Rule 114

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Bail is the security given for the release of a person in custody of the law,

furnished by him or a bondsman, to guarantee his appearance before any

Is arraignment required before the grant of bail?
court as required under certain specified condition. (It is personal in nature
and therefore waivable) No. In cases where bail is authorized, bail should be granted in arraignment;
otherwise, the accused will be precluded from filing a motion to quash
- Provisional liberty
which is to be done before arraignment.
Sec. 13, Art. III, 1987 Constitution
Forms of bail
All persons, except those charged with offenses punishable by reclusion
Bail may be given in the following form:
perpetua when evidence of guilt is strong, shall, before conviction, be
bailable by sufficient sureties, or be released on recognizance as maybe a. Corporate surety – insurance company will pay for your bail, you’ll
provided by law. The right to bail shall not be impaired even when the pay premium to them
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is suspended. Excessive bail shall not b. Property bond – title of property will be surrendered to the court;
be required. annotation that it will be used for bail purposes
c. Cash deposit – 500 pesos application fee and bail bond
Is the right to bail available in the military?
d. Recognizance – for light offenses; a mode securing the release of
No, the right to a speedy trial is given more emphasis in the military where any accused person in custody or detention who is unable to post
the right to bail does not exist. bail due to poverty.

Obligation and right of the bondsman. What are the guidelines in fixing bail

The bondsman shall surrender the accused to the court for execution of the a. Excessive bail shall not be required;
final judgement. He becomes the jailer of the accused and is subrogated of b. The court shall fix a reasonable amount of bail considering the ff.
all the rights and means which the government possesses to make his factors:
control over him effective. 1. Financial ability of the accused
2. Nature and circumstances of defense
Duty of the bondsman?
3. Penalty for the offense charged
Within the said period, the bondsmen must: 4. Character and reputation of the accused
5. Age and health of the accused
(a) Produce the body of their principal or give the reason for his non- 6. Weight of evidence against the accused
production; and 7. Probability of the accused appearing at the trial
(b) Explain why the accused did not appear before the court when first 8. Forfeiture of other bail
required to do so. 9. The fact that the accused was a fugitive from justice when
Failing on these two requisites, a judgement shall be rendered against the arrested; and
bondsmen, jointly and severally, for the amount of the bail. The court shall 10. Pendency of other cases where the accused is on bail
not reduce or otherwise mitigate the liability of the bondsmen, unless the c. The accused may request with the court for reduction of bail
accused has been surrendered or is acquitted. through affidavits;
d. The order fixing the amount of bail is not appealable.
When the accused has been convicted in the RTC of an offense punishable
by reclusion perpetua, death or life imprisonment.

State the rule where application for bail after conviction by the RTC.
What is the duration of bail?
It may be filed and acted upon by the trial court even if notice of appeal has
It shall remain in force at all stages of the case until promulgation of
already been filed provided that the trial court has not yet transmitted the
judgement of the RTC, irrespective of whether the case was originally filed
original record to the appellate court.
in or appealed to it.
When shall the application for bail after conviction by the RTC denied?
When is bail not required?
If the penalty imposed is death, reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment,
When the law so provide, when the person has been in custody for a period
since the conviction indicates strong evidence of guilt based on proof
equal to or more than the possible maximum imprisonment prescribed for
beyond reasonable doubt.
the offense charged, when the offense charged is punishable by
imprisonment of less than 4 years, 2 months, and 1 day and when bail is not When is the rule in application for bail pending appeal where penalty
required if the person violated ordinances or violation punishable more than imposed exceed 6 years?
6 months of imprisonment or fine of 2,000 pesos or both and he is unable to
The discretionary nature of the grant of bail pending appeal does not mean
post the required cash or bail bond.
that bail should be granted absent any of the circumstances mentioned in
When is bail not allowed? the 3rd paragraph of Sec. 5, Rule 114 of the ROC.

When a person is charged with capital offenses, when it is not allowed after Who has the burden of proof in bail application during the hearing of
a judgement of conviction has become final and when the accused has application for bail in offenses punishable by reclusion perpetua, or life
commenced to serve sentence. imprisonment?

