DIRECT factors in
light green.
2. Expound your answer. Give examples if possible.
3. Pass your answers to the individual folders made by your presidents in the MS TEAMS.
4. Deadline will be on Dec. 12 before 12 noon.
Anyone can become malnourished, but older folks are more vulnerable because
malnutrition does not only affect elderly people who are hungry or who lack access to
nutritious meals. Chronic illnesses are more prevalent in older persons, increasing their
vulnerability to malnutrition. Conditions including cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease,
and others can affect appetite, make it challenging to eat, alter metabolism, and
necessitate dietary restrictions. Because ageing may be accompanied by an
accumulation of diseases and impairments, older persons (aged 65 y) tend to be more
susceptible to nutritional deficiencies. Deterioration of the cognitive and physical
faculties, depressive symptoms, emotional changes, poor oral health, and economical
changes are a few of these. These elements would all have a direct impact on how
nutritional intake and needs are balanced. The nutritional status of older persons may
be affected even in circumstances of adequate nutrient and energy consumption due to
changing dietary requirements, drug-nutrient interactions, or a disturbed nutrient
metabolism (such as absorption, distribution, storage, use, and excretion).

Among other issues, malnutrition is linked to a loss in overall functional status, lower
bone mass, immunological dysfunction, a delay in postoperative recovery, high
hospitalisation and readmission rates, and an increase in death. Although dietary issues
in older persons sometimes go unnoticed or untreated, malnutrition is a prognostic
factor linked to morbidity, mortality, and healthcare expenses. However, when
combining risk factors, the prevalence of malnutrition is higher in the older population
than in younger adults because of the steady decline in health status and bodily function
brought on by ageing, often known as frailty, is thought to be a more significant factor in
determining malnutrition in older people than age. Frailty is a term that refers to a
multifaceted syndrome of loss of reserves, including stamina, physical prowess, and
intellect, as well as an increase in vulnerability.
Task Description:

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning

Criteria Weight 4 3 2 2
Yes Yes, but No, but No
Topic 10% Directly relevant Somewhat, relevant Remotely related Totally, unrelated
Organization 10% Good organization; points are Organized; points are somewhat Some organization; points jump Poorly organized; no logical
logically ordered; sharp sense of jumpy; sense of beginning and around; beginning and ending progression; beginning and
beginning and end. ending. are unclear. ending are vague.
Quality of Information 25% Supporting details specific to Some details are non-supporting Details are somewhat sketchy. Unable to find specific details.
subject to subject Do not support topic.
Grammar, Usage, 25% No errors Only one or two errors More than two errors Numerous errors distract from
Mechanics, Spelling understanding
Interest Level 10% Vocabulary is varied; supporting Vocabulary is varied; supporting Vocabulary is unimaginative; details Basic vocabulary; needs
details varied details useful lack “color” descriptive words
Neatness 10% Typed clean; neatly bound in a Legible writing; well-formed Legible writing, some ill-formed Illegible writing; loose pages.
report cover; illustrations characters; clean and neatly letters, print too small or too large;
provided. bound in a report cover. papers stapled together.
Timeliness 10% Report on time Report one class period late. Report two class periods late. Report more than one week late.

______________________________________________________________ ________________________________
Name of Student / Year and Section Date Submitted

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