Newborn's Reflexes

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Langgamen, Paul Andrea P.


Reflexes Description Purpose Age of

The examiner holds the infant so that one The Moro reflex may be a survival instinct to Disappears 5-6
Moro Reflex hand supports the head and the other help the infant cling to its mother. If the infant months.
supports the buttocks. The reflex is lost its balance, the reflex caused the infant to
elicited by the sudden dropping of the embrace its mother and regain its hold on the
head in her hand. mother's body.
The response is a series of movements:
the infant’s hands open and there is
extension and abduction of upper
While placing the finger on the palmar This reflex is an important sign of your baby's Disappears 5-6
Grasp Reflex surface of the infant’s hand, the infant nervous system development and function. months
grasps the finger. Plus, it helps your newborn get some
much-needed skin-to-skin contact with you
and loved ones.
When an infant's head is turned from It is thought that, during birth, tonic neck Disappears 6-7
Tonic Neck/ midline to one side. The infant responds reflex helps your baby make their way down months.
Fencing Reflex by extending the arm on the side to which the birth canal. And following birth, tonic neck
the head is turned and flexing the reflex may help your newborn to discover
opposite arm. The lower extremities their hands and develop hand-eye
respond similarly. coordination. The tonic neck reflex is often
called the fencing reflex.
When the sole of the foot is firmly stroked, The plantar reflex is a nociceptive segmental Disappears
Plantar Reflex the big toe bends back toward the top of spinal reflex that serves the purpose of usually 6
the foot and the other toes fan out. protecting the sole of the foot. The clinical months to 2
significance lies in the fact that the abnormal years old.
response reliably indicates metabolic or
structural abnormality in the corticospinal
system upstream from the segmental reflex.
The parachute reflex is the last of the Parachutes help make a fall safer. Reflexes Never
Parachute postural reflexes to develop. It usually are an automatic muscle reaction in response disappears.
Reflex appears at 8 to 9 months of age. When to stimulation, and the parachute reflex will
the baby is turned face down towards the help keep the baby from getting seriously
mat, the arms will extend as if the baby is hurt.
trying to catch himself.
While stimulus is applied to the outer edge The Babinski reflex tests the integrity of the Disappears by
Babinski Reflex of the sole of the foot, the infant responds corticospinal tract (CST). The CST is a age of 24
by extension of the toes. descending fiber tract that originates from the months.
cerebral cortex through the brainstem and
spinal cord. Fibers from the CST synapse
with the alpha motor neuron in the spinal cord
and help direct motor function.
When the tongue is touched, the infant Since their body is still developing, the Disappears by
Extrusion Reflex responds by forcing it outwards. extrusion reflex protects them from choking age of 4
on or aspirating foreign objects in the first few
months of life.
When stroking the cheek or corner of the The rooting reflex in babies is a basic survival Disappears 3-4
Rooting Reflex infant’s head turns toward the stimulus instinct. This reflex helps your baby find and months.
and opens its mouth. latch onto a bottle or your breast to begin
While stroking the lips of the infant, the Sucking helps a baby extract breastmilk for Disappears 4
Sucking Reflex infant’s mouth opens and the examiner nutrition. months.
introduces their gloved finger and sucking
Stimulation of posterior pharynx by food, Gagging is a reflex action that helps to Persists
Gagging Reflex suction or passage of tube causes infants prevent choking. throughout life.
to gag.

Palmar grasp reflex is a primitive, The palmar reflex probably serves to create a Disappears 3-6
Palmar Reflex prehensile, involuntary response to a basic motor pattern that lays the foundation months ].
mechanical stimulus present in a for obtaining this voluntary ability.
While the infant is held upright and foot is The stepping reflex is your baby's response Disappears 2
Stepping/ touched to the edge of a table, the infant to a certain kind of stimulus, but it also shows months
Dancing Reflex makes movements that resemble that some part of your baby's brain already
stepping. understands the motions they'll eventually
need to walk.
Truncal Incurvation or Galant Reflex. This Its purpose is to encourage movement and Disappears by 9
Galant/ Trunk reflex occurs when the side of the infant's develop range of motion in the hip in months.
Incurvation spine is stroked or tapped while the infant preparation for walking and crawling.
Reflex lies on the stomach. The infant will twitch
their hips toward the touch in a dancing
The Bauer Crawling Reflex assists the The Bauer crawling reflex assists in delivery Disappears
Baver’s Reflex development of coordination of whole when the baby is moving through the birth around 6 weeks
body movement. It supports the canal. Later in life, it aids the child in old.
relationship between the top and bottom milestones such as crawling, and eventually,
of the body, as well as between the limbs walking.
and the core of the body.
Arm recoil tests tone and action of the Arm recoil is a neurological examination of
Arm Recoil’s biceps. The arms are held in flexion neonate for detecting muscle tone.
Reflex against the chest for a few seconds, then
are quickly extended and released. The
arms should spring back to the flexed
position. The hypotonic infant will have
slow incomplete recoil.
The swallow is initiated when food, liquid, These reflexes are involuntary movements Disappears
Deglutition’s or saliva reaches your baby's throat. Your that happen either spontaneously or as 12-18 months
Reflex baby comes under control of this reflex by responses to different actions. The sucking
18 months and it continues as an reflex, for example, happens when the roof of
important reflex throughout our lives. a baby's mouth is touched. The baby will
begin to suck when this area is stimulated,
which helps with nursing or bottle feeding.
As the head is moved slowly to the right or This can serve as a neonatal milestone in Disappears as
Doll’s Eye left, eyes lag behind and do not neurologic development. fixation
Phenomenon immediately adjust to a new position of develops.
This is a primitive reflex that is usually The crossed extensor reflex is a contralateral Only present
Cross Extension only present until one month of age. The reflex that allows the body to compensate on until one month
Reflex examiner holds one of the baby's legs one side for a stimulus on the other. of age.
extended and applies firm pressure to the
sole of the foot of the same leg. The
baby's free leg flexes, adducts and then

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