When is bail a matter of right? In hearing the petition for bail, the prosecution has the burden of showing
that the evidence of guilt is strong. Sec. 8, Rule 114 of the ROC specifically
Before conviction by the RTC of an offense punishable by death, reclusion
provides that the burden of proof in bail application lies in the prosecution.
perpetua or life imprisonment.
What are the duties of the trial judge in a petition for bail in offenses
- Before and after conviction by a first level court
punishable by reclusion perpetua, life imprisonment, or death?
- Before conviction by the RTC
- After conviction in the RTC, bail becomes a matter of discretion a. Notify the prosecutor of the hearing of the application for bail;
b. Conduct hearing of the application for bail;
What is the remedy when bail is denied?
c. Decide whether the evidence of guilt of the accused is strong based
To file a petition for certiorari if the trial court committed grave abuse of on summary of evidence of the prosecution; and
discretion amounting to excess or lack of jurisdiction issuing the said order d. Discharge the accused upon approval of the bail bond if guilt of the
or Mandamus to compel the grant of bail which is a matter of right. accused is not strong.

When is bail a matter of discretion? What are capital offenses?

There are offenses which, under the law existing at the time of its Upon application of the bondsmen, with due notice to the prosecutor, the
commission and of the application for admission to bail, may be punished bail may be cancelled upon surrender of the accused or proof of his death.
with reclusion perpetua to death.
The bail shall be deemed automatically cancelled upon acquittal of the
What is the effect of RA 9346 on the graduation of penalties? accused, dismissal of the case, or execution of the judgement of conviction.

It unequivocally bar the application of the death penalty, as well as to In all instances, the cancellation shall be without prejudice to any liability on
expressly repeal all such statutory provisions requiring the application of the bail.
death penalty.
- Granted bail then a eyewitness testified – the court could no longer
RA No. 9344 undo the grant of bail, the opportunity passed the stage of petitioning
for bail but instead already at the determination of guilt.
“Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006”; cover the different stages
- Sec. 20 as the remedy when bail is granted but new evidences arise
involving children at risk and children in conflict with the law from
after the hearing for bail was done. (increase or reduction of bail)
prevention to rehabilitation and reintegration.
- The quantum of evidence for the grant of bail is different from the QoE
 Sec. 34 – For purposes of recommending the amount of bail, the to convict of criminal liability
privileged mitigating circumstance of minority shall be considered.
What is forfeiture of bail?
 Sec. 35 - Release on recognizance
When the presence of the accused is required by the court or these Rules,
Where may the application or petition for bail be filed?
his bondsmen shall be notified to produce him before the court on a given
In the court where the case is pending; if the accused is arrested in province, date and time.
city or municipality other than where the case is pending, the application for
If the accused fails to appear in person as required, his bail shall be declared
bail may also be filed with any RTC of said place.
forfeited and the bondsmen given 30 days within which to produce their
What is a bench warrant? principal and to show why no judgement should be rendered against them
for the amount of their bail.
A writ issued directly by a judge to a law enforcement officer, for the arrest
of a person who has been held in contempt, has disobeyed a subpoena, or A.M. No. 12-11-2-S, 1 May 2014
has to appear at a hearing or a trial.
The salient provisions on the guidelines issued by the Supreme Court with
What is the effect of the application or admission to bail on illegal arrest or respect to bail include allowing the accused to move for fixing the amount
lack of irregular preliminary investigation? of bail pending raffle of the case to a regular branch of the court, declaring
that the order fixing the amount of bail is not subject to appeal, and
It shall not bar the accused from assailing the regularity of questioning the releasing the accused upon service of the minimum imposable penalty. With
absence of a PI of the charge against him provided the same is raised before respect to speedy trial, provisions include observance of time limits for
he enters his plea. Likewise, it shall not bar him from challenging both the arraignment (within 10 days from date the case is raffled), termination of
validity of his arrest or the legality of the warrant issued thereof. regular trial (within 180 days) or trial by judicial affidavit (within 60 days),
What is cancellation of bail? and service of subpoena through email, phone calls or SMS.

Demurrer of Evidence
A demurrer to evidence is a motion to dismiss on the ground of
insufficiency of evidence. It is a remedy available to the defendant, to the
effect that the evidence produced by the plaintiff is insufficient in point of
law, whether true or not, to make out a case or sustain an issue.

Prohibited ang motion for deferment of arraignment unless grounded on

provisions Rule 116

a. Mental instability
b. Prejudicial question
c. Petition for review of the reso of the prosecutor is pending

XPN: Sec 26, Rule 114

